Who are the 28% of people who approve of George W. Bush?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Who are the 28% of people who approve of George W. Bush?
22 answers:
2008-07-14 01:00:50 UTC
Could it be the same 28% who supported Jimmy Carter when he was in office?

A portion of them may be the 22% (lowest poll for a president in history since polls have been around) who supported Harry Truman when he was in office.

Do you really think a popularity poll is relevant to anything? People are fickle, and very often poorly informed. Frankly, there has not been a president in my lifetime that I ever gave a vote for being popular, but then, that isn't their job, is it?

I think there is a lot more to the governent than the president, and don't participate with the thumbs-up/thumbs-down crowd. That's a little too uncivilized for me.

I don't "approve" or "disapprove" of people. I don't define a person by a single aspect of their life. As human beings go, I have no beef with Geo. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, or anyone else.

Even our constitution prohibits passing a law against an individual. This is mob mentality and serves no constructive purpose.

There are people on both sides of this issue who would love to see at least one of the last two presidents assasinated. It is people in that group that worry me the most.
2008-07-13 18:41:23 UTC
While I disapprove of much of what this president has done, like most folks, I'm not an all or nothing person like you seem to be. I approve of what I believe to be right and disapprove of what I believe to be wrong. I'd hope I'd be as fair with respect to a democrat, but they rarely do what I believe to be right...for the right reasons.

And yet I completely disagree with your totally unsubstantiated and unsupportable OPINION that Bush's decisions are driven by a desire for personal wealth or greed. There is absolutely nothing, anywhere, to support that opinion. In fact, just the opposite.

He did a great job pulling us out of Clinton's recession and minimizing the economic impact of 9/11 and I support his incredibly successful efforts in fighting the international threat of terrorism. It's about time someone did.

But the republicans...who are no longer in power...spent like a pack of drunken sailors. I very much disapproved of that. I disapproved of his prescription drug program and his stance on immigration. And yet, these are all things that the democrats support. The same democrats that have tried very hard to outspend even the free wheeling republicans.

I guess, the bottom line is, I support him when he is conservative and I do not when he is liberal. And, given his approval rating, it seems that there are many who feel as I do.

Hope that helps.
2008-07-13 19:08:21 UTC
After many attacks on Americans and American interests,and most all of them prior to 9-11, The President felt

he had to strike back. what most people do not talk about is the fact that Sadam was supporting many teorrists and their activities, He also was very afraid of Iran and knew he could not beat them if another war was to come about, because of this Sadam leaked and Told any one who would listen that he had wepons of mass destruction. That fact on top of the knowledge that he had used wmd's on his own people, killing

hundreds of thousands, led several countries to beleve he had WMS's. The Mantra of the left has been,

Bush lied and people died. saying that don't make it True.

The presiden did not lie, he believed what every one did at the time, That Sadam had to be delt with. and while this war has met with much displeasure from the public. It was time to

fight back. If you search you will find that both Clintons, Kerry and many of the Senators on the left are on t.v and sound bites as approving this war prior to even 9-11. We know Sadam was paying families of Hamas and Palistinen Bombers who woud blow themselves up killing the people of Isreal. While we are raised to value each life, that is not so

in most of the Arab countries, Women are routinely killed for the slightest of reasons, Kids are raised to believe they need

to kill Americans and any one who will not bow down to the

koran, and the Imams that tell them what to do. People need to realize that in world war 2, Hundreds of thosands of brave Americans died so we can write to each

other in english insead of German or Japaniese.

the test of a country and its People is often, How many people want in? and howmany people are trying to get out.

Is Bush perfect? heck no! he has Me wanting to turn Independant. America is still the greatest Place on our Earth.

Politicans and their infighting often leaves me with a sour taste. they should all know that all the great things America has ever done were done because we were UNITED. Bush is not ever going to be refered to as our greatest President!

However look at our congress Democrats and republicians. they after talking about really helping america have done nothing but attack the Admistration. and they have a single digit approval rating to show for that. When will we ever have a Government For the People? get involved. and Vote.
2008-07-13 18:39:27 UTC
I don't think Bush has done as bad as people may think. Everyone wants to blame the president for the economy. Well it isn't. Have you heard of speculators? They are the sole reason gas prices are outrageous. If you are the President of the USA and get attacked on your own soil 1 year after you take office, what do you do? We are what's called a "superpower" this means, unlike many people think, that we must protect others throughout the world from dictators and idiots. Saddam Hussein had to be taken out. I back the US in the war. I will back us if we choose to go to war with Iran and North Korea next. Why? Because they are idiot countries with bad intentions. If you don't take people like this out of power, within 20 years you won't have a world to live in. Even all the democrats are becoming irate with Obama now because he said he will not pull the troops out of Iraq. I am voting for Mccain, but did like seeing Obama say that. Shows he has common sense. And for those of you that say we need to be out of Iraq, go tell the parents of the fallen US soldiers that their child died for nothing after we pull out.

Also, don't feed the crap about too many have died. They risk that when they join the military, oh and lets not forget, more people die from murder in one week in this country than has died in 5 years in Iraq.
2008-07-13 18:35:35 UTC
I'm one. I'm a proud Republican and think George Bush has done a great job of protecting this country.

And look how the economy is hanging tough in spite of the Democrats who have blocked drilling and building refineries here in America!

I also support lower taxes. I work two full time jobs to get ahead in life. One of them, I do not take health insurance and yet I'm counted as being uninsured! What a crock.

I love this country and so does George Bush. All we need to do is drill, drill, drill and things would be fine. More money here, more jobs here and lower prices. Just tell the Dems to stop blocking more oil and more jobs!!
2008-07-13 18:31:28 UTC
Well, now feller, let me tell you how to find some of these good folks. Jest you rive that fancy car of yours out that there highway until you git to an exit with a "RC Cola" sign on a barn next to a fillin station. You git off here and urn right (everything from here turns right) and mosey on down a country mile. go through the broke down gate next to the pasture with the cows and follow the dirt road down into the holler. Purty soon you'll see a right fine lil ole trailer park. Mind you don't run over the chickens. Cain't miss it--its right next tothe church with the sign in front that says "kill a commie for Christ."

That's them
2008-07-13 18:34:02 UTC
Too few.

Only those that know economics, history, our enemies, supply and demand, no attacks on us soil, those that actually know what his national security plan it, those that know the truth behind 911, the truth behind our failed energy policy, the truth about North Korea, that have actually read the consitution

Or, you've been schooled by Michael Moore and the left wing nuts that own the TV airwaves.

His spending policy sucks, his immigration policy sucks, but his tax policy lead to the highest gov revenue EVER. from TAX CUTS
Charles J
2008-07-13 18:25:05 UTC
the 28 percent are the rich people who are making money off the war and are getting the tax cuts. How did he win last election Americans need to stop watching TV and impeach Bush for war crimes

The Dems can't do anything because Bush will Veto it anyway so it is hard to push through a bill so they are hoping Barack gets in. Personally I am black and would love Barack because he is intelligent but Hillary wins easy to me and would be just as good.
2008-07-13 18:39:10 UTC
Halliburton employees, directors and shareholders

The employees, directors and shareholders of the suppiers to Halliburton
2008-07-14 06:59:42 UTC
The 28% are the circle of people getting rich from him like Haliburton, Blackwater, Western Oil Companies and similar companies and suppliers of them. Also the die hard Republicans that no matter the condition will always support their party.

The priority reason I dissapprove for me is the economy. I have worked for 2 different companies the last few years and watched them both go bankrupt. The economy has caused me to have to move out of state by necessity. I am not the only one in this predicament, many of my family and friends are in similar situatons with their jobs or business' they own. Like I said though that is the #1 priority reason, there are many other reasons for my dissapproval such as:

-the war in Iraq (implemented on false pretences)

-lying to the public on many occasions

-privacy invasion

-his support for the big oil companies

just to give a few.
2008-07-13 18:25:52 UTC
I'm one. Maybe I could qualify for some of that affirmative action because I'm a minority ,and need to be coddled.
2008-07-13 18:26:32 UTC
Certainly not the 9% who approve of congress!
2008-07-13 18:25:18 UTC
The good folks at haliburton/exxon and some retrards who listen to RUSH WINDBAG as if he were the word of god
2008-07-13 18:50:03 UTC
me, doing a great job in hard times, keeping me and my family safe

hind siteis 20-20 kids!!!!!!!
2008-07-13 18:48:36 UTC
those who have turned a good profit from their political investments, and ignorant sycophants who worship pundits and live in fear of terrorist alert.....and Joe

LOL well done blind the drawl
2008-07-13 18:29:14 UTC
His family, close friends and the Republicans on Capital Hill.
2008-07-13 18:27:44 UTC
I support the man because I believe he made the right decisions in tough times. I don't see where he "sold out" our Country. That description fits his democrat opposition. The people that have more sympathy for the terrorists that brought down the WTC and come up with bogus conspiracy theories that give comfort to our enemies.
2008-07-13 18:25:18 UTC
I have so many reasons, but mainly I don't approve because of the economy.
2008-07-13 18:29:19 UTC
The patriots who love this country and want to protect it from the constituents of the Democrat Party, the terrorists, the criminals, the parasites, the third world vermin attacking our way of life.
2008-07-13 18:33:25 UTC
I didn't realize that the troglodyte population is that high, but apparently it is.
2008-07-13 18:28:22 UTC
It's not me.
2008-07-13 18:26:07 UTC
hes retarted.........well just listen to him talk and you'll understand why hes retarted

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