Do you believe Donald Trump that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you believe Donald Trump that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower?
392 answers:
2017-03-06 16:48:18 UTC
The POTUS cannot order wire taps. The Donald doesn't even know what the President can and cannot do. He is completely unqualified to be President.
2017-03-06 16:45:18 UTC
OBama, no. However, we know that the NSA has been spying on all of us, so it's certainly possible that someone was listening in on conversations coming from Trump tower.
2017-03-08 15:29:40 UTC
I believe that a wire tap was ordered on Trump tower offices because there were two requests to tap TT. The first was denied, the second a few months later was approved. This is what the New York Times reported about 6 months ago but no one thought anything about it at the time.
2017-03-07 05:19:36 UTC
why would I believe the guy who loves brietbart and info-wars?
2017-03-07 04:46:22 UTC
Can't trust anything that Trump says.
2017-03-07 00:51:25 UTC
Only if Keanu Reeves makes it a movie
daniel g
2017-03-07 02:43:58 UTC
Well, when you consider that Trump cut any ties with Trump Towers before he went into the POTUS pool, it is pointless to be bugging the towers.

The whole notion sounds like more smoke, haze, and BS to me.
2017-03-06 16:44:05 UTC
Its possible yes and I certainly wouldnt put it past him
2017-03-06 17:20:04 UTC
No, I don't. But that doesn't mean the FBI or some other agency didn't. There were rumors about Russia and the Trump campaign all during the election season. It is possible that an agency had enough evidence to give a judge reason to allow the tapping. It most likely did NOT come from the president.
2017-03-06 16:48:30 UTC
Obama did? No.

Did the FBI get a FISA warrant because they had evidence that illegal activity was taking place in the Trump Tower? Much more likely
2017-03-09 21:03:19 UTC
No, I don't.
2017-03-09 16:27:04 UTC
POTUS can not UNILATERALLY bug anyone's home or phone or business.

If it were done then it would have been done LEGALLY. Otherwise I think Trump is LYING

and it's not like it the first time that he has lied.

Trump is the boy who cried wolf. He lies so often that it's hard to believe anything from his mouth.
2017-03-08 18:01:29 UTC
I believe that Trump thinks so and I believe that Obama should have done so because, if I were President, I would always wiretap anyone as powerful as a Billionaire. However, I am afraid that Obama really did not do so, simply because Obama was generally remiss about such things. I should imagine that Trump, being more or less more along my lines in such matters, would be likelier to wiretap powerful people. I also think that Legalities need have very little to do with National Security, and it is preferable to be practical.
2017-03-08 08:17:35 UTC
I believe the plump chump Porky Donald duck-lips tRUMP is either delusional or demented; either way, he's bound to get carried out of the WH kicking and screaming in a strait jacket, probably custom-made to resemble a tuxedo.

ALL the existing governments in the world spy on its citizenry; that's how they catch plotters and criminals. The plump chump is worried that his conversations with Russian diplomats (or Russian blackmailers) may have been overheard; but he has no evidence or proof whatsoever other than his overactive mind.

He's also trying to divert attention away from those insisting in seeing his tax forms; he MUST be hiding some really juicy stuff... probably his business dealings with Russia, which he has repeatedly denied.

One thing is certain, tRUMP wants Americans to buy American made products and wants us to hire American workers... but he hasn't brought back to America ONE solitary product of the hundreds (thousands?) he has foreign manufacturing companies making in foreign nations, paying slave wages to foreign workers, mostly women and children.
2017-03-08 04:24:35 UTC
I like to take everything anybody says to consideration. this is no exception. but with his past accusations, I give him not a lot of credibility and therefor dont believe him. especially when he has not provided evidence to support his claim
2017-03-07 16:18:53 UTC
This is aggrevious behavior and indeed odumber is capable
2017-03-06 16:41:29 UTC
it's a possibility.
2017-03-10 17:17:25 UTC
I don't care but it is not proper or fair Nothing is really fair anyways.
2017-03-10 04:16:05 UTC
No, if he did he had good reasons. He is not one to stoop that low as to wiretap a nominee/president elect without probable cause.
2017-03-10 01:14:05 UTC
2017-03-09 05:23:49 UTC
Don't believe Trump
2017-03-09 03:01:01 UTC
It's a strategic move to distract the media and public from the increasingly alarming evidence of his pre-election involvement with the Russians. Think of it as the political version of a magicians "redirect"
2017-03-09 02:06:45 UTC
2017-03-08 20:24:56 UTC
2017-03-08 11:51:50 UTC
2017-03-08 10:36:53 UTC
2017-03-07 21:09:15 UTC
IMO - I believe that since MR. Trump has been in office all attention has fallen on him and then his demands for further focus, investigation, whatever. Meanwhile, who is minding the store? Wiretaps now? smh....

I am not saying that any of this is true or untrue. Whatever. I am saying this - Mr. Trump, US Govt., anyone else who is responsible for all of our well being - you have a big chance to turn opinion of you, what you do, and your ability to do it into a big fat positive - TAKE HOLD OF THIS HOT MESS, FIX IT, AND LETS GET BACK TO WHAT IS IMPORTANT - The USA and all those who are looking to you for guidance, proteciton, care and comfort. - PLEASE!
2017-03-07 21:03:50 UTC
not likely
2017-03-07 20:57:52 UTC
Yes, Obama has wiretapped Trump Towers.
2017-03-07 05:49:16 UTC
Yeah! How else would they have figured out that he was in cahoots with the Russians?
2017-03-07 02:10:09 UTC
It is in fact very difficult to find and example in history where a government that could abuse its power failed to do so. So yes, Obama may have wiretapped Trump Tower, the challenge is in proving so.
2017-03-07 01:23:33 UTC
no It is just another way of deflecting from the "Russian" connection.
Linda R
2017-03-06 21:13:10 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! The creator, of Wikileaks, ALREADY has the proof.
2017-04-05 02:35:12 UTC
yeah! how else would they have figured out that he was in cahoots with the russians?
2017-03-12 10:49:40 UTC
i wouldn't believe trump if he said the sky was blue...
2017-03-11 21:40:59 UTC
2017-03-10 05:45:46 UTC
Not the Obama's.

But,is my believe ,that Clintons might be.

There is not more and better hackers than the wiki leaks.

the government is practically legal,

but wiki leaks are 100 per cent criminal activities. (My opinion)
2017-03-09 03:53:42 UTC
I think trump should shut his mouth.
2017-03-08 23:47:51 UTC
I am for Trump and here's what I say: You can't really trust any politician nowadays. It is hard to find the real ones, if there are any. I'm not saying Trump's claim is true, but I'm not saying Obama was involved either. We will probably never know the complete truth of that situation.
2017-03-08 21:14:16 UTC
No because Trump tweets us everything that we needed to know - really use your brains people. He's telling us mostly everything. This guy is like a slut who can't keep her legs closed. Whenever she see something that walks she'd ride it like no tomorrow..cow, dog, horse, pig, and republicans? ANYTHING!

Comparing Obama to Trump is like comparing a classy woman to a slut. Now YOU tell me... do you think classy folks would put themselves out there like some attention whore? You don't see Obama responding to tweets at 2 am or later..right? What Trump is doing is nothing different than some youtube content creators focusing on showing their cleavage to the audience. Then there will be some idjits who will sub just to fap to that but who benefits? The creator! lol
2017-03-08 19:42:18 UTC
Gerry G
2017-03-08 16:50:15 UTC
I do not disbelieve him.
2017-03-08 15:00:42 UTC
this man is so full of hatred and venom I find it difficult to believe any thing he says.
2017-03-08 03:25:21 UTC
About as much as I believe that his inauguration crowd was largest in history or that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy or that 1000's of Muslims in New Jersey were in the streets celebrating 9/11 attacks. As much as I believe he has a "good brain". Grandpa Donnie needs to be kept busy and away from the Twitter account and far from the office of POTUS as possible. He is a clear and present danger to this country and should be removed, dead or alive.
2017-03-07 22:32:42 UTC
Hell no trump lies alot no credibility
2017-03-07 20:36:21 UTC
I don't believe anything Trump says.

For the next three years and nine months (assuming he lasts that long), I'll just relax and enjoy "The Greatest Show of Narcissism" the world has even seen.
2017-03-07 19:13:03 UTC
Yes I believe Mr, Trump. Mr. Trump would never never never lie.
2017-03-07 18:55:13 UTC
I guarantee that this did indeed happen and it will be proven. Just wait
2017-03-07 18:54:02 UTC
Why would I beleive anything that our politicians say these days?
john hard hat
2017-03-07 15:41:03 UTC
2017-03-07 07:02:15 UTC
its possible, they really want trump out so if they did he could be fked, or just to bring him fear and to mess with his mind
2017-03-07 01:57:32 UTC
It could be very possible. Obama has always been corrupt, but manages to keep it on the low... Democrats favorite word "Deny, Deny, Deny"
2017-03-06 19:08:34 UTC
For sure
2017-03-12 16:18:28 UTC
He says everything on twitter lol
2017-03-09 21:07:10 UTC
2017-03-09 13:36:24 UTC
Right now, I don't. (Innocent until proven guilty)

But lets see what evidence there is of this, if any.
Carol B
2017-03-09 05:11:28 UTC
No. I believe his collusion with the Russians throughout the campaign and continued involvement during his new presidency makes him paranoid.
2017-03-08 21:06:58 UTC
There were properly warranted taps on some of his aides. Obama was not involved.
2017-03-08 19:50:44 UTC
2017-03-08 11:54:09 UTC
2017-03-07 23:39:14 UTC
Um, I would wire tap the f-ucker if I could as well, like, is anyone waking up and realizing just the extremely dumb fact that we should be wiretapping this clown? Really, really, this IS A GOOD IDEA, I know you know I need say no more, like, very duh moment here. Wire tap Trump. Thank you CIA. Get him gone, thanks. - A concerned American
2017-03-07 23:13:15 UTC
Yes, all the three digit branches of government spy on the White House. This is common knowledge.
2017-03-07 21:57:50 UTC
Definately Not* Why would Obama want or need to do that? Trump just being himself...anyway to get ppl to hate on each other...I wouldn't have been surprised tho if you had asked do you think Trump wire tapped Obama? i would have said Probably Yeppers*......but NOT Obama wire tapping trump tower* that's just ludacris* (My Opinion)
2017-03-07 17:13:37 UTC
Yeah.Probably who knows. I wouldnt be surprised.
Tad Dubious
2017-03-07 15:33:03 UTC
No, Tyler, I do not.
2017-03-07 14:29:51 UTC
No. Trump accused Obama based on what he he heard from some B.S propaganda source.
2017-03-07 12:45:51 UTC
No. Why would I?
2017-03-07 12:22:13 UTC
With modern technology, there's no need to connect to a wire. Cell phones, smart phones, have radio transmitters inside, and radio waves are extremely easy to pick up. Computers are also easy to hack without wiretapping.
2017-03-07 06:08:43 UTC
Yes I Do
2017-03-07 02:34:07 UTC
Yes. General Michael Flynn was in Trump Tower when the Obama administration tapped his phone calls. Need I say more......
2017-03-07 02:21:22 UTC
Im a supporter, not really

But what if he was b.s ing but it turned out to be true
2017-03-06 17:31:00 UTC
If he is able to provide any evidence of it.
2017-03-10 18:09:44 UTC
I believe it may be possible.
pammy K
2017-03-09 22:14:05 UTC
Donald Trump does not speak without concrete evidence. What the liberals have yet to figure out is this man did NOT need all your pain in the buns headaches! Watch the swamp drain! This is God's agenda and ain't nothing the left wing liberals can do about it. PERIOD end of story!
2017-03-09 14:50:20 UTC
What kind of people would vote for someone who sees conspiracies everywhere? The American people are wise. Therefore, if Trump were that kind of person, they wouldn't have voted for him.
2017-03-08 21:23:40 UTC
I believe that Obama used Professional "Hackers" to get information on Trump and certain residents of Trump Tower. I also believe that funds Obama got for backing Hillary are being used to organize and support demonstrations to try and show that Trump is not receiving the overall support of the American. I think it is just a matter of time when the $$$ sources of Trumps opponents are linked and exposed. Throughout his whole career Obama is a Pawn of the Chicago Mafia.
2017-03-08 20:26:59 UTC
yes! Just look at the New Your Times where they show how Trump's team was in crisis status..they even mention that the information was obtained by sources---those xbama hold-outs working for xbama and the Demos to destroy Trump. In a recent interview, a guest stated that the Demos and their god were out to destroy Trump and even venture to put him in prison. Think about how they took out the General Trump had selected for his cabinet? How have the conversations Trump has had with world leaders make it on the news? Wiretaps. Do you recall that insider in the Demo team whom was discovered he was releasing info to the news and found dead yet none of his personal info was stolen? He still had his wallet but killed.
2017-03-08 14:51:25 UTC
Personally no of course. As part of his administration directly probably no. As part of some other supposed investigation probably yes. Now a tweet is not policy nor is it official. It is the personal opinion of the president, as such it is covered by the first amendment and not to be judges as something other than an opinion which of course is never a lie.
2017-03-08 06:08:51 UTC
2017-03-08 04:55:34 UTC
Without any evidence Trumps claims are not worthy of consideration.
2017-03-08 03:38:57 UTC
Of course, most everybody is wiretapped, hacked and compromised by everybody else.
2017-03-08 01:23:47 UTC
The Donald has a bug all right-it's up his A$$
2017-03-07 21:24:01 UTC
they went from Trump is crazy to it wasn;t him we were after in 2 days
cross-stitch kelly
2017-03-07 16:44:43 UTC
Not at all. The source Breitbart used was a British woman who is known for following conspiracy theories, and even she didn't go as far as Trump is. She said Trump's campaign was being wiretapped because they were being investigated in relation to their contacts with Russia. She never said it was illegal, she never said it was by Obama, and she never said it happened at Trump Tower. She isn't even pro-Trump! She intended to point out that Trump's contacts with Russia are so bad that a federal judge authorized the use of wiretapping! But Breitbart slanted her article to show that the feds were wiretapping Trump illegally, instead--they used the same sources she cited, but intentionally missed the whole point of the article.
2017-03-07 16:07:58 UTC
The New York Times wrote a front page story on Jan 20th that Trump Tower was wiretapped
2017-03-07 11:27:19 UTC
Yes I believe that Obama could do this since he was scared to death that Trump would be elected , he was rallying to get Hillary elected , this was never seen by any president before he seems to be hiding some secrets!
2017-03-07 11:16:44 UTC
Let me tell you something, if you were in Obama's position. You see this reckless, oblivious, and uncivilized orange trying to take office. Trump has no flipping clue how to run the White House politically, he's a businessman. Obviously he has to have an end game. Do I personally believe that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower? I mean I guess it's possible.I'm doing all my research and Trump doesn't even have evidence or a freaking reason why he posted the twitter post. Like cmon.
Common Sense
2017-03-07 05:26:31 UTC
He said, she said, you always, I never......blah, blah, blah.

I am so fed up with having to hear all of this news shoved down my throat every time I turn to the media. No one ever tells the truth and as powerful as the government is, it is impossible to ever know the whole truth and nothing but the truth because they are all a bunch of dishonest, self absorbed power hungry people. Every politician, regardless if they are Democrats or Republicans. It is exhausting to have topics beaten to death and still never know exactly what or who to believe. It is never clear which side the media presents the honest truth.

Therefore, I have no idea what or who to believe. Because, in the end, it is more than likely that politicians never seem to fully suffer the consequences of their actions because they protect one another's butts to save their own.
2017-03-07 04:24:42 UTC
yes - Obama is leading the shadow government along with all the other Alinsky robots
2017-03-07 04:09:11 UTC
Obama and his camel Clyde are on the way to the big house.
Mr. Wizard
2017-03-06 21:22:06 UTC
Put it this way: The LIBERAL DEMOCRAT SUPPORTIVE MEDIA, are making great, but futile, efforts in portrayal of Trump as someone out of control; THAT's being done with Hillary and Obama's blessings. And it is that socialist propagandist strategy that was discussed by those "closed door Democrat strategy meetings" Obama held days before stepping down as POTUS.

In his 8 POTUS years, Obama has brazenly bent ( FEDERAL ) ethics rules, laws and procedurals to attain whatever agenda goal he sought....and his supportive global TV and print media cover up team shielded him from public scorn.

Recently Trump fired ex CIA chief Michael Hayden bared his understandable resentment against Trump, saying how Trump briefly "forgot" he was President. Hayden went on to say that president Obama would have to present a case of probable cause to a judge--who THEN gives Obama approval for the wiretap work.

Obama hired one of his best friends, Eric Holder, to lead Dept. of Justice. Obama appointed Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan ( who has NO attorney bar license ) as SCOTUS Justices; both are very dear friends of the Obama family. Oh, and Obama breezed Loretta Lynch's appointment approval for U.S. Attorney General.

And with all of that---you really think Obama couldn't secure a LEGAL authorization for wiretapping---and go one better, using Executorial Privilege--to TOP SECRET CLASSIFY the wiretap job on Trump Tower??

Uh, YES---Obama could---and we'll likely never know he did.....but I bet President Trump DOES HAVE some evidence proving such. And this is where things get kinda fun here......

Do note how the LIBERAL supportive media outlets, MSNBC and CNN, clearly sound unsure that Trump has ANY evidence to substantiate his claims. Before becoming President, Trump was---and is---a multi BILLIONAIRE; you don't become one by being stupid or legally reckless.

President Trump has well proven how well he keeps his political cards---and SECRETS---close to the vest; it's made Obama uneasy in early 2016 for a good reason. It's recklessly foolish to call President Trump's bluff.

So yes, I DO believe Obama used Executorial Privileges to have Trump Tower listened in on.
Repon Rana
2017-03-10 04:11:09 UTC
If Trump is correct and Obama did in fact order a wiretap of the Trump Tower, Obama was actively seeking to impair the Trump campaign and outside are giving Donald Trump a lot of grief and a lot of problems. You won't believe which JEW got the idea to use Trump for his own means.
2017-03-10 02:17:28 UTC
Because Obama cares about what happens to Donald Trump
2017-03-09 23:17:09 UTC
Wag the dog
2017-03-09 14:17:26 UTC
yes. here is why.
2017-03-09 05:39:48 UTC
I dont think Obama would have done something like that
2017-03-09 01:47:49 UTC
2017-03-08 22:31:15 UTC
I believe so
Steve B
2017-03-08 19:12:30 UTC
#DonTheCon needs to provide all the information that he knows. If there is any.

Otherwise, it is alternate news.
2017-03-08 06:09:52 UTC
Yes, I heard that Obama was there himself, splicing wires with a pair of dykes.

At least that's what they are saying on the Internet,

same place that Trump gets all of his classified information.
2017-03-08 05:42:59 UTC
No way. Putin did that once and got a video of hookers peeing on him. I bet nobody wanted to know anymore than that.
2017-03-07 23:25:37 UTC
Odumber is a shitbag, disgrace to america. I belive he did.
2017-03-07 22:40:16 UTC
2017-03-07 19:55:48 UTC
good grief no.
2017-03-07 16:25:01 UTC
Obama has tappo el-wire-o el-building-o of Donald Trumpo from his secreto homeo behindo the wallio. You feel me, ese?

Daddy Trumpo can't do el-anything excepto eating my Taco.
2017-03-07 05:45:43 UTC
2017-03-07 03:49:15 UTC
You would think if there was nothing to this, the liberal media and the Democrat leaders would be demanding a full investigation just to prove how foolish Trump's tweet was...however, the Democrat leaders are opposing any investigation into the illegal surveillance of an American citizen by Obama's administration, and the liberal media are avoiding reporting the issue.
2017-03-07 01:25:25 UTC
No I don't believe without seeing some proof
2017-03-06 21:57:47 UTC
AFFIRMATIVE ! ! ! ! ! !
2017-03-06 17:27:40 UTC
A warrant was issued, Trump was wiretapped, and the obongo administration found nothing.
2017-03-06 16:44:29 UTC
Not until we get some evidence. You see, if Trump Tower was bugged as part of an FBI investigation or under a FISA warrant, it wasn't Obama who did it. You would have to prove that Obama personally ordered his staff to violate the law.
Uuu Duhhh
2017-03-10 22:29:43 UTC
Yes Obama is untrustworthy
Little Ms Sunshine
2017-03-10 21:22:52 UTC
No, and I don't think Trump believes it either. But, he's an expert at casting the net away from himself.

He's in cahoots with Putin - the man he most admires for getting rich by being president. He plans to emulate him.
2017-03-10 06:27:21 UTC
Without a doubt!
2017-03-10 02:02:21 UTC
Someone needs to take his Twitter away!
Lilly Fuller
2017-03-09 19:23:38 UTC
Definitely.. Obama is not the little goody two shoes that he likes to portray and he definitely has a grudge.. spoiled brat!!
2017-03-09 14:34:39 UTC
2017-03-09 11:09:22 UTC
2017-03-09 04:35:20 UTC
I definitely wouldnt be surprised if Obama did that. Crazy as$.
2017-03-08 18:10:39 UTC
"lock the Donald up"
2017-03-08 07:18:06 UTC
It is possible... we can't judge politics
2017-03-08 06:03:14 UTC
Well, it's been legal for the president or anyone with high enough clearance to wiretap others as they see fit.

Other world leaders have been spied on for a while now. It's nothing new. The American people have also had their data collected.

Why should Donald Trump be any different? On the contrary - they SHOULD wiretap the presidential candidates. Even Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and anyone else running to be the president of the U.S.

2017-03-08 03:37:25 UTC
I put NOTHING past the govt.
2017-03-08 02:53:16 UTC
100% did
2017-03-07 17:42:18 UTC
Did it all himself in 9 days.
John Malakpa
2017-03-07 07:55:52 UTC
do you believe donad trump that Obama wiretapped trump tower?
2017-03-07 04:27:29 UTC
No. That's coming from the mouth of a white supremacist. A white supremacist is a pathological liar by nature. The problem is, the white supremacist civilians believe everything that head white supremacist say. That's just how mentally retarded they are. Trump can say that Obama is an alien and other white supremacists across America will believe hook line and sinker. They'll be calling him an alien n**ger.
Mir Quasem
2017-03-07 03:19:03 UTC
Trump and his associates are clever enough--it is not possible.
Kitty 2
2017-03-07 03:09:48 UTC
Yes for sure.
2017-03-06 21:53:52 UTC
I think Trump believers are useful idiots. Republicans, the FBI and the NSA don't believe Obama wiretapped Trump illegally. The ONLY people who do believe this nonsense are some uneducated imbecile Republican voters who are too thin skinned to accept that they voted for an insane megalomaniac for president. Most decent Republicans I've spoken to think Trump is going off the deep end. Trump better PRAY Obama didn't tap him. Because if he did this means a FISA Court found evidence of espionage and treason coming from him and his cronies.
2017-03-06 16:51:04 UTC
I will wait for the report on the investigation. It is not wise to jump to conclusions.
2017-03-11 20:06:44 UTC
that would be a mistake believing trump on anything
2017-03-09 23:31:23 UTC
Isn't it funny (NOT) How Trump just hates all the "fake" news and yet lookiy here at what he's doing himself big hypocrit
2017-03-09 20:34:26 UTC
I don't know. Don't really care. I don`t find politics that interesting anymore because of Trump.
2017-03-09 00:15:15 UTC
i belive that
2017-03-08 23:24:08 UTC
2017-03-08 20:49:50 UTC
Trump is a clown in a suit.
2017-03-08 19:45:06 UTC
I would not put it past him and his admin they were desperate to try to keep power !!!!
2017-03-08 18:44:27 UTC
SOME BODY did ...My guess Hillary had something to do with it. That is POLITICS FOR YOU
2017-03-08 18:19:04 UTC
Erm, actually I don't know about that. If it was Obama, I think it may have been one of one people. Scott Baio probably. Scott Baio looks like a tree that was buzz sawed down into logs and then drew a face on the log like Plank in Ed, Edd, and, Eddy. Like, I also think he's the physical embodiment of a squashed cockroach. Like seriously dude I don't understand how he's still a person. I'm all twisted up inside. But, yeah he's basically one of the worst people I've ever met in my life. UGH! He's even worse than the old man across the street. Last year when kids came to his door for trick or treat, he opened the door and gave them a card saying he donated $1,000 to charity in their honor. WHAT THE ACTUAL, LITERAL, H.E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS. But Scott Baio is even worse than that. He probably would open the door on Halloween and just like give everyone a basket of guns and ammunition, with a bald eagle singing the f*cking national anthem. Anyways, yeah we're all gonna be screwed anyways. Mostly because our orange trash bag of a president is to up his own *** to even function as a f*cking human being. Every time he tweets, California drifts a little bit further from America. Soon the oceans are going to be so polluted that not even Dick Cheney would want to swim in there, and he's a dirty long necked llama with a static balloon for a heart. Okay so I gotta go solve the worlds problems, so IM OUT LIKE THE ICE CAPS DUE TO GLOBAL WARMING. LMAO XXXXXDDDDDDD
2017-03-08 07:17:15 UTC
No, that's ridiculous.
2017-03-08 06:30:57 UTC
Oh yes. I wouldn't put it past Obama and his currupted empire.
2017-03-08 04:29:41 UTC
LOL no, this guy lies and lies and lies.

The only people who believe him are his loyal Trumptards fanatics.
2017-03-08 03:41:40 UTC
2017-03-08 03:00:19 UTC
I believe everything Trump says. He's the only honest American left.
2017-03-08 02:23:41 UTC
He tried chicken wire by didn't work
2017-03-07 21:54:26 UTC
Nope, absolutely not. Non, no, not true. Propaganda begets paranoia, paranoia triggers seeing and hearing, believing and fearing strange things. His mind never shuts down, always making up and maybe believing, what he says or maybe just saying it to see it's effects on people. Who knows?
shirley b
2017-03-07 19:10:17 UTC

2017-03-07 09:32:11 UTC
Yes I do!! Obama was the most corrupt President we ever had and these Libtards just worshipped him!
Alex H.
2017-03-07 06:58:24 UTC
2017-03-07 01:06:13 UTC
Considering a member of the obama administration has admitted that they tapped President Trump's telephone we have all the evidence we need.
2017-03-10 06:50:03 UTC
k w
2017-03-09 17:28:48 UTC
I believe he believes it, and that ol mushmouth slacker sure could have, and wasting time on agencies is just a waste of time, nobody said justice or anyone else had to do it. could have been pvt party......I'm not losin sleep over it either.....yawn......
2017-03-09 17:11:30 UTC
no way
2017-03-09 16:30:58 UTC
2017-03-09 12:57:41 UTC
2017-03-08 16:19:18 UTC
2017-03-08 15:27:43 UTC
Where are Hillary's 30,000 missing emails??
2017-03-08 03:12:48 UTC
2017-03-08 03:07:13 UTC
2017-03-07 20:05:04 UTC
No as the about of conspiracy theories have been coming out from #45 twitter account. The man is a real public basket case / melt down happening. Any one else, a MIW , mental inquest warrant ,would be asked to the court by concern parties.
Tom S
2017-03-07 19:18:57 UTC
No, and this type of slander could cost him the White House.
2017-03-07 19:07:46 UTC
He did it to Angela Merkel
2017-03-07 18:15:59 UTC
2017-03-07 07:46:18 UTC
2017-03-07 05:25:56 UTC
2017-03-07 04:29:37 UTC
Yes. If he tapped Angela Merkel's phone, denied it, then admitted it and apologized, it is a pretty good bet that he wiretapped Trump Tower too. There are an awful lot of Obama supporters in the "intelligence agencies" in Washington who are rotten to the core, just like Obama himself, and would do anything they could to bring down Trump. Anything that comes out of the mouths of the liberal left is a lie anyway.
2017-03-06 22:28:37 UTC
Looking at the souse of the information so far. I would rate this at 50% chance He did or had others under him do. There was a wire tap it seems. What it was for is the question. What did they pass on to who?
2017-03-06 20:31:05 UTC
This guy has made it impossible to believe anything he says or tweets...
2017-03-06 19:42:47 UTC
if you have the usual empty democrat skull it is a foreign language
2017-03-06 17:06:31 UTC
Yes, obama would use and and all dirty tricks he can to cripple America
2017-03-09 03:38:12 UTC
Don't put it pass BO since Merkel & other world Leaders were Wire Tapped by BO.

The meeting that session had with the Russian ambassador were set up by BO. The first in a group setting of Senators & Foreign Delegate. The second as was in a Senate Arms Service Committee in the presence of Members & Staff in the Senate Arms Service Committee.

If Session & Flynn were colluding then Lynch, Comey, & Clapper will be All over the Trump Campaign with charges. What exactly did Flynn Talked about?, it seems that the wire tapper/leaker could only leak Flynn meeting with the Russian Ambassador because the conversation didn't involve collusion. But the meeting make it appear there's collusion so every hostile media & BO operatives ran with that to undermine the New Administration.

Pelosi & McCaskill lied about meeting with Russian ambassador. The Past 8 years BO's administration & the (D) Senators have been cozying up with Russia which is why Clinton influence allowed the Russian Government to Purchase a U.S. Uranium Mine.

Clapper lied under oath about the NSA gathering data (wire tapping) private citizens which he had to apologize after Snowden reveal that the NSA was Tapping intelligence on private U.S. Citizens. At whose request did the NSA acted upon Intelligence gathering on private U.S. Citizens. Why didn't Schumer, Pelosi, McCaskil, & the whole (D) Congress asked for Clappers Resignation.
Bob J
2017-03-08 18:11:49 UTC
No, Trumps just using it to distract the public from his failures
2017-03-08 08:29:50 UTC
2017-03-08 08:24:19 UTC
2017-03-08 07:13:33 UTC
Honestly speaking and to be frank with you, I have got any such rumor so far.
2017-03-08 03:45:51 UTC
2017-03-08 01:01:14 UTC
Trump is just paranoid nothing happened
2017-03-07 21:55:02 UTC
Yes the democrats cant play fair
Dave E
2017-03-07 21:39:40 UTC
2017-03-07 19:34:51 UTC
Probably was wiretapping the Russians and the idiots decided to call them.
2017-03-07 16:52:49 UTC
probably its a half truth as usual. Its a big building . likely a judge ordered a security tap on some office . I bet there was no tap on trump and the tap was not ordered by Obama.
2017-03-07 14:47:38 UTC
"Obama" did not wiretap the Trump Tower, but did he know about it? Absolutely. And I think that it is silly to suggest that he did not considering that it's HIS Justice Dept that did it.
2017-03-07 13:54:04 UTC
No, but that does not mean he was not wiretapped by the DOJ which implies he is being investigated for criminal behavior. He might also be wiretapped by the Russians IF he actually does have ties to them. People in positions of power should expect to be wiretapped. I am not saying it is right, I am simply saying that wiretapping is cheap, easy to accomplish and is being abused between everyday citizens on a daily basis. Look around and ask questions and you will discover that someone in your place of employment has monitored your private emails, they will leave a cell phone lying around that is already dialed into. They will leave their laptop camera and microphone on. They will install malware on your computer, laptop or phone if you leave your screen open in order to remotely control your camera and microphone. Often it is an office prank or prank by a relative or friend but it has SERIOUS implications. Samdung is already renowned for making the TV that had a built in camera that was not clearly marketed to the public and it was reported to be hacked if you connected to your TV to the Internet. People in Russia, China and India were monitoring U.S. citizens in the privacy of their homes due to Samdung incompetence. Trump is a HUGE SUPPORTER of H1B visas even though he RAN ON a campaign to END the George H.W. Bush H1B visa legislation in order to put a stop to the rapid decline in IT salaries and the increase in IT jobs being replaced by H1B visas. Where are the H1B visa employees coming from? Russia, China and India. Which companies like Yahoo are being hacked to gain access with what amounts to illegal wiretaps? The companies that HIRE H1B VISAS. You get what you pay for. You hire cheap H1B visas you get hacked by Russian, Chinese and Indian operatives that were WILLINGLY placed into our biggest information companies in order to save a nickel and increase the already artificially inflated stock prices. IF Trump is being wiretapped - well then WELCOME TO THE CLUB!
2017-03-07 13:46:33 UTC
All I know is what I read in the papers.
2017-03-07 13:29:10 UTC
Would not surprise me in the least.
2017-03-07 12:23:33 UTC
Funny how lefty idiots believe the must preposterous nonsense about Trump without a shred of proof, but they hold Trump to an unbelieveably high standard when it comes to an allegation concerning Obama.
2017-03-07 11:40:43 UTC
HELL NO!!!!! Only anyone who's smart enough will TOTALLY HATE HIM, and that's A DAMN F**KING FACT!!!
2017-03-07 06:51:55 UTC
If it were true he would provide evidence now. The is a Dingaling. Hahaha
Nick Danger
2017-03-06 23:05:43 UTC
If someone suggested it happened, then it happened.
2017-03-06 22:45:26 UTC
2017-03-10 20:35:55 UTC
2017-03-09 17:03:00 UTC
Why the hell would he WANT to? Donald Trump is an idiot. Even now, it's well known that Obama tells Michelle to change the channel when Trump comes on TV. The idiot is everywhere...even before the superbowl!
2017-03-09 13:18:27 UTC
It's pretty much proven.
2017-03-09 02:13:39 UTC
No, the Donald hears the voices in his head and thinks they are real.
2017-03-08 18:50:38 UTC
2017-03-08 13:40:27 UTC
2017-03-08 13:33:23 UTC
its possible that he hacked trumps line i don't 100% know if it happened and i don't 100% know if it didn't happen.
Nosmo King
2017-03-08 13:28:50 UTC
I don't believe anything Donald Trump says. If he told me it was raining I would have to go outside and check first before I believed him.
spot a
2017-03-08 11:30:53 UTC
I believe that Donald Trump probably dreamed about a wiretap then woke up and tweeted about it right away without checking. This is Fake News and he blames everyone else for transmitting that then he does it himself. Same thing with his tweet about Sweden
2017-03-08 03:16:18 UTC
Definitely. Trump never lies
2017-03-07 19:33:46 UTC
Obama proved he would do anything to subvert our country.
2017-03-07 16:09:55 UTC
2017-03-07 13:14:43 UTC
nope, he is lying.
2017-03-07 11:27:26 UTC
I believe the Obama administration misused the FISA courts to spy on Trump and people around him on his campaign team.
2017-03-07 02:41:42 UTC
Yes. Obama never let laws stop him from his goals nor do his ordinary supporters or his law breaking leakers to his leftists friends in the press.
2017-03-07 02:20:36 UTC
No this is fake news which sometimes pronounced "fox" news.
2017-03-06 20:28:28 UTC
I believe Obama ordered the FBI to do so... I would not put it past him one little bit and what's more I bet it was Hillary's idea because I bet she realised that she was going to lose but she wasn't about to back down without a fight (on principal)
2017-03-06 17:41:43 UTC
We know it was leading up to and after the election. The only questions are, by who and on what grounds. Considering there still hasn't been released Russian Trump connections, it begs the question was there enough for a warrant?
2017-03-06 16:57:59 UTC
No, and I think he should be impeached for suggesting it then put in a mental institution for life
2017-03-06 16:57:17 UTC
2017-03-10 20:18:50 UTC
Without a doubt
2017-03-09 14:32:05 UTC
Yes, Obama deserves death penalty for treason.
2017-03-09 07:35:05 UTC
2017-03-08 22:17:14 UTC
Of course! The Obama administration, the media and the left in general is CORRUPT as a Somali politician
2017-03-08 15:38:38 UTC
Where DID the transcripts of Trump's conversations come from if he wasn't hacked? The NYT & WaPo says they have transcripts. So are the Media lying about having the transcripts? If so, this shows that the hacking was done and released by someone. If released, that for sure is a crime.

If there are no transcripts then where is the evidence that Trump made deals with the Russians? As noted by Wikileaks, the CIA and other alphebet agencies are able to hack and leave incriminating fingerprints of someone else. (Russia, China for example).
You Know . . .
2017-03-07 22:44:29 UTC
No, ah yes, ah no, not real news?
2017-03-07 22:33:18 UTC
I'm a Trump supporter but NO I do not believe Obama wiretapped Trump Towers!
2017-03-07 22:18:08 UTC
No - and I think it is one of the more ridiculous assertions by current President, who obviously hasn't a clue as to how he is to do the job he was elected to do.
2017-03-07 19:12:48 UTC
This man is coming from the man who said that global warming was a hoax by the Chinese, I wouldn't believe anything that came out of the cheeto man's mouth regarding important issues is I were you.
2017-03-07 19:11:43 UTC
Weasel McWeasel
2017-03-07 04:59:01 UTC
Trump is an imbecile who got that "info" from a Brietbart article, who stole it off a right wing radio blog show, who just made it up off the top of their heads, with ZERO proof.

That's his source.

he might as well have just said.......".magical elves in the Rose Garden just told me.....................

blah blah blah.............."
The Mad Guesser
2017-03-07 03:57:01 UTC
Obama would learn much more by wiretapping the local nursery school than he would with Trump Tower.
2017-03-07 01:49:00 UTC
Definitey not. That's stupid.
2017-03-07 01:13:19 UTC
wouldn't be surprised because Liberals are insecure.
2017-03-07 01:12:38 UTC
Nah unlikely. If there was a wiretap it would have been from somebody else I'm betting. Probably NAACP or ACLU would have done something like this.
2017-03-06 22:52:18 UTC
No. things were bugged since 9/11, long before Trump took office.
2017-03-06 20:37:43 UTC
Its possible but you can never trust the media
2017-03-06 18:17:18 UTC
Yes from what I have read by whistleblowers. Obama is really beneath contempt. In mid-December he signed a bunch of bills designed to stop Mr. Trump from smoothly proceeding with his agenda. Thats what this is about.
2017-03-06 16:52:20 UTC
It is very possible, that, not directly, but through other people, yes. But dems will play the semantics games and say Trump is off his meds and/or lying.
2017-03-06 16:43:47 UTC
Obama got penetrated by Michelle's 12 inch cock last night
2017-03-28 18:48:41 UTC
yeah! how else would they have figured out that he was in cahoots with the russians?
2017-03-08 22:41:02 UTC
No, there is no evidence that Obama has done any of this.
2017-03-08 22:14:30 UTC

Trup is nuts.
2017-03-08 13:19:00 UTC
If you think about it, everything is already wiretapped, with how our smartphones track our locations and how we can be watched and listened in on through the microphones and cameras of them. That's the result of the government basically giving themselves FISA warrants to do so. It's just that the government is not allowed to look at the information for certain purposes, which is what Trump is accusing Obama of having done. As for the phones in Trump Tower, it's not hard to listen in on landlines or digital phones (i.e. Time Warner). With all of the features that a provider like Time Warner provides (caller ID on TV as a for instance), there is added technology to interconnect the TV and phone. And most phones from other providers like AT&T are connected through the same router/modem as your internet, and anything connected to the internet can be looked at. As for the word "wiretapped", it's outdated because there is no physical act of doing it. You just have to have a communications connection (phone, internet, etc.) and you're being monitored/have the potential of being monitored.
2017-03-08 12:29:29 UTC
yes trump scared them
2017-03-08 10:20:03 UTC
Not for a minute do I believe Pres. Obama ordered or approved wiretapping of the Trump campaign. it is easy to believe acolytes within the upper echelons of various branches would undertake to do so on his behalf.
2017-03-08 09:04:37 UTC
President Obama is some where enjoying life with his famiy. and thanking God he has been delivered from that evil. He walked through the valley of the shadow of death and feared no evil. Why would he go back ? There is no real reason. I'm pretty sure he's snging...HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE EVERY DAY😂
Andy F
2017-03-08 04:13:08 UTC
No. Not unless there's proof that it actually happened. It looks to me that Trump and Breitbart News just threw out this accusation to distract public attention from charges that Trump's campaign had improper relations with the Russians.

I'm not sure that I think Trump's talks with Russia are really such a big deal. Maybe they are, but I worry that the Democrats may be trying to make a mountain out of a molehill here.

But in accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, I think Trump has nothing at all -- not even a molehill.

I think he's probably engaging in school yard behavior, yelling "You are, too!" whenever the Democrats accuse him of anything. That response isworthless, IMO. Just a lot of shouting.

If some honest third party with no obvious reasons for bias can demonstrate that the wiretapping actually happened, I hope I'll be honest enough to change my mind. For now, I think the Donald is just BSing.

-- democratic socialist / Only the truth is revolutionary
2017-03-08 03:49:38 UTC
No, Obama didn't,

What Trump is trying to do is to get more control or power, that's what he is doing, and if Trump gets his way, say goodbye to the republic and say welcome to the Trump(Caesar) of the USA.
2017-03-08 02:07:35 UTC that a new form of tap dancing? If it is, then, yes, I believe he did wiretap.
2017-03-07 20:19:58 UTC
Since we know it wasn't done legally (Comey and Clapper), then it would have to have been done illegally (as Richard Nixon's Plumbers), so if it happened, it could have been perpetuated by any number of entities, including the Russians.

However, since no credible evidence of it even taking place has been produced, we should treat it as rumor mongering, and a deliberate attempt to divert attention from real issues, as well as to waste the time of Congress and Law Enforcement.
2017-03-07 19:58:51 UTC
No. Trump and his cronies put this junk out to distract everyone from the problems they created since he took office.

For a wiretap to be 'approved'- there is a volume of paperwork that needs to be completed and approved by a Federal judge. Where is the paperwork and who is the judge who approved it? The President can't authorize a wiretap- Congress passed a law prohibiting it since Nixon in the mid-70s. And, if it was approved, it means that something IS going on between Trump, his staff and the Russians.
2017-03-07 15:59:31 UTC
Let's think about it logically.

If Obama wiretapped Trump Tower then it cannot be true that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign. As otherwise Trump would've been taken down by now due to the collected evidence.

Also if the Dems had any real hunch or evidence that Russia was colluding with the Trump campaign then Obama would've wiretapped Trump Tower to prove it. So the fact he didn't would mean they didn't have any real suspicion that Trump did anything wrong.

So in conclusion there's a chance that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. I don't believe or disbelieve Trump either way on this. Obama might have had a good reason to do it, or he might not. But either way, this whole situation TOTALLY exonerates Trump from any wrongdoing related to the Russians.
2017-03-07 13:53:33 UTC
No, this accusation is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Trump just decided to tweet this out (only thing he does all day) without any actual proof backing up his statement. Leave is to Trump to distract you from the real issues using the black pit of sadness and stupidity, which is his Twitter account.
2017-03-07 13:10:24 UTC
I do believe that the government under oBama's watch did wiretap communications between Flynn and the Russians. Flynn was in Trump Towers when it happened, so yes I do believe they wiretapped Trump Towers.
2017-03-07 06:00:36 UTC
2017-03-07 01:33:20 UTC
No nothing to gain from it and he's a constitutional lawyer.
2017-03-06 20:19:19 UTC
2017-03-06 19:10:00 UTC
My belief would not change anything. If I said yes it would most likely make you sad and if I said no it would feed your ego and I just want to give you some love brother or sister.....
2017-03-06 17:42:01 UTC
Wouldn't doubt it. Has more legitimacy then this stupid Russian hack story that the Democrats won't let go of.
Smokies Hiker
2017-03-10 16:33:02 UTC
Someone may have according to the latest reports I've seen and read. It may take a long time to determine who exactly made the call to do this. Trump's been correct on everything he's said so far.
2017-03-10 14:44:02 UTC
Trump is an idiot, Why would Obama want to tap into his phone, he is leaving the office of president and he could give a **** what Trump does. Obama already knows Trump is going to screw everything up if he gets into office.

Wake up and pay attention, Trump doesn't know what he's doing so he's throwing up smoke screens to cause people to think about something else instead of the real agenda of running our government in a proper way.

Trump has no idea what he is doing, and still many of his fans think he is great. Come on people wake up and take a really good look at the guy you put in the most powerful job in the world. If you really really think hard about it you will see that you made a terrible mistake.
24/7 blazer
2017-03-09 21:23:28 UTC
Donald Trump listens to people as crazy as Alex Jones. Of course I don't believe Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.
2017-03-09 08:03:30 UTC
It might be....But it is much better to find clear Evidence...rather than just putting Allegations!
2017-03-09 07:49:21 UTC
2017-03-09 02:10:39 UTC
I don't believe it at all. What I do believe is that Trump is a lunatic whose highest priority is spreading proganda.
2017-03-08 19:23:34 UTC
Donald does like to exaggerate. But, there is usually enough truth in it to be damning.
2017-03-08 16:43:17 UTC
it's a possibility.
2017-03-08 15:18:29 UTC
no. man-child Trump is a moron
2017-03-08 14:52:30 UTC
I think that crack smoker, Obama, probably DID do it. I don't think Obama gives a damn about

what's legal and what's not legal.
2017-03-08 13:16:57 UTC
Everyone is being wiretapped by the CIA & FBI - it's exactly what George Orwell predicted - only thing, people do not want to believe it.

Do not under estimate the warning given by George Orwell - he was right - from his perspective it was just a matter of time before the technology became available to spy on each and every one of us.

Delete yourself from the Internet forever. . . .

2017-03-08 10:09:35 UTC
2017-03-08 03:56:11 UTC
2017-03-07 22:11:28 UTC
No lol it's a cover up for the Russian investigation. Donald's a clown. He puts on a show every time he wants to change the conversation. Can't believe our country voted him in.
2017-03-07 21:14:19 UTC
He's wiretapped so many others that it seem plausible. Obama is very hateful and vindictive. It makes sense. He may end up tried for treason. Isn't that the death penalty?
2017-03-07 20:01:58 UTC
Trump put himself in a no win situation with his accusation. Because one of these circumstances likely occurred... and NONE of them are good for Trump.

1, Trump Twoer wasn't wiretapped. That means Trump just got outted as a blatant liar... yet again..... and this lie is going to stay in the news cycle reminding everyone what a massive liar Trump is.... as his lie will result in a huge waste of time and money as it is investigated.

2. Trump Towers WERE wiretapped..... which means an intelligence service took evidence to a FISA Court.... a FISA judge looked at it.... and that FISA judge found probable cause to issue a warrant to wiretap a current presidential candidate. Which means that presidential candidate was up to enough likely illegal activity that it warranted further (and intrusive) investigation.

3. And finally... if Trump Tower WAS wiretapped..... that information is certainly still classified.... and Donnie is such a ludicrously incompetent POTUS that he actually revealed classified information... purely our of spite and the inability to consider consequences.... via Twitter. Which is likely an impeachable offense.... and in any case makes him look like he understands how the world works less than a 12 year old who read a spy novel once.
2017-03-07 03:29:16 UTC
No because I think he tries to get away from the fact he's failing and so he's covering up. However the brain dead supporters don't believe that.
2017-03-07 01:49:37 UTC
This guy (Trump) says so many baseless things it's unbeleivable
2017-03-07 00:39:00 UTC
2017-03-06 17:13:30 UTC
No sitting President can order a wire tap. Thats is done with the courts and FBI. If the courts approved it. There must have been a warrant as to why. If it is true ..Trump is worried what info they got and if they did anything else. Trump is the one shaking in his shoes. Not Obama.
2017-03-11 20:34:34 UTC
Impossible. Wiretaps have to initiated by FBI/CIA. They need a legit order to do so. They even need a legit order to release the information to the President. More ridiculous trumpcrap.
2017-03-11 03:15:27 UTC
Hell to the no.
2017-03-10 01:33:17 UTC
No he's off his nut
2017-03-09 03:57:18 UTC
2017-03-08 22:44:36 UTC
Definitely! President Trump may not be as smooth talking as the politicians, so his messages come across as brash to the masses. However, he is very smart and understands how his enemies work. Obama does not care about our best interests and it's evident in this latest escapade.
2017-03-08 22:38:35 UTC
Every body does it
2017-03-08 17:55:21 UTC
I believe Trump actually believes it! But then #45 lives in his own reality where thousands of American Muslims celebrated 9/11 and he had the biggest inauguration crowd in history so can't believe much he says or believes.
2017-03-08 15:01:17 UTC
2017-03-08 10:13:36 UTC
2017-03-08 04:52:15 UTC
no. simple.
2017-03-07 23:41:20 UTC
Donald Trump is the only man in the world who can easily release any past FISA or Federal Court order. So, no, I do not believe Obama wiretapped him. That would require a great deal of self control on his part to tweet an inflammatory statement and not release the court order out of courtesy.
2017-03-07 23:03:57 UTC
So what if he did? Wiretaps cannot be used in court; even in a case against the common man or woman. It sounds to me like Donald Trump is both paranoid, as well as doing things he shouldn't be doing. Paranoid people are almost always doing something illegal.
2017-03-07 23:00:58 UTC
Hell YES he did!
2017-03-07 21:00:13 UTC
2017-03-07 20:07:03 UTC
2017-03-07 18:55:00 UTC
Nope. And I think Trump is getting some weird wires crossed in his head. Maybe he should resign and see a shrink.
2017-03-07 09:19:43 UTC
NO !
What the...?!?
2017-03-07 00:00:23 UTC
2017-03-06 20:01:02 UTC
Possibly. Obama never felt constrained by the Constitution or any Federal laws.

However, a more likely possibility is it was done by someone inside the Federal Government on behalf of Clinton.
2017-03-06 17:57:28 UTC
2017-03-10 12:10:14 UTC
even if that true,trump wants excuse for his failed ,and what happening in the country ,until now i wait to see how he will raise the economy ,and jobs
Uno 2000
2017-03-10 03:13:19 UTC
There is no way this has happen another "trumpist" fake news scandal
2017-03-09 23:54:16 UTC
No, only a judge can order a wiretap, they are not easily obtained and trump is paranoid, starting to remind me of Nixon.
2017-03-09 13:50:58 UTC
You bet...Obama has no scruples and doesn't want to give up the power. He'll do whatever he can to get control of the government back.
2017-03-09 10:21:09 UTC
I don't know. I haven't seen proof that he was or wasn't.
2017-03-09 08:39:53 UTC

Q: How can you tell when Donald Trump is lying?

A: His lips move.
2017-03-08 19:15:29 UTC
2017-03-08 16:14:21 UTC
We have heard about the Russians interfering with the democratic proccess, who says that they weren't behind this alleged wiretap, of tramp towers?, he's insisted that obama did this and obama did that, but was it really the russians who wiretapped that building?
2017-03-08 10:08:28 UTC
keep watch for him and his spies they aer ewery were I got spyed on last week at wil mirt they follow me wen I was getting mtn diw
2017-03-08 00:34:27 UTC
little doubt
Silly Girl
2017-03-07 22:21:04 UTC
I wouldn't put it pass Obama or Hilary or the democrats nor my existing spying on everyone NSA.

So yes I do
2017-03-07 21:00:38 UTC
2017-03-07 20:55:05 UTC
no, not obama. but the fbi could, and would, if they thoght there was indication of a crime
2017-03-07 17:10:46 UTC
comeon people why would he?and he couldn't anyway.People use your heads .Don't listen to looney tunes
2017-03-07 14:39:58 UTC
2017-03-07 10:16:57 UTC
Don't believe a narcissist, a man who believes in conspiracies and who twists the news in his own advantage!
2017-03-07 08:27:03 UTC
No, Trump is living in his imaginary world again. We must remain united, divisions will be exploited by the chancers and those with evil intentions, ie DT.
2017-03-07 02:05:36 UTC
More likely it was ordered by Putin.
2017-03-07 01:41:52 UTC
And WHY NOT? He'd gotten away with everything else, and wasn't he invincible?

Look up all HIS LIES....very, very long, long list of LIES. A just GREAT LIAR.

All presidents LIE....but not all are COMPULSIVE.

All of Obama's past is ONE....GREAT....BIG....LIE....look it up. It's still there, I think.
2017-03-07 01:32:22 UTC
2017-03-10 23:03:58 UTC
NY Times said YES,so do I
2017-03-09 21:06:02 UTC
Yes. the NSA is tricky and listens into everyone for the betterment of America, ergo they listened to him which was wrong because they went extra hard on him for he ran for president at the time
2017-03-09 15:05:24 UTC
He is using it as a diversion to deflect any inquiry into his ties with Russians. He may believe it only because it is a tactic he might use.
Habibur rahman nebir
2017-03-09 14:59:01 UTC
i respect obama
2017-03-09 02:43:39 UTC
why would he is was not running for president it would serve him for any reason what so ever .
2017-03-09 01:01:28 UTC
2017-03-08 23:54:23 UTC
bad girl
2017-03-08 22:23:03 UTC
No, I believe wire taps on Russian government, officials and Russian business men led to Donnie on the other end of the wire.
2017-03-08 20:49:44 UTC
Of course Obama ordered the wire taps!
2017-03-08 20:20:31 UTC
No,but I think the FBI might arrest Trump one day.
2017-03-07 20:32:38 UTC
Of course someone in the Obama administration got the wiretap done. Obama's administration has been tapping all sorts of people's phones. When it was done under the Bush administration, there was outrage but when Obama does it, big deal. Nothing to see here, move on. Eventually all of the dirty dealings of the Obama administration will be exposed and people are going to be shocked when they find out that he was not only spying on Republicans and conservatives, but people in the Democrat party and the "Progressives". THAT'S the Chicago way of politics.
2017-03-07 20:06:22 UTC
Trump is nuts...I wish that wasn't so, but he's not playing with a full deck. I suspect that most of the people involved with him will be heading for the door in the next several weeks. Except for Trump and the janitor the White House will be abandon.
2017-03-07 19:20:34 UTC
Why not!!!

Do you believe Trump worked with the Russians to beat Hillary Clinton???
2017-03-07 19:06:33 UTC
Who's the better Liar ?

01. Obama as presented

by the GOP since 2008.

02. "The enemy of the

people", as presented

by Trump since 2016.

I choose option three,

my 2017 President

since it is so obvious.
2017-03-07 19:06:27 UTC
Yes i think it could be true. It wouldn't be the first time either..
2017-03-07 12:19:59 UTC
No it's a lie
Armchair Goddess #1
2017-03-07 10:01:05 UTC
Felix Sater, a long-time Trump business partner ("The Making of Donald Trump" by David Cay Johnston) is the Russian-born son of the Russian MAFIA crime boss whose offices with Russian-owned Bayrock Group development firm are on the 22nd floor of Trump Tower, only two floors below Trump's, has been an on-again/off-again FBI informant since 1991 when he was caught as a stockbroker setting up a $40 MILLION STOCK FRAUD SCHEME that was meant to create inroads for LA COSA NOSTRA crime families into Wall Street. What do you want to bet that the FBI (at least) and other agencies have had the SON OF THE RUSSIAN MAFIA CRIME BOSS under surveillance since 1991?

Paul Manafort has an apartment in Trump Tower, so even though he supposedly "stepped down" as the Trump campaign advisor, Manafort has been under investigation for a long time because of his connections to dictators like pro-Putin Viktor Yanukovich---tyrants that Manafort is hired to "pretty up" so that they can be "elected" in...say...Ukraine so that Crimea could be annexed and the Putin-led invasion of Ukraine could be orchestrated in 2012. Manafort took $12.6 million in cash from Vladimir Putin for the purpose of getting the corrupt and pro-separatist Yanukovich put into power in Ukraine just prior to Putin's illegal invasion. Don't you think Manafort might be under FBI or intelligence community monitoring?

The FISA court is headed by the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, which in this case would be Bush-appointed right-wing Republican John Roberts. Our intelligence agencies (all 17 of them) have AUTONOMY to act in secret when necessary when foreign espionage threatens our nation's sovereignty and safety, securing a FISA warrant as needed. Trump is throwing a temper tantrum because he is a control freak who cannot control the media, the intelligence community, the leaks coming out of his own circle...and he is in way over his head in the role of President of the United States. To cover up his own incompetence and insanity, Trump wildly projects blame away from himself and onto an envied innocent other, in this case President Obama.

Trump is paranoid, but if he calls for an investigation he opens himself up to being exposed for having long-time nefarious connections to Russia, to criminally inclined Mammadov, and other money-laundering Sater.
Harley Lady
2017-03-07 03:14:09 UTC
No, I believe it is another one of his lies. Obama ought to sue him for slander. Trump ought to be worrying about North Korea trying to bomb US bases in Japan!
2017-03-06 23:30:02 UTC
I dont think BO is relaxed in his knew home. Mind u , he still has a plane to catch.
2017-03-06 18:50:03 UTC
Obama doesn't have an electrical license
2017-03-10 16:02:47 UTC
Hmmm, I think the short answer is that its possible, but the long answer is a bit more complicated.

I'm 100% certain that it did not go down the way Donald Trump said in his tweet. I say that for a couple reasons. First Twitter doesn't really allow its users to make long, nuanced political statements, so we shouldn't do what a lot of news outlets do and take it exactly. Also, Donald Trump has a tendency to say statements in the moment that are either wrong or ambiguous but do have a kernel of truth at their core. I believe that we're getting his stream of conscious thoughts. We haven't gotten these statements from other presidents because historically, the statements have gone through many layers of approval. Is that a good idea? euhhh, I would say maybe not, although he's president of the US and I'm not. So maybe he's on to something.

More likely is the fact that someone in Trump tower was under suspicion and being monitored by the FBI,CIA,NSA,etc. It's also important to realize how large and general our surveillance programs are already. Regardless of whether you have a warrant or not, anytime an international phone call is made, that is monitored by the NSA. Anytime data on the internet is shuffled to a server whose IP address is outside the country, that data is monitored by the NSA. This is public knowledge. The extent could be much larger, or it could have since shrunk. It sounds like someone in the Trump organization was making phone calls outside the United States frequently, and with the news about Putin messing with the election, intelligence agencies wanted to see if there was any merit.

We also need to consider a more Machiavellian scenario. I think very rarely are rules followed exactly 100% of the time. For anyone whose ever worked in a restaurant, think all of the times the restaurant wasn't in 100% compliance of the health code. Look at all miscarriages of justice that happen today with overzealous prosecutors who are so driven to convict someone that the wrong person is convicted, these things happen.

What does this have to do with Trump? We have no idea what oversight or checks are on the FISA court. We know that since 9/11, legislators have drastically the requirement of law enforcement agencies to search and wiretap, strictly for the purposes of gather intelligence to stop attacks like 9/11 but not to arrest or convict (the idea being if the guy on is just talking on the phone about going on a jihad you can't really arrest him for conspiracy to commit terrorism, but if he says hey billy were go do it at this time on this date and your arrest him in his car with a bomb in his trunk).

It's possible that rules aren't always followed in Washington. That reality of Washington today might be more like House of Cards than School House Rock. It's possible that FISA intelligence warrants are rubber stamped by the courts (the criminal search warrant was denied by the court but the intelligence warrant was approved for trump tower) . It's possible that some machiavellian insider wanted to gain info on trump but couldn't go directly, but instead needed some plausible deniability. Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist? Yup, there's definitely a little bit in this scenario. Do I think that this is what happened. No probably not.

However, let's be honest here: was Russia's intention when they hacked the DNC's servers really to make Hillary Clinton lose and Trump win? EVERYONE, the pollsters, the pundits,the news, and republican party members thought they were going to lose. Hell I bet even Mike Pence thought they were going to lose after that audio tape came about trump came out. If anything thing Putin hacked the DNC to send a clear and intimidating message to Hillary Clinton, the surefire winner.

I believe that this is the reason why Russia hacked the DNC. I can't tell you how said it makes me when democrats spin this to get ahead. I have a lot more respect for democrats who are attacking trump for what he's said about women then saying the US election was rigged by Russia because according to Buzzfeed, Russia has pictures of him peeing on prostitutes. Challenging elections are extremely dangerous. There was this one election in particular where the country was extremely divided. The candidate who won the electoral college only won 39.5% of the popular vote. This prompted half the country to consider the election illegitimate and prompted a civil war which killed 2% of the population and has divided the country to this day. I honestly believe that if the civil war did not happen, that slavery would have ended similar to the way it ended in Great Britain and many the problems such was the KKK, Sharecropping, Segregation, Jim Crow, either wouldn't have happened, would have ended sooner, or would have been less pronounced. Anyways, that why I guess you spend so much time on the Civil War in school because even in unrelated topics it has relevance.

Anyways, that's my wall of text, like to know what everyone else thinks.
2017-03-10 11:04:20 UTC
No Never
2017-03-09 10:08:28 UTC
2017-03-09 04:51:44 UTC
Are you aware the Obama CIA has monitored Media devices thru out America, perhaps as many as a billion conversations recorded,with an actual location identify, including television sets, computers, cell phones, land line phones, text transmission devices, etc, etc, etc. This has gone on for the past 8 years...Google it, or watch News sources, now.
2017-03-09 00:37:17 UTC
2017-03-08 22:05:09 UTC
2017-03-08 17:53:31 UTC
Yes,he might.
2017-03-08 15:42:10 UTC
Donald Trump is a liar
2017-03-08 15:39:00 UTC
No. He's just being a cry baby and a *****. He's trying to distract the media from all the things he didn't do that he promised to do.
2017-03-08 14:50:52 UTC
Obama protected the NSA, so anything's possible. I know Hillary would be perfectly capable of that type of manipulation, and Obama endorsed her.
2017-03-08 08:30:40 UTC
I have it from a reliable source that the story originated when a conservative journalist held a seance and channeled the spirit of a lovely slave boy who belonged to Cadmus, King of Thebes.
2017-03-08 02:15:20 UTC
no but even if obama did hes still daddy
2017-03-08 01:35:29 UTC
whatever !!!
2017-03-07 19:18:02 UTC
Yes, Obama may have ordered that done.
2017-03-07 16:35:56 UTC
No it is fake news , just like with N Korea
2017-03-07 16:27:27 UTC

Trump's calls were to his Russian golden shower girlfriends and Obama speaks Kenyan not Russian
2017-03-07 15:49:44 UTC
Yes. Obama is the most evil of all presidents and remember folks, in your life or in history, the most evil people come in a beacon of light. Think about your worst enemy. Wasn't it someone you trusted and liked at one time?
2017-03-07 02:13:10 UTC
Attention all you Yahoo users; this is not something our elected Presidents do. Instead if this was done at all it was done by the justice dept...and because of merit...Does Chump really want to push the envelope????
2017-03-07 00:43:10 UTC
wait now were saying we believe what comes out of trump's mouth ?
2017-03-18 22:12:11 UTC
no, if he did he had good reasons... he is not one to stoop that low as to wiretap a nominee/president elect without probable cause...
2017-03-09 05:02:53 UTC
I have no reason to believe it. He has a history of lying and he's provided no evidence to support his claims.
2017-03-09 03:38:23 UTC
Of course Obama wiretapped Trump. He was convinced he would never be found out because Hillary would win the election. He just wiretapped Trump to get any info Hillary could use that would ensure even more her win.

Does anyone really believe Trump would make such a wrong accusation knowing if it is proven false, it would definitely go against him. Even those who think Trump is dumb must be really really dumb to believe anyone including Trump can be that dumb.
2017-03-08 23:12:22 UTC
2017-03-08 20:51:05 UTC
i don't think obama would do that hes too nice of a guy
2017-03-08 20:16:09 UTC
Obviously it was Russia.
2017-03-08 19:43:41 UTC
2017-03-08 13:51:19 UTC
I'd see Trump as delusional IF there were not the probability, the possibility, or the motive for someone to spy on him. I believe, however, all three of those necessary features do in fact exist. I believe that OTHERS believe they could benefit by spying on him.
2017-03-08 10:45:13 UTC
He's playing the Democrats' game back on them, and look how they act/react. The FBI and the Justice Department show their instant liberal response.

I want to see some liberal administrators put in prison for this "wikileaks" treasonous behavior!
2017-03-08 10:43:34 UTC
Of course not. Ridiculous.
2017-03-08 08:19:34 UTC
This is aggrevious behavior.
2017-03-08 03:50:26 UTC
Trump could find out himself if he went online and asked the FCC to check his phone for illegal wiretapping. Their site has a complaint form. The FCC has the equipment to discover such a wiretap and find its source.
2017-03-08 01:59:11 UTC
If he did and it was legal Donald Trump is in trouble.Big trouble.
2017-03-08 00:11:55 UTC
I still can't believe the insanely stupid American people elected this effing, pussy grabbing Moron. He showed up at the primaries flogging his steak and wine as a publicity stunt and now he's the guy - you're bitching now?
Jesse Wiatrak
2017-03-07 18:11:12 UTC
2017-03-07 17:12:05 UTC
They treated Trump's campaign as a joke and were so "assured" he would lose, so why would they?
2017-03-07 05:44:53 UTC
Not at all
2017-03-07 01:30:24 UTC
2017-03-07 00:49:23 UTC
It was proven it was the Fbi spying on the russian ambassodor and for it to be obama in particular he needs to provide proof first.
2017-03-06 16:44:29 UTC
Obama didn't have that power. Trump is once again and again and again declared a liar and delusional again.
2017-03-10 20:47:44 UTC
2017-03-10 19:03:40 UTC
I don't think Obama necessarily ordered it personally but likely people in his admin sought surveillance of some kind. There is either some truth to the claim or The New York Times, BBC and Heat Street all published fake news. This isn't Breitbart or Alex Jones that originally reported it.
2017-03-10 13:35:47 UTC
2017-03-10 08:48:52 UTC
No why would Obama even care he doesn't have much authority anymore
2017-03-10 01:07:44 UTC
Gaia’s Garden
2017-03-09 15:04:16 UTC
He's either paranoid or he's trying to distract us from something really bad. Either way, the senate is refusing to investigate. (And they're Republicans)
2017-03-09 11:05:55 UTC
Let's stop this question until we figure out what the *** is going on ?

Ironic Donlad trump
2017-03-09 06:10:31 UTC
The tweet stating that Obama tapped Trump tower is unfounded and most likely a diversion from his taxes and ties with Russia.
2017-03-08 19:05:19 UTC
Yes, wikileaks proved that the Obama regime and the CIA spy on everyone, can hacks any phone, email and read or listen to any phone call
2017-03-08 09:46:12 UTC
not hard to do at all, i'm sure they listened to every phone call he made
2017-03-07 21:28:39 UTC
Yes no yes no yeaaanooo
Darth Beaver
2017-03-07 19:02:13 UTC
Best Answer
2017-03-07 18:57:36 UTC
Yes, the president has always told the truth, that's why he was elected in a landslide.
2017-03-07 18:05:14 UTC
It's a guess
2017-03-07 17:48:31 UTC
I THINK HE WOULD not say this if he did not have some proof..
Judy and the Beast
2017-03-07 17:34:35 UTC
1. Trump nor anyone has evidence of wiretapping Trump. Trump just likes to tweet out rumors and fiction. It's a bad habit.

2. The POTUS cannot order a wire tap. Only a special judiciary committee can (FISA - check it out!).

3. This guy is an idiot who has a history of outright lying and reversing himself.

So no, I don't believe it. I don't believe anything he says without confirmation from a credible source. This is still another example of an alternative fact based on his beliefs and not actual facts... He makes this stuff up because he likes to make up his own reality and is very insecure. This is why he's focused on crap and not facts and doing his job.
2017-03-07 11:00:53 UTC
yeah u gotta take the president's word for it
2017-03-07 03:00:09 UTC
No, I don't think he did however I do believe Obamas corrupt DOJ would have illegally done it if Obama requested it
2017-03-07 01:53:48 UTC
Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt Obama had Trump tapped. He and his whole administration should be locked up for life.
2017-03-07 00:29:53 UTC
2017-03-07 17:29:05 UTC
2017-03-06 19:05:24 UTC
Of course.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.