To my right leaning friends....2 questions, What would YOU do to solve the healthcare issue?
2012-03-30 05:33:07 UTC
and 2.....why are you so against it when in 1993 Republicans proposed the same basic bill but couldn't get it passed...S1770 ?
Eighteen answers:
2012-03-30 05:37:43 UTC
Just because Republicans proposed a bill does not always mean it is right, any more than when a Democrat proposes a bill. I opposed the mandate then, and I oppose it now for the same reasons. I do not believe it is constitutional. And what would I do? I would allow the selling of health insurance policies across state lines, I would work to cut waste in the government health care systems for the poor, and then leave it to the private market. Just because a government CAN do something does not mean that it is right or constitutional for it to do so.
2012-03-30 05:38:23 UTC
1. Put all healthcare goods and service directly on the market to be purchased by consumers. This is the only way to keep costs down to where they should be instead of keeping the artificially low which will result in shortages. Insurance would be used only for catastrophic events. Health care would be paid by individual through health savings accounts which are tax exempt and are replenished as tax credits when used. People who do not make enough money to pay taxes, which should only be the poor, will end up getting "free healthcare" with these credits

2. If the republicans could not get something passed 1993, that would be because there was no support for it from their party. Conservatives have never supported this kind of thing. Back in the day, congress still governed at the will of the people which is why none of this evr saw the light of day.
2012-03-30 06:31:19 UTC
Get the government out of the health care business. EVERYTHING the federal government interferes in sees costs rise as quality plummets. Name for me ONE thing that hasn't.

Allow insurance companies to sell policies across state lines so people can shop, "cafeteria style", for the benefits they want and NOT be forced to pay for services they don't want and will never use.

Hold people responsible for paying their own health care costs. No one can justify forcing one person to benefit while another is forced to pay. If someone else is forced to pay, that person should be able to dictate the "lifestyle" of the beneficiary.

Stop the LIE that health care is some sort of "right". It is a commodity to be purchased, like any other service or product.

I have always been against the federal government interfering in health care. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that allows it or mentions "health care". If you take time to read it, you will find that S1770 is totally different from obama-no-care.
2012-03-30 06:05:18 UTC
To the left leaning questioner. To start with I wouldn't have negotiations behind locked doors to keep the public uniformed about it. Notice that in your question you ask what right leaners would do to solve the health care issue. There are courses in problem solving some of us have learned to use in developing ways to address problems. They include axioms that are sometimes true or always true depending upon the problem. So first recognize there is a problem and own it. What is the problem? Health Care is too expensive. Now we can use a variety of problem solving technique. A committee can use a fishbone chart or something similar to illustrate associated problems as well. We need to keep in mind that although it is not always true the solution to a problem is often the opposite of its cause. It there attempt to solve the health care problem (yeah right) Democrats started with the people who pay medical bills in an attempt to make health care more affordable. They used the Saul Alinsky approach, which is to choose a target and demonize it. This was most easily done with insurance companies that have to by nature limit expenses in order to remain solvent as required by law. So we might have to look at providers, the people who actually write the bill instead of those who pay it. I doubt if it would require dozens of back room deals and 2700 pages to come up with something better. The fact that the Democrats approached it the way they did shows they only intended to collapse the system so we can have Communism. There was no realistic approach to the problem. An idiot can see that with 2700 pages. When you get your plan brochure there are about 25 pages.
Who Else?
2012-03-30 06:41:24 UTC
The obvious solution is to reduce rampant profiteering by the medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance industries. This could be accomplished through limits set on corporate profits for those businesses, as well as heavier regulation and the centralization of records (to eliminate costly redundancy). More enforcement and stiffer penalties for those found guilty of regulatory violations.

More "group rates" for Americans who don't work for a company that provides good medical coverage, and less total emphasis on employer-provided benefits. Allow Canadian pharmaceutical companies to compete with those in the U.S., and more government subsidies for doctors, clinics, and hospitals that accept indigent patients. There's plenty that could be done.
2012-03-30 05:42:50 UTC
I am not politically conservative. I tend to be moderate. But if conservatives wanted to do something about health care issues, they rather allow credit incentives for people with insurance. Younger people tend to be more healthier and never visit the hospital. But still it's unknown what the Republicans would do if the Affordable Health Care Reform law (Obamacare) is thrown out by the Supreme Court of The United States.
Lady Snowblossom
2012-03-30 06:35:53 UTC
1. If a doctor is convicted of medicare fraud - bar from practicing for life. fine a hospital heavily and put on probation and they must submit to having overseerers who will monitor them for a period of 5 yrs.

2. set prices for drugs, doctor/hospital fees (no deductibles)

3. sell insurance across statelines, so people can shop around.

4. emergency care for illegals, then deport them and charge Mexico or whatever country they from or deduct the cost from whatever foreign aid we give them.

5. if a druggist is convicted of medicare fraud - yank license and fine his/her company.

6. have tier coverage - the higher the price - the more coverage

some of this may be impractical, but its a place to start
2012-03-30 05:45:19 UTC
Stop the lawsuits by capping the amount individuals can get in mal practice suits reducing the cost of high physician fee. (A MD convicted of Mal Practice would lose his license to practice medicine for life),

2- Do away with all health insurance (along with any financing of medical fees), this is another reason fees are so high because the insurance companies will pay them and allow the market to set the fees.
2012-03-30 05:37:58 UTC
1. Tax credits for Small Bus owners to buy insurance (most of the uninsured)

2. Have states share regulations so interstate commerce can increase competition

3. Tort reform - 13% of ALL medical procedures are done for defensive purposes

4 Dr / Patient responsibility - Post prices of procedure / shop around / people can take more control and decide what is best

5. Review what "minimum' coverages should be - I shouldn't have to fund drug addiction and hair plug coverage if I don't want to.
2012-03-30 06:32:01 UTC
In 2010, Republicans were painted as "Obstructionist" and "Lacking Ideas" at the healthcare debate table. This characterization has been very successful - way too many believe it.

I don't believe that in a country of 300 million people it is possible to create a "One Size Fits All" healthcare program that will be good for all of us. Young, healthy people would like one kind of minimal health coverage, those who are overweight or have sedentary lifestyles prefer another. Some youthful, sexually active people would like to have birth control covered, while others may not. Heavy handed government control like that imposed by Obamacare forces the issue, and creates animosity, rancor and hatred among our already divided population.

Proponents believe that the"Free Market" has failed, but a true free market solution has yet to be tried.

To take steps to reduce regulation, to offer incentives to small businesses and individuals to purchase insurance, to create an environment where individuals could take their health insurance with them when they move from job to job or state to state and to tighten regulations on frivolous lawsuits would not only reduce the amount of involvement of the Government, but would increase competition among the insurers and expand the number of choices we have in our coverage. Sandra Fluke would never have gone before Congress had she been able to simply say "No, thank you" to the Georgetown plan, and buy a Blue Cross or Aetna plan that did cover contraception for her, at a competitive price.

She is unable to do this because the over-regulation of the government, the tax breaks government gives to large corporations only, the lack of any meaningful sort of inter-state compettion and the free reign the government gives to "roll-the-dice" lawyers has made any sort of true competition in this industry impossible.

What I'd like to see happen to health insurance is similar to what happened to car insurance in 2003 in NJ. Prior to that year, there were very strict regulations on that industry, because the government believed that "Left to their own devices, car insurers will just weasel out of paying claims, and consumers in NJ will be left uncovered". Hence there were standards that had to be met that most insurers chose not to deal with. The companies that DID stay in the state had a monopoly, and could charge whatever they wanted.

In 2003, the regulations were lifted. Dozens of companies flocked to NJ to open up in that new market. Competition flourished - companies got very creative in ways that they could offer MORE coverage for less money, not to weasel out of covering things to "line their pockets". NJ now offers some of the lowest cost, best insurance in the country.

I believe this will work for health insurance. Companies will find a way to profit and still offer good coverage in their niche markets. People will have choices.

Government does not allow this. We all have to be the same - unless you work for government, work for a large Union, or work for a company that has friends like Nancy Pelosi. The whole thing stinks of politics.

I think that the real number of truly uninsured who really want or need insurance is less than half the 30 million you cite - that is a high, inflated number used to dramatize the politics of the situation.

The free market solutions are very simple, and easily tested. If I'm right, healthcare costs will spiral downwards and we will be able to continue to offer the best healthcare in the world at an extremely low cost. If I am wrong, it will be apparent quickly and the government can seek other solutions.

I believe that the government is wrong, and it will destroy the private health insurance industry beyond any recoverable degree. By the time it is discovered that Obamacare is destroying our entire healthcare system AND our economy, it will be too late, and there will be no industry left to pick up the pieces.

This plan will INCREASE bureaucracy, not reduce it. It will put my healthcare in the hands of the same people who manage Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA Health benefits, the IRS, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac; I can see the writing on the wall with the Sandra Fluke issue and all the passes given to the Friends of Pelosi, and I realize that this is not about healthcare, it is about politics.

I would much rather put my healthcare in the hands of creative company heads like Steve Jobs or Tony Nicely, who understand that to truly profit in the free market you must offer innovative, quality products at affordable prices, and to stay responsive to a changing market.
2012-03-30 05:40:47 UTC
They certainly don't believe in preventative care.

I've spent a lot of time in hospitals lately. I compared what the charges were for the insurance companies and uninsured individuals. It's roughly 3x more.

If i didn't have insurance I would be homeless by now.

Single payer is the way to go.

Romney is so cold about it. kind of like, too FN bad folks.
2012-03-30 05:36:51 UTC
It didn't pass in 93 because it was a failure then like it is now.Funny how dems didn't support it in 93 but do now! I think that most people think we need reform in Health Care.I just don't think this bill was the way to do it.
2012-03-30 05:36:50 UTC

Sell insurance across state lines.

DRILL UP AS MUCH OIL AS POSSIBLE ! That will create alot more JOBS! and help pay our TRILLIONS IN DEBT!

Reverse mostly everything Obama did in office!

Break up Fannie and Freddie mac!

Rid of all Collective Bargining.

Fence to stop illegal immigration or National Guard to stop them!

Change the TAX CODE so the RICH don't get away with deducted everything plus their dog food.

Get all new people in the EPA.- logical intelligent people who use facts and not ideology!


Arrest Soros.
Christopher Jorden
2012-03-30 05:41:11 UTC
1) Get a job and pay for your health care.

If one job is not enough, get two.

(if neither option is to your taste, move to Cuba)

2) Whatever you're talking about that happened in 93, if your facts are correct,

it didn't pass for a reason.
2012-03-30 05:38:38 UTC
Well, harumpf......people should take care of themselves, bootstraps and everything, find cheaper Dr and Medicines and cheaper MRI's and Hospitals that don't charge so much, that way even the 'Burger-Flippers can have the same healthcare as me ...


Sen. Leghorn Foghorn Esq.

and if you caught doing Medicare or Medcaid fraud, you should be sentenced to be Gov of Florida..
2012-03-30 05:50:28 UTC
No payment no treatment

Buy you own insurance .
2012-03-30 05:36:20 UTC
TORT reform.

And stop electing lawyers, or at least disbar them at the point of being elected, never to practice again.
The Hell With This Constitution
2012-03-30 05:35:02 UTC
1. Deport all illegals.

2. Deport all illegals.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.