No one argues that criminals should have possession of guns.
However, every law designed to prevent access to guns by criminals is a failed law. Criminals easily obtain guns through the black market or through theft or fraud.
Gun control advocates know the laws are a failure but continue to harp about the need for more control with the eventual goal of winning approval for an outright ban falsely believed to be "total control" of guns. The truth of gun bans is they act as a total loss of control while creating an entirely new class of criminal carved from the formerly law abiding.
A government has the just authority and ability to control criminals. Bad government will always create more of them them through bad law in an attempt to control more people.
The law abiding gun owner is forced to run and jump over hurdles while criminals walk around them.
A better answer to the problem is true "criminal" control. Being in possession of a gun during any crime of theft or assault adds thirty years to the sentence upon conviction. Injuring or killing during the commission of a crime gets you life with no parole. A criminal, once convicted and time served, found in possession of a gun brings 30 more years, automatically.
If you, acting criminally, desire to burglarize a "known" unoccupied residence, you don't need a gun although you could be mistaken about the status of occupation, so you may desire to have one with you just in case. As the resident of your target home, I assume you do. Best you assume, I'm home and armed, willing to use my tools for defense. Best to stick with robbing old ladies using walkers and hope witnesses to your crime are unarmed.
"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it." -Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-California
If you can, please tell us what the President, an advocate for more gun control laws, did while a member of the Illinois state legislature to restore Second Amendment rights to his constituents in Chicago.