Which of Obama's accomplishments do you appreciate the most?
2010-08-02 12:55:33 UTC
1) Giving millions of Americans more free time to spend with their families, instead of at those pesky jobs.

2) The dedication to teaching Americans, using the budget deficit as an example, the number of 0s in trillion.

3) The revolutionary aquatic oil distribution system.

4) Saving the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars by skipping the funeral of nearly the entire Polish government. His golf outting while the funeral was going on cost only a tiny fraction of what the plane ride would have.

5) Encouraging Americans to take care of their health better.. by forcing the highest insurance co-pays in history.

6) Performed free security drill for New York by sending Air Force One to buzz the city.

7) Reduced the number of Americans driving to work, thus clearing congestion on highways and reducing the demand for oil.

8) Picked a puppy.
25 answers:
2010-08-02 12:56:58 UTC
Now that he has fixed the worldwide economy, personally ended the war in Iraq, made healthcare free for everyone, and pardoned all the illegal aliens, what else could you expect from the messiah?
2010-08-02 20:31:48 UTC
I will say when he denied the black kids the same chance for a decent education at the school his kids could have gone to. Why did he do that you ask. The teachers union wanted their property back so there would be no comparison between the crappy education offered in the public system as compared to the private system. Love them unions.
Philip H
2010-08-02 20:03:56 UTC
9) Teaching Americans what NOT to do to avoid, or resolve, economic disasters.

He was in Congress and voted for all the Democrat led issues that started the recession and now we are possibly heading for a depression because of his miss-direction of efforts to resolve the crisis he helped create along with his Socialist/Marxist friends in Congress.

Learn from Obama. Do exactly the opposite of what he actually does, and you will succeed.
2010-08-02 20:18:05 UTC
8) Picked a puppy.

tho it was given to him after 4months of trying to decide wich puppy to adopt, let along trying to find time to adopt one, he has all them golf games that gets in the way of work and other things.
Armchair Goddess #1
2010-08-02 20:16:09 UTC
President Obama and the Democrats are now CREATING jobs (more than 100,000 each month) which is a darn sight better than the Bush/Cheney NOT CREATING ONE SINGLE JOB IN THEIR FIRST EIGHT MONTHS, or THEIR 850,000 JOBS LOST EVERY MONTH which was occuring when President Obama was sworn in January 20, 2009!

REPUBLICANS are the ones who OUTSOURCED all of our decent-paying jobs!

The Obama administration has CUT OUR DEFICIT BY 8% (Reuters and Washington Post April postings on Yahoo's home page news) thanks to imposing LIMITS on salaries and bonuses of Bush's BAILOUT OUT BANKERS until they pay us back with interest---a great lesson in CONSEQUENCES, and RESPONSIBILITY, and CHECKS AND BALANCES---none of which the Republicans seem to have or even appreciate.

BP, to which fatcat oil-money-taking Republicans in the Senate APOLOGIZED when President Obama had them PAY FOR THE MESSES THEY CREATED (i.e., put $20 BILLION into an escrow account and another $100,000,000 besides that to compensate oil rig workers), had no government oversight thanks to REPUBLICANS who let lobbyists for the oil industry staff the regulatory agency! Go to for more specific details in chronological order.

There was a NO FLY for ALL PLANES (including Air Force One) because of ICELAND's VOLCANIC ERUPTION and the RESULTING ASH that clogged planes' engines! Check the NEWS on anything but FAUX!

Seniors will be paying $200 LESS PER YEAR on their Medicare premiums, and PREVENTIVE HELATH CARE is now cost-free! The DOUGHNUT HOLE LAPSE in prescriptions has been CLOSED as of NEXT YEAR...with a $250 supplement for any seniors who have reached that point in their prescription coverage this year. College students can now ELIMINATE HIGH-INTEREST-CHARGING BANKS as middlement and make DIRECT LOW-INTEREST LOANS through the Department of Education as part of the Health Care law, and greed-driven corrupt for-profit insurance companies can no longer just DROP their premium-paying customers if those customers become ill or injured!

#6 is poppycock---not done by Obama and the junior staff responsible in the first month of the Obama presidency was FIRED.

#7: Has kept oil prices STABLE (unlike his oilmen predecessors who let us be GOUGED while there was a GLUT of supply in 2003 and 2004) through talks with oil company executives but has also pushed ahead on his Green Energies Technologies Initiative to reduce our nation's dangerous dependence upon foreign oil. In 40 states there are now new jobs created in the alternative energy field (check out Wixom, Michigan's former Ford Motor plant; PA's hybrid car factory, Massachusett's wind farm project, and the other new MANUFACTURING jobs---OUTSOURCED by the GOP to the point of EXTINCTION here in the U.S.---that had help from the first half of the Recovery and Reinvestment dollars (aka "stimulus").

If you're going to attack our INCREDIBLE ABLE PRESIDENT, at least check out your facts first.
2010-08-02 20:14:25 UTC
obamas a failure.........

overspent for stimulus that had minimium effects

caused inflation due to overspending

deficit hits record numbers

unemployment is still high after a 1.5years in office

economy is not rebounding

his section 8 housing is a wrecking ball for neighborhoods. come to new orleans and see.

roads and infatructure are falling apart.

belong to a racist church against whites for 15yrs and got caught.

crime is out of control

his amnesty with illegals will bankrupt social security.

theres your change to list a few..
Miles from Michigan!!
2010-08-02 20:07:32 UTC
Do I have to pick one of yours?

I like number 6!! I did like that!!

The sky is fallin, the sky is fallin!!!

I'm waiting like a kid on Christmas eve for 2014!!
2010-08-02 20:05:13 UTC
8 picked a puppy
2010-08-02 19:58:42 UTC
8) Picked a puppy.
2010-08-02 20:04:37 UTC
I truly appreciate him single handily destroying the Democratic party...that's what he should have gotten the Nobel prize for.
2010-08-02 19:59:22 UTC
You make it all sound so wonderful......but I think I'd have to pick the puppy because that's the one that doesn't have anything to do with me.
2010-08-02 19:58:57 UTC
10) Raised telepromter reading to a whole new level.
2010-08-02 19:57:46 UTC
9.) Raising the grease factor across America especially in the southwest.
Chuck W
2010-08-02 20:01:59 UTC
4.) Most definately.
2010-08-02 20:00:05 UTC
0-bama does not have any positive accomplishments thus far. That is why to most he is known as 0-bama.
2010-08-02 19:58:37 UTC
I would say #5, because he has frightened them with the death panels in their future.
2010-08-02 20:09:20 UTC
Carl, you think nobama is honest? Wahahahahahha!!!!
2010-08-02 19:59:37 UTC
8, it was touch and go for a while, but he finally picked a puppy.
2010-08-02 19:58:11 UTC
I like the puppy thing, albiet quite late. And I like the fact that he has resurrected the Republican party. Thanks Barack.
2010-08-02 20:01:05 UTC
He kept Palin out of office, THANK YOU OBAMA.
2010-08-02 20:00:56 UTC
OBAMA must be impeached..
2010-08-02 19:58:08 UTC
Being the first african-american president to be honest. That really is an accomplishment in a society that is all about skin-color. Liberal or conservative, it's a real accomplishment.
2010-08-02 19:57:55 UTC
Getting us out of Bush's Iraq War.

If he literally raises taxes to 110 percent, I would still vote for him.

He has shown the world that Bush is out, that Bush was an absolute idiot who invaded the wrong country.

For that I will vote for him.
2010-08-02 20:04:51 UTC
All of them....

Governance initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient. Reports to the deputy director of the Office of Management and Budgets. Specific duties require finding new efficient ways of operating.

2.Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut future spending.

3.Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices.

4.Initiated changes in federal procurement policies and procedures.

5.Implemented 'PayGo' procedures by telling congress that no bill will be signed if there is not a way to pay for it (Cuts in other programs, increased taxes, etc.).

6.Initiated more press conferences and town halls as well as providing more media access than previous administration.

7.Encouraged greater media access (CSpan) of congressional hearings and meetings.

8.Insuring that the White House and federal government respect the Freedom of Information Act.

9.Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible.

10.Placed limits on lobbyist's access to the White House.

11.Placed limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration.

12.Required lobbyists to be removed from federal advisory study panels.

13.Suspended acquisition of expensive fleet of 28 new (foreign built) Marine One helicopters that was projected to be over budget by billions of dollars. A new domestically produced modified version of current production civilian helicopters is being looked at by the Pentagon.

14.Limited salaries of senior White House aides and cut maximum salary to $100,000.

15.Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters and paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket.

16.Appointed first Latina and most qualified candidate in 30 years to the Supreme Court.

Economic initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Signed $789 billion economic stimulus plan.

2.Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women. Signed the Lilly Ledbetter bill in January..

3.Initiated US Auto industry rescue plan.

4.Initiated housing rescue plan.

5.Improved loan guarantees to small businesses and lowered small business loan interest rates.

6.Initiated policies that allow the public to meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying. Has further reinforced the policy to improve usage of the program.

7.Instituted a new focus on reducing mortgage fraud.

8.Reinforced previous administrations' financial and banking rescue plan to insure greater transparency and reporting on the program.

9.Closed offshore tax safe havens.

10.Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals.

11.Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs. Initiated a new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back.

12.Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies. Replaced it with new consumer protections from credit card industry's predatory practices. Moved dates of implementation forward when credit card companies arbitrarily upped rates ahead of planned reform date.

Education initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Has initiated a major push for education reform that includes bipartisan support.

2.Has increased student loans while reducing the costs to the federal government by 87 billion dollars over ten years.

3.Students struggling to make college loan payments can now have their loans refinanced.

4.Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program.

5.Provided new funds for school construction in stimulus program.

6.Initiated 'Race to the Top' education grant program for states that develop strong new programs.

7.Announced 'Educate to Innovate', a public/private partnership to put 236 million dollars into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education.

8.Signed national service legislation and expanded national youth service program.

Energy initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Initiated tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles.

2.Initiated energy saving retrofits for government buildings and facilities.

3.Initiated research and development of high-speed rail systems.

4.Cash for clunkers program offered vouchers to trade in inefficient older vehicles for new vehicles thus stimulating auto sales.

5.Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government.

6.Established new CAFE standards and rules that eliminate the need for individual states to enact their own higher standards. Manufacturers welcomed the change because it eliminated multiple standards.

7.Has initiated energy reform legislation development.

8.Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources.

9.Announced the long-term planning and development of a national energy grid.

10.Announced the development of renewable sources and cleaner, more efficient energy production.

11.Instituted studies in six western states by the BLM and the Interior Dept. to see if they can support large-scale solar installations.

Foreign Relations initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Re-established diplomacy and the state department as a significant factor in foreign policy.

2.Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy.

3.Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office. Re-establishing good relations with both friends and others.

4.Closing Guantanamo Bay prison facility.

5.Closing secret CIA detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere.

6.Ended the previous administration's torture policy and returned US to compliance with the Geneva Convention standards.

7.Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure and protocols. Started this effort as a senator with Senator Lugar (R) Indiana.

8.Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones. Is looking at changing the overall US-Cuba policy which has failed for 50 years.

9.Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by former President Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons.

10.Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Senator Jim Webb to secure the release of an American held captive.

11.Renewed loan guarantees for Israel.

Global Warming & Environmental initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Reengaged in the international treaties and agreements to protect the Antarctic.

2.Re-established the US as a leader in international climate negotiations.

3.Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions.

4.Reversed Bush administration policy and halted new uranium-mining claims near the Grand Canyon, proposed new preserves for wild mustangs and funded the expansion of the Petrified Forest National Park.

5.Restored protections under the Endangered Species Act which had been removed by a last-minute rule change in the final days of the Bush administration.

6.Recommitted to clean up of superfund sites.

7.Ordered the EPA to reconsider its decision to deny California a waiver under the Clean Air Act enabling California and 17 states to impose stricter limits on greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.

8.Reversed the Bush rule that opened the door to mountaintop removal coal mining and canceled several individual mountaintop mining permits.

9.Put offshore drilling and oil shale exploration on hold and restored protections for public lands.

10.Announced a new initiative to lease U.S. coastal waters for the purpose of generating electricity from wind and ocean currents.

11.Reaffirmed science and the rule of law as the standards by which federal environmental decisions shall be made.

12.Signed into law the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act that protected thousands of miles of scenic, historic and recreational trails, including the 807-mile Arizona National Scenic Trail from the state line with Mexico to the Utah border.

Health and Health care reform initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Initiated reform of the nation's healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves more than 40 million without health insurance and millions more under insured.

2.Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules.

3.Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare.

4.Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children.

5.Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research and initiated federal support for new biomedical research.

6.Provided new federal funding for science and research labs.

7.Expanded vaccination programs.

8.Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs. The federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings thus lowering the drug costs for seniors. Also requiring providers of Medicare drug plans to be more transparent in their marketing so seniors can better evaluate different plans.

9.Signed tobacco legislation in June that has the FDA now regulating tobacco products.

Homeland Security initiatives and accomplishments:

1.Established a new cyber security office.

2.Insured immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters.

3.Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness.

4.Ordered a release of funds and cutting of red tape th
truth seeker
2010-08-02 19:58:31 UTC
Hannity is going to be upset with you. You left off your list that he eats mustard on his hamburger.

Did you need a "real" list? Here is a little help. Looks like you need it.

1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending

2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices

3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women

4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB

6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information

7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier’s family

8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act

9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible

10. Limits on lobbyist’s access to the White House

11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration

12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren’t even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan

14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research

15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research

16. New federal funding for science and research labs

17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards

18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect

19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools

20. New funds for school construction

21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out

22. US Auto industry rescue plan

23. Housing rescue plan

24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan

25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying

26. US financial and banking rescue plan

27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed

28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards

29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops

30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010

31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols

32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic

33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office

35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job

36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast

37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles

38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales

39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government

40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program

42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba , allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones

43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions

44. Expanding vaccination programs

45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters

46. Closed offshore tax safe havens

47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals

48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back

49.. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry’s predatory practices

50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources

51. Lower drug costs for seniors

52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings

53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel

54. Improved housing for military personnel

55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses

56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals

57. Increasing student loans

58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program

59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy

60. Established a new cyber security office

61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.

62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts

63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness

64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient

65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced

66. Improving benefits for veterans

67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration

68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud

69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco

70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules

71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports

72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons

73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive

74. Making more loans available to small businesses

75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare

76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans

78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000

79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel

80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan

81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan

82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans

83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production

84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters

85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket

86. Held first Seder in White House

87. Attempting to reform the nation’s healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured

88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform

89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform

90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.