I don't know, to be honest.
But then, I really don't trust the motives of about 75% of the Republicans, and about 50% of the Democrats.
I don't trust the motives of almost ANY of the party hacks and professional campaign consultants who work for both parties. I think the rise of "sound bite" politics and big-bucks negative TV advertising has created a professional class of political campaign advisors who who say and do almost anything to get their clients elected.
And as a democratic socialist who sees both major parties being heavily controlled by the richest 1 percent of the population -- even though I see the Republicans as being worse about this -- I really distrust people who ask, "why can't the 2 parties cooperate more?"
Because if the 2 parties "cooperate more," I think it will be the richest Republican elitists and the richest Democratic elitists who do the cooperation. Ordinary Americans in both major parties will just be sidetracked as the richest capitalists make deals with each other, IMO.
But cynical as I am about the "motives" of our political elite and our political parties, I'm not sure that bad motives are the main problem that America faces.
What's really threatening the economic future and political future of the United States, I believe, are BAD IDEAS and IGNORANCE that affect people in both major parties. Regardless of whether they mean well or not.
"Communism" may be bankrupt, and even "socialism" European-style may not be working so well these days. But in the age of "economic globalization" that we're living through, the nasty truth is that American capitalism and global capitalism ALSO are breaking down -- at least in terms of guaranteeing good jobs, good wages, and economic security for the majority of US citizens.
Capitalism and the blessed "free market," however well they may have worked 40 years ago, are today shifting good-paying industrial jobs from the US to South Asia. They are providing fast food jobs and low-wage jobs in retail to millions of US college graduates who went into debt hoping for much better careers. They are apparently unable to fix global climate change, to invent a new, renewable energy sector for the US in the place of of the old, destructive energy sector that depends on coal, oil, and natural gas.
And "free market" capitalism also has proven unable to keep the biggest US banks from speculating in totally imaginary investments and pushing the world banking system to the verge of collapse.
Somehow, if Americans want to fix the terrible economic mess we're in, we need to think much harder about "capitalism" and how it works and doesn't work. We don't need "communism," and there may not be any kind of "socialism" that's right for us, not yet. But we need to reject our old, out of date beliefs about "free market capitalism." Yet US politics is dominated by a kind of mythology that says capitalism can't be questioned.
Politicians and special interest groups with bad motives, therefore, are a problem for the US, but our national "free market capitalist" mythology is a much, much bigger problem. Whatever our motives, we need to free ourselves from economic myths and start facing economic reality -- or this country is headed into the toilet.