Is this country on the verge of death?
2007-06-09 07:25:17 UTC
Are we in "declining empire" mode right now like the Romans were?
22 answers:
2007-06-09 07:29:53 UTC
Heck NO!!!! you can be a defeatest but I'll just keep standing my ground like a man.

kill'm'commie for mommy!!!!
2007-06-09 14:46:29 UTC
If you are speaking of the Unites States of America as a world political entity; no, the U.S.A. (or U.S.S.A., as it will eventually become) will be around for a long time.

However, if you are referring to our nation, as it was founded and originally intended: a constitutional republic, governed by rule of law, then yes, we are going downhill. And fast.

One can argue that Rome started on the path to ruin when it stopped being a Republic and became an Empire. The Roman Senate had become so corrupt and inept that the populace welcomed a military dictatorship with open arms. In this country, democracy will be replaced by socialism, as more and more Americans willingly trade freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility for security.

Watch the politicians. How many of them are in office because they have promised that Government will be the panacea for all of our social, economic, and political woes? How many of them are now campaigning on policies which amount to "wealth redistribution", which is nothing more than the government taking money from the rich (usually the folks who have actually EARNED it) and given it to the "less fortunate" (or those who have made mistakes in their lives, and failed to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the freedoms enjoyed in this country). How many are promising "universal healthcare" which amounts to socialized medicine -- or government-run medicine? If you want to see how the government handles the medical field, go to a Veterans Administration hospital sometime.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1775.
2007-06-17 13:38:59 UTC
Yes! They have definitely peeked and peaked. Look at their health? Obesity, cancer, diabetes, and domestically it is a "motherless" country. Latch key kids. Where are the mothers? Competing with their fathers for that US $. Is the home a place of comfort? Are homecrafts extinct? If the mother stayed at home could she make good use of her time? NO, because her mother never taught her the homeskills necessary to keep a good well run home, where peace, and tranquility reigned. They stand up to eat dinner while watching TV and flipping through the trash mail.....children do not know what a 'set table' is. They throw things away that could be repaired, if they knew how, they fill the surroundings with cast off unwanted badly used 'things'.

They are frivolous and not at all frugal. The poorest of the poor makes me laugh, magazines show pictures of them, sitting in a disorderly room, apmt, with untidiness, their TV blaring away, they are poor, both in behaviour, skill and ambition. But they seem to have enough 'stuff' to make them 'Not" poor. They spend their 'hard earned' money on stupid things, buying their children the 'soft' drinks that make them softer, and buying all that junk food instead of a daily healthy cooked meal which they should all share at the same time at the 'family' table. Gone are the nurishing days. It is a beautiful country is USA, only idiotics can ruin it.....and they are.
James S
2007-06-09 14:35:51 UTC
No, the United States has just suffered a few mistakes. We have sufficient resources, despite our current balance sheet, to fall back and regroup.

Withdrawing from Iraq would probably hurt us terribly. We never should have started the war, but if we leave the country broken our international prestige will suffer for years to come.

We need to get Senators and Represenatives that believe in fiscal responsibility--no throwing money out the window for questionable social experiments and no more corporate welfare.

We need to have an American that cooperates with our foreign partners, not coerces and allienates them.

We need to pursue our national interest without trampling on those of other states.

America will be okay, as soon as we remind ourselves what it means to be American.
2007-06-13 18:06:34 UTC
The way the republicans want to hold the country is exactly the same way Rome wanted to expand! I wonder why a country like Canada seems to be in the top of nations with no need for any bloodshed! do not deny this my friends look at the surplus of their budget and let the life style of the majority of Canadians simply prove what I say! THINK PEOPLE!
2007-06-17 00:16:27 UTC
Yes we are. Every great nation in history reaches a point, where they are on the decline. Romans, Greeks, Inkas and Egyptians, you name it. I think our time is now. I think China is on the rise and has been so for some years.
2007-06-09 16:33:10 UTC
Comparing us to a country of so many years ago when empires either attacked other areas of the world or were attacked is not realistic. We are not on the verge of death and will not be unless all of western society if taken down also.
Ken C
2007-06-09 14:33:58 UTC
No. But we do have a News Media that wants us to think we are...

You have no clue how much better off you are today, than you were 40 years ago.

Think about it.

No Computer

1 car in the Family


Cancer death rate at 90%

The average retire person living below the poverty line

WW 2, Korea, Viet Nam, all started within a 24 year period. More die in 1 day fighting than 4 years in Iraq.

Heart Transplants now

Advances in tech, medicine

Expected lifespan increaces by 25%

Want me to go on?????
2007-06-14 16:37:28 UTC
You must listen too much to the media and not try to get the real truth out of the crap they are peddling.

Learn this, the media misleads, is mostly negative, and is partisan.

The awful thing is: Our kids hear this and are constantly worring because of this.

Try this, ask a kid who is over 6 years old their impression on recent news. The answers you will get are sad. They are worried, bewildered, and misled. Even their teachers are to blame. Scary.
2007-06-17 05:30:37 UTC
Redemption Within Reach for the American Empire

America is approaching a spiritual death.

Our dark cabal of Neocon leaders, several of whom have held positions of great power under Reagan, Bush I, and now Bush II, are perpetuating unrestrained expansion of the American Empire while utilizing Orwellian propaganda to convince its subjects that they are still living in the "land of the free".

America's Good Germans?

A Mercenary Society

Since the end of World War II, the U.S. power elite have done a masterful job of transforming the country into a militarized state with a permanent wartime economy. There has always been resistance to that project on the margins, but because the United States is an incredibly affluent nation -- and these policies promise continued affluence -- there is strong motivation for many to ignore the consequences of this militarization.

America Programmed for War: Cause and Solution

Fears For Free Speech

Gulf War Syndrome Paradigm Analysis

Historical analysis of the present GWS situation points to evidence that it is a calculated effort by globalist factions that have interpenetrated the United States Government over the last 30 years to:

Destroy the United States military forces in order to destroy national sovereignty of the United States.

Implement mass population destruction mandates in order to decrease population to controllable levels. INITIATIVE FOR ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER

World Population To Be Reduced by 80%


Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past

Eugenics and Engineered Wars


A Satanic Plot for a One-World Government


An Illuminati Outline of History

Complete version (much bigger) at

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Rothschild And The Protocols of Zion

Unraveling The New World Order

click here to browse the articles

UTNWO Who is Responsible for the Trouble in Your Life?

Date: Monday the 22nd of September, 2003
2007-06-14 14:49:24 UTC
yes, and just like the Romans, we will be destroyed by our own. The aclu, the environmentalist, the generation after generations that have been indoctrinated into believing that America is the cause for the worlds woes.
2007-06-09 14:29:53 UTC
Which country? There's not a lot wrong with my country other than the government's slavish devotion to the USA in defiance of the majority of its constituents.
2007-06-09 14:29:16 UTC

We have been toying with it, but I think today more than ever most of us are seeing what is going on and are beginning to try and make our leaders accountable rather than just blindly trusting them.
2007-06-09 14:28:14 UTC
We've been saying that for 20 years now. Not yet.
2007-06-09 14:28:52 UTC
Yes, unless America learns that its most dangerous enemies are those who occupy our government at the highest levels and force their removal.

In 1894, when workers became fed up with rail car manufacturer George Pullman's "welfare capitalism" (a euphemism for indentured servitude), they went on strike. Eugene Debs led a sympathy strike amongst thousands of railroad employees, whose refusal to handle Pullman cars seriously interfered with national rail traffic. President Grover Cleveland broke the strike with US Marshals and the military, leaving thirteen strikers dead and Debs in prison.

It is small wonder that so many of America's elite genuflect to Ronald Reagan and want to see his countenance emblazoned on the ten dollar bill. Reagan dropped a nuke on labor in the ongoing class war when he fired the PATCO air traffic controllers in 1981. When Reagan took office, union membership was 23%, down from its 35% peak in the 1950's. However, his withering blow greatly accelerated the precipitous decline of organized labor in the United States. By 2005 only 8% of America's private sector workforce was unionized.

Brute force, propaganda, illegal firings, and state-sponsored murder imposed by the ruling class in the United States were not enough to deter the American labor movement from its diligent efforts to improve the lot of the working class. We can thank them for the eight hour work day, an end to child labor, increased safety in the work place, higher wages, and health and retirement benefits.

Since the majority of the population is a part of the working class, a majority of people benefited from labor's gains. Sounds like a logical outcome in a nation which espouses democratic values. However, the minority in the ruling plutocracy was not pleased. Determined as they were to protect their interests, the modern day Money Changers discovered new ways to impose their economic brutality.
2007-06-09 14:56:02 UTC
No we are not but there are many propagandists out there who would love to make people believe that.
2007-06-15 20:31:47 UTC
I agree with Sweetpea, stop reading and listening to liberal rags. They are all for doom, gloom and destruction.
2007-06-09 14:58:40 UTC
very possibly

libs are so excited to redefine our institutions to suit their ever-changing morality that they forget our recipe for success.
2007-06-09 14:28:37 UTC
With liberalism and illegal aliens running amok,we will cease to exist in short time.
2007-06-09 14:30:04 UTC
if the democrats get all three branches in their grasp then yes we are very rapidly going down.
2007-06-09 14:32:06 UTC
not if we can split off the white trash conservative states so they can slip into 3rd world status with their endeavors to make the rich elite richer and everyone else poorer.
2007-06-09 14:27:55 UTC
No, not even close. Quit reading liberal rags, they are not only wrong they are depressing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.