Is anyone connecting the dots ? The president , vice president and others have been making comments lately that surely appear to be preparing us for an attack on Iran . Now , you can ***** and moan all you want , complain about 'sovereignty' and 'meddling' but that won't stop anything . If we take this action , undoubtedly we will suffer terrorist attacks in our country . Terrible trade-off but simply because we're threatened doesn't mean we shouldn't take them out . Or are any of you wishing for Iran to get nuclear weapons and then either use them on us or blackmail us with them ?
Even if military action does not take place , it's still fairly likely that terrorists will hit us soon anyway . They've repeatedly told us the attack is coming soon .
If we do nothing and they do attack , then every last one of you Bush-Bashers will be screamin from the highest mountains that we were warned .
THAT , you cannot deny !!
Isn't it time you deniers stop being such a danger to our country ?