Global Warming? Why do people not care?
2007-05-30 21:32:50 UTC
It has always puzzled me why no one cares about Global Waming. Why are giant gas wasting GMC's continuing to be built? Open your eye's, Religion is not going to save the enviroment. How come anyone who cares about our future generations is put into the Liberal catagory. Since the ones who care about the enviroment are mostly Liberals, Republicans have to take the other side and say that G Warming is lies. Alternate fuel forms have already been proven to work, but are not used because the oil industry is so profitable. What do you think? Personaly I hate how GWarming has become a political issue instead of a moral issue.
45 answers:
Em E
2007-06-07 13:40:04 UTC
Because we are not the cause of extreme climate change. I does not warrant a religious following - The Cult of Global Warming. Climactic change is natural. It happens. You have people bowing to the sun god and howling at human progress. Humans are minuscule in relation to the earth, nature, and time. The world is not about us. We are another organism experiencing a nanofraction of a change in climate, if any at all. We are not to blame. Are we able to conjure hurricanes and make volcanoes spew lava?

The religion you speak of has nothing to do with Judaism, Islam, or Christianity. None of the major brands. It has to do with the offensive cult forming around global warming. Get your facts straight. You are participating in the foment of a new religion, and it is based upon emotion, not science, not facts.

The new religion is in force because it is a diversion from the most frightening thing humans can really do, and that is to have a war. A nuclear war. The Islamofacists are terrifying the world with their ability to sneak in and kill us. We don't want them to buy nukes. Who do you think wants nukes? Iran. Who do you think is the largest supplier of arms to the terrorists? Iran. And who sells the nuke? Russia.

So people are afraid and blaming something else. Global warming is a diversion. Especially now since the major brands of religion are becoming scorned.
2007-05-30 21:59:36 UTC
Because the actual facts about global warming are being obfuscated.

The earth is warming, but is this a normal pattern? The scientists that say yes are marginalized and pushed out. The ones that say humanity are the cause are the same ones that say 6 billion people don't contribute to the CO2 or methane emissions.

No one is arguing that the world is warming, that is known. The controversy is whether the fault is in personal vehicles or in the decimation of the rain forests and other natural, high oxygen producing areas or is a natural pattern that we are not familiar with.

Alternate fuels are not proven yet, besides the ethanol mixes and they require a huge cost to get them setup and distributed, not to mention production of the ethanol fuel is not anywhere near being capable of supplying the demand for fuel in any country yet.

The myth is that the world is going to end. I find it funny that Liberals say that Bush is using scare tactics yet the libs are saying our children are going to live in a barren wasteland.

BTW, new studies show that the past couple of hundred years have been a weak hurricane cycle and that we may be seeing the resurgence of the actual, normal hurricanes which are much, much stronger. BTW, these stronger hurricanes were during a time when the seas were colder. How does that work with the current theories?

The myths are numerous and the scare machine is in full gear, but the problem isn't understood nor are the natural systems that are starting to kick in to reverse the trend.

Literally, we don't know what we are looking at and these scare tactics and pathetic theories being thrown about weekly are too narrow in scope and, in most cases, are complete fantasy.

We do need to be aware of what is possible, but the scientific community needs to weed out the alarmists and actually start putting out theory based on the whole system, not some artificially narrowed and subjective tripe that a political pundit has tossed in.
2007-06-07 07:36:13 UTC
Some Simple Facts:

Yes, there is Global Warming. It has happened before and it will happen again. Example: Middle ages, the global warming was obviously caused by man then also.

The Ice caps have melted, on average, an insignificant amount, causing the sea level to rise an insignificant amount. I have heard claims that 40% of the ice caps are already gone. If that were true, the sea level would have risen 3 feet. Serious misinformation.

Man contributes only minimally to global warming. I have heard claims that 90% of Climate scientists say man outright caused the global warming. That is an outright lie. The figure is more like 10%. Maybe 90% percent believe that Man CONTRIBUTES BUT NOT CAUSES global warming. Misinformation.

Global warming is a political tool used to divert attention from Big Oils raping of America. It is the latest in a line of intentional distractions by politicians. As others have said the “flavor of the month”. What has your politician done about Big Oil. Probably nothing or misinformation.

Global warming is real but used by Alarmists by horrific exaggerations and careful misinformation. These Alarmists spout various facts and figures with little or no truth while denouncing anything that contradicts their views. I often think their actions remind me of psycho sports fans who freak out if you dare to say anything is wrong with their team.

There is good in the global warming debate. It will reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency. I don’t need lies and misinformation to get me to believe that.
2007-06-07 19:30:28 UTC
Well, that's true. It hasnt hit us hard enough or caused enough disruptions, but it will. Despite what political party you're in, global warming does exist. and even cons admit that it is real, William F. Buckley, wrote a paper on it some weeks ago, in the atlantic.

As a science fan, I have noticed through logging on to That the suns energy (light amount) has increased 6% since 1998. This is a scientific fact and cant be disputed.

We need to have land in florida disappear entirely, for rush limbaugh to believe that global warming does in fact exist in some form.

the prime example of climate change in maryland is the ocean city beaches, the water currents are increasing in speed, and are causing beach erosion. So, Not even he (rush) can dispute that.

But on a practical note, whether lib or con, I do my part to recycle. See, I use a solar powered battery charger, Called Isun. I bought it from radio shack 8 years ago, i'm still using the first set of batteries. I used to buy my batteries at the dollar store, Now I use the dollar i spend to other uses. I havent bought a set of AAa's or AA's batteries in 8-9 years.

As for the lights that i use as im writing this, are led powered. Theyre brighter, use a "coin" cell battery. I've developed a way to recharge the "2032" cells, in particular.

My phone batteries use house current when recharging, but in smaller amounts.

These are just some ideas i work to cut down using fuels, and saving electricity.

(btw)I'm polictically moderate. Not a tree hugger.
Rhett S
2007-05-30 21:44:55 UTC
People not care? It's almost all you heard about for a while there. Until the immigration debate became the flavor of the month. One, the American people are too busy being led by the nose by their entertainment needs, and two, the majority of the population doesn't have an attention span long enough to put together their own retirement plan or a will, let alone try to make a difference in the world.

Global warming is a cycle that the earth goes through naturally, please see the news of the 1970's when we were heading for the next ice age due to global cooling. The earth will cool back down in 20 or so years, just watch. And worse yet all the politicians and activists that are pushing for changes will take credit for Mother Nature coming back as usual and proving that we do what she says, not vice-versa.
2007-06-06 02:45:57 UTC
I don't think it's really that simple. People do care, but they feel powerless.

Example, they buy one of those hybrids, yet the batteries screw up the environment and recharging them adds to global warming.

Another example, when a home was built in the 50's there was a minimum of electrical outlets. Now a home needs a hell of a lot more to power all our fancy gadgets.

Then we need to get from one side of the country to another and we need to do it in hours, not days. So we use fuel guzzling jets.

Most people in the USA couldn't get by without cars. The grocery store is too far away, schools, job, etc.

Then the politicians give global warming lip service and not much more.

Then the biggest problem is Jobs. If we all of a sudden decide to treat global warming as an immediate threat, the same way we treat terrorism a lot of jobs are going to go away.

In short, we'll be forced to cut back -- so therefore people want to bury their heads in the sand waiting for the inevitable to happen and then when it does, they'll ask our politicians why when its not really their fault, but rather the fault of all.

Kind of screwed up, wouldn't ya say?
2007-05-30 21:41:58 UTC
There are a number of reasons, but the main culprits are the media and the Republican Party.

The media has grossly misrepresented the science behind global warming in a misguided attempt at balanced journalism. Since over 90% of climate experts agree that the primary cause of the current global warming is humans, the media should reflect that. Instead they always have to represent the other side equally, and they get some crackpot who's funded by the oil industry to present the "skeptics" side as though it had equal credence to the global warming concensus. In its misguided attempt to be balanced, the media has been biased and created the false perception that there is any reasonable doubt that global warming is primarily caused by humans.

The Republican Party has made this a partisan issue, and this may lead to the downfall of their party if we don't get global warming under control in time to avert catastrophic climate change. The funny thing is that most Republicans (even George W. Bush, of all people) acknowledge the truth that humans are the primary cause of global warming, but they don't acknowledge the potential dangers of it and the fact that we need to act right now before it's too late.

In that sense you're correct that they have made global warming into a political issue, while the media has helped them with biased reporting to create a false sense of uncertainty.
jeremy s
2007-05-30 21:42:08 UTC
I think people don't care because it's another thing that seems to be overhyped. I remember my highschool teacher showing us a old newsclipping from the 80's that said we were in for another ice age, now we are in for global warming. It can become a big issue but we don't care because even if it were to happen on a large scale it will not affect our generation. Also, I believe it has taken a back seat to many headlines because with the advancements in technology today we will have options that will greatly decrease global warming in the future. We are already seeing the intergration of biofuels and eco friendly chemicals in todays world. It is only a matter of time before the enviromental friendly way becomes standard.
2007-05-30 21:52:48 UTC
I do care about the future. If a person is to actually look into the REAL facts about it, you would notice that in the 30's, the average temp was higher then it is now. The "tree hugger" try to tell ppl that it is because of all of the polutants being emitted into the air. Yes that may be some what of a fact, but lets face it, it isn't going to be the depleating of the ozone, that is going to kill off man kind. The sad thing is, and the truth is, we take more then we give to this planet. But is that going to kill us off any time soon? NOT!

I heard a really good point the other day and you know it makes a lot of sense. First of all, what is one thing that the trees and plant life do? They give us O2. Okay, so everything from the ground up, is cleaned out by the greens. Recirculating dirty air with the fresh. You sit there and are dogging GMC for their gas hogs. Well think about it, what causes more polutants into the air? JETS!!! Look at everything that is kicked out of them. and its above the point that the greens can do anything about. But no one ever thinks about that. Yes i think that it is important that ppl care. But i think that it is equally important that ppl don't go insane thinking about it.

Yes look at the big citys, the smog is awful, but think about this. There is more ppl per square foot, more factories, more polutants then there are trees to clean them out.

So what do we do about it? Read the real facts, and don't let the tree huggers and media get to you. I used to think the way a lot of ppl do. Until my eyes were opened by the facts. Things aren't going down hill as fast as they want you to think, and not cuz of the reason's we have been brainwashed to believe.

I'm not saying "do not care" i'm just saying to plz, research the facts. and don't fall into the cracks of lies that we have been fed for all these years.
2007-05-30 22:40:54 UTC
What makes you believe in global warming?

The same people who can't tell you with 50% accuracy what the weather will be like tomorrow can accurately predict what it will be like 10 years from now??

Some global warming advocate scientists claim that 2002 was the hottest year in the previous 1,000. Tell me, precisely, what was the average temperature in the year 1002 and where you got that information from.

From historical writings, it is generally agreed that there was a Medieval Warm Period which went from the 9th to the 14th centuries, followed by a "Little Ice Age" which started around 1300. Scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics concluded recent temperature increases pale in comparison with those experienced during the Medieval Warm Period.

For arguement's sake, say that there is global warming. What makes you think that my SUV is causing it?

Millions of years ago, it is generally agreed, the area where I live was covered with ice. It's gone now, but I didn't even have an SUV back then.

In the early 1970's, when I was in grade school, we were all told that we were going to experience another ice age - possibly in our lifetimes. We were as scared then of the coming ice age as you are now of global warming.

I agree that this issue should be scientific and not political. Unfortunately, the UN and Al Gore have completely stolen this issue and have abused the scientific data to further their own agendas.

When a hypocrit like Al Gore tells me to quit driving my SUV and then spends as much on energy for his own home as 20 average families, it buries your cause.

I disagree with you, however, that the ones who care about the environment are mostly liberals. I can't think of a single Republican who wants to feed their children contaminated water or poisonous food. But if you mean that we would rather plow through the home of the snail darter or spotted owl than to spend 20 million dollars to go around it with new roads, guilty as charged.

It is unfortunate that we have not figured out yet how to "download" information straight to our brains. No one can know everything and we all depend on receiving summary information from people we trust. When a topic like global warming has such huge disagreement, you have to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

If you truly want to know why people doubt global warming and its causes, I suggest you read an article by Lawrence Solomon of the Canadian National Post.
Mr. Been there
2007-06-06 20:10:47 UTC
Global Warming is a natural phenomena, it's a periodic thing that is part of the Universe's vibrations.

Some thousands of years from now the Earth will experience a chilling that will freeze the poles and kill off the creatures who tried to adapt to the warming trend.

Wait for the Greening of Antarctica and the Pacific Beaches in New Mexico before you complain.
2007-05-30 21:45:02 UTC
People are being brainwashed by the Neocons. But watch out, many are operatives on this board and elsewhere. They work for politicians and operatives who want you to think that people don't believe the globe is getting hot.

The FAA is run by the aviation industry. They are one of the main reasons the air is filled with the after effects of heavy jet fuel that is causing a band of heat around the planet. Thousands of planes are in the sky at all times and if you watch them from a busy airport, they land every few seconds. This is all about aviation profits.

Ban flights for two days a week and watch the planet go back to normal.
2007-06-04 12:47:44 UTC
Its not that we don't care, we don't believe, anymore than we belive in eveloution or the toothfairy, ( I do belive in the toothfairy more than I do Al Gore.) The ideal that American Cars are destroying the earth is absurd. You may chose to belive it if you wan't but do not ask me to walk the 40 miles to work, to make you feel better. As long as you have the likes of Gore, boxer, and some of the others, we will NEVER accept it, and in 5 or 10 years when this blows over like the "hole in the ozon from the 90" or the "coming ice age of the70's ) you will see what I mean
2007-05-30 21:51:55 UTC
Have you noticed there are two sides to that question. Some of the top scientists around the world do not agree. Not so much as that the globe is warming or cooling BUT the real question is --man making the whole world get warmer???

If that is not true (man is not doing it) then the trillions of dollars that the world would spend would be wasted and many would starve going off on a false premise.

So we need to put our efforts to go green in a methodical way to make sure we are using our resources properly and efficiently. Step by step. We all want to save obvious resources but if for example the USA makes some policy which costs us trillions of dollars for the sake of global warming but it was not a factual need then we would be in great competitive disadvantage to the rest of the world.
2007-05-30 21:51:59 UTC
Has it ever occurred to you that this began as a Political Issue, advanced by interests within the United Nations?

Did you know that the first Kyoto Protocol was voted upon before it was formally completed for submission by our United States Senate who voted 95 to 0 against it? That is every single Senator that was present, Democrats and Republicans alike.........UNANIMOUS REJECTION as a result of which Bill Clinton did not formally submit it for their further consideration but left it to George Bush?

Did you know that the head of the meteorology department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a person with more credentials than anyone in the United Nations IPCC group has said that it is just plain wrong? Or that he is joined by the leading scientists in France, Canada and the UK who all say the same?

Did you know that Al Gore formed a company in the UK as CEO, joined by Goldman, Sachs, a stock brokerage firm to make money from global warming efforts?

Did you know that the USA has already spent more money than all the rest of the world on environmental issues dealing with pollution, effects of carbon dioxide and, even though not signing the Kyoto Protocol, continues to do so?

Have you read and studied the Kyoto Protocol and do you understand what it says? Do you have any estimation on the cost to you?

Did you know that other countries who signed the KP have already said they cannot achieve the goals set for them, Canada among them?

These are all facts, they have nothing to do with Liberals or Republicans.
2007-05-30 21:48:06 UTC
I don't know if you can say that "People don't care". They may care, but not enough to change their lifestyle over it.

However, on a more important note: Global Warming is not the correct term. Climate Change is more precise. The earth may or may not be getting warmer exactly, BUT there are severe climate changes in our future.

Keep this one thing in mind. Greenland was once all grass, but at some point, we had a global climate shift, and now Greenland is covered in ice.

So, my point is simple...we have a natural occuring climate change on our planet...the only difference now, is that we may be speeding up the process.

Finally, at some point, the earth will change its polarity, and once that happens...all hell will break loose all over the globe...its not a question of if...its only a matter of when the polarity will shift.

Yes, climate change is real...but there is NOTHING we can do to stop it...its a natural occuring event.
2007-06-07 20:13:18 UTC
Global warming will cause another ice age, contrary to popular belief. We will not burn up, we'll freeze, possibly instantly. Too much fresh water in the North Atlantic, infused from melting glaciers, upsets the salinity in the ocean and causes the stream to cool off. That will cause all kinds of horrible weather, including huge storms formed like a hurricane, and super cold air from the troposphere will be pulled down to the earth's surface, instantly freezing whatever it touches.
2007-05-31 01:47:51 UTC
It just behooves me as to why these "Global Warming" alarmists lack information.

If you will look back in history to weather patterns, let's say for example...Europe.... there have been times in history when they could not plant crops due to extremely cold temperatures, then there were times when the temperatures were warm enough for crops.

The Earth warms and cools in cycles. That's how it works. At one time, the Earth was covered in ice. Now it is not. What? Did the animals blow exhaust out of their "chutes" and contribute to global warming?

Global warming's hero, Al Gore, flies all over the place in his jet, burning JP5 jet fuel by the tens of thousands of gallons, adding to "global warming", and then has the nerve to stand there and spew this crap about the environment!

Oh, and don't forget John Edwards. He's got a mansion in NC that causes fuses to blow out in the trailer parks across the street. How much energy is he burning? So much for his rhetoric on environmental issues!

I'm no fan of oil companies. They're greedy just like anyone else. And if "alternative fuels" are put to work, then they will capitalize on them too, and gouge the public for that. And the government will get their tax money out of it to boot.

I'd love to see the day when I could get the politicians and the tree huggers out of my gas tank, out of my wallet, and out of my life!
2007-05-30 21:48:55 UTC
Global warming is not a moral issue, it is really a geophysical issue.

It has become a political issue because there are so many people who have lost the ability to reason and look instead to what makes them feel better about themselves.
2007-06-07 18:45:23 UTC
Many people on the Left follow Europe's lead when it comes to changing social mores. One area where the Left does not follow Europe is in energy matters. Europe and Asia have been using nuclear power for years! Yet, many Democrats are opposed to nuclear power. It's a lot cheaper and it pollutes less.

I guess if we relied on nuclear energy and less on oil, the Left would have less to bash the Right with (e.g. we're all in the big oil business).
2007-05-30 21:42:23 UTC
Global Warming is not a moral question. Global Warming is a feel good idea. The science of global warming is flawed because the cycles of the sun are not figuared in. The poles on Mars are melting and there are no SUV's on Mars. It's just a new way for the socialist to take over now that the USSR is no longer.
2007-05-30 21:38:19 UTC
I think a lot of people are in denial and choose to believe Global Warming isn't real. I think that there aren't enough people willing to do something about the issue because the oil companies have the control over what happens with alternative fuels by using their money to prevent them from replacing oil. Those that do want change don't necessarily have the funds to create it.
2007-06-01 02:21:53 UTC
Happiness is matter of today not tomorrow, and

they didnt see a big hurrican or natural disaster, beyond their imagination, may affect life in long term and overcome their priorities of needs although more and more people I met already expressed weather has changed to different way it used to be and few weeks warmer in the winter or the summer were favor to many.
2007-05-30 22:00:06 UTC
I agree. Today people are more concerned about the economy than anything else. Material wealth is given far more priority than the environment and the damage it can cause to our healths and the earth.

People are more concerned about other issues that are more important to them. They have many problems to deal with themselves. Moreover even if they care, they are simply not doing anything to reduce this problem that is affecting many countries in the world. If you ask people they say they do care but ask them if they are doing anything about it and they reply " What can I do about it. It is a global issue and I cannot do anything about it."

This simply shows the lack of awareness on global warming and even if people are aware of it thay do not know the full extent in which it can cause damage.

Furthermore, people just find it too inconvenient to go out of their way to do something about global warming. They are too used to their way of life, they do not bother to do something about it. They are comfortable with just what they are doing.

Also, there are many other issues that people are more worried about such as the Economic progess of their country, the Iraq war and many more.

Thus, Global warming is not considered an important problem(although it is important) as there are myraids of other problems that people are more concerned about.
2007-06-07 19:32:52 UTC
I think people will just do it and they'll just leave it be. they probably think that other people will care for the earth. I said last time we have one world and something is wrong with it. I think it is Global Warming! At least someone like you understands. Other people I know just ignore this problem as if it doesn't exist.
Phineas J. Whoopee
2007-06-07 20:31:50 UTC
I think that the main reason people don't see the effects firsthand. Also, the level of distrust most people have with our government causes many to even question that global warming even exist. GOOD QUESTION
2007-05-30 21:50:37 UTC
Why do people not care?

Because it's the sky is falling, tin foil hat, wrong about everything else libs who are saying it.

Libs decided it's true despite the fact that 25 years ago it was global cooling they were afraid of. Libs also decided that anyone who dare to disagree with them is a heretic and must be muzzled, no free speech for them.
2007-05-30 21:54:24 UTC
global warming is more a product of solar activity, than anything that man is or has been doing. while we can change what we do to some extent, we can not change what the sun does.

China and India are in the middle of their industrial revolutions, so, your man made global warming fight needs to start with those countries. they will not and are conforming to the tough emissions standards that we have adopted over the years.

global warming lies come from all directions, so educate yourself and learn where you need to direct your efforts.
Miss Kitty
2007-05-30 21:42:53 UTC
People are making a lot of money and a big to do off of a natural occurrence, in a couple of years we will be back to global cooling.

Yeah, it's true the poles on Mars are melting too, so you can't fix that any more than you can fix global warming here.
2007-05-30 21:41:37 UTC
Fox News has brainwashed people into thinking that the issue is whether or not global warming exists. That is NOT the issue. It exists, there is no dispute about that. The real issue is whether or not humans are the cause and whether or not we can do anything to stop it. I wish more people a) knew this and b) just figured what the hell, I'll do something just in case it makes a difference. Keep up the good work. Keep spreading the word.
2007-05-30 21:43:39 UTC
global warming is a political move. it does not affect our everyday lives and many scientists believe there has always been a natural fluctuation in temperature AS WELL AS THE HOLE IN THE OZONE. al gore is the "leader" for the movement against global warming yet his tennessee home uses more energy than any other home in that state X2. its just a political move to get votes or support
2007-05-30 21:41:40 UTC
I think the alarmists are over glorifying the issue. Of course we should do something, but it is difficult to give the issue any credibility when you have a mad man hypocrite like Al Gore screaming that the world will end tomorrow if we do nothing while living in the lap of luxury while trying to make us believe he is carbon neutral. Any one who buys into his carbon credit scheme is truly idiotic. We could use the same concept when speeding. Pay someone to drive under the speed limit and if a policeman pulls us over, we can claim we are speed neutral.
2007-05-30 21:38:15 UTC
If global warming becomes a moral issue then it just confirms that it is a religion
2007-06-05 23:00:47 UTC
Good question!The only possible answer is immediate financial gain,When we are all dead,I'm guessing that corporate profits go way down!
happy kat
2007-05-30 21:46:22 UTC
Most of us care, but the "little people" can only do so much when the "big dogs" aren't taking any action.
2007-05-30 21:39:32 UTC
You think global warming is bad now, wait til the nukes start getting lobbed back and forth. The earth will heal itself eventually, and by that time humans will cease to be the dominant species
2007-05-30 21:35:55 UTC
It's too big and at the same time no one thinks it will effect them. It's called mass denial. You are right, it is a moral issue. But more importantly it is a survival issue.
2007-05-30 21:37:47 UTC
CO2 stays in the atmosphere for decades and decades and its way to late to do anything except start to invest in air conditioning companies and energy companies .
2007-06-07 02:03:05 UTC
we dont even know if its real......people dont care cause they dont think it will happen in their life times
2007-05-30 21:37:39 UTC
because rush limbaugh says it's a farce and when rush says something there's nothing left to be said.
2007-05-30 21:35:52 UTC
So you don't like to go by car and bus and plane? You like to walk instead?
2007-05-30 21:38:00 UTC
If we believe we are not the cause of it and there is nothing we can do about it why should we worry about it?
2007-05-30 21:40:58 UTC
because I stopped caring about fairy tales when I was 6.
2007-05-30 21:39:16 UTC
THE SKY is falling HERE WE come to save the day Ho please I don't like that cartoon when I was a kid
2007-05-30 21:35:42 UTC
I care.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.