For those of you who think that Bush's invasion of Iraq was "illegal"?
2016-03-25 15:12:33 UTC
First, he got approval from Congress. The Constitution says that only Congress can declare war. War was not officially even declared, and yet Congress still voted in favor.

Then The United Nations voted on an invasion of Iraq. They approved it handily. International law cleared.

Since Bush got approval from both Congress and the UN, what part of Operation Iraqi Freedom was "illegal?"

Exactly which legal hurdle did Bush fail to clear?
76 answers:
Andy F
2016-03-26 20:59:21 UTC
It was illegal under international law. International law says you can invade another nation only if they've attacked your nation first. Iraq had a disgusting dictator, Saddam Hussein, but he hadn't attacked the USA and showed no signs of doing so when Bush ordered the invasion. Although Bush and Co. did dream up some total nonsense that was supposed to link Saddam with the 9/11 terrorists and Al Qaida, at a moment when the leaders of Al Qaida despised him.

-- democratic socialist for better study of American and world history
2016-03-26 08:44:41 UTC
The Liberals on here can't handle the truth and as some of them are still saying that Bush lied and the Iraq war was illegal when they the Liberals voted in favor of the Iraq war so they can say anything because they could have easily stopped Bush from going into Iraq.
Jimmy C
2016-03-26 09:38:10 UTC
The Un did not approve the invasion of iraq. Starting any war is illegal under international law. Bush lied to the people and started a war anyway. Over a million people died as a result, and scores more are dying in Iraq every day. Bush should be tried for war crimes.
2016-03-25 15:17:35 UTC
The UN security council never voted on an invasion of Iraq. 1441 never once mentioned invasion, troops, military force or any military action. Bush promised to have a second resolution calling for use of force but he lied to the american people and withdrew it. There was never a UN vote on the invasion of Iraq, ever.

In fact bush's ambassador to the UN, john Negroponte, said the following about the1441:

[T]his resolution contains no "hidden triggers" and no "automaticity" with respect to the use of force. If there is a further Iraqi breach, reported to the Council by UNMOVIC, the IAEA or a Member State, the matter will return to the Council for discussions as required in paragraph 12.

But bush actually never allowed the matter to return to the council, instead he broke his word and announced that he would invade Iraq without seek a second resolution.
2016-03-26 13:00:55 UTC
It wasn't illegal, it was gotten by lying and being wrong headed, and not preparing the nation for a costly war.

And of course, it wasn't a war vote either, we haven't voted for a war since WW2, but we sure have managed to be in some.

The Bush administration took advantage of the fear that 9/11 created to push for laws that weren't legal and had to be revisited. Things were passed and no one seemed to notice what was in it, and this was far more serious than the ACA.
2016-03-26 02:08:07 UTC
If you look into, honestly, almost every war is illegal. But if we feel like invading a country we are not going to stop and ask permission..not to be cocky or anything, but bitching about a US invasion being illegal is pointless because there isn't a damn thing that anybody could do about it cause there are no countries strong enough to hold us accountable for our, oh well. That's just the way the world works
2016-03-26 11:36:21 UTC
Illegal in the sense that a war was started with the wrong country for the wrong reason.

-Stabilize the region (aka the phrase said by the Bush administration for the reason for war)? Nope, caused more damage to region, nearly three thousand died on 9/11, over a hundred thousand civilians died as a result of the invasion, most killed by the US and coalition forces. So who's the bad guy in this sense?

-Return oil fields to Iraq? (When people figured out the true purpose of the war, this is what they said as a response). Nope, American and our allies oil companies took over Iraq's oil fields, which had a higher amount of US and coalition protection.

-Yes, he got authorization, doesn't make it right, you know who also got authorization from their Congress to justify war? Hitler, Mao, Il-Sung, Stalin, Hirohito, Bush sr, Castro.
2016-03-25 17:02:12 UTC
The specifics of congressional action versus executive action are not important here. The real issue, with respect to this matter, is whether or not George Bush knew of the non-existence of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, and if this war was simply a fabrication in pursuit of his self-interest, not to mention his vice president Dick Cheney's stake in Halliburton at the time.

Also note, that our motive then in entering the Middle East was to hunt down Al-Qaeda (another narrative which has uncertainties of its own), which Iraq had nothing to do with. Given that Bush's presidential nomination was itself a lie (i.e. the Florida recount), who is to say that he did not also lie about this?
2016-03-26 09:34:51 UTC
People argue that because of information given to those who voted for this as mislead information from CIA intelligence, and thus the Bush administration really knew there was not enough information but pushed for invasion as rapidly as possible, many feeling that is why he was so insistent on going in so quickly because he did not want full documentation of inspections to be released, even then Powell wanted more time which is why he was not invited back for the second term. 5,000 dead American troops later, 20,000 troops with burnt disfigured bodies and missing limbs, 250,000 Iraqi's dead, 4 trillion dollars in debt later, and a very unstable region. But I do agree with you there were most Democrats in congress that went along with Bush/Chaney on this based on faulty intelligence, so it did pass the requirements to go to war.

Illegal???? or Mistake???? Horrible Mistake that we are paying for this very minute.
2016-03-26 05:22:56 UTC
For those of you who think that Bush's invasion of Iraq was "illegal"?

WHY, just those against Bush and Iraq, ya lookin for idiots , to rant / chat at them or what ;) !!! The idea of War on Muslim Terrorists .. was and still is OK... it IS the greed and corruption of politics and war that is wrong, just as it was in Nam !
2016-03-25 15:31:31 UTC
Most civilized nations who sign International Agreements especially , consider these agreements, laws just as sacred as they do their own domestic laws . It is called the Rule of Law.

The US Iraqi war under Bush 2 was totally illegal under the US signed 4th Geneva Convention .Congress approved the war but that approval was not in effect legally based but was for the most part a POLITICAL decision as evidenced by Hillary's vote .

You said the UN handily approved the Iraqi War .That is only true for Desert Storm NOT BUSH 2

Ignorant, jingoistic Americans simply urinate on the International laws they sign believing they are above the law .

US of course violated a number of other International laws they have signed including the Geneva Convention =on Prisons which outlaws water boarding but again the screw you US attitude , they were even proud of violating the very law they signed .

This is a public forum Please be accurate and STOP LYING
Weasel McWeasel
2016-03-26 15:34:36 UTC
Are you on Drugs? The UN took a vote to invade or not and the vote was NO-

NO ONE *asked* Bush to "enforce" UN Sanctions.........especially the UN, who wanted to give Hans Blix and his investigators more time.

The 1991 Gulf war, was approved by the UN-.----------Not the 2003 INVASION.

a "pre-emptive" strike, by any other name is still a FIRST strike.

The fact remains, Iraq or Saddam, didn't do SQUAT to us. and we bombed them from the air, for NO REASON , except for the LIES that Bush made up.

That congress fell for his lies. is on Congress.........who were all stunned and shocked after 9-11 and bought all the phony rhetoric, hook line and sinker.

But there WERE those, who voted NO to the invasion------like Bernie Sanders, Ted Kennedy, and Barack Obama. ------who tried to be the voice of REASON , LOGIC and SANITY........and got shouted down by those seeking Revenge for 9-11-

Except Saddam wasn't the one that attacked us.
2016-03-26 10:32:33 UTC
I agree and it's pathetically sad that most people forget Bush was 100% legal in going into Iraq!
2016-03-26 23:15:36 UTC
Which vote in congress approved the invasion and occupation of Iraq? None. They approved military force to enforce the existing UN resolutions - none of which called for an invasion.

Which vote in the UN Security Council was approved handily? Remember the childish "freedom fries" thing when it became clear France would not support such an invasion so we never put it to them?
2016-03-27 05:33:54 UTC
Bush was convicted as a war criminal in Malaysia.

He's on the Venezuelan list of terrorists.

It would have been unwise to convict him as a war criminal in the US because that would have made the US culpable for trillions of dollars in reparations.

He sold Congress on the false pretense of wmds to get support. He said he had bad intelligence as an excuse when no wmds were found ... most of us know he was born w/ that.

The Iraq invasion looks like an act of revenge to me as it was a response to the Saddam assassination attempt on daddy bush. That's certainly a motive for a war criminal.

As usual, you are another misinformed rightie trying to share misinformation and lies. The UN disapproved of the invasion ...

"Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan"

"The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal." ...
2016-03-27 11:31:22 UTC
Bush is a liar and a cheat and now his daughter says she a Muslim to keep from getting killed most likely be cause she new her father was wrong. the using the hijab to hide her identity.It was illegal under international law. what he did. Bush and the man behind him need to go to international jail house.fro killing a men that did not attack them but don't worry bush soon dead? God almighty is waiting for him..Isis need to child out and let god take the revenge. Revenge is mine said the lord. ISIS stop destroying stuff. Putin do something Obama make you thing Obama hire ISIS hahaha lol
2016-03-25 17:17:39 UTC
The lie that there were weapons of mass destruction had clearly worked for GW and it radiated to all of America's allies. No, it wasn't illegal, but it was absolutely a disaster for all concerned.
2016-03-25 15:55:59 UTC
Well, it's one you've never heard of. Jus bellum iustum. Specifically, jus ad bellum. Of course, there is also jus in bello.

Were you alive then? Did you listen to it?

I propose that Jr. was just finishing what his daddy started. Also, Jr. needed to bloody his hands. To prove he was as good as former presidents who wouldn't tolerate being opposed. So, instead of giving Saddam time to comply, he simple invaded. He did NOT exhaust every option he had before he invaded. He used a pretense that his father knew (both as former head Spook of the CIA and VP under Ron) and invaded. The old "no weapons of mass destruction" is only partially correct. There were none deployed. But, Jr. knew Saddam had them and that they were no threat. He was able to punish Saddam, who was put in by the CIA, for defying his father in Desert Storm/Shield.
2016-03-28 21:22:53 UTC
You're wrong.

They voted on going to war. To fight alquida and the talaban. In afganistan.

So this jack a ss goes to Iraq and wastes 28 trillion. Even if it was legal it was the most retarded decision ever made in history.
2016-03-26 10:52:50 UTC
No one questions the legality. Even framing the argument this way shows how weak y'all's position is.

Iraq posed zero thteat to us. ZERO. Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 is like if we invaded Thailand in response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
2016-03-27 11:28:44 UTC
1) so what?

2) no it didnt

it approved the investigation to find out if wmds existed in iraq

Hans blix reported to the UN on his investigation 14th feb 2003 - he also reported he had not found any and iraq was co-operating with him

the invasion of iraq started 20th march 2003- 5 weeks later

so that meant bush must have authorised that invasion 2002 before any investigation by blix AND while the UN was the sole agency who could authorise an invasion

"Then The United Nations voted on an invasion of Iraq . They approved it handily"

no they didnt

the UN has NEVER voted on any resolution permitting invading iraq, so its IMPOSSIBLE for them to approve one

in 1990 they only voted on "whatever action necessary" to force iraq out of kuwait, NOT for invading it (you may note that the UN did not specifically vote on "military action" - just any action , but thats UN speak for "military action")

THATS why the US stopped the war after they had forced iraq out of kuwait but did not continue and invade it

since 1990 the UN has NEVER voted on ANY resolution to allow ANY "military action" against iraq


(bit a blow to you dont you think?)

which part was illegal? - all of it

Bush lied to congress about the existence of wmd to get their approval (with the connivance of the UK via uk prime minister blair

Who cares if congress approved it or not? - THEY do not make things legal internationally, they only make it legal within the US, make the US responsible not the president, and allow the president to commit US forces to it)

the UN did not authourise any invasion - therefore it was illegal internationally

(you want to get educated? - read the UN resolutions prior to the invasion (especially res 1441)

In 1441 issued 8th november 2002 you will see the phrase

" the UN will remain seized of the matter" (Its para 14)

This is UN speak for "the UN will remain in control and will take any decisions regarding the situation (i.e wmd's)

That is - (under resolution 1441)

the UN will decide if wmd's exist (as a result of blix's investigations)

the UN will decide what actions will be taken (if any) as a result

the UN will decide when those actions will be taken

After blix/s report 14th feb 2003 (which said he hadnt found any and iraq was now being more co-operative) they resolved to allow him to continue with his investigation

The US/UK ignored ALL these AND resolution 1441

THEY decided wmd's existed (thus ignoring blix's investigations)

THEY decided they would invade

THEY decided they would invade 20th march

THAT made it illegal

(you should ALSO note that both russia and france (both members of the UN security council) ONLY signed resolution 1441 on the US assurance that they would NOT invade iraq until wmd's had been found there, AND there was UN approval

As a result of the invasion the word of the US is worth sh//t internationally))

which hurdles did bush fail to clear?

he failed to tell the truth to congress (i.e he lied)

(I would assume telling lies to get them to approve something is illegal in the US?

In this case how does the approval of congress stand legally, when it was only acquired by the president lying to them?)

he failed to get UN authorisation for the invasion
2016-03-28 18:15:03 UTC
Hitler's courts in Germany probably said their invasion of Poland was legal also. Bush and Co. are war criminals as was Hitler and his cronies.
2016-03-25 15:14:22 UTC
but, but "Bush LIED!!!" makes such a wonderful screeching sound.


"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

ha Ha, This doesn't get any funnier. ConsAreMentallyDeficient is voting for Hillary.
2016-03-25 15:14:56 UTC
What made it illegal is that all of the evidence that forced everyone's hands into approving of this war was fabricated by Bush, Chaney and their cabinet.
2016-07-24 19:51:33 UTC
are you on drugs? the un took a vote to invade or not and the vote was no-

no one *asked* bush to "enforce" un sanctions...........................especially the un, who wanted to give hans blix and his investigators more time...

the 1991 gulf war, was approved by the un-...----------not the 2003 invasion...

a "pre-emptive" strike, by any other name is still a first strike...

the fact remains, iraq or saddam, didn't do squat to us... and we bombed them from the air, for no reason , except for the lies that bush made up...

that congress fell for his lies... is on congress...........................who were all stunned and shocked after 9-11 and bought all the phony rhetoric, hook line and sinker...

but there were those, who voted no to the invasion------like bernie sanders, ted kennedy, and barack obama... ------who tried to be the voice of reason , logic and sanity........................and got shouted down by those seeking revenge for 9-11-

except saddam wasn't the one that attacked us...
2016-03-27 12:33:05 UTC
It was illegal, no matter what Congress said.


It was illegal because:

1. Al Qaeda attacked us, but Bush attacked Iraq.

2. Afghanistan harbored Al Qaeda, but Bush went into Iraq.

3. 9/11 was the issue, but Bush said WMD. (Which, by the way, did not exist - though, even if it did, it still had nothing to do with 9/11).

4. Our protection was what Bush should have been concerned about, but he actually wanted Saddam's head, just because his father fought Saddam in the first gulf war. The bonus was that Bush got Iraq's oil. So, it was illegal, in part, because we stole Iraq's oil.

So, questioner, what part of the war was LEGAL?
2016-03-27 06:22:47 UTC
It involved lying even if it's wasn't illegal
2016-03-26 17:42:38 UTC
I'm a conservative republican and thought the war was illegal and the Bush administration was corrupt.
2016-03-26 07:06:31 UTC
What's your question?
2016-03-25 15:35:46 UTC
Bush lied and Americans died. Proud of yourself? And yes, what makes the war illegal was the lies. Congress could not give informed consent because the facts were hidden. Face it, W was the worst in history, period.
2016-03-25 15:15:22 UTC
Their war was launched based on a campaign of outright lies.

We HANGED Bush-Cheney's Nazi predecessors after WWII for doing the exact same thing!
2016-03-27 12:41:16 UTC
I never questioned anything Bush did,I only questioned what presidents don't do when something needs to be done.
2016-03-25 18:47:23 UTC
Dubya got Barack Obama elected twice, thank you,

and you'll get another Democrat as the cherry on-top.
2016-10-24 23:17:21 UTC
the lie that there were weapons of mass destruction had clearly worked for gw and it radiated to all of america's allies... no, it wasn't illegal, but it was absolutely a disaster for all concerned...
2016-03-27 01:59:41 UTC
The UN never approved the Iraq invasion.

They approved the invasion of Afgahnisatn.
2016-03-25 22:42:06 UTC
Everyone citing that there were no WMD's (chemical) when there in fact was and they resulted in many vets suffering from the Ill effects.
2016-04-15 04:12:13 UTC
well, it's one you've never heard of... jus bellum iustum... specifically, jus ad bellum... of course, there's also jus in bello...

were you alive then? did you listen to it?

i propose that jr... was just finishing what his daddy started... also, jr... needed to bloody his hands... to prove he was as good as former presidents who wouldn't tolerate being opposed... so, instead of giving saddam time to comply, he simple invaded... he did not exhaust every option he had before he invaded... he used a pretense that his father knew (both as former head spook of the cia and vp under ron) and invaded... the old "no weapons of mass destruction" is only partially correct... there were none deployed... but, jr... knew saddam had them and that they were no threat... he was able to punish saddam, who was put in by the cia, for defying his father in desert storm/shield...
2016-03-26 06:39:14 UTC
A Demotard didn't do it. That is the reason. These people really think that simply!
2016-03-25 15:19:34 UTC
nobody ever said it was illegal. lol, it was just a really dimwitted and brainless thing to do.

costing thousands of innocent lives and money

you also had alot of naive servicemen thinking its their duty to go to iraq only ending up endangering their lives gaining nothing off of it
2016-03-27 13:14:51 UTC
Jesus told him to do it and that's all the legal we need! Now obey the Lord and stone a homosexters today!
2016-03-28 12:48:48 UTC
wasn't anything else but. didn't he just recently apologize?

like that could bring all the innocent people back too life.

he should go to the hague and stand trial,
2016-03-27 06:23:49 UTC
More than 13 years have gone since then but ive never undestood nothing on that matter
2016-03-26 06:11:26 UTC
he's a draft dodger spoiled rich white boy who hired a criminal-minded vice president and staff
2016-03-27 06:02:28 UTC
i think there's a case to be made, but that's best left to a war crimes tribunal to decide...

as for me... whether or not it was legal, i think we can all agree that it was an incredibly STUPID move.
2016-03-25 15:33:16 UTC
I think you're confusing 'illegal' with 'corrupted and stupid'
2016-03-26 09:12:20 UTC
Killing 1 million Iraqi civilians is illegal, no matter who says what.
2016-03-25 15:17:52 UTC
Hahahaha - are you STILL smarting over the goddamned mess that little piece of dog sh*t left us with?

Still need to defend W? Still need to come up with a really good reason we should have done that?
2016-03-25 20:19:08 UTC
Bush may have been a trained chimp. But at least he loved his

country and those in it. Unlike the Arab we have now.
2016-03-26 18:56:57 UTC
2016-03-25 15:15:26 UTC
Oh please, if Obama did what Bush did you guys would lynch him. Remind me again what Hillary did that was so illegal, if lying doesn't matter.
2016-03-25 15:15:38 UTC
Bush LIED to congress.
2016-03-25 16:23:10 UTC
There has been no legitimate declaration of war since 1941.
Larry Phischman
2016-03-25 15:26:50 UTC
The UN DID NOT APPROVE the invasion. Therefore the invasion was illegal.
2016-03-26 02:57:48 UTC
What the hell was the use of invading irag? All he did was break war in a peaceful country. 0% benifit to the US civilians. F*cking idiot
2016-03-25 19:03:29 UTC
Still, he LIED. I never said he did something illegal or legal, it was RUDE and HATEFUL and he is a LIAR.
2016-03-25 20:11:12 UTC
May not have been illegal

But it was unwarranted, unnecessary and immoral
. Smith
2016-03-27 08:46:36 UTC
They voted for the war based on false and misleading information.
Marina 1
2016-03-26 19:02:22 UTC
The UN did not support the Iraqi invasion.
2016-03-27 01:22:45 UTC
I hope the American Empire and NATO and EU end in flames !! Sic transit gloria mundi !!

Its time to end the American British Zionist supremacy once and for all !!
2016-03-25 15:13:56 UTC
It wasn't illegal. It was just really stupid.
2016-03-26 08:28:28 UTC

Bush was the greatest
Captain Crunk
2016-03-26 23:02:43 UTC
It was illegal and it was what gave rise to ISIS and nearly bankrupted our economy.

Thanks a lot Bush Jr.
2016-03-27 19:38:37 UTC
He failed morally and ethically. He pressured those organizations to follow him, sometimes by lying to them about the threat.
2016-03-25 15:16:15 UTC
The major Democrats of that time also approved.
2016-03-25 19:58:19 UTC
Saddam was NO threat to us. Israel was behind G.W. invading and murdering.look who was telling him there was WMDs.
2016-03-26 07:59:39 UTC
the war on Iraq is illegal and you are stupid.
2016-03-27 19:53:12 UTC
Because it was bad on lies and false information.
2016-03-25 20:05:00 UTC
Maybe the congress was behind for killing all these innocent people.
2016-03-26 19:47:35 UTC

Source (s):

You Tube,..
2016-03-25 18:02:16 UTC
This is 2016 right...
2016-03-25 15:13:25 UTC
Thanks for sharing

You forgot the part about junior & darth vadar lying through their teeth every step of the way
2016-03-27 05:25:03 UTC
sandles for shur
2016-03-27 00:40:07 UTC
He should not have done it as he inflamed the matter.
2016-03-25 15:13:17 UTC
Constitution this, constitution that. FVCK THE CONSTITUTION.
2016-03-27 07:09:05 UTC
it was
2016-03-26 17:37:26 UTC
bush was president so idk

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.