Why are White Liberals bunch pf White-traitors whom hates their Whiteness?
2016-11-16 07:13:18 UTC
Why are White Liberals bunch pf White-traitors whom hates their Whiteness?
86 answers:
2016-11-16 14:02:39 UTC
They have been indoctrinated with white guilt. They constantly make everything about race and end up being the racists. They are the ones that define races/ethnicities as voter blocks who all think the same when there is no reason to vote based on race in [current year]. They would rather that government, businesses, and schools run poorly with forced diversity hires than run well and have mostly white (male) hires. They also believe that racial minorities of America are inferior and can't survive without welfare, EBT, free healthcare, Obama phones, and section 8 housing. This racial divide can heal when our society stops treating non-whites like a special needs group and encourages intellectual diversity. Having a BET channel and groups and organizations that are just for blacks adds to the divide. White guilt-ers believe they are bringing blacks and other groups social justice by segregating things by color.
Shawn Robin
2016-11-16 15:27:42 UTC
Only race is the Human race.

Anyone that thinks there's separate races (Black, White, Etc) are either poorly educated. Or deranged nutjobs.

Nobody else is that stupid and poorly educated.

Science proved - and continues proving - that there's no scientific basis for belief in race.

And Historians proved race is a fictional invention of the European Middle Ages and just another fairy tale.

None of that is new or recent news. It's been global common knowledge for a very long time.

So why there's drooling morons still running around pretending race is somehow real is a complete mystery.

"In 1950, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a statement asserting that all humans belong to the same species and that β€œrace” is not a biological reality but a myth. This was a summary of the findings of an international panel of anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and psychologists."

Link -

In all, the United Nations convened four such panels, in 1950, 1951, 1964 and 1967. Go look that up.

All of them confirmed what science already proved: That the only race is the Human race. Period.

'The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages'

Link -

Modern DNA Science likewise proved race is a phony old myth only drooling retards are dumb enough to fall for:

'Europeans were dark-skinned from 40,000 until 8,000 years ago'

Link -

Welcome to Reality. Enjoy your stay. Visit often.

And smarten up, because you're too damn old to go around believing in stupid fairy tales like race like a dummy.
2016-11-16 10:06:46 UTC
Why are White Liberals bunch pf White-traitors whom hates their Whiteness?

Say What !?! LOL > I've seen some stupid ?'s in YA's but yours is one of the worst, LOL !

Great Life & Living will happen when GOOD prevails over BAD !
2016-11-16 15:55:52 UTC
That's not true at all. Liberals see through other white people's bs and they are actually trying to help change America for the better. I'm a white liberal, and honestly I love being white. I don't hate it at all. I just have good morals
Andy F
2016-11-17 14:53:54 UTC
Cuz you say so, Mr. Nazi Insignia.

I'm white, and not "liberal" but "socialist," but the socialists and liberals whom I know personally don't hate "whiteness" at all. They do hate racism, especially when it's a stupid form of racism that's likely to provoke more conflict and more riots in the United States than the violent conflicts and riots we've had already.

The white "progressives" that I know basically agree with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who wrote that "We must all learn to live together as brothers -- or we will all die together, as fools."

The white progressives I know don't want to be fools. Maybe you do.

Or maybe you feel so insecure about being white that you think you have to brag about it and put down people of other races. The most secure, intelligent and courageous white people I know don't think they have to do that.

-- democratic socialist / "Black and white - Unite and Fight! For Racism is the BOSSES' tool."
2016-11-16 14:50:09 UTC
This what cultural Marxism does to you. Then when you nasty communist indoctrination and then people waking from indoctrination by voting for trump. They don't understand why they hate their own was because cultural Marxism destroy country heritage. Communism is failed state experiment. But two types of nasty communism. The traditional communism done by Carol Marks is fail ideology that was tried in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. But the Frankfurt school run in Germany before the nazis took over is the most civilization destructive of communism. Cultural Marxism destroy country nationally and use minority as political dummies for increased power seizer. The minority never truly given equally but are used as political ponds in game of class war. Look up cultural Marxism and roots. You wake up like did and hate cultural Marxism. Sjw, femnazis, globalist are all cultural Marxist.
2016-11-16 13:33:50 UTC
Wanting fair treatment for other peoples doesn't mean white "liberals" hate themselves. Some people just have a stronger sense of right and wrong, something that is lacking among conservatives.
2016-11-16 14:55:00 UTC
White Liberals are haters
Jon B
2016-11-16 13:05:17 UTC
Because white liberals have what they call "white guilt" that are ashamed of their heritage...they feel guilty of what their forefathers did to minorities especially blacks...i mean i know slavery was bad but that happened over 400 years ago...also slavery started in AFRICA..the African rulers sold THEIR OWN PEOPLE out of pure GREED! Slavery STILL exists in some parts of Africa..everybody should be PROUD to be whatever they are...for instance I'm PROUD to be white..I have friends that are PROUD to be black..i have friends that are PROUD to be American Indian..i have friends that are PROUD to be Arab..i have friends that are PROUD of their Hispanic heritage...we ALL get along just fine..there's NO racial bigotry amongst us..i TRUST these people with my LIFE just like they TRUST me with their LIVES! It's real simple...
2016-11-16 15:14:44 UTC
I am ashamed of my race. I may use my credit to get a dna test to find out if I can legally opt out of having to say I'm white. I live in a conservative trump town & I hope when the radicals come here they do not shoot me for living in the same town of wifebeating, perverted right winger Trump lovers.
2016-11-17 14:47:59 UTC
Some have an addiction to feelings, some people like to be victims, in their own way they are saying theyve dominated and are ready for their spankings. i would never allow someone to believe i felt in anyway responsible for anothers inability to take control of their lives. i dont see how these annoying whites are helping the racist blacks in anyway. because i do not believe for one second that those blacks yeloling slavery and white supremacy would ever stop yelling those excuses. because thats what they are. fabricated excuses.
2016-11-16 22:01:01 UTC
You can tell by these answers. Holier than thou educated people who have learned some rhetoric. They think their big words make them smart, superior. They do not typically know or encounter the types that have the rest of us in such an uproar. They see a photo of light skinned symetrical women and children crying and want to save them. They can't get that image out of their heads so ignore all the negative experiences with refugees or whoever.Then there's the white hating majority pressuring you to confess your whiteness and be absolved through service to the multicultural beast. Then there's the white men who don't want equality for white women and lump us in with "minorities" and "marxists". In ref to last two: never the master, always the servant. Just google any term with white women, or by itself. All the results are about all the people who hate white women for petty selfish racist sexist reasons. Being hated, silenced/shut down, ignored, underestimated, and used is a turn off.
2016-11-16 22:47:26 UTC
Because white liberals are the educated whites and would rather be with a Party that accepts everyone for who they are and doesn't involve faith and god in politics *cough* *cough* conservatives(republicans). White conservatives who are primarily republican are just rednecks who aren't college educated and have hatred towards certain groups of people, they are the epitome of Donald Trump supporters. They support policies that they don't even know anything about and are just the unwanted whites that the liberals don't want to accept.
2016-11-17 10:26:01 UTC
Were not were just tired of the government telling us how to live. If Republicans would just get pro marijuana legalization and other liberties than I would be one myself! I voted for Gary Johnson because my marijuana arrest In college a couple years ago destroyed many job opportunities for me. Republicans preach limited government yet on the same token they want to have the government spend billions of dollars on fighting personal choices that harm no one.
2016-11-17 00:19:02 UTC
I'm only half white so I don't know. I don't think they hate themselves. I think they fear being thought of as racist and intolerant. The majority of votes for Trump were White Americans. I think it's silly to feel bad for being white or any other race. You can't help the color of your skin. I hate people for sucking not their.
2016-11-16 11:17:04 UTC
Just because you hate yourself does not mean that others people of any leaning hate themselves. The main difference between a true human being and yourself is that a true human believes all people have value and all deserve the same treatment..
2016-11-18 12:44:24 UTC
Wanting liberty and justice for all and a sustainable environment for future generations has never equated to hating whiteness, it is possible to care about others and not hate yourself.
2016-11-17 16:18:16 UTC
Maybe you are misinterpreting their efforts to achieve racial equality in the United States. I don't believe they hate hate their whiteness, but I don't think they take extreme pride in something they had no choice in either.
jason w
2016-11-17 17:22:08 UTC
2016-11-16 14:12:59 UTC
They don't really, they know that they can not lie to the White folk and draw them close. They know that their lies will be over looked within some groups and those will vote for them.
2016-11-17 14:50:30 UTC
They don't hate their whiteness. They tend to realize social inequities that lead to the oppression of minority and under represented groups.
2016-11-18 21:17:18 UTC
Then how come new world order on the back of the one doller bill, just cause I hate the gov and blow up the white house this USA is turning into it
2016-11-16 16:40:47 UTC
Because they are repenting for being born into a society that values whites over minorities
2016-11-17 00:01:05 UTC
So, some lowbrow white defines whiteness for his betters and judges them to not be real whites? You sound like a liberal nut job.
2016-11-17 13:38:42 UTC
Glad I'm not white. I'm an Irish Catholic American.
2016-11-16 23:46:25 UTC
racism is not healthy for children, neither black nor white nor latino.

science studies have shown that the stress caused by over-emphasizing color as a negative thing has a detrimental effect on educational ability, emotional happiness, and biological health in children, and in adults.

not only is it unhealthy for you to teach your children to be racist, or that everyone else is racist, it is unhealthy for you, too.
2016-11-16 15:49:00 UTC
I don't know, but it seems to make them think they are less privileged then they really are, and alleviates the stress and guilt associated with that. I am not sure of all the psycho-dynamics, but they are screwed up assholes, to be sure.
2016-11-16 10:55:11 UTC
Just chill out with a nice, warm cup of bleach
2016-11-19 16:14:53 UTC
I love trump make America white and Christian again
2016-11-17 16:03:31 UTC
2017-04-05 02:36:29 UTC
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-11-16 14:39:02 UTC
Thinking, everyone is equal isn't hating my skin colour. It is, however, disagreeing with what I laughingly call thought patterns.
Mike S
2016-11-17 13:45:37 UTC
Until you can put together a coherent sentence there's little point in answering you.
2016-11-16 15:34:04 UTC
Theyre idiots
2016-11-16 10:45:24 UTC
Because some of them are not "white." But, you are too blind within your own bias to realize that. Or, perhaps you simply want to deny it.
2016-11-17 14:11:34 UTC
I am white and I am embarrassed of my race sometimes. Especially now.
2016-11-20 11:14:19 UTC
i'm only half white so i don't know... i don't think they hate themselves... i think they fear being thought of as butteryand intolerant... the majority of votes for trump were white americans... i think it's silly to feel bad for being white or any other race... you for the life of me cannot help the color of your skin... i hate people for sucking not their...
2016-11-17 06:43:29 UTC
Because they want goody points from their Liberal Arts teachers and classmates.
2016-11-16 15:08:17 UTC
If you are white and you don't feel guilt, you are a sociopath.
2016-11-17 06:57:40 UTC
Makes zero sense.
2016-11-16 12:46:30 UTC
So all whites are supposed be flamboyant racist like Republicans and conservatives?? Go die with your racist tea party,pink boy.
2016-11-16 16:14:28 UTC
6 stars. Do your Stormfag buddies star your question?
2016-11-18 15:54:01 UTC
Tey really do not, they just act that way to indoctrinate those of other races.
2016-11-17 12:30:02 UTC
What "whiteness"? So-called "white people" are actually PINK (piggy pink), dumbo.
2016-11-17 05:08:17 UTC
they don't hate whiteness they are just compassionate and not ethnocentric
2016-11-16 19:31:38 UTC
First of all, not all Liberals are white.

Second, I don't hate my whiteness. Although I do realize that it gives me benefits that others do not have.

Third, I am EXTREMELY patriotic - I love the USA. Although, sometimes I do think the citizens can at times be stupid/dumb like, for example, when the elect someone who is insane like Trump.

So, did I blast your theory away?!? I seriously think you need to STOP watching so much Faux News, and STOP drinking the Kool-Aid.

2016-11-16 22:32:44 UTC
Great. The f-cking klan can just be around all the time now. That's just great.
2016-11-16 11:00:39 UTC
Liberals are the true bigots, racists, and haters in America.
2016-11-17 09:58:12 UTC
Can't even spell of.
2016-11-16 20:43:39 UTC
Libtards drank the Kool-Aid.
2016-11-16 14:03:17 UTC
why are you so hateful? What happen to forgiveness and love
2016-11-16 18:52:14 UTC
Cuz dey shlt.
2016-11-16 19:19:41 UTC
We only hate your lily-whiteness.
2016-11-16 07:16:58 UTC
you know how Jewish boys have a circumcision when they're young?

Liberals have a spinal-cision
2016-11-17 12:13:42 UTC
What are liberals?
2016-11-17 11:26:06 UTC
Does your hate color your perception of others?
2016-11-17 11:54:08 UTC
Because they ****** a mouse
2016-11-16 14:44:39 UTC
Because they are homosexuals
2016-11-16 16:44:15 UTC
Liberals in general are people who want to be free. Conservatives, of course, don't want *other people* to be free. They want most Americans to be serfs, slaves, peons, something like that.
2016-11-16 13:09:32 UTC
lol boy...all the magg.....9), !?ots are crawling out from under their rocks now.
2016-11-16 18:44:59 UTC
they use past injustices to further their own cause
2016-11-16 19:59:23 UTC
Because they're L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S, you answered your own question.
2016-11-17 09:50:45 UTC
the world may never know
2016-11-16 13:49:06 UTC
Holy **** you're so stupid it hurts.
2016-11-16 19:58:30 UTC
Because people might associate us with people like you.
2016-11-16 17:02:51 UTC
I am ashamed of my race. I may use my credit to get a dna test to find out if I can legally opt out of having to say I'm white. I live in a conservative trump town & I hope when the radicals come here they do not shoot me for living in the same town of wifebeating, perverted right winger Trump lovers.
2016-11-17 13:58:39 UTC
Sam P
2016-11-17 09:20:52 UTC
2016-11-16 07:32:30 UTC
genetic disorders do this sort of thing
2016-11-16 14:43:16 UTC
What is a Colour if you are BLIND?
2016-11-17 14:28:14 UTC
2016-11-17 03:01:54 UTC
2016-11-16 15:19:03 UTC
2016-11-16 15:17:13 UTC
THey dont
2016-11-19 12:20:41 UTC
your a piece of work you Nazi ******
2016-11-16 10:49:15 UTC
Y ask Y ?
2016-11-17 07:13:18 UTC
racists are retards

go die asshole
2016-11-16 11:30:55 UTC
do you english bro
2016-11-16 14:45:52 UTC
Easy, because they are not. But welcome to Trumps America.
2016-11-16 07:20:27 UTC
Actually your bigotry is a betrayal of all human beings or should be!
2016-11-17 17:57:15 UTC
God you are an idiot!
2016-11-17 09:25:14 UTC
The new KKK /The old KKK.Slavemasters.
2016-11-16 07:15:00 UTC
2016-11-16 08:48:24 UTC
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚the same reason "Christian cons" hate anyone.
2016-11-17 14:03:21 UTC
2016-11-16 12:23:56 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.