What makes you believe in global warming?
The same people who can't tell you with 50% accuracy what the weather will be like tomorrow can accurately predict what it will be like 10 years from now??
Some global warming advocate scientists claim that 2002 was the hottest year in the previous 1,000. Tell me, precisely, what was the average temperature in the year 1002 and where you got that information from.
From historical writings, it is generally agreed that there was a Medieval Warm Period which went from the 9th to the 14th centuries, followed by a "Little Ice Age" which started around 1300. Scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics concluded recent temperature increases pale in comparison with those experienced during the Medieval Warm Period.
For arguement's sake, say that there is global warming. What makes you think that my SUV is causing it?
Millions of years ago, it is generally agreed, the area where I live was covered with ice. It's gone now, but I didn't even have an SUV back then.
In the early 1970's, when I was in grade school, we were all told that we were going to experience another ice age - possibly in our lifetimes. We were as scared then of the coming ice age as you are now of global warming.
I agree that this issue should be scientific and not political. Unfortunately, the UN and Al Gore have completely stolen this issue and have abused the scientific data to further their own agendas.
When a hypocrit like Al Gore tells me to quit driving my SUV and then spends as much on energy for his own home as 20 average families, it buries your cause.
I disagree with you, however, that the ones who care about the environment are mostly liberals. I can't think of a single Republican who wants to feed their children contaminated water or poisonous food. But if you mean that we would rather plow through the home of the snail darter or spotted owl than to spend 20 million dollars to go around it with new roads, guilty as charged.
It is unfortunate that we have not figured out yet how to "download" information straight to our brains. No one can know everything and we all depend on receiving summary information from people we trust. When a topic like global warming has such huge disagreement, you have to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
If you truly want to know why people doubt global warming and its causes, I suggest you read an article by Lawrence Solomon of the Canadian National Post. http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/story.html?id=22003a0d-37cc-4399-8bcc-39cd20bed2f6&k=0