What would you do with 110 billion dollars?
2015-06-15 16:06:16 UTC
What would you do with 110 billion dollars?
372 answers:
2015-06-18 16:26:22 UTC
1. I would obviously quit my job

2. Don't tell anybody I have 110 billion dollars

3. Tell people I won the lottery and won 10 million

4. Hook up my friends and family with 1 million each so i seem like a nice person giving away most of my money

5. Buy a few cottages/houses around the US for each season of the year. Nothing over 200K each

6. Designate Winter for traveling around the world while living home for the other 9 months

7. Donate 10 billion to various charities

8. Invest in starting businesses

9. Help people who have lost everything in fires, car accidents, layoffs

10. Maintain a healthy lifestyle so I could live long enough to enjoy the free ride
2016-03-13 10:58:23 UTC
Actually, according to the recently released calculations of the Nobel Prize Winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz, the true cost of the war will work out to about 2 trillion dollars. You can add up all the food stamps and welfare benifits of the past 45 years and they do not come CLOSE to this number. Our economy will be crippled for generations by this murderous stupidity. Yes, the Democrats were elected in 2006 because there was an overwhelming desire from American voters to see the war ended. But as we have now seen, the Democrats have no plans to do any such thing. They are as firmly controlled by the corporate elite as the Republicans are, and the corporate elites are using this war to directly steal all this money from the American taxpayers, and as a cover for inflicting a greater degree of misery, and ultimately, instituting much more control over, the public. I don't have any confidence that things will change in any fundamental way if either Obama or Clinton is elected. I would suggest that anybody who thinks that either of those two candidates is likely to do anything for the American people is living in a fantasy world.
2015-06-17 19:28:05 UTC
Start a research project to try to create a sapient cephalopod (that is, a squid or octopus person)

I'd also do normal sensible stuff like pay off all my debts, buy a nice house, buy a nice car or 3 (probably a Tesla and a plug-in Prius, because the environment), and so on. But, frankly, I could probably live pretty comfortably for the rest of my life with pretty much all the material possessions I want for... maybe 1 or 2 million.

I'd travel some (go to science fiction conventions and such)

Oh, and my house would have a rainforest in it (that is, an atrium/plant room big enough for trees)

I'd also start a movie studio (Tough Chicks Flicks--action/adventure/sci fi type movies that pass the Bechdel test, and have at least one female character who qualifies as a tough chick), and at least one (and possibly a chain of) playground(s) scaled for adult use--that is, with slides, swings, et cetera big enough that a full-grown adult can use them comfortably. Because gyms are boring, but playgrounds are fun, and you get looked at funny if you're an adult and you go to a playground without a kid, and the swings and such are usually a little too small.

And, of course, lots of money to various charities. Preferably the kind that... actively *solve* a problem, rather than just act as a bandaid. That is, ones like the Nature Conservancy, that solve "this land is ecologically sensitive and threatened with development" by, well, buying the land. Or ones that build schools in poor countries, or things like that.
2015-06-16 15:26:57 UTC
I would buy everything to do with Naruto.

a 10k dollar laptop.

3 10k dollar T.Vs.

A nice car.

A 3 bedroom 2 floor house of over medium size.

Would spend about 200k on coins and pets and stuff in online games.

Would get the fastest internet broadband I can find.

A spare PS3 and PS4 controller.

Would give a couple billion to my kids and wife if I had them.

Would give athew hundred million to different charitys.

Would work out how much money i would need to keep my house, internet, electric, gas and stuff like that going for 100 years and put that money to 1 side if I have anuff.

Put most of the rest in a savings account.

Spend the last thew million on food and supplies.
Weasel McWeasel
2015-06-16 23:06:17 UTC
Welllllllllllllllllllllllll, let's see..........

first thing I would do, is build and construct a really nice museum showpiece place, in New York City somewhere , to house my already staggering Swarovski Crystal collection. Then I would fulfill my dream of buying every last piece of Swarovski Crystal out there, that I don't already have, making it the WORLD'S finest private collection. It would become one of NY's greatest tourist attractions.

then, let's see...........I still have about 109 Billion right.?..............

well, then I would buy one of the 5 known 1913 Liberty head Nickels , just for laughs. I've Always wanted one.

Then, I would buy a certain piece of property on Staten Island.......and turn it into a killer playground for kids............and name it after my her memory........and I'd buy up as much of the land around it, as I developers couldn't destroy the area......and the parts they've already destroyed...........I'd level those ugly houses to the ground, and return the land to it's natural state.

After that---------I'd probably sit in the park all day. (when I am not at my Swarovski Museum).........reading letters from people who want a part of my 110 Billion.........and I would spend my days, giving it most of it away to those in true need.

What the hell am I gonna do with $110 BILLION dollars?
Sorry Boys I'M Taken
2015-06-18 09:40:44 UTC
I would buy everything to do with Naruto.

a 10k dollar laptop.

3 10k dollar T.Vs.

A nice car.

A 3 bedroom 2 floor house of over medium size.

Would spend about 200k on coins and pets and stuff in online games.

Would get the fastest internet broadband I can find.

A spare PS3 and PS4 controller.

Would give a couple billion to my kids and wife if I had them.

Would give athew hundred million to different charitys.

Would work out how much money i would need to keep my house, internet, electric, gas and stuff like that going for 100 years and put that money to 1 side if I have anuff.

Put most of the rest in a savings account.

Spend the last thew million on food and supplies.
2015-06-17 17:26:34 UTC
I would buy a two bedroom house with a double garage. Pay off my bills and small loans. Then I would buy the things that I could never afford in my life such as a Rolex watch, a small private aircraft, a Jeep, 1965 Shelby Mustang, RV, brand new fridge, washing machine and other furniture that I only need. Invest the rest on housing properties for the homeless, emergency shelters, and donate 100 billion to various charities and give away a small amount ( say about 10 to 100k) to anyone who needs a helping hand. They must prove that they are in dire financial straits, destitute, and/or willing to go to rehab or give up their addictions in order to qualify.

Most of my relatives have gone so I will share some with certain close friends.
2015-06-17 16:40:08 UTC
I would buy a moderate luxury car, brand-new, move next to a celebrity or celebrity family in Malibu Heights in hopes that they might befriend me... lotsa plastic surgery but probably not exceeding $20,000... and the rest... probably about 109 billion left at LEAST would be used to pay off all of my relatives' bills and maybe a few gifts.


110 billion is more than the richest man on Earth has.

This is almost too hypothetical.

Anyway I would also try to buy a small island and if there is anything left it goes to charity.
2015-06-18 21:57:18 UTC
I'd probably donate 50 billion to charity and use the rest for my family.. I have a HUGE family so I'd split the money up so everyone could live comfortably for the rest of they're lives... but I'd make sure my Dad gets the most because he has really bad health problems and can never pay the hospital bills.. and the rest left over i'd put into a bank for the future when I have kids or something..

and just for selfish reasons I'd take like 1 billion out and buy a ton of anime related things because come on.. Who the hell wouldn't want Sebastian Michaelis everywhere?
2015-06-17 10:06:44 UTC
I would set up a corporation that offered others the opportunity to invest since 110 billion might not be enough. The corporation would survey for valuable minerals in the ocean shelves off our coasts. The same basic minerals on land are also in the oceans. When I found a few promising spots I would build an undersea habitat and do my very best to exploit resources without badly disrupting the ecology under water. I would use mineral profits to finance scientific research on undersea life in a big way. I would look for medical discoveries, food production, energy production and I would expand the habitat into a city devoted largely to advanced research. Over half our world is under water so we should learn how to live there. I would develop methods geared towards self sufficiency for my underwater colony and if it was a success I would build more like it. I would create jobs ranging from basic labor mining under the sea or farming or fishing to advanced science developing medicines, better food sources, energy sources and so on. The primary goal would be to create practical and cost efficient methods to exploit our oceans while doing the minimum environmental damage to them possible.
2015-06-16 09:03:05 UTC
Well if I had gotten 110 Billion Dollars, I would pay off my debt, which is a few thousand dollars (because of college) then pay for the rest of my education, pay off credit cards, donate money to charities, start my own business and my own charity, build my dream home from the ground up and buy my dream car, have my dream wedding, buy my dream wardrobe, save money for my future children, save money for when I am old and retire. I would still like to finish college and become a Psychiatrist, because that's my dream job. There are so many things I would do. Even if someone gave me just 1 million dollars I would still do most of this stuff. If you can give me a million dollars reply to this comment lol please.
2015-06-19 08:28:56 UTC
1. Keep my wealth a secret.

2. Invest in starting a company (I am a real life entrepreneur.)

3. NEVER, tell anyone of my wealth

4. Buy houses around the world mainly focusing on one place first.

5. Run for senator.

6. Live in a normal house.

7. The only person who shall know of this is my wife.

8. Start building up the business, since I already have a secret networth of 110 billion dollars.

9. When I die, I shall pass my wealth down to my kids.
2015-06-17 19:02:21 UTC
That is an interesting question.If anyone can do the right answer, I guess you are a thoughtful person.If I have 110 billion dollars,I will buy a house to my parent at first.Because they had a hard past. The second, I will accept higher education, to get real certificate.The third,I will give some money to the poor,
The Devil
2015-06-16 14:54:52 UTC
Buy a loaf of bread, because by the time I get that kind of money we'll have that kind of inflation. I remember when you could buy a brand new Cadillac, loaded for $5000 and a real nice house for $40,000. The car is $70,000 and that same house all these years later goes for a couple of million. Are you still laughing?

I'd buy the USA for $110 billion, then sell it to China for $220 billion.
2015-06-16 19:35:35 UTC
After taxes there would be considerably much less. I think I would spend my life giving it away to those that need it. I don't mean just handing over money to charities...especially where very little of what you give actually does what they say but I would help people that really need it. I see people on TV that have their house burn down and have nothing including insurance. I could easily help them with clothes and a place to stay and get them on their way to getting their house rebuilt. Once you have money, it is also easy to get other people's money to help with whatever you decide you want to do. I've read about an elephant rescue that needs funds and all the wonderful things they do and how about those starving kids? With that much money I could do a lot of good and yes, I would get myself a few things too and travel first class with my animals. I'd help out my good friends so that they live better and have things that they want and need too. My family and I are estranged so family is out. And I could finally donate to PBS, my favorite tv station. I'd also give my rental property to my one good tenant. The rest requires some thought but I can't even imagine having that much money. And I would dress extremely well and stop buying shirts at Walmart.
2015-06-16 11:23:51 UTC
Ok I'm gonna speak honestly right now. I would give 60 billion to charity and 30 billion to science. Then keep 20 billion for myself. Get an extremely nice house in an extremely wonderful area. Super super protected. Also I would buy a crap ton of gems on clash of clans and get fully maxed out on my base and troops. Then I would do the same for Boom Beach.

Get a big *** garage of super nice cars. An EXTREMELY nice private jet that I will travel around the world in. Then stay at only the highest tier hotels. But in terms of my love life, I would meet a super hot and beautiful women, but not tell her about my fortune until AFTER we get married ;)

I would get a nose job and get the laser eye surger that can change your eye color to blue( even though anyone could do that, it's only 5 thousand dollars ). I would do so much more but I don't want to type on here all night.

I hope this gets read.
Blake C
2015-06-20 22:50:09 UTC
I think that's enough to buy a medium sized island where I could start its own government where everyone would be treated the same, where tolerance was mandatory and where marijuana can grow without being targeted for extinction. My government would be of the people, by the people and for the people, unlike the government we have now. I would have similar branches of government, however both the rich and the poor would hold offices and have equal voting representation. There would be no liberal or conservative parties. Political offices would not be determined by who has more money, but by who the people decide would be best for office. No government office would be a paid position, but volunteer and term limits would be set by the people, not by government. I would be the king of course, but my authority would be limited to what the government allows me to do. My veto power would be up to the people to decide, so if I didn't like a law and said, "no way", if the people said, "yes way" then their decision would prevail.

We would have a society where the rich appreciate their wealth and are glad to share it with the poor. There would be no business suits and ties and by looking at my subjects, one would not know what social standings they possess; myself included since I would wear no crown. Each day, I would meet with at least 20 citizens in an open forum to hear their opinions or concerns. The minutes of this forum would be published the next day in our newspaper. In that paper, I propose that people in need contact my office whereby I would publish their needs and requests. I would urge our wealthy citizens to assist those less fortunate and at the end of the year I would hold a ceremony, complementing those who have helped others. These people would receive a commission similar to "Knighthood", acknowledging their contribution to our society. Additionally, there would be rewards for youths that participate in community affairs, which could gain them scholarships to the college of their choice off the island. Those students would be granted guaranteed job positions once they return to their island.

$110 billion is enough to make this happen. I would be very appreciative if you would give me that much money to work with.
2015-06-18 16:17:05 UTC
Since I have everything I need, I would help my husband get help for his lung problems. I would give money to my children to pay off their college loans and set up college funds for my grandchildren. There are other relatives I would help also. My Mom needs care and a new residence so I would be able to take care of this.

Our village is small and there are not a lot of financially secure residents so I would be able to fund a business place for services that most have to travel 20 miles to obtain. We have a small hospital that needs help with equipment and medical services that some of the $110 billion could provide. Our lovely library has a mortgage I would pay off as they could manage well after this.

We have a parochial school that is top notch but is always needing funding. I would give money to this school and the church. We have already set up a scholarship but it would be nice to be able to add a substantial amount to this so many would be able to take advantage of this school.

The food banks need constant donations of food, volunteers and staff. I would be nice to see enough food to take care of the folks that need just the basics to keep going.

Other worthy charities and non-profits depend on donations to keep going so I'd donate to the local PBS station and to Public Radio. My daughter and granddaughter are into rescue animals and I would fund a shelter in our village that they could run. They also have horses which my daughter wants to eventually use a therapy for autistic children. She is a Special Ed teacher and an occupational therapist.

There is no shortage of people in need so I'm sure other charities would be asking for donations that I could help depending on their need and circumstances.
2015-06-23 09:03:10 UTC
110 billion dollars?! My god.... Lets take this is steps.

1.I would create a trust fund, putting 25 million dollars to start out with.

2. I would buy 4 acre of land.

3. Hire workers to build me a house with a gun in every room.

4. Hire movers to put all my stuff in it.

5. Never worry about World of Warcraft Subscription again.

6. Have enough for taxes and food ect.

7. Start a youtube account. (By now my Trust fund is about 28 Million)

8. For the rest of my life I would be worry-free buying awesome stuff every so often.

9. Buy awesome looking medival armor just so I can have it on display in my house.

10. Invite friends over all the time.

Why do I need 4 acre of land, you might ask.... so I can have a fence saying, If you enter you will be prosecuted. Plus every so often I would go out in my dirt bike that I would buy and just be awesome.

*NOTICE* I didn't donate, didnt give anything away. If one of my friends ask for about 10$ for something pratical... sure. If they ask for freaking 100 Million for no reason, I would say, NO.
2015-06-22 14:01:37 UTC
the first thing I would do is buy a donut from the best donut shop ever, which I would drive to in a Nissan GTR. Then I would have my own mansion built with a massive swimming pool, 7 bedrooms, a HUGE kitchen(the most important part), 14 bathrooms, a bowling alley, a shooting range, cinema, bar/club(for parties). Maids and a butler. Id do all the cooking. My kids and husband will live there with me, all of us happy. We'd go on holiday 3 times a year, have houses all over the world, donate to charity and I'd create my own law business.
2015-06-18 16:27:19 UTC
Create jobs by having the worlds biggest food program ever. I'd start with farming and agriculture projects in Africa and the Americas. I would build fresh water plants in Africa and parts of the southern US to desalinate ocean water and use that to water fruit and vegetable plants and provide fresh water to areas hit with drought and famine. These projects would take years and cost billions. But, it would employ millions and feed millions more. We can actually stamp out hunger in our lifetimes. It would just cost more than anyone has ever been willing to spend and would take lots of hard work and would require cooperation from governments that often are rife with corruption. Nevertheless, I am certain that the goal is something that can be achieved and would garner enough support to be accomplished. It's just a question of cost. 110 billion would certainly get the ball rolling.
Hcker Vo
2015-06-20 10:22:44 UTC
Pay off parents house, buy them a mansion, nice car

donate alot to charity

hold events

travel around the world

pay off people's college debts

Heck 110 billion dollars is so much
Armchair Goddess #1
2015-06-15 16:27:56 UTC
These types of questions are fun to contemplate. Should I suddenly become so financially wealthy, I would to assimilate my new status and get used to the idea, and then have some fun planning some of the good things I could do, and how I could do these things anonymously, for the most part. One of the first things I would buy for this little town of Anutt where I bought a house in 2007 is a backhoe...something almost everyone needs around here. It would be a Community Backhoe that could be checked out like a library book.

On a larger scale, I think I would form a think tank in this old fixer-upper house to problem-solve---I'd probably call this think tank in Anutt the "Democrats and Independents Think Tank Zone" (DITTZ), and then I'd assemble a team of research assistants to do community assessments all over the state of Missouri (to start), identifying fixable problems and setting priorities for proposed solutions.

It would take me a while to get used to having so much money, but it would sure be fun! For myself, I would like to use about $45,000 to fix the fire damage my brother caused with a flue fire a while back and get the house in tip-top shape so that the DITTZ project would be able to move forward. I'd like to start a small-circulation newspaper called "Musings from Anutt" that contains the problem-solving strategies our think tank sets up, and this would be distributed locally, but also mailed to the powers that be to lobby for positive changes.
2015-06-17 20:14:39 UTC
I would help people. People that dont have anything. Broken people. I would donate and open new churches all around the world. I would live for others and not for myself. Because 110 billion dollars can ruin you. Id rather help out the ones in need.
2015-06-17 09:38:00 UTC
Pay off all debts,

Buy everything I want, a rolls Royce car with 100 other expensive cars, buy tonnes of vacation homes and a mansion, by designer clothes and hire maids, butlers and adopt a tonne of kittens. Start my own fashion line, pay to meet celebrities, buy a boat, an island and never work again!

Give money to all my friends and family to pay off debts and get what they want,

Book holidays and tours around the world,

Donate a lot to charities,

Invest some for my children for universities and further generations,

Invest the rest so I and my family and further generations will always be rich and make my family well known!
2015-06-17 00:07:17 UTC
1. Pay off dads bills

2. Get dad a nice home and give him 10 million

3. Get bro a nice home w/ help (hes disabled)

4. Get an apartment here in Miami to see what its like to be rich

5. Nose job

6. Travel

7. Eat different foods

8. Find places I like and build homes on them

9. Learn a different language

10. Get a financial advisors (a goooood one, like steve jobs worthy)

11. Buy a new iphone, it is crack to heck

12. Get a decked out Mac

13. Buy a samsung galaxy for the heck of it

14. This should go up higher around the nose job but I forgot to say is to keep my dog shots up and get my other pet checked out.

15. They will get toys and a huge yard space and i'll hire people to take care of my house while im gonee

16. Get a chef to help me with weightloss

17. Also personal trainer

18. Send a million to charities

19. Buy clothes

20. Buy really nice furniture and appliances.

21. Buy accessories, purses, necklaces, etc

22. Thank God I have the money

23. Finally take care of my nails and feet

24. Get $3000 1 dollar bills and throw them on the street (average everyday people need some cash too).

25. Buy an island and build a house there with all the bells and whistles.

26. Oops, forgot! I need to pay off MY debt lol.

27. Get 3 cars, one an energy efficient car, an SUV, a performance car.

28. Adopt 2 girls and one boy (in the future of course)

29. Pretend to be poor when looking for a boyfriend then surprise him for the lols

30. Fix up dads house I forgot to say so he can sell it.

31. Give away 5,000 cars to 5,000 students at my college who doesnt have a car.

Tbh i'll be very content with that money because I wouldnt have to work and struggle anymore, and with my adopted children they and their children wont have to struggle. Too bad the question isnt real.
2015-06-16 18:05:08 UTC
Pay my taxes. After all, with 110 billion, I'd officially be in the 1% club. I'd want to get more involved in charitable work, set up trust funds for the kids, then it's new house time!
2015-06-22 00:21:35 UTC
Live life the way I am now except in a big a$$ house on like, a 1,000 acres of land (mainly to ride ATV's on) and have a couple million dollars worth of electronics (big TV's, every current game system and a ton of games, sweet PC, surround sound, blu-ray with a massive collection of TV shows & movies, etc) and a million dollar security system to protect all my new toys. Of course I'd have a sweet ride for every day of the week, whole new wardrobe by famous fashion designers, sweet kitchen and my own cook. I'd probably go to a couple of clubs and let it be known that I'm worth a fortune and date a few chicks until I found one who was compatible (the money would just be a way to get things started). After a bit of spending & fun & paying off old debts I'd settle down and just live life like right now......except only rich.

Agony Aunt in training
2015-06-17 05:57:21 UTC
Pay of debts and buy myself a nice house and decent car.

I'd give the random 10 billion to my partner so he can set his family and business up okay.

I'd buy a piece of land and build a club and decent garage for my dive club with a decent size 6 meter deep training pool and a bar and training room and get a mini-bus and van for towing the RIB and kit for weekend excursions, I'd probably get them a new RIB too and compressor.

I'd hire family members to run the bar and drive the minibus for club members trips and part time staff to be lifeguards in the pool

I'd build a charity homeless shelter that family members can work at so I can pay them a decent wage without it being a hand-out..

I'd travel the world and set up little projects in remote forgotten about places to try and help them to improve themselves - overseeing it myself with regular travel.

And I'd not tell anyone it was me behind the money (or job offers) so that family members didn't beg and plead for hand-outs as I have family members with issues that I will not help... they will have to work still but would just be better paid than normal....

I would get lots of tax advice and run the overall company that would own the club grounds that the club would have free use off :)
2015-06-17 22:28:53 UTC
Make another 110 billion with it
2015-06-15 16:15:53 UTC
109.9 billion to various charities whose work I believe in.

If my math is exact, that should leave me 100 million. (I'm not really in the mood to verify rigorously, I'm just giving a ballpark idea of what I'd do).

90 million go to people closer to me. My loved ones, making sure they're set for life. More charities in my immediate community I believe in.

Which leaves my little selfish "me" with 10 million.

First, I would hire one of those Hollywood guys that ensures your privacy.

I would buy something nice for myself, a condo in some city.

I'm not extravagant. I don't need lamborghinis, yatches or quantum computers to make me feel important.

I'd still have lots of cash left over for the rest of my life to pursue my real passions.

I'd give oodles to panhandlers for the rest of my life too.

And probably still end up concluding 10 million is too much and some Church needs renovation once in a while.

The selfish meme is a really bad one to try to base a civilization on.
2015-06-18 12:02:56 UTC
I would surely get a home for me and my family since we don't have a proper one now. Next would be education with a lot of extracuricular works and part time learning class like music for instant. Since time is money, I would also volunteer my time with the community, responds to a humane cause like the Nepal after-quake tragedy and that doesn't mean that I'm not giving my cash. Giving away money is easy for me and anyone could've done that. I will personally help those that are struggling to get their dreams come true if moeny be their concern. I would try to start my own business to multiply the money. That's all that I could think of as of now.

2015-06-19 14:31:03 UTC
for me, the fist thing i would do would be to load up my favorite charities (make a wish foundation, wounded warriors project, childrens miracle network) with several billion each, then I would get me the most outfitted rv ever and hit every single city in this country the right way then i would get me the most outfitted house boat and do it all again but by water, and every time i got to a new city after exploring it for a few hours I would track down any shelters and humane societies and make a sizeable contribution. Hit the schools and throw huge pizza and ice cream party for the kids on the weekends ( love seeing kids smile ) and just flat out have fun.
2015-06-17 10:22:52 UTC
Assuming taxes of at least 50% leaving 55 billion to play with I would first pay off every fine that I owed in bills, credit cards, and loans then set up everyone in my family, both blood and otherwise, for life. Pay mortgages, set up their kids college funds, etc. Then set up charities for some causes I am for. Finally I'd buy myself a nice home with a piece of land attached, a car, and then take a month long trip to Europe.
2015-06-18 03:03:30 UTC
I would do nothing, because after getting 110 billion there is no need to do anything, I'll go on world tour for the rest of my life.
2015-06-18 07:43:21 UTC
Well. first of all. I´d pay off all my debts, I´d also look for my personal health and my family´s, medical check ups, dental care or so and then we would get all basic needs and a little bit more, maybe a big house with all in it!!!

then I´d have built a place for helping homeless people so they could get food, and shelter and medical care too and also the possibility to give them a job or an activity for them to feel productive, I would love traveling to Hawaii for a month or so meanwhile a good part of the money would be invested and working in order to help many more people who really needed it
jump e
2015-06-17 04:23:54 UTC
If you want then underwite it. Make sure you have a hold harmlesa indemnity policy. Ok now to answer the question. I dont think that is enough to pay off the country debt so just buy alot of land and create a micronation. Require everyone to write their own proclamation at 6 years old. And use the internet to publish which jurisdictions each individual has recognised so everyone can live together.
Green Puffin
2015-06-17 03:02:04 UTC
Buy an island with it's own clean water source, a shed load of seeds and gardening tools, get life stock, so that I was self sufficient. I would hire some farmers to keep the place in good shape, whilst I lived in a larger house on the mainland. I would pay all my family & friends mortgages, give millions to various different charities. Buy a flat in all my favourite cities and buy some more clothes and shoes....
2015-06-16 14:11:21 UTC
110 billion? For me 1 million ought to suffice
2015-06-16 22:20:23 UTC
I don't have time for 110 billion dollars. Give it to me later, when I have more time.
jess s
2015-06-17 09:43:05 UTC
I would take my freinds and fam on vaycay and pop the surprise! Then when we come back look for a peice of land to all live together on...start a hippie conmune relax...spend some time learning from others and teaching others. ..time for in a sense would buy me and everyone I love leisure time...

then I would spend the rest of my life doing random acts of kindness...I wouldnt donate billions to an charity or be a figure head, but also being a billionaire or even a millionaire wouldnt be enough to convince me to enjoy the 'elite' types of people.....I would shop at the same places, i would buy the entire person behind mes cart, I would set up an emergency fund at my local vets office for injured pets and poor families...take dogs from shelters on ice cream trips, take homless to eat meals, I would just spend every moment being randomly nice gifting the world love and blessing when they needed it most.
2015-06-17 01:00:27 UTC
1. pay of my school debt

2. Buy my parents a home so they wouldn't have to work ever again

3. Donate money for scientist to find a cure for cancer

4. Donate to children's hospital

5. Donate to homeless shelters

6. Donate for AIDS to find a cure

7. Help people out

8. Help out homeless people by treating them with some warm meals.

9. Give my parents a great vacation that they need.

10. Give my daughter the best life she deserves.

I would do all these thugs to help out in this world since the people that have it can't even help someone with a little.
2015-06-18 08:38:00 UTC
I'm too young to know much about the economy and stuff, but heres a rough idea of what i'd do:

-donate the first 5 billion to my family and friends.

-donate another 5 billion to crisis zones

-buy a shitton of properties for 100 billion, and put them up to let for a decade.

-sell them all for 150% of their original value.

-repeat the proccess again and sell the properties for 200%, so i'd have 300.

-donate it all personally to countries in need (charities are useless, 2% of their donations go towards the crisis zone) minus 5 billion for when i'm older and the situation demands it.
2015-06-16 18:35:27 UTC
Donate 109.5 billion dollars. The rest would go to a trust fund for my future children their children, and so on, education, and a pay off of all my debt. I would upgrade my lifestyle minimally, as I do not believe in a materialistic lifestyle for three reasons: poverty is a huge world issue, EVERYWHERE. Even in NYC there are men, women, and children who die of starvation naked and cold while at the same time you have someone being driven in a rolls-royce from a $50,00 clothing store to a dinner that will cost $2,00. 2) Happiness comes from doing good, not material. 3) Christ says "it easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God".
2015-06-17 03:47:22 UTC
I'd keep 10 billion and give the rest away. The hell I need 100 billion dollars for?

I'd first give 10 billion to my family

I'd donate 10 billion to the starving kids in Africa

I'd donate 10 billion to other miscellaneous starving countries

I'll then bury the remaining 70 billion in some remote place in the woods about 30 feet under. The lucky one in however many years it takes to find will be the one to keep it.
2015-06-17 18:09:10 UTC
1) Buy my family's house so they don't have to worry about mortgage payments ever again.

2) Start a fund program to allow low income people access to bail money so they don't sit in jail and lose their jobs over unpaid traffic tickets and being too poor to pay bail!

3) Build several state-of-the art no-kill animal shelters/sanctuaries with a full-time veterinarian who could dedicate at least one day a week to low/no cost spay/neuter services to low income pet owners in the community.

4) Give money to my favorite charities

There's so much good someone can do with that amount of money! Big houses are filled with wasted space, emptiness, and rooms you never use. You can only drive one car at a time, so what's the point of having more than one? You can literally change another human being's entire life with the amount of money a wealthy person pays for *another* designer handbag.
2015-06-17 03:04:19 UTC
Apple just announced they have $110 billion dollars in the bank.
2015-06-18 04:24:13 UTC
Honestly, no one would ever need that much money in their life. I would give it to the poor. I hear that it doesn't even cost $75 billion dollars to eliminate global poverty. I might just keep 1 billion dollars for me, my family, and my friends to use on our needs and wants. I'm sure that will be enough to pay for each of us for a very very long time...
2015-06-17 06:34:29 UTC
Give 20 million dollars to each of my family members so they're set for life, pay my parents back, keep 50 billion to eat drink buy daily needs and firearms, and donate the rest to UKIP
2015-06-17 03:17:34 UTC
Fire Bill Gates. Send him to Bangladesh. Bill, you amassed your fortune because the United States of America allowed you to. You threaten the government with outsourcing then set up your corporate headquarters in Bangladesh or Pakistan. see how much money they'll take. There's more important things in life than money, like patriotism. Other than that I would give most to charity and donate to mental and medical services that don;t cost millions of dollars from greedy insurance companies. and give to veterans who pay so dearly to protect these sleepy-eyed Americans who vote for criminal politicians. Of course, i would be mauled by millions of women golddiggers, use them and toss them away. Illegal aliens would go back to their countries. If you want to stay here then you must become a citizen. I would give back to the tax payers much of the money that is stolen from them by "Legalized Criminals (politicians)". and have them reimburse me. Set up homes for discarded children and abused animals caused by sub human genetic throwbacks. People that physically abuse small animals will be caught and exterminated, no trial, no jury. Come on, they don't deserve a trial so some technicality releases them back into the public.. I would donate funds and provide good medical services and attorneys for police that were attacked by an idiot that threatens them with violence.

I would hire an attorney to represent the officer who had his photo taken with Snoop Dog. I mean really, how picky can you get. Have a sense of humor. Chances are the local and state politicians just haven't been caught doing criminal activity.
2015-06-18 17:26:50 UTC
1. buy one or two intelligently designed and fully equipped spacious living unit

2. buy two intelligently engineered technologically advanced high performance vehicles

3. buy professional audiophile grade AV electronics that is able to please or dazzle the senses

4. buy faster and more advanced newly developed computer(s)

5. buy interesting and informative as well as enjoyable books that appeals to me

6. keep a supply of bright luminous 5000K+ white light bulbs/radiators

7. purchase useful precision shop tools with complete accessories

8. learn to make/create my own high quality high powered audiophile hi-fi speakers

9. start an easy to manage yet lucrative business to help me pay my bills

10. own two gas stations with mini-mart furnished with delicious healthy food and drinks

11. travel everywhere around the globe along with my samsung galaxy S6

12. make my dream come true - be a community college mathematics department dean

Note: I was once a commnunity college instructor
2015-06-18 00:21:22 UTC
Immediately secure/disperse the wealth before taxation before faking my own death. Then once I was a non-person, I would set up a convoluted series of fronts to train elite assassins who would begin to slowly but surely take down every member of families like the Rothschild, Rockefeller, and the Morgans. Each would die a death unable to be attributed to anything besides natural causes or a freak accident. There would naturally be a three pronged approach. Assassinations of the senior members, industrial espionage, and digital sabotage.

Every rotten politician (stuff that every politician full stop), every rotten investment banker, CEO, CFO, lobbyist, manager, lawyer, media tycoon, talkshow host, reality television host, every head of every secret government organization of every nation with the resources and finances for a black ops budget, every senior high ranking military officer e.t.c.

Why? To create a better world? A world where wealth and resources was distributed equally? Where people were not forced into economic slavery? Where over population could be dealt with, not by poisoning the environment and food chain, but by advancing technology, not for profit but to allow all of us to live in peace?

Nah *&@# that, I would do it just to watch civilization tear itself to shreds without leadership. Then I would sit back in a secret underground ex-government bunker and eat popcorn while watching the chaos! Hyaaah! :D
2015-06-16 02:31:07 UTC
I would donate all of it to charity except maybe 3 billion of it.

With the remaining amount I have, I'd buy a large mansion with pool and horse ranch in Hawaii. I would spend a lot of time traveling and going on vacations.
2015-06-18 10:37:56 UTC
If I get it now, these are the things I'll do.

1) Have a nice party, celebrate with family & close friends.

2) Give money to my family members and close friends so they can have easier life.

3) Romantic getaway with my love because we didn't go on honeymoon

4) Help with my husband & his best friend's business grow

5) Donate money to several charity

6) I will make my dream come true. I want to build a nice house for me & my love.

7) Maybe have kids.

8) Enjoy rest of the life with less stress.

But living in shitty condition and leaving tons of money to my kids could be funny.
2015-06-17 04:24:18 UTC
Buy myself a chocolate donut....a big I can eat my way out of!

Also, I'd pay people do attempt silly tasks, like give them a million pounds to jump off buildings naked into ice cold swimming pools! haha

I'd have an operation to become a woman, play with myself, and then convert back again.

Then I'd pay for all the sad people to be happy.

And buy myself some love.
2015-06-17 02:31:55 UTC
that is much of a huge money, a common man will literally be confused. But as for me, i will use a 5 billion dollar to start up a physical company, while the rest i will invest in stress free business online, like using it to buy premium domain names. that way, it will build residual income on it's own. stress free.
2015-06-18 05:15:49 UTC
I d invest most of it on scientific research to create artificial organs. So lets say you need a new liver; the donor will have to be the same blood type and all that other crap, but with an artificial organ there ll be no need for that. And the organ would last significantly longer than a human organ would. This is just an idea for the future, thank me later ;)
2015-06-22 01:51:13 UTC
1. Hire a bunch of geniuses.

2. Point to the sky and say "See that? Let's fix that."

3. Work with geniuses to end global warming.

4. Give a big old chunk of whatever's left to a homeless shelter or something.

5. Get a hamburger and a room. With cheese.
2015-06-16 05:03:20 UTC
1. Wounded Warrior Foundation. 2. Paralyzed Veterans. 3. VFW. 4. St. Judes Hospital.

5. Shriners. 6. Lakota Sioux Foundation. 7. Re-Build the Pine Ridge and the Rose Bud

Reservations Dakotas. 8. Put a rehab clinic on every American Indian Reservation in

this country.
2015-06-17 07:14:22 UTC
1. Help poor people.

2. Give some of them to my parents (who helped me with money)

3. Get a new house with a huge pool.

4. Buy food. Lots of food.

5. Get a new phone, because I really need a new one.

6. Go to concerts.

7. Get a nose job.

8. Travel all around the world.

9. Buy games.

10. Pay the bills.

11. Keep half of those money I get, 'cause you can never know when you're going to need them.
2015-06-18 07:42:45 UTC
Keep 2B for myself.

Make sure all family members are provided for by setting up trust accounts for them(5 million each)

All younger members all expense paid education and living expenses paid for.them

5 Billion for the ending of all forms of animal abuse in America. End Factory Farming Forever.

Sponsor poor families ,housing,health and paid education for their children,life skills

Have a meditation system in all prisons,hospitals and schools to create calm.

Influence foreign countries to end violence against women and human trafficking of little children.

Fire all politicians who make false promises to get votes.No more Lobbists! No more Liars in government

De-criminalize all drug use and treat all who want to be treated.

stop abuse of our land,work projects in community,inspire others to achieve.

Teach compassion

I will make the rest up as I go along.

I do not need 110 billion for my self.but it would sure be nice to have to share.
2015-06-17 08:08:06 UTC
1. I'll donate to help cure cancer and other serious ilness.

2. I'll donate to the starving kids in Africa and to the homeless.

3. I'll buy myself a new mansion wherever i want.

4. Travel the world

5. Buy the newest piece of technology

6. Buy the clothes i want

7. Get a nose job

8. Buy a whole room with makeup

9. Go randomly on streets and buy people food cause that would make me happy idek why lol XD
2015-06-16 00:47:52 UTC
I would give everyone in my family 1/5th of it. Then i would take the rest and invest in a business and perhaps, start my own. I would walk into the medical center in Dallas and pay for the treatment costs of the next 100 kids diagnosed with cancer. whatever is left i would take and buy a nice condo in Downtown LA. I would go finish my career as a paramedic and possibly attend medical school and study Emergency Medicine.
2015-06-16 15:33:55 UTC
If i had that money i would be so happy! but i would keep no more than a million, hoarding money is a deseise its like buying flowers to watch them die slowly.

firstly i'd ask myself what is wrong with the world in monatery turms. id create pockets of civerlisation that can provide for itself without the need for money. i could also pay for operations or set up free hospitals for people earning under so much a year. and if i didnt have enough money to finish i would go into my million and keep very little.

love to the people
2015-06-20 11:10:49 UTC
I would buy an airsoft gun and gear, save 20 billion for my life ahead. Divide up 40 billion up to give to family, Divide up 500 million for friends. Save 10.5 billion for myself to spend on whatever and for my main family. Then give the rest to charities and especially the Wounded Warrior Project.
2015-06-18 23:41:16 UTC
my answer is simple lol. I'd buy a very large house with lots of land and build a go-kart track and race around in fiat 500's. Seems pretty fun to do. Other than that I'd buyout achievement hunter and just do whatever.
2015-06-17 18:25:28 UTC
I would when im older buy a nice cabin house in the woods, Travel the world because i would only get to live my life once so i would see as much of the world as i could. Go on a cruise. Buy a BUNCH of new clothes. Donate some money to charity. and the rest I dont know
2015-06-20 10:26:59 UTC
Spend a lot of it on games to the point where I am the strongest person in each game. I don't know what else cuz I haven't really thought about it. 110 bil is a ton of money, you know.
2015-06-17 20:14:24 UTC
I would create the worlds largest bamboo forest. This is because Bamboo is an excellent replacement for lumber. There is no reason to chop down all the world's forests, while destroying vast unknown species and habitats, when making house framing out of bamboo is actually stronger and bamboo makes stronger wood for furniture too. You can chop down 1,000 acres of bamboo down to the stalk, in 5 months it would all be grown back. It grows fast! I'd like to replace all plastic bags w/ bamboo paper bags at grocery stores.
2015-06-15 16:08:31 UTC
I'd give a hell of a lot of it away to people I like

I'd also buy some movie people and force them to make faithful cinemazations of a few books I like, including:

a canticle for leibowitz

e for effort

cat's cradle

an alien heat

and some others.
2015-06-19 14:17:47 UTC
So I'm still in school but I would totally

+Buy a load of ridiculously expensive things like clothes, shoes, bags, food EVERYTHING

+Pay for driving lessons

+Buy a car or two

+Flat out buy an amazing house

+Stock my house with amazing furniture

+Pay for university

+Give money to my parents as a thank you

+Give money to charities
2015-06-16 00:41:51 UTC
I put most of it away to gain interest from the bank.. Oh boy.. I honestly don't have any idea on what I should spend here.. Well, maybe if I pay off my families bills, donate to a few charities, but everyone the houses they've always wanted, and plan the best Summer Vacation of my life. c:
2015-06-15 17:12:34 UTC
share with my family trusts for all the nieces and nephews

Share with my best friend.

Buy 2 condos live on top floor no one under me

all new furniture

support a local charity that helps kids being put out of foster car at age 18

buy a handicapped van

hire caretakers
2015-06-16 18:45:10 UTC
That is a lot of money . A few basic things . Give half to the kids . Build a new house and buy a few old cars . Then buy Edward Snowden's freedom .
2015-06-17 10:14:44 UTC
I would give 10 billion to charities, great armband street hospital and john radcliff. then i would pay off all my families debts, and buy everyone new houses. I would treat my sister to a whole redecoration of her room and all new clothes. I would buy my dad loads of expensive suits and treat my friends to new clothes and electrical equipment, then pay for a private tutor to help get into college/uni. i would buy a new car for my mum, dad, nana, grandad, auntie x 2, uncle x 2 and i would take my whole family on a long holiday to the caribbean or america. i would buy my sister loads of makeup and give money so disabled children could go to disneyland. i would love that kind of money .
Mr. Mackey
2015-06-15 16:11:06 UTC
I would NOT give it to friends or charity because I'm not a goddamn idiot with money like some people. I would probably move to a very nice well protected house and purchase Halloween animatronics and props for the inside. Would probably make small donations to politicians.
2015-06-17 11:41:29 UTC
Yeah... Unlike these fools, I would be smart with my money and invest. Save, invest, buy stock. Start a small business...

Not being retarded, blowing my money off. I would buy things that I need, like a car(which I don't have) and a house, paid off. My car wouldn't be a ridiculously expensive car either. I'd also love to donate.
2015-06-18 11:44:42 UTC
First things first, pay taxes, then I would pay off my debt and then invest in some sort of business. I'm interested in a place for babies and toddlers to play. My area isn't toddler friendly and I would love a huge gym for them to go to while also teaching the parents how to help them develop. Anything left would be saved. I need to make money off of my business before I spend anything else.
2015-06-19 08:31:56 UTC
I would help all the people that have helped me. And especially my mom. I'd buy her anything she wants. I'd buy myself a fitness trainer! And every gaming console ever including a gaming PC. Then I'd think of starting a business. Oh yea, and save some for college and school and clothes.
2015-06-20 08:33:53 UTC
Donate 109 billion of those dollars to charity's in order to put an end to homelessness, starvation, and diseases.
2015-06-18 03:02:14 UTC
I would try this experiment... I would combine the experiments of Professor, Andrew Cleland, of UC Santa Barbara, Professor Lene Hau, from Harvard University, Yoon-Ho Kim, R. Yu, S.P. Kulik, Y.H. Shih , and Youngs Experiment to create a Retrocausality paradox to see what happens!
Maria b
2015-06-15 18:44:19 UTC
I would set up free children's hospitals, free dental care clinics, establish college scholarships, pay the mortgages in full for anyone on my banks foreclosure list, I would enjoy making people's dreams come true if possible. I would buy cars for families that cant afford them and homes for others. That's a start.
2015-06-16 15:37:26 UTC
Go to space

Go on holiday




Move to America

Buy guns in America
2015-06-18 18:10:52 UTC
I would buy an Airline, a Railroad, and an overseas shipping company, and then amalgamate them as subsidiaries of one large holding company. And then I'd get a subscription to the Wall Street Journal.
2015-06-16 12:32:14 UTC
I would give $50,000,000,000 dollars to charities, and $50,000,000,000 to medical and astronomical science. With the remaining $10,000,000,000 (still a frickin' lot), I would quit my job, get a private jet, fly myself all around Europe, and stop at Slovenia to live there in a mansion amidst the Julian Alps with 4 African Pygmy Goats and one Karst shepherd.

Sounds like heaven to me.
2015-06-17 13:49:38 UTC
Well, first I would hire a really really good tax attorney. :)

- Buy out all neighboring properties obtaining a few thousand acres.

-put it in a restricted land trust to keep local municipalities and state out by revoking their right of ways then close all public access roads within my land,

- put remaining money left into a trust, pay myself as an employee at a lowered tax rate.

- file myself as a 501C-3 organization.

- create a utopia without interference from GOVERNMENT :)
2015-06-18 19:57:25 UTC
I would build Nadal enterprise. It will be a company that sells sport good at a lower price.

I will build Nadal Autos. It will be a company that sells small cars.

I will build Nadal Industries and have s contract with the military to make weapons.

I will build Nadal Homes Hyatt and house hobos.
2015-06-16 20:45:13 UTC
110 billion? 1 Billion would be MORE than enough to suffice. :O
2015-06-17 00:50:53 UTC
I would keep giving to charities and give to people who really need it. Give some to my family and of course treat my mom to the best luxuries as she has been poor all her life. So have I, so I would treat myself too. Clothes I hadn't been able to afford, go places abroad (i've never been abroad and I love to go to france, america and norway) get a decent house as the one i'm in now is falling apart. It's like living in a box.

Start a collection of some sort. Use the money to create a business such as theme parks. I love theme parks and there's places who need one. and... I'll come back to you later, haha
Andy F
2015-06-16 14:21:35 UTC
Repay my student loan ... no, just kidding.

Seriously, I never think about this possibility. I'm not going to have the money, so why daydream about spending it?

But if I did have that much money, I'd (a) give a big chunk to activist groups demanding global action to slow or stop destructive global climate change;

(b) I'd also give a large sum to the cause of supporting the incomes of displaced American and foreign workers in the fossil fuel industries, who would be hurt by regulation of "greenhouse" gases. I would want this money to go toward retraining displaced fossil fuel workers for new jobs, toward supporting their communities and families during the transition to a clean & green economy, and toward creating new "green" industries that would provide good-paying jobs to American workers.

(c) I would devote another large fraction of the money to groups finding to end poverty overseas, in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania

(d) I would devote a fourth big fraction of the money to groups promoting the study and development of "green" and democratic alternatives to our current growth-based, oil-based capitalist economy, which is leading human civilization towards the Abyss of Climate Hell.

(e) With whatever money was left, I would buy nice presents for my friends and family, and go to a hell of a lot of restaurants and Broadway stage plays & movies that I've always wanted to check out.
2015-06-18 16:39:34 UTC
After placing 10% of the total into a high interest earning account for future charitable interests, I would then use the rest to make sure that my brother, me, & ALL disabled veterans never have to be abused by yet ANOTHER VA Doctor or staffer, AND that money would also be used to hire lawyers for all the vets who want to sue the s#!t out of the VA.
2015-06-16 13:30:52 UTC
I would live an opulent, but not necessarily extravagant lifestyle; travel ocassionally; make sure my relatives were set, and hire them a financial advisor; make (hopefully wise) investments to grow that $110B; support worthwhile charities and medical research; donate to private individuals facing unusually difficult circumstances; leave behind a NICE nest egg for my younger relatives and siblings.
2015-06-17 00:19:18 UTC
id buy a bigish 1 story house with 3 bedrroms - 1 guest room my room the 3rd room would be my private studio and have a huge walk in closet with all my costumes on one side and my normal clothes on the other and have an arcade entertainment room and then id give a lot to some charies for people less fortunate then myself donate some to cancer foundations and animal welfare and some for the homeless
2015-06-17 12:57:34 UTC
In no particular order: House, car, pay off debts, go to grad school, travel within the US and Canada, buy a kitty cat, give a portion to my nieces, new wardrobe, new furniture/appliances/tech for said house, give some to friends who have always been there for me, donate some to worthy charities, hire a housekeeper, chef and esthetician, hire and probably fire (LOL) a nutritionist,
2015-06-16 08:20:32 UTC
Buy a dozen mail order brides so that way when I get bored with one I can say next. They would also be renamed 1 through 12. Hey, it's a tough life and you might as well enjoy it while you can!
2015-06-18 15:32:31 UTC
Buy an island, build a large mansion on it, fill it full of fancy cars & guns, and get myself 1 (or 2 or 3 or 4) nice wives to go along with my tax-free island nation.
2015-06-18 07:32:32 UTC
Donate 109 billion to the Mises Institute.
2015-06-17 10:03:52 UTC
Pay bills

Gave some to my family and closest friends

Open a small bussiness

Travel around the world

Donating to organisation that need them
2015-06-19 09:37:11 UTC
I would create an Animal Reserve for endangered species and I would buy land that would be for sale so someone else couldn't buy it just to cut all the trees down and make huge houses that people don't even need. :3
2015-06-17 18:59:20 UTC
Give it to peoplw in need like africa and other places open shelters for homles people and try helpinv people get jobs amd stash like maybe 80 bill away just in case emergency but most would go to making this planet and better place
2015-06-18 07:17:44 UTC
1)Give some to church.2) buy property and build a house. Get couple horses .3) buy another property and adopt every animal from shelters hire someone to take care of them.4)Buy car or van and place at beach and mountain. 5)Build house for my dog and have big old pond for her to play in ect. Give husband money let him get what ever he wants he deserves & when you love someone that's what you do.!!
2015-06-16 22:25:57 UTC
I would use that money to make more money. Then use that to make more even more money. Find a smoking hot chick to be my " wife" until I find a hotter one. Then use that money to make even more money. Donate billions to charity. Buy some land, start my own country. Take over the world, then govern my new planet.
2015-06-16 16:39:47 UTC
I would buy an index fund of companies that employ people---the best anti-poverty program is a job. Then I would use much of the income from the fund for certain charities: Animal welfare, medical research, musicians retirement funds, and more. Beyond that, I would live very, very well.
2015-06-16 04:14:10 UTC
I would keep half and donate half to childrens hospitals

I would buy a nice house and pay prop taxes for a few years.

Buy a couple cars to keep at the house

start a savings for my daughter

Pay off my hospital and credit card debt
2015-06-16 15:45:09 UTC
Help shelters and homeless people

Putting me in college

Buying me a mansion house

Buying me a car

Buying me a private jet

Going to Jamaica

Going to Bora Bora

Buying me clothes, makeup, etc.
2015-06-16 13:02:08 UTC
I'd buy a helicopter, and fly across the country and toss my money in cash (in 20 and 50 dollar bills).
2015-06-18 08:15:46 UTC
first thing I would do,is build and constructa really nice museum showpiece place,in New York City somewhere , to house my already staggering Swarovski Crystal collection. Then I would fulfill my dreamof buying every last piece of Swarovski Crystal out there, that I don't already have,making it the WORLD'Sfinest private collection.It would become one of NY's greatest tourist attractions.
2015-06-16 11:31:37 UTC
Id hire Cheap Trick for a personal concert
2015-06-15 18:21:06 UTC
1.) I would build my own biosphere on the moon and charge admission.

2.) I would donate 50 million to science.

3.) I would create a space prison for the worlds most dangerous criminals.

I would use my wealth to travel to the core of the earth. I would then build an island in the pacific and host gladiator tournaments free of restrictions.
2015-06-18 11:40:11 UTC
Start a no kill animal shelter.

Donate to animal shelters

Buy home cars

Give money to charity

Help my family

There's so much you could do with that kind of money!
2015-06-16 00:25:45 UTC
I would build a factory that does nothing but shed $100 bills into confetti and pay poor people minimum wage to sit and watch the money get shredded all day
2015-06-16 16:58:42 UTC
2015-06-19 04:36:18 UTC
I would invest about 75% of it so I can get more money. And for the other 25%, I'd use it to buy all the things I've ever wanted.
2015-06-20 16:49:58 UTC
I'd show the Koch Brothers why one USA citizen

will have 109 billion dollars shoved up their anus.
2015-06-16 13:20:50 UTC
Put 100 billion in the bank at the highest interest.

The remainder I would invest in kid's education
2015-06-17 07:06:26 UTC
buy my parents a life retirements from hassle, deoressions, problems and pain.

help my relatives in some any way(that they shud earn)

if that moment i still have my wife, i'll bring her family to the highest point the way she wishes and dream.

treat those people that has defined myself for moments or treats...

introduce lifestyle to people what i've been through... untill yhe toughest time..

invest for security and insurances..

go to places i emagined and taste the lifestyle being respected

buy things we dreamed that we cant afford before these...

lastly, help people change their environment and the atittude will follow.

and hope to learn what i need to be the great safety, health and environment officer
Double M
2015-06-17 08:48:56 UTC
I would let my win-fall work for me, instead of working for it. I would pay off any debt I and/or my sister had (she just bought a house). I would take a vacation to Italy and research my family roots. I would give a percentage to charity. I would set up a trust fund and/or college fund for my niece. Then I would exhale and thank the God of my understanding.
2015-06-18 12:15:21 UTC
I'd go to University and learn how to manage my money! Travel, live somewhere out in the middle of nowhere so I can have my privacy. I'd have dogs, cats, birds, horses, cows etc...Maybe become a pilot~
2015-06-17 13:45:02 UTC
pay off the house that has been a burden to me and my family for 8 years

charity work

throw 3000 one hundred dollar bills on the street (money for average people)

band concerts

meet and greets

im so selfish
2015-06-20 05:41:09 UTC
Put most of it in the bank, donate some, travel, buy a house... Yes, and if it came to me tomorrow, I'd set some aside for the Sanders campaign.
2015-06-16 08:33:10 UTC
Get out of debt and help my family too. Help my dear friends in need and give to charities that are in need and not some charity that takes 90% for themselves. Help my grandchildren with their college education. I might by a new Suburban and new truck for me. I would invest it also.
2015-06-17 01:48:57 UTC
I would create a campaign to end homophobia, islamophobia, racism, and sexism done by Conservative Christians. I would distribute money to the poor and the immigrants. I would visit many great Islamic, African, and Asian societies (unlike the conservative USA) and encourage them to come to our country and create a multicultural diversity with free rights, democracy, homosexual rights, and zero sexism. That's what a country should be.
2015-06-17 04:34:09 UTC
2015-06-18 11:24:24 UTC
I would turn it into 111 billion dollars.
2015-06-18 15:08:29 UTC
I'd go to the cash point whenever I am out of toilet paper at night and

1b on the usual **** (helping out family friends and personal comfort)

500m on constructing some of the huge metal sculptures I've dreamt up.

500m on buying a few artworks I love.

108b to spend the rest of my life travelling around the world talking to people/communities, analysing their most immediate and real problems and funding and organising the solutions to these problems.
2015-06-16 08:02:25 UTC
Work to change the economics of Green Energy. Without creating a system that enables more wealth created than simply doing its function, the economics falter.

Edit: With all the whiners on Global climate change I'm surprised they are giving lots of thumbs up.
2015-06-19 05:06:30 UTC

Luxury cars

2015-06-17 00:04:08 UTC
be smart with my money and invest for a better future for me and my family inlcuding my mom make some real cool cars my dream cars basically but a 3d printer and find a cool hobby and buy a nice respectable home with land and relax for everand o learn trades or something useful
Dante Escalante
2015-06-18 22:08:22 UTC
I would buy my own house

buy my own car

open up a toy store or other

give money to my parents and older brother

pay my parents house bills

give my brother a job in my store

and be a good, happy person.
2015-06-17 10:55:12 UTC
Give it all away to help the poor and underprivledged in the world in an attempt to ease a little suffering and make as many peoples lives a little better as I could.
2015-06-16 12:27:38 UTC
I would donate all of it to charity. I don't want to become corrupt with money, i just want to help people. There are many people dying out there and i want to do something about it. I have everything i need.
2015-06-18 10:12:01 UTC
I'd try to find a solution to homelessness. Everybody needs a place to sleep, eat, clean themselves, and maybe watch some TV at night.
2015-06-15 18:38:43 UTC
apparently, the wife or husband or spouse would get about 50%. then, taxes would take about 25%.

you could do a lot with 27-bilion dollars. i'd get a credit card, and that is the last you would ever see of me.
2015-06-15 17:08:43 UTC
Spend it, invent charity's and causes for tax write offs, buy politicians ( dem and rep ) who are like prostitutes - For Sale to the highest bidder except that prostitutes are more HONEST and people get a bang for their buck ... LOL !
2015-06-15 20:02:18 UTC
Buy everyone in the world a Burger and a Beer and give half of my fortune to my folks for putting up with me for so long, some to relatives, and rest for me.
2015-06-18 10:34:19 UTC
Pay for college for my family.

Go live a lone and buy my famliy homes.

Take care of everything medical.

After everything is done with me and my family I will give to charity.
2015-06-15 16:08:33 UTC
Give 109 billion to charity
2015-06-16 15:05:31 UTC
I would keep them then own billions of games then maybe a tons of houses reserves just in case.
2015-06-17 12:40:50 UTC
i would start off at the beverly center then go to robertson blvd and to rodeo drive and etc from there. i'd repeat this every month so you do the math.

also i'd give lots of money to wounder warriors for keeping me safe in new york and to those animal organizations with sad looking animal commercials.
2015-06-18 09:41:14 UTC
By my own house for the future, college, food, 5 million to my mum, dad brother and sister, give 1 million to my two best friends, buy a house for my mum and dad. Buy them a holiday, pay or my brothers and sisters college, buy food, put the rest in the bank
2015-06-17 00:28:30 UTC
Well its really a big money actually . I will buy a new gaming pc , laptop , i phone , a car and lots of new technology things since i like to use gadgets .
2015-06-16 19:47:54 UTC
Give to Charity the money

Poor Family's

and buy my cousin a car.
2015-06-16 00:16:29 UTC
I will on the World Tour, buy a private jet plane, build a modern house with all facilities, will give some amount to charity, will invest some money in good companies........ it was really a good dream...........
2015-06-18 07:40:43 UTC
Open my very own Theme Park, Give to many of the Homeless and Helpless, Possibly join PBS and/or CBN, and do certain personal things.
2015-06-19 12:09:44 UTC
Help out the homeless and keep around 80 billion for myself the rest goes out to my family and helping the poor
2015-06-18 11:55:28 UTC
I would Build churches for the Lord around the whole world. I will help the sick and poor. Buy a nice house. Buy nice 1-3 cars. Help my family.
2015-06-16 10:43:33 UTC
Pay off my debts, move to a larger/safer place, give a good portion to favorite charities and foundations

and, best of all, never have to work or look for a job again!
2015-06-18 16:23:55 UTC
Not sure. I would absolutely hire an accountant. I know i'd, give to every charity and cause that deserves big funds. Give 20% to the church.
Happy Dude
2015-06-17 01:21:56 UTC
pay out all the debts

Help all relatives/families dear to me

Build a few nice homes

Buy a few nice cars

Buy a personal jet

live hapily with my family

Have plenty of mistresses!
2015-06-17 18:20:53 UTC
Me, personally, I would clean out my closet, then buy a new wardrobe (clothing, not piece of furniture), then buy the most beautiful apartment in New York, and pay for all my schooling, and but the rest in my savings account lol
2015-06-18 16:06:57 UTC
A lot of condos and apartments, college fees, a nice car, my dream home and I'll donate some.
2015-06-16 13:56:40 UTC
I would donate to charity,, pay off school. Then buy an NFL and NBA team. And make sure my loved ones are takin care of
2015-06-17 15:43:11 UTC
Invest the money into a business and have some for savings and help out friends and family
2015-06-17 22:11:43 UTC
In all honesty, i would go to Thailand for at least 3 months to get drunk every day and have sex with hot Thai women before i even thought of what to do with it
2015-06-18 02:34:22 UTC
Purchase everything I need long-term in cash(house, education, ect). Buy as much land as possible balanced with buying dividend paying stocks that will provide me with $30,000 yearly stipend and enough to pay my property taxes.
2015-06-17 00:52:53 UTC
Buy a city and shape every building like a penis and make a law saying YOU MUST have AT LEAST 1 GRAM OF MARAJUANA ON YOU AT ALL TIMES
2015-06-17 21:21:09 UTC
With that kind of money I could be immune to any laws anywhere.

I would hire my own militia. I would send them after all the crooks. First the executives of AIG would be sent to hell. Then every CEO of every company in the business of selling personal information.
2015-06-15 16:09:51 UTC
Set up a trust for my daughters and grandsons. Set up a charity or two.. I don't know, that is a lot of money.
2015-06-17 06:49:32 UTC
First I would set my self and family up in large comfortable home. I would then provide private education for my grandchildren. Then I would try and alleviate suffering amongst the poor in Britain and Africa.
2015-06-15 16:35:18 UTC
The government would confiscate much of it and blow it as always. I'd convert the paper to actual assets like overseas land for minerals and of course metals.
2015-06-19 12:28:49 UTC
My mistake, thought you said 120 billion.
2015-06-17 11:57:55 UTC
I would invest it in california. I would use it to fix. All the streets around my neighborhood. I would buy my city better street lights so thatt its not so dark at night time. I would reinforce our borders. I would like to see less gheto areas here in san diego.
Karen Richardson
2015-06-16 19:13:34 UTC
1. go to med school

2. go to the moon

3. cure cancer

3. cure any other horrible disease

4. invest

5. give back to community

6. give some to my church

7. help my parents out
2015-06-18 14:32:55 UTC
2015-06-16 03:45:10 UTC
Buy Houses in all My Favorite Cities and an aircraft so i can go whenever i wish
2015-06-17 18:22:37 UTC
First, I'll build a new house for my parents ,second,help the poor children to have classes,and then ,I'll go to travel around the world .
2015-06-16 21:46:40 UTC
Buy Greece
2015-06-17 07:57:30 UTC
buy a yatch, buy football club Arsenal and Barcelona. Get a mansion, private jet, cars, produce a movie etc.
2015-06-16 14:52:38 UTC
I'll help my family pay off debt, help them change the house, buy books and video games then split the money with my family because someone will murder me for that money.
2015-06-17 18:08:23 UTC
A huge "custom" house with everything I have ever wanted.

All my friends anything they want.

A Lamborghini for me, my girlfriend, and all my friends.

Any phone any of my friends or my girlfriend want.

The list could go on for a year.
2015-06-16 19:12:50 UTC
Buy a nice car and a mansion and pay myself to retirement and get an RV and travel the world!!!
Candy Jack
2015-06-18 01:54:49 UTC
I would start each day reciting the pledge of allegiance and then proceed to buy 40 tubes of toothpaste a day so i can squeeze them all out in my tub and bathe in the mint, oh and i should add, water doesn t go well with toothpaste.

luisa l hi
2015-06-17 21:19:48 UTC
Keep them away ,from greedy politicians projects and stock markets.This money can build progress and future for a lot of people.?
2015-06-16 16:25:01 UTC
I don't know, but i'd probably end up wasted it just like I usually do after I get money.
2015-06-16 12:17:20 UTC
20% to the charity, 60% put in the bank and live for the rest of the life from money, that I gather from bank every year as a percents for keeping my money at the bank
2015-06-17 12:59:41 UTC
50% to charity. Buy things you need, not want. I would treat myself to a bunch of expensive luxuries but most would be necessities.
2015-06-16 14:09:01 UTC
I'd keep 1 million for myself and give the rest away
2015-06-18 11:38:48 UTC
Start a film company.
2015-06-16 19:04:17 UTC
One billion for me. One billion for you. One billion for me. One billion for you. Until there is no billion. Hallelujah! Jesus plans never fail.
Bianca Hardin
2015-06-18 14:12:58 UTC
Buy a big house in a great suburb, buy a nice car, buy a laptop, get my hair done, and buy contacts lol
2015-06-19 16:59:20 UTC
Buy lots and lots of guns (400K)

invest the rest

Create endowments/expand endowments for arts/environment/culture/literacy/science nonprofits with 0.1% of the yield

Spend the rest frugally so I could hoard the rest. 0.1% of the yield.

Invest on the yield
2015-06-16 07:46:08 UTC
Pay off my parents mortgage. Get them new cars. Buy a home & a new car for myself. Save & invest the rest.
2015-06-17 11:23:36 UTC
i would spend spend spend on a house,cars,holidays,helping family,friends,give lots to charity,buy a big skyscraper to house the homeless and needy so they can live there for free and save the rest and retire and enjoy myself for as long as i can and when i die give everything away to anyone who needs help.
2015-06-19 05:04:25 UTC
donate the 90billuon dollar to thise in need, and the 10 billion alone is mine
2015-06-15 18:09:39 UTC
Invest it and become more rich and give 99% of my money to charities, third world countries, homeless, people starving etc..
2015-06-15 16:27:15 UTC
I'd spend what I could of it on wine, women and song. The rest I'd probably spend foolishly.
2015-06-17 21:01:02 UTC
A beautiful house,car, plane, and space blimp and of course use this money for bucket lists.
2015-06-16 08:16:34 UTC
Pay Taylor Swift to never make music again.
2015-06-16 14:40:23 UTC
Pay off my family's debt and give the rest to charity
2015-06-17 20:10:16 UTC
With that much money, we should all give a portion , a quarter, to our parents as a way of saying thanks, donate another quarter to animal shelters and unicef, a quarter for your children, and a quarter to travel the world.
2015-06-17 15:56:26 UTC
Buy Yahoo! And shut this joke of a q&a site the fùck down.
2015-06-17 09:36:41 UTC
Cure Cancer and Ebola. Leftovers donated to stop hunger in the poorer countries.
2015-06-18 15:01:21 UTC
Build Islamic centers, Islamic libraries, Muslim cultural centers, etc.. all over the USA to piss off the right-wing Christians.
2015-06-17 11:18:25 UTC
Pay off debt, go to school for engineering and save the rest
2015-06-17 19:58:53 UTC
The development of new environmental protection product and

Go to Tibet and
2015-06-15 22:05:16 UTC
Move to Hawaii and by my dream car which is a Porsche
2015-06-15 16:12:43 UTC
give every adult American citizen 1 million dollars and then take the rest and sit on Caribbean beach and watch the games begin.
2015-06-16 06:30:15 UTC
Save it
2015-06-16 14:39:33 UTC
I would sell money for 25 cents less
2015-06-20 06:00:31 UTC
Pay off all my debt,

and then send all the remaining money to the Communist Party.

I'm joking,
2015-06-16 00:05:09 UTC
give everyone that works minimum wage 1000 dollars so they all start calling into work and destabilize the economy
2015-06-17 17:03:31 UTC
Buy a house in the Bay Area. Have you seen the prices?
2015-06-17 12:55:53 UTC
Buy lots of land, work toward/s wide, farm the land, and provide housing...and feed all the hungry people who are unjustly being starved due to those holding power and greed over them. Thanks for asking.
2015-06-16 04:27:39 UTC
Fund archaeological expeditions.
2015-06-15 19:52:40 UTC
I would honestly eat it.

Free Food for Life.
2015-06-17 04:10:01 UTC
I would get a gaming computer, xbox one, endless bag of doritoes and mountain dew, beast internet, then invest
2015-06-17 07:12:23 UTC
podes metertelo en el culo y sentiras un extasis de satisfaccion que solo el dinero puede dar.
2015-06-16 12:04:28 UTC
Help prevent animal cruelty. Build free hospitals for animals. will host sick and injured animals
2015-06-17 03:41:26 UTC
2015-06-16 04:22:34 UTC
-find the cure for schizophrenia

-help homeless people get back on their feet

-help my family

-help single parents

-make the poor rich

-build more hospitals in 3rd countries

-help orphans

-help homeless kids find a home and get them educated ☺️

AND so much more
2015-06-16 19:53:59 UTC
I would do my best to reproduce the money and get more of it with that money cuz it ill run out one day or the other
2015-06-17 18:34:09 UTC
. . derr . . .110 billion lottery tickets!!!
2015-06-16 22:32:29 UTC
Donate some to the government to enhance our national security.
2015-06-18 01:00:40 UTC
I would buy a house and give everybody in my family money
2015-06-16 13:44:01 UTC
Live off the interest the first ten years and than go to Disneyland.
2015-06-17 09:46:49 UTC
Spend all on games



cba doing a big list haha
2015-06-15 22:56:51 UTC
Send every stripper to college....

No not by pain for college directly
2015-06-17 21:05:54 UTC
Make a big bonfire to light my cigarettes with. Then go wee woo wee woo wee woo and pee on it.
2015-06-17 15:55:35 UTC
I would fund Adam Kokesh.
2015-06-18 08:11:09 UTC
Give about 99% of it away to causes of my own choice, and still be very very rich!!!
2015-06-18 04:41:09 UTC
Invest and donate to charitys
2015-06-16 23:17:15 UTC
Buy some nice things, but also use it do good. I would invest in people.
2015-06-15 16:08:32 UTC
I'd make a lot of people happy.
2015-06-15 16:11:46 UTC
Hire a staff of people to give it away.
2015-06-16 00:30:33 UTC
Donate, buy weed, get hot bitches, but everything I want, and buy everything my family wants and needs! Same for my friends
2015-06-15 16:12:53 UTC
Disappear--hire someone to get me a new identity and disappear somewhere in the world
2015-06-20 01:25:17 UTC
I would save it and travel the world and of course go shopping
2015-06-19 09:53:17 UTC
first i will stop working .second i make some organisation for the cancers patient and i buy some foods and pack it and then give it for those people who they are poorly and pity person...and i will pray for god ..
2015-06-15 20:34:37 UTC
Get KISS to play at my birthday party !!!!1
2015-06-23 18:31:37 UTC

1: buy a house

2:get several vehicles

3:buy my own airline

4:buy every woman and child

5:spend the rest on blow............. :)
2015-06-16 14:46:55 UTC
-buy a nice house

-go on vacation

-put a lot into savings

-donate the rest
2015-06-16 08:16:36 UTC
Quit my job, buy everything I wanted, give to multiple causes -esp cancer research, give to family and friends
2015-06-15 19:35:31 UTC
Buy a jet
2015-06-18 07:05:48 UTC
Buy a really powerful sports car....I don't know what after that.
2015-06-16 19:00:28 UTC
Get a nice house, buy land, get body guards, then practice the gospel of wealth. :)
2015-06-16 16:03:33 UTC
Everything I could think of.... and I would probably still have money left over.
2015-06-16 05:30:13 UTC
My first move would be to change it in to sterling.

After that, I have no definite ideas.
2015-06-17 06:20:40 UTC
at the moment I havnt eaten breakfast so I would go get some of my favorite cereal, golden nuggets
Rachel Hunt
2015-06-16 17:51:07 UTC
I'd give it to people who really need it like homeless people
2015-06-15 17:13:39 UTC
I wouldn't live beyond my means, hahahaha
2015-06-16 23:35:50 UTC
Put them in the bank instantly, get the annual ROI and mint more money with money
2015-06-19 13:18:38 UTC
Buy a spaceship and never come back
2015-06-18 19:29:44 UTC
donate for making others happy is the key to a good life and success.
2015-06-16 16:51:33 UTC
Spend at least half of it to try to aid the world.
2015-06-17 17:52:52 UTC
I would like to travel around the world.
Joe Russell
2015-06-18 20:16:02 UTC
I would buy everything I need and the things I want
2015-06-20 08:49:00 UTC
I start with paying off my debts, then go into hiding.
2015-06-18 10:50:20 UTC
Woow..that's a lot ov money....part ov it will go into investments...I'll see abt the rest
2015-06-16 17:21:37 UTC
Then I would be free to do what I am doing even more so.
2015-06-19 23:42:20 UTC
I'd Spend it - that's what money is for - spending.
2015-06-15 16:08:24 UTC
Buy a new body
2015-06-18 18:18:56 UTC
Buy an island and enslave the oompa-loompas
2015-06-16 14:47:25 UTC
Donate the money to Christian charities all around the world.
2015-06-18 10:33:59 UTC
id hire top scientists and researchers to try to figure out why you asked this
2015-06-15 16:07:18 UTC
not enough, gamble it to make a trillion dollars or bust
Charly Dat
2015-06-17 03:54:12 UTC
I would prefer to build a mansion.
2015-06-19 05:03:18 UTC
2015-06-18 20:33:00 UTC
Id pay to have my answer voted best
2015-06-18 08:17:19 UTC
ALL the CSGO skins and knives. Crash the csgo market, make more money by selling them for higher.
2015-06-17 21:05:04 UTC
I would like to travel
2015-06-16 21:56:31 UTC
make investments for my future family generations to thrive on
2015-06-17 17:00:09 UTC
Feed the poor and Homeless
2015-06-18 10:15:44 UTC
try to help the world probably become a super villian by accident
2015-06-17 03:13:19 UTC
I wont do anything for sometime.Iwould need time to plan the spending money.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-06-16 08:19:51 UTC
I would buy a new bicycle; Mine is worn out !
2015-06-17 16:28:16 UTC
buy a lot of stuff a lot a lot a lot and employ as many people as I could
Adullah M
2015-06-17 01:11:47 UTC
By the time I get it there would be no value left,so no need for it.
2015-06-18 11:08:54 UTC
Cure all illnesses
2015-06-15 16:11:02 UTC
Buy the presidency and change America for the better!
2015-06-18 07:46:11 UTC
Gather and remove the plastic in the Oceans
2015-06-16 09:44:13 UTC
I would fund organisations that hold my political beliefs.
2015-06-20 11:05:31 UTC
i would............... a shitload of games and get new consoles

2.get a fast as hell motorcycle

3...and buy the latest laptop
2015-06-16 23:36:05 UTC
i will do world tour. make home and some out of it to my parents
2015-06-15 19:01:53 UTC
Buy gum
2015-06-18 05:26:35 UTC
I will get well settle in life
2015-06-17 16:55:26 UTC
I dont need it because i'm not materalistic and i dont need to show off.
2015-06-18 09:52:13 UTC
Save it.
2015-06-16 03:19:47 UTC
open a organisation where i would assist organisations who work for cause...would at least change the face of my nation...:)
2015-06-17 10:01:13 UTC
I'll remove mah clothes & dance dhinka chika dhinka chika hey hey hey hey


<\ \

_/ \_;
2015-06-16 18:22:58 UTC
I'd buy a home & never work again
2015-06-16 10:43:50 UTC
I would buy some new socks, because I liiiikkkkeeee socks ;)
2015-06-17 07:42:09 UTC
i would buy every ******* **** i ever wanted a mansion all the video gamest a ,private island and alot more ****
2015-06-16 22:24:41 UTC
A girlfriend...
2015-06-16 08:43:23 UTC
give it to foreign countries and help them build up
2015-06-18 19:44:38 UTC
2015-06-18 06:44:57 UTC
2015-06-17 17:02:52 UTC
I'll put it all on red
2015-06-19 07:02:24 UTC
build a big mental hospital and put all the liberals in it
2015-06-17 02:27:20 UTC
Invest it and live off the interest
2015-06-18 00:36:36 UTC
Share it
2015-06-17 15:50:30 UTC
Share it
Amir Hossein
2015-06-20 13:13:22 UTC
i marry with scarlett Johansson
2015-06-19 09:04:29 UTC
i will make our town a better place for me, my family and to all of us living it will also benefit me, and can help and benefit others.
2015-06-19 11:03:49 UTC
King Mob
2015-06-17 16:54:02 UTC
buy a presidential candidate
2015-06-16 19:44:17 UTC
I would be long gone and you would never hear from me again.
2015-06-17 06:59:01 UTC
for me, I will give to the church, build my own house, give also to my mom and dad and let all my neighbor will benefits on it. give foods to the poor.
2015-06-17 11:35:19 UTC
Enjoy the rest of my life.
2015-06-19 18:34:18 UTC
Never look back
2015-06-16 18:04:08 UTC
Two chicks at once.
2015-06-18 13:44:39 UTC
live life
2015-06-20 20:48:22 UTC
NOT donate to charity or dumb crap like that obviously
Jerry Blizzard
2015-06-19 04:27:53 UTC
buy out coca cola and then make more money
2015-06-17 18:23:33 UTC
Buy the MLB, NBA, nfl, Fifa, and nhl
Kay Peavler
2015-06-17 21:36:51 UTC
Charity, pay off all debt and keep my job
Jerry Beasley
2015-06-16 16:24:14 UTC
live life well and share with others I think?
2015-06-15 16:13:18 UTC
Wipe My AZZ.
2015-06-17 19:47:27 UTC
Make more wealth
2015-06-16 09:10:10 UTC
Spend it
2015-06-17 17:55:27 UTC
I would buy Greece.
Miles from Michigan!!
2015-06-16 10:10:25 UTC
I could buy a cup of coffee!!!!
2015-06-15 23:00:12 UTC
woow,donate some,leave some to live
2015-06-16 23:27:09 UTC
i buy alot of oysters and champagne and eat them
2015-06-17 11:02:56 UTC
buy tickets to different events
2015-06-15 16:13:44 UTC
help everyone in the world that needed help, such as food, housing, medical, etc.
2015-06-17 08:29:32 UTC
i would get the things i want, then i would start helping people out!
2015-06-17 19:12:00 UTC
Give many away to help the poor and other things and myself. :-)
2015-06-18 05:23:56 UTC
Donate in the charity.
2015-06-16 08:47:40 UTC
uncle sam
2015-06-16 08:15:02 UTC
big mansion and plastic surgery
2015-06-17 06:15:14 UTC
buy a puppy
2015-06-17 14:26:14 UTC
2015-06-16 23:20:14 UTC
2015-06-17 00:26:53 UTC
maybe buy a sandwich
2015-06-17 06:36:53 UTC
take off my clothes and roll around in it naked
2015-06-17 21:55:34 UTC
Live the life of my dreams :)
2015-06-17 22:34:29 UTC
Convert it to pounds and use it.
2015-06-17 07:03:17 UTC
create the ultimate video game.
2015-06-16 13:55:27 UTC
I would give it away for patience diagnosed with cancer, education, and Africa. :)
2015-06-18 13:40:50 UTC
invest it and open an etiquette school.
2015-06-16 17:51:59 UTC

2015-06-16 20:09:00 UTC
I would burn it and throw pubes in it
michelle s
2015-06-17 07:28:56 UTC
2015-06-16 15:08:19 UTC
donate half to cancer charities
Jeffrey M
2015-06-15 16:44:49 UTC
is that before or after taxs?
2015-06-18 01:00:57 UTC
convert it to sterling (not the football player)
2015-06-17 12:48:21 UTC
be happy =), who wouldn't be happy with this amount?
2015-06-19 08:07:10 UTC
Get Drunk
2015-06-17 18:05:59 UTC
2015-06-19 01:22:35 UTC
I try to help the poor man and child.......
2015-06-15 16:06:44 UTC
buy everybody and make them my slaves.
2015-06-16 04:08:37 UTC
Hide it from the libs
2015-06-16 23:07:06 UTC
2015-06-16 14:38:36 UTC
2015-06-17 01:12:38 UTC
i start to malti
2015-06-17 14:55:41 UTC
buy whatever i wanted
2015-06-17 06:50:46 UTC
I would kill myself with it
2015-06-17 01:17:46 UTC
give it all to charity
2015-06-15 16:15:22 UTC
buy an island..Australia, perhaps!
2015-06-17 06:07:02 UTC
get lasik
2015-06-20 09:44:21 UTC
No one has that money...... So keep dreaming kid.
2015-06-18 14:54:49 UTC
I will help the poor.
2015-06-17 02:03:42 UTC
i will buy bomb and blast mayanmar
2015-06-16 20:40:16 UTC
Cocaine and birches
2015-06-17 08:22:13 UTC
Spend it :P
Warren T
2015-06-16 23:03:44 UTC
2015-06-16 13:48:33 UTC
i have 54.8 million
2015-06-17 04:46:47 UTC
I would spend it.
2015-06-17 19:59:15 UTC
by a lot of pizza....yum.
Aperture Laboratories
2015-06-18 10:45:14 UTC
I would i would use it
2015-06-17 06:27:49 UTC
Is that a joke...I have ABSOLUTELY no idea!!!
2015-06-19 10:27:28 UTC
buy cats.
2015-06-16 15:57:13 UTC
get the fu.k out of here
2015-06-15 16:06:40 UTC
2015-06-17 14:34:43 UTC
Burn them all.
2015-06-20 06:39:00 UTC
2015-06-16 10:57:52 UTC
2015-06-18 06:48:53 UTC
2015-06-17 14:35:29 UTC
Booze................Women...............Gambling..................... and I'd just waste the rest.
Tad Dubious
2015-06-17 09:04:59 UTC
2015-06-19 22:23:35 UTC
2015-06-22 01:18:41 UTC
Leave my job....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.