How can Indian and Pakistan settle their differences on the Kashmir issue?
2010-07-17 22:24:52 UTC
In the past few dacades this issue has emerged as one of the burning topics in the world. Both the Nuclear powered nations have locked horns several times to get some sort of a 'solution' for Kashmir.

Russia, U.S.A and U.N ...everyone has tried their bit to cut the communication gap between the two nations and make them discuss on this issue.

But can there really be a solution to the Kashmir dispute or will this struggle of both the nations continiue for a couple of more decades?
21 answers:
2010-07-19 20:09:07 UTC
Kabaddi-Kabaddi ?
2010-07-20 13:34:26 UTC
Strategic Dialogues wont help in solving this MAJOR issue between the two neighbours. It is the root cause of many other issues that the two countries have. Why strategic dialogue wont help is because India is not at all sincere to the dialogues and they are not willing to resolve the issue. India has violated almost all of United Nation's Resolutions regarding Kashmir and worst examples of Human Rights violations can also be collected from Indian Army operating in Kashmir against the Pro-Pakistan people of Kashmir.

The only way to solve this issue is a WAR between the two countries!
2010-07-18 01:28:13 UTC
the question to be asked at this point of time is: why there is a situation of deadlock in the Kashmir issue between the two countries? It’s because of the fact that no side is willing to give an inch to another. Islamabad says Kashmir should have become part of Pakistan in 1947, because Muslims are in majority in the region. Pakistan also argues that Kashmiris should be allowed to vote in a referendum on their future, following numerous UN resolutions on the issue.

On the other hand, India does not want international debate on the issue, arguing that the Simla Agreement of 1972 provided for a resolution through bilateral talks. India points to the Instrument of Accession signed in October 1947 by Maharaja Hari Singh. Moreover, both India and Pakistan reject the option of Kashmir becoming an independent state.

According to experts, religion is an important aspect of the dispute. Partition in 1947 gave Muslims of India a state of their own: Pakistan. So a common faith underpins Pakistan’s claims to Kashmir, where many areas are Muslim-dominated. In theory, the population of the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir is over 60 per cent Muslim, making it the only state within India where Muslims are in majority.

The LoC divides Kashmir on an almost two-to-one basis: the region in the east and south, with a population of about 9 million, falls into the Indian-controlled state of Jammu and Kashmir, while the Pakistani-administered Kashmir to the north and west, with a population of about three million, is labelled by Pakistan as "Azad" (Free) Kashmir. China also controls a small portion of Kashmir.

The US has an interest in seeing if a final settlement of the Kashmir issue can be reached, and is trying to help build on the progress made by India and Pakistan on the composite dialogue. “The US is not a mediator. But we respect the considerable progress that’s been made by Pakistan and India in the composite dialogue and we are just trying to help build whatever we can on that progress,” pointed out the US Under Secretary of State, Nicholas Burns, recently.

The friction between India and Pakistan is relevant to the rest of the world not only because both are the newest members of the nuclear club, but also because it affects the stability and economic potential of a region that includes more than a billion people, some 950 million in India alone.

Regarding Kashmir, India has moved away from its hard stance that it would not negotiate until border incursions stopped. It has also withdrawn some of its troops. Pakistan, on its part, has relaxed its demand that a plebiscite be conducted to resolve the dispute. Neither country any longer claims the whole of Jammu and Kashmir. Citizens in each country are beginning to see that a compromise is needed.

Theoretically, the Pakistani establishment realises that its 14 year-old policy of trying to bleed India through Kashmir has failed. India has not only absorbed the damage, but has won a good deal of sympathy from the international community, especially the US.

In India and Pakistan the domestic environments have changed for the better. The peace constituency exerts genuine influence on the dialogue; it represents the wishes of average citizens who are eager to improve relations with their neighbour.
2016-10-19 10:06:32 UTC
ok we could do UN determination a million. Pakistan has proficient Shaksgam valley to China 2. in line with UN determination, previously Indian squaddies withdraw, ALL pakistani squaddies could withdraw Pakistan has shown contempt for UN via not following UN determination which calls for finished withdrawal of Pakistani squaddies from POK and Gilgit 3. UN banned demographic differences. India has article 370 which prohibits non-Kashmiris from migrating to kashmir,. while Pakistan has replaced demographics 4. In 1947, Kashmiri muslims fought for India below Sheikh Abdullah, against Pakistan and Sheikh Abdullah spoke at UN in choose of India 5. at present, maximum international powers hate islam and muslims and could not enable yet another muslim state to form. China is stressful that if kashmir will become islamic state. islamism would be exported to Xinjiang. Russia is stressful that if kashmir will become islamic, it could have greater islamism in Chechnya
Walter C
2010-07-18 05:06:20 UTC
Why does any one feel there is a solution to the hate that has been going on in this area for thousands of years. If you remember history the solution to these problems was to let Pakistan form as a nation.

Well Pakistan has been in existence for over 60 years and the hate still rages on,

2010-07-21 02:50:21 UTC
Once again unfriendly people are out there to spread misinformation under pseudo name.

It is not possible until Pakistan vacate illegal occupation of POK.

USA or China are not helping India nor they wish to.

Pakistan is big arms market and India is biggest commercial market for USA and it is doing balancing act between both.

China is against India and therefore it supports Pakistan. China has supplied nuclear technology to Pakistan. China is also with Pakistan because Pakistan has gifted part of POK to China.
Roshan Hingz
2010-07-18 05:04:18 UTC
To decide on who should take up Kashmir, you need to know the following information.

-1947: Time of Indian Partition. Each region's leader of British India was given a choice of whether to join Pakistan (for Muslims) or India (for non-Muslims). Kashmir was a majority Muslim region, especially in its northern parts, while its southern parts were far more Hindu.

However, despite having a Muslim majority, the leader of Kashmir was Hindu (Maharaja Hari Singh). He did not want to join either Pakistan (since he would lose his power as a Hindu leader in a Muslim country) or India (since Kashmir was a Muslim region).

Pakistan's leader, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was disappointed with this and ordered tribesmen from Pakistan to invade and take over Kashmir on October 20th, 1947, by fighting against the Kashmiri forces. By October 26th, Pakistan had already reached Kashmir's major city, Kashmir, and had taken over about 4/5 of Kashmir.

The Maharaja knew he was losing this war so he called for India's help; India only agreed to help if the Maharaja would agree to give all of Kashmir to India. He did.

India invaded on October 26th/27th and took over about 2/3 of Kashmir by 1948 from Pakistani control.

So what we've got here is: Kashmir is almost like an independent country--> Pakistan invades Kashmir ---> Kashmir calls for Indian help --> India agrees only if Kashmir joins India eventually --> India takes majority of Kashmir.
2010-07-18 00:29:03 UTC
why people of kashmir do not understand ? by funding pakistani army to Kashmir it , try to revenge bangladesh . many solution here :-

in the year 2040 india will be more strong and open and more librate. the state of india like independ strong country . and there will be UNITED STATE OF INDIA . where voice of gujarat , bihar , up, will have different weight at delhi. That time kashmir remain in United India or not will not make more difference . Rich , prosper and strong indian people including muslim indians will not welcome kashmiri , if present anti india movement continue which is funded and backed by PK .

or independ kashmir in 2040 may be similar to Afghanistan , depend on fund of USA .

or part of pakistan in 2040 ? many state in pakistan will have acute shortages of waters,foods and education . infrastructure may not be developed compare to india . The crime may be more than any part of world , may be like Afghanistan . As when kashmir became part of pakistan -accepeted by india , why pk govt give fund to kashmir ? many other state want more funds.

Anyway this is kashmiris have to think not anyone else .
2010-07-18 05:39:55 UTC
In my opinion we should give Kashmir (Jammu and Laddakh excluded) to Porkistan and with this kick out all PIGS from India as well. See this is another golden chance to get rid of these people. We lost on chance in 1947 but God is kind enough that he's giving us another chance. If we don't do anything this time, India and Hinduism will enter the history books in the next 50-100 years.
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2010-07-17 23:50:53 UTC

It is more beneficial for the politicians, for the leaders, for the media of both the countries NOT to settle the issue. It is this vested interest which has to be looked into and what could be done to counter it.

Unless these vested interests of all parties are contained, peace in Kashmere seems remote & unachievable.

The conflict is more beneficial than the solution at the moment.

2010-07-17 22:47:56 UTC
I think it will continue for few more decades. As there is a bad history of centuries between two communities and frankly its not issue between India n Pakistan ,its issue between two different religious ideologies and that makes it harder to sole .Its very agonizing for many Indians to see the blood bath in that part ,from both sides ,we are as frustrated as people world over who desire peace in this region.
2010-07-18 04:59:26 UTC
Kashmir is not at all an issue,it is intergral part of India,Some spineless Indian politicians develop

cold feet to admit,declare this truth.

Pakistan is unnecessarily making it a issue.Certain western nations flare up the matter for

their own benefit.
2010-07-17 22:27:41 UTC
Woolite. Proctor and Gamble claim it is gentle enough to clean Kashmir.

As far as getting these people to make peace. Hating each other is in their blood.

Will they nuke each other. Probably not. Somehow common sense usually takes place in the end. Hindus are taught to value life.

2010-07-18 11:29:58 UTC
The only solution is pakistan must handover the PoK to India.
2010-07-17 23:00:35 UTC
There is always a solution for a problem ,but problem is no one want solution neither India nor Pakistan and not even countries like USA etc.
2010-07-17 22:37:54 UTC
It will go on for decades. Hate is a strong motivator for no solution
2010-07-18 23:06:50 UTC
Yes, the solution called PLEBISCITE RESOLUTION is already there as decided UNEQUIVOCALLY by UN Security Council on 5 th January, 1949 for holding a FREE & FAIR PLEBISCITE under NEUTRAL UN AUSPICES, in ABSENCE of both Indian as well as Pakistani , all sorts of EXTERNAL FORCES of all kinds, both REGULARS & IRREGULARS & in absence of all REFUGEES entered the state after 14 th August, 1947. This is MOST ACCURATE solution.

It was India only which created hurdles in the way of its implementation by DELIBERATELY adopting DILATORY TACTICS by mixing the issue with so may other all IRRELEVANT ones & CHANGING STANDS like colour changing of a 'mischievious chameleon'. Pakistan was all the time ready to hold the plebiscite at the earlist & pressurising for the same from January 1948 itself, on record. Read reports of Admiral Chester Nimitz, Gen. Mac Nauton, Dr. Frank Graham, Sir Owen Dixon & Gunnar Jarring(pronounce as Yaaring), all on record. Sir Dixon wrote that India can be persuaded for plebiscite only when she gets chance of HEAVY RIGGING in that to be held under control of her army & establishments & the world must ratify that result to be free & fair. So, India's INTRANSIGENCE, BELLIGERENCE, ADAMANCY, BULLISH & HEGEMONISTIC attitude has PREVENTED the IMPLEMENTATION OF the SOLUTION. That is the problem, NOT the absence of any honest & JUST SOLUTION. India wants UNJUST solution favouring her only, NOT FREE & FAIR SOLUTION.

I've visited all points of Kashmir deeply in detail without any security cover, no Indian leader or journalist can ever dare, I challenge. > 99 % people support Hizbul Mujahideen, a HARSH truth.

Needless to say UN Security Council(World's highest authority) declared PEOPLE of KASHMIR, the


NOT either India or Pakistan,

both being OUTSIDERS &

only claiming nations,

nothing more than that. That is LEGAL status, not to be overlooked.

So, both nations have NO RIGHT to put PRE-CONDITIONS for solving the problem to actually DELAY that.
2010-07-18 10:11:56 UTC
the rate at which muslims population is increasing in india, soon, there will no india to bother about kashmir.
2010-07-19 08:12:09 UTC
well till pakistan didnt accept dat he has no rite on kashmir....only then dis matter can be solved
2010-07-17 22:27:17 UTC
They should both agree to allow Kashmir to be free, part of neither country.

Then allow Kashmir to fall or rise as their own country.
J. Alfred Prufrock
2010-07-17 22:30:14 UTC
Sadly,I have no idea...Hey!You want me to ask my ouija board?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.