After many attacks on Americans and American interests,and most all of them prior to 9-11, The President felt
he had to strike back. what most people do not talk about is the fact that Sadam was supporting many teorrists and their activities, He also was very afraid of Iran and knew he could not beat them if another war was to come about, because of this Sadam leaked and Told any one who would listen that he had wepons of mass destruction. That fact on top of the knowledge that he had used wmd's on his own people, killing
hundreds of thousands, led several countries to beleve he had WMS's. The Mantra of the left has been,
Bush lied and people died. saying that don't make it True.
The presiden did not lie, he believed what every one did at the time, That Sadam had to be delt with. and while this war has met with much displeasure from the public. It was time to
fight back. If you search you will find that both Clintons, Kerry and many of the Senators on the left are on t.v and sound bites as approving this war prior to even 9-11. We know Sadam was paying families of Hamas and Palistinen Bombers who woud blow themselves up killing the people of Isreal. While we are raised to value each life, that is not so
in most of the Arab countries, Women are routinely killed for the slightest of reasons, Kids are raised to believe they need
to kill Americans and any one who will not bow down to the
koran, and the Imams that tell them what to do. People need to realize that in world war 2, Hundreds of thosands of brave Americans died so we can write to each
other in english insead of German or Japaniese.
the test of a country and its People is often, How many people want in? and howmany people are trying to get out.
Is Bush perfect? heck no! he has Me wanting to turn Independant. America is still the greatest Place on our Earth.
Politicans and their infighting often leaves me with a sour taste. they should all know that all the great things America has ever done were done because we were UNITED. Bush is not ever going to be refered to as our greatest President!
However look at our congress Democrats and republicians. they after talking about really helping america have done nothing but attack the Admistration. and they have a single digit approval rating to show for that. When will we ever have a Government For the People? get involved. and Vote.