What is the difference between a democrat bullseye and Palin's cross hairs?
2011-01-10 13:59:11 UTC
Democrats: our bullseye targets on House districts are not like Palin’s crosshair targets
Fourteen answers:
2011-01-10 14:14:49 UTC
Good point! (Although one main reason the Palin crosshairs came up was that Congresswoman Giffords had specifically pointed out the violent implications before she was attacked.)

I have yet to see any reasonable assessment that the shooter was aligned with either party. Saturday afternoon, when I mentioned having seen reports of the shooting, I was asked whether he was "a left-wing nut or a right-wing nut." I replied that it was only clear he was "a wing-nut."
2011-01-10 14:03:23 UTC
The difference is, a congresswoman was shot and since she was a Dem, anyone on the Right is a suspect. Palin was unfortunate enought to have a graphic of vulnerable Dems. If it had used thumb tacks, Dems would find a way to Demonize her.

Meanwhile, 99% of America on both sides can distinguish the context and is not offended. I highly doubt the AZ shooter even saw the graphic, and doubt even more it was an influence. I don't recall anyone taking a shot at Bush, and you libs have put plenty of cross hairs on him.
2011-01-10 15:28:07 UTC
The same difference between a war fought with a Republican president and a Democrat president. When the president is a Republican, a war is unjust and the media allege war crimes. When the president is a Democrat, a war is morally justified, the press covers up failures, and the president wins the Noble Peace Prize.
2016-10-22 05:13:01 UTC
for a similar reason they can't comprehend that Obamas' schedule is to coach the USA right into a socialistic society. He might additionally be happier if we've been finished blown communism. He hates this united states because it rather is now. He desires to alter it right into somewhat sources owned via the United international locations. the place is my data. Please see Obamas internet site on the matters. Socialism written throughout it.
2011-01-10 14:14:21 UTC
It would appear that Democrats use it in the literal context while Palin was using it to look at potential gains or weak candidates in elections. As the facts continue to poor out it looks as if the killer had a vendetta against Gifford dating back to 2007 (he even wrote her back at that time, ranting his insane ramblings)- Palin wasn't even involved in national politics back then. It would also appear he was far from a conservative- he was anti- America (burning the US flag), he was anti- Capitalism, he was anti- zionist, he was pro-illegal drugs, pro Karl Marx, Pro Hitler, anti-government. What does that mean? Well, to the average Joe it would mean that he was a left wing nut job.
2011-01-10 14:05:30 UTC
I couldn't tell from the article, it the bullseye name specific people to target? That could be a difference.

Also, bulleyes are also used with darts, carnival games, a major retailer... crosshairs are really only associated with scopes for killing things.

I know you don't like my answer, but I don't really care.
2011-01-10 14:05:49 UTC
Well, I just saw a video of Palin triumphantly killing an elk with a high-powered rifle, for one thing.
2011-01-10 14:06:34 UTC
Nothing but they hypocrites love to run their mouths.
2011-01-10 14:03:13 UTC
Only leftists can print targets on conservatives and get away with it
2011-01-10 14:04:37 UTC
Nothing. They're both meaningless.
Mark C
2011-01-10 14:05:28 UTC
None, they both connote the same thing.
2011-01-10 14:01:34 UTC
You're not a Democrat. Democrats are smart.
2011-01-10 14:01:19 UTC
Still apologizing for you teabagged messiah, I see.
2011-01-10 14:02:11 UTC
Time to RELOAD!!!

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