What's are good summary description of a WHITE liberal/progressive?
2017-02-28 01:56:05 UTC
Easily feels guilt

Addicted to being cucked by non whites

Easily triggered

Entitlement minded

Likes big government and lots of welfare

Want wealth redistribution

Want open borders, gay marriage, destruction of christianity, and increase in degeneracy

Indoctrinated to pretend diversity is a strength and race is just skin color difference to seize the moral high ground and avoid being called a racist

Think good intentions are more important than results. But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions

Falsely believe races are interchangeable

Pretend race doesn't matter
Eight answers:
2017-03-07 17:14:16 UTC
2017-03-01 01:48:47 UTC
1.) Herd conformity. You talked to one, you talked to them all.

2.) They have a master yet declare that they don't. They will never make an issue of human rights violations in islamic and communist nations because their master doesn't tell them too.

3.) Unearned guilt. The rational intellectual doesn't feel guilty for crimes he didn't commit. An irrational emotionalist, someone who lets their emotions dictate the path they are on, has white-guilt

4.) The come from all white communities and chances are, still live in one.

5.) Most likely, they smoke pot and, as such, declare that they are not part of the system/machine.

6.) Never parts with a dollar to actually help people and animals yet will shell out 30$ on a Che-tshirt or to buy a bunch of left wing junk at the fair.

7.) Never went hungry

8.) Are very bigoted and confrontation...towards other whites.

9.) Posses different standard of morality on the same subject matter which is illogical thus, anti-intellectual.
2017-02-28 12:50:39 UTC
racists are assholes and you're a big asshole
Free At Last
2017-02-28 02:32:52 UTC
cucked. lol. as if you have a penis.
2017-02-28 02:25:34 UTC
oh my. cuck. i'm mortally offended.
2017-02-28 02:15:58 UTC
Easily feels Compassion for their fellow man.

Refuse to hate people based on race or religion.

Fights against injustice no matter who the victim is.

Believes the government bears responsibility to take care of all of its citizens, not just the wealthy white ones.

Favors government regulation to protect citizens from corporations and the powerful from exploiting the poor and the powerless.

Wants a fair and equitable tax policy that everyone can benefit from.

Wants a fair and compassionate immigration policy.

Believes two consenting adults should be allowed to marry,

Believes in firmly in the establishment clause,

(and increase in degeneracy Indoctrinated to pretend diversity is a strength and race is just skin color difference to seize the moral high ground and avoid being called a racist) Don't know what the hell that means.

Think two wrongs don't make a right.

Understands that "race" is nothing more than family traits passed on and reinforced through prolonged geographical isolation.

There, I translated it for you. Understand something,. You don't get to define me, I am the sole arbiter of what defines me politically not some shittee cut and paste job from a racist sub reddit
2017-02-28 02:03:40 UTC
Around here we call them extinct.
2017-02-28 02:00:00 UTC
I thought you all had all the power, So why are you so worried about Liberals doing their thing? You just seem so scared and timid to prance out here like in a tutu putting others down.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.