Why are many Americans so scared of democratic Socialism?
The Winger
2009-10-26 03:47:50 UTC
As a Communist (who, I'll admit, haven't done so well "democracy wise", but done in the right ways, with democracy, can work well), I was wondering what on Earth could be the downsides of Democratic Socialism? Poverty is reduced, there is no massive gap between rich and poor, industries are state owned so there is less incentive about profit and more about workers conditions, the health service is nationalised, meaning that there are no uninsured people.

Honestly, FOX watching Americans seriously need to consider what they think.

I just wanted to hear some opinions.
24 answers:
2009-10-29 15:48:45 UTC
I understand your socialist philosophy. Who wouldn't want equality for all, healthcare, etc etc. The problem is that the way this is done is simply wrong. It wont work. Equal poverty for all is what you will get.

Let me set up this scenario for you. Say you are in a class with 50 students. The teacher grades papers normally. Students who work for 3 hours studying end up with an A on the test. Students who don't study or work at all get an F. There are students in between who get Bs,Cs, and Ds. Now, the teacher announced that from then on, all tests would be averaged, and each student would get the average of all the students combined. Once again, the hard working students scored As, while others scored F. Yet, all the class received a C grade. As time went on, the students who studied harder began to quit studying because they did not reap the benefits of their hard work. So everyone ended up getting Fs. And that is the problem. ANY form of socialism fails. Your arrogance proves you no little about how human beings work and think. You are trying to create this Utopia and perfect world of fairness, but I ask it fair to take money from people who earn it legally? How is that in anyway democratic? Sure, there is no gap between the rich and the poor, but that does not mean that everyone will be living comfortable lives.

About government run health insurance. So all that money just magically appears, right? Even if taxed at 100% the wealthiest Americans could not pay for healthcare. And insurance if nothing if the quality is terrible.

And companies that put profit before people often lose the support of the people or are punished with legal action. Furthermore, why do you believe that the government cares so much about the people? They are just as greedy as any large corporation.

And about Americans hating Muslims:

Well, I am American and I do not hate Muslims. That broad generalization is just as ignorant as the rest of your post. Most Americans DISTRUST the Muslim world. And rightly so. There are radical muslims KILLING Americans in the name of their god. What fool would see that as ok? Are all Muslims like that? No. But should the Muslim faith be removed as a concern? No, of course not. When I watch thousands of people die by a terrorist attack committed in the name of Allah as two buildings come crashing down, I am not going imagine having tea and cookies with Muslims. But I will not instantly hate them ALL either.

That is the problem with people with socialism and communist philosophies. They ignore the individual. YOU ignore the individual. Americans shouted their fury at the Muslims who advocated killing us, and you assume that is equivalent to hating all Muslims in existence. You put society into one collective bubble where nobody can be different, everyone has to live the same, and do not allow people to strive for greater things or make more of what they have. They just have what they have, and nothing more.

The United States of America has proven to be one of the greatest countries in the world. People have flocked here for centuries to live a better life under CAPITALISM. It isn't perfect, and not everyone makes it, but you wont be dragged back down if you succeed more than most do. The INDIVIDUAL has the potential to reach as high as they can with no limits. Democratic socialism, or any socialism for that matter, caps those limits, and prevents people from reaching their fullest potential. It is a system doomed to fail.

@SERENAZ: If they are making more money yet paying higher taxes...they really aren't making more money, are they? *smackface*
2009-10-26 03:59:54 UTC
Poverty is never reduced also if there is no incentive then you get the junk that the old Soviet Union has. The Nations with the highest poverty rates are all communist. As for health coverage, you do know that all other Nations that have government ran programs are having problems funding it and has limited services to people over a certain age or with terminal illnesses?

Maybe instead of complaining about people who don't believe in socialism you should actually do a little more studying of this. Europe for the most part is what you are asking for and for the past 20 years they have ran unemployment rates a lot higher than the United States. Also, even in Europe there are the extremely rich and the poor with no in between.
2009-10-27 14:38:31 UTC
two things about that. One is that without profit or incentives companies lose ambition. There is a saying, we can all be unequally rich or equally poor. Communism does about a 4% GDP growth per year, while capitalism does about 8%, the more you go towards communism you end up closer to 4%. A slow growth means you end up being poor longer.

as far as democracies, when more than 50% of the people gain more from the governmnet than they put in, then they will always vote for the person who promises the most.

Yes there can be a large cap between rich and poor, but when you introduce communism / socialism, you actaully end up with a larger group of poor people. It is through allowing people to become as rich as they want that true freedom is gain.

In a full capitalist society, you can earn as much money as you wish, but people just don't put enough effort and they want something for nothing.
2009-10-26 04:05:28 UTC
That's not what the country was founded on, and we take pride in that.

I in turn ask what the problem with a gap between rich and poor is?

For a moment let's pretend everyone starts at zero - that doesn't happen, but lets pretend. If Joe starts at zero, works his hands to the bone 18 hours a day six days a week, builds a business and at the end of 10 years has $1,000,000 in his bank account.

Meanwhile Bob also starts at zero. He leans on a broom at work and does the occasional errand. He leaves work after his 8 hours are up, doesn't matter if there's more work to be done or not, his 8 hours are up and he can't wait to get home to light up a doobie and crack open a six pack. At the end of 10 years Bob lives in a travel trailer and has $300 in his bank account.

Under communism Joe would leave work when his 8 hours are up, but he would probably work as hard as he could while he was there. Bob would still lean on a broom and not do much. The difference is they would both live in a one bedroom apartment next to each other, Joe would have the ulcers and health problems over stressing over his job that is his pointless existence, Bob would have the health problems of being lazy and he would still be living a pointless unmotivated existence.

The problem with communism is that it reward laziness and punishes hard work.

I don't think all forms of communism are bad. A primitive communism, think tribal communism is a good thing. It's a co-operative family type village environment, nothing wrong there. The men hunt and build, the women gather and cook, leave the neo-sexist implications out of it, I don't see a problem. Communes, yes, 1960's hippie communes can be a good thing. That's self imposed communism in a capitalistic environment. I don't see a problem, I don't care about sex or drugs etc... in there, only child welfare. I have no problem with voluntary co-operative communism.

Large scale communism is nothing but an "enable factory" that rewards mediocrity over all other things.
2009-10-26 04:00:52 UTC
Okay here is my problem with it. Socialism will never work. You are assuming that given absolutely NO motivation, that every person will willingly do his share? Are you seriously that naive? If there is no incentive for profit or gain, there is no motivation to work hard. Think about it, some of the greatest inventions of our time were created with a mind towards profit. Where would the internet be if not for advertisors? Where would telecommunication be if not for cell phone companies competing to make a buck? And the idea of the government owning everything scares me. I don't want the goverment to own everything. A democracy is supposed to be run by the people, not run the people. Since when does our constitution call for people to roll over and have no individuality, no freedoms, no financial and emotional incentives? Think about it.... Think about your first job... that first paycheck. Your worked your butt off for it, but there has never been twenty or fifty or hundred dollar bill sweeter then that first one. Success is sweet, and socialism takes away any access to success, because it makes your efforts moot.
2009-10-26 04:03:53 UTC
They shiver at the thought of this (SMART):

The perpetual game (not an end game) of liberalism can be exemplified nearly perfectly with the best government in the world - in Japan, where I have lived for over 15 years. Far freer, far more economically blessed, and far safer, Japan is the model you seek with your question.

I do, however, get weary of answering questions such as yours again and again - so I kindly ask that you retain the below data for your files.

By the way, Japan's is a socialist system:

- national health care, full coverage at $125 per month (upper middle class income level compared to US), no rejections

- 3%-5% unemployment ongoing, during most recent US-caused recession maximum at 5.8%

- public transportation provided to all workers by employing companies

- oligopolized, inter-cooperative banks operating under missions "to benefit society" rather than "to earn profit"

- setting 10% product price mark-up typically across-the-board by sellers (voluntary based on honor and regard), heedless of fluctuations in demand - preventing consumer price gouging

- subsidized staple food products to the end consumer, regulating ongoing fair pricing

- no abusive sin taxes

- most equitable wage distribution in the world (worst is the US)

- lowest crime rate in the world (due to no rich class oppression)

- free to carry a beer into a theatre or onto a train (just threw that in to exhibit daily freedom from fascist abuse)

And here's the clincher:

- $28 trillion in national savings ($13 trillion of which held by households)

So, it's not an end in any measure, as this society continues its improvements and perfections daily and annually. Therefore, it's a perpetuity, or an "organism" which grows and develops.

Have a nice day!
2009-10-26 04:16:11 UTC
America is all about Freedom

That's why we have the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor.

Starting with the declaration of Independance our values have been about freedom, not about collectivism.


We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Freedom goes with free enterprise and capitalism. It's a system that allows someone to reap the benefits of their own work, not someone elses.

Socialism requires a powerfull government that can redistibute the wealth, in an effort to make everything fair. That requires the government to centrally control the economy and the people. That is not freedom, and it's not America.
2016-12-01 00:17:48 UTC
individuals "concern" of socialism is probably that below a Socialist government, the government controls and owns each and everything. We get that concept from our long "chilly conflict" with the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic. we are no longer a democracy yet a democratic republic. a real democracy could require that all of us have a vote on all themes and that's no longer a actual thank you to control a country with over 3 hundred million electorate. in case you have faith in "little government administration and permit the unfastened industry activate someplace else", you undergo little or no resemblance to actual Socialism. the biggest problem with Socialism became in all probability superb stated through Margaret Thatcher who stated "the problem with socialism is that finally you run out of different peoples money".
2009-10-26 04:11:43 UTC
There can be no real freedom in your supposed "socialist democracy." For some reason you think that an individuals efforts do not belong to that individual, you think that society owns his efforts.

That's why your system will fail. You want me to work, not for myself, but for some vaporous notion of society. So basically you're telling me that I must sacrifice myself to society. You have condemned personal success and asserted that the only good is to live for anyone's benefit but my own.

Socialism didn't fail because it was backed by dictatorship. In fact, it takes a dictatorship to force people to go along with socialism once they realize (notice the use of the letter z, common practice in the U.S.) that they are now like cattle and no longer Human. Socialism fails because it does not reward accomplishment. There is no motivating force. You imagine that people are just going to want to do things "for the common good." But they don't, not necessarily because they don't care about the common good, but because they realize that society is not an actual thing, society is a collection of individuals, yet socialism completely disregards the individual as having any value.

You are advocating a system of slavery.
2009-10-26 03:59:39 UTC
Yes give us any political reference in which communism has worked and not A) left the people all in near poverty B) fallen into dictatorship.

When you can do this come back and tell me how we the Fox watchers need to reconsider our thinking which founded a Nation and has kept it free for two hundred years and is the model of freedom to the whole of the world.
2009-10-26 04:07:06 UTC
Seriously, you talk about Democratic Socialism like it's some utopia. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a Chicagoan living in Prague, but I've travelled all over Europe, so I know how things are in all the EU. What I see with "typical" socialism is that people just get used to living third-rate lives. They can't even conceive of having better conditions. For example, I have a 160 m2 apartment, practically kingly conditions for European standards. My European friends can't even conceive of living in anything bigger than the typical, horribly cramped 50 m2 apartments I call rabbit holes.

Why this disparity? Socialism encourages people to just accept mediocrity. You go to the doctor cheaply, but you wait in an agonizingly long line. And the quality of care you get is so substandard most of the time that people who can afford private care for something like a knee operation take that option, and pay for it out of their own pocket !!

Now, let's look at Communism:

I can prove to you that Communism is evil, perverts mans' nature, kills his spirit, and therefore cannot be successful. All totalitarian regimes have one achilles heel: they cannot tolerate dissent because it can destroy their hold on power. That is why dictators squelch protest with so much force. A little protest can grow like cancer and get out of control. Hence, no dissent can be permitted.

To command total control, all totalitarian regimes (like Communism) therefore must control all means of communication: the radio, tv, newspapers, etc. In China, they used to require people to have a permit just to own a typewriter! That's how scared the rulers are of dissent. And why? Because if the populace knew the truth, they would rebel.

What truth? Simply put, Communism is a con game. It's just another word for slavery. Yes.... slavery!

In all Communist systems you invariably end up with the bloated Communist Party bosses having the best of everything, all the luxuries and perks denied to the general public. So in effect, 99% of the population is working to enrich the top party bosses. And the best part (for the bosses) is that the public cannot complain. Dissent is outlawed.

Communism never distributes wealth equally, and it certainly does not eliminate social classes. Rather it just divides you into one of two classes: the small ruling party Communist Party bosses, or the 99% who work like slaves to support them. Look at Communist Russia. While the average Joe was waiting in line for a lousy bag of oranges or some half-rotted bananas, the Communist Party bosses lived lifes of luxury: fine, imported luxury automobiles, gourmet food, vacations (even foreign vacations, which were denied to the average citizen).

Another reason Communism cannot succeed is that there will always be some brave people who refuse to live life on their knees. They refuse to be a pawn of the State. You may be wondering what I'm talking about. Well, here's how Communism works:From birth, you are controlled. In school they check for signs of rebellion. If they think you are too clever for your own good or have too much ambition than the Communist system can allow for, you will have your career sabotaged.

In Communism, you can only study when, where, if they allow you to. That means, if they suspect you could be trouble later in life, they will assign you some dead end job in a factory, even though you are a financial wizard, or a great political analyst.

In Communism, you have very few rights. They tell you where you can live. If you disobey the state, they can take away your living accomodations. They can reassign you to another job. You don't pick your job; the state assigns one to you.

How is someone supposed to feel when the really own nothing, and at a whim the government can take what little they have away just because you object to living like a serf? It's obvious that Communism destroys the human spirit. Look at how many people over the decades actually immolated themselves (burnt themselves to death) rather than live under Communist rule. Can you imagine someone torching themselves because they didn't want to live in a free society? No, that would be absurd.

Here's the worst thing about Communism: it makes people so paranoid they won't even socialize with their neighbors. Here in the Czech Republic people quickly realized that your neighbor might be a snitch. Being a snitch was rewarded by the government. If you tattled on someone who was disloyal to the State, you'd get extra money, a better job, or a nicer apartment. Maybe a car.

Hence, neighbors stopped speaking to one another. You could never know who could be trusted. Even to this day, even though Communism has been gone for twenty years, old habits die hard. Neighbors still are in the habit of keeping to themselves.

It is really sad.Communism promised to create a "new, selfless man". In reality, it will always create a drone, just an en
Real Patriot
2015-10-25 08:08:05 UTC
Because they refuse to learn the difference and are good little Foxbots believing everything the media tells them. All it takes is a little research and reading to learn the difference. But that requires effort, will and time. Time away from drugs alcohol sports and God forbid away from Fox channel poison.
2009-10-26 04:58:42 UTC
With around 40 Czars appointed by one man exercising almost total control over large parts of our economy, I am having a hard time seeing how "democracy" is fitting into the picture.
2009-10-26 04:23:32 UTC
People are scared of the unknown, especially when their heads are filled with out and out lies. Americans can not make an informed opinion because of all BS that floats around America. If the media says it, why then it must be true. The media, our politicians and government wouldn't lie to us, now would they? (sarcasm in case you didn't pick up on that)

It never ceases to amaze me how so many Americans can form an opinion on something based solely on the media's take on it. We have stopped being a free, independent thinking society. We now believe everything that is fed to us by the media and the government.

People don't want any kind of government that may help their fellow man. American society is one of the most selfish, narcissistic societies known to man. Until we can step back and understand that no one is immune to disaster, and systems need to be in place in case that happens, then we will only continue to slide down the slippery slope to chaos and instability on a socially level.

2009-10-26 04:14:44 UTC
I could answer this, but anything I try to tell you will take me forever to type. In lieu of me wasting my time, I will recommend that you read "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy" by Thomas Sowell. He provides detailed explanation of the massive inconveniences of socialism in comparison to capitalism.
2009-10-26 04:01:39 UTC
I think a lot of Americans in general just feel that the basic notions and ideas that the country was founded on are rapidly vanishing and its just one more dramatic change that they aren't ready to digest. The constitution keeps being modified and adjusted until you are left with a brand new system that is completely unconstitutional. I can understand the anger and frustration with it but I also think that times are so dramatically different now that we are in need of new ways to deal with the problems we face. Taking care of our poor, elderly, mentally ill, disabled ... seems like the right and necessary thing to do especially considering how unbelievably rich the richest people in this country really are! The least we can do is provide basic health care to those who can't afford. We can send police to protect people's lives for free but we can't protect their lives when they are sick? How does that make sense?
2009-10-26 03:58:11 UTC
Because socialism is just another way of saying tyranny. When someone else makes decisions for you, you are not in control of your own destiny. And freedom is a universal desire.

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those attending too small a degree of it." -Thomas Jefferson, 1791
2009-10-26 03:58:29 UTC
We are not afraid of it. We've just have known a better life. Why back up? Why give an idiot all the power and let them dictate my life? Who are they? Better yet, let ME have all the power and the hell with the rest of you, you can get what I deem you will have. You will work the jobs I want you to work, you will get paid what I want you to get paid, you will get what I give you all in the name of "the good of the people". I think you need to go and live where your kind is appreciated. Which is not America by the way.
2009-10-26 03:54:57 UTC
I think left wing ideas conjure up bad childhood memories for a lot of people. You know, when other kids would push the idea of sharing as no ownership. Then possession being up in the air. Then the original owner being pushed into giving up ownership being the one who does not have possession. Ever happen to you as a kid? I think it takes people back to that.
2009-10-26 04:12:53 UTC
Most Americans go cross-eyed when they see the word 'socialism' ... they really haven't a clue about what it means and don't believe that the countries with the highest living standards in the world are socialist democracies. The top 6 are Norway, Sweden, Australia, Ireland, The Netherlands and Finland and all are socialist democracies. Their citizens have just as much freedom as Americans, there is less crime, they have longer longevity, higher per capita incomes, higher adult literacy rates and there is just as much opportunity to become millionaires as there is here. They vote for their government just like we do BUT they don't go spastic at the thought of paying taxes like we do.
2009-10-26 04:03:34 UTC
Honestly, Mr. Communist, we don'/t need you telling us what to watch.
2009-10-26 04:01:45 UTC
Ignorance causes lots of false fears.
2009-10-26 03:52:49 UTC
People like the oppurtunity to make a fortune. That's all it's about.
2009-10-26 03:59:11 UTC
Are you really this stupid?

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