Why won't Republicans vote for the America Jobs Act?
2012-07-29 18:01:14 UTC
Why don't they want to create jobs?

Congress should pass President Obama's proposals to prevent layoffs of teachers, firefighters, police, and other first responders, keeping hundreds of thousands of needed workers on the job.

Congress should pass President Obama's proposal to put hundreds of thousands of construction workers back to work making needed repairs to our roads, bridges, airports, and schools.

Congress should pass President Obama's proposal to keep good jobs here at home, giving new tax breaks to companies that insource and taking away tax breaks from companies that ship jobs overseas.

Congress should pass President Obama's proposal to cut red tape and help responsible homeowners refinance their mortgages at today's lower rates.

Congress should pass President Obama's proposal to help small business owners who create jobs by hiring new workers and making new investments—including tax incentives that would benefit as many as 2 million small businesses.

Congress should pass President Obama's proposal to invest in the clean-energy manufacturers that are creating American jobs and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Congress should pass President Obama's proposal to help our veterans find good jobs, and continue to serve in their communities.
Thirteen answers:
2012-07-29 18:04:25 UTC
MOre federal government bailouts of local governments?

The ONLY construction that is going on where I live IS roads and Bridges. When we start building Houses and Factories, THEN we will have it.

More government is simply NOT the solution, it is THE PROBLEM!
2012-07-30 14:32:32 UTC
It continues to amaze me some answers are still in denial, where they believe Obama has lowered taxes. The facts are clear and spinning our current presidents achievement in lowering taxes is a myth, that includes his progress on creating jobs. If you want to claim that eliminating a program equates to lowering taxes be my friend, but lets not forget that 50% of Americans don't pay taxes in the first place, and I'm not talking about the middle class and above. Additionally this administration should not be able to claim job recovery as jobs created. Yes we had a deep recession that cost us 8 million jobs, it happens every so many years (at least in my life time), we have financial meltdown. Blame Bush if you want but the facts remain. So now Obama claims he is responsible for 4 million jobs added! Not true, it's 4 million regained. The real significance and one of the driving influences on our economy and markets is the amounts we owe. Since taking office Obama has increased our national debt twice as much a Bush did in eight years. Since taking office Obama has increase our deficit so much so that the United States credit rating has been downgraded. Since taking office Obama has failed to put together a balanced budget that make sense and has been the single most polarizing president since Richard Nixon along with being graded a worst President than double digit inflation, tax and spend, how long do you have to wait in line for gas; President Carter... I say common you guys, maybe just maybe we should consider changing up for the next four years. Does anyone understand how much 2.5 trillion is? It's how much our Federal government receives from us in taxation and it about 1.5 million short of what they spend... Arithmetic anyone
2016-07-24 10:19:34 UTC
GOP Congress has stalled on passing expenditures that aid American individuals yet they continue to go costs to do away with applications for the negative, they handed anti ladies's health bills, they passed vaginal probe expenditures, Blunt charges, they passed costs to do away with the tax on overseas organizations gains, they handed bills to change vote casting laws that prevent terrible men and women vote. Are you getting the proposal the place this is going? Romney is gonna create jobs but only for abroad employees not americans and of direction they are all working tough to raise taxes on middle type and terrible and giving extra tax breaks and subsidies to already wealthy organisations. Boehner the weeper of the condominium is a liar and needs to get fired. VOTE GOP CONGRESS OUT !
Liberal Fascist
2012-07-29 18:06:00 UTC
That jobs report was even worse than I expected. Damn, worst quarter in two years. Thank goodness so may of you have given up finding work. I really need your help to get re-elected. Quite frankly I am out of ideas but you probably noticed that.

I need you to tell them to pass my jobs bill in order to stimulate the economy in all 57 states. Of course I'm not going to tell you which states are going to get the most money but you can probably figure that out. Its good to be president that way. I want to spend another 447 Billion dollars in much the same way I spent the last 800 billion dollar stimulus. But you probably knew that too. I don't say how I intend to pay for this spending but you know I am going to ask for higher taxes on the wealthy early next year after I get inaugurated again. I might even raise some energy taxes and cut out some of your tax deductions to help me pay for this. I know you will help me out. Got to run, make another speech blaming Bush.
You need Help
2012-07-29 18:09:36 UTC
Because it would create jobs at a time when higher unemployment numbers benefit the republican party chances to get another neocon in the white house who will funnel a bigger chunk of GDP to the top 2%.

They and their Corporate overlords are holding the American Economy hostage.
2012-07-29 18:08:07 UTC
They're probably concerned that it would raise taxes plus they have too many investments in foreign interests. They are more interested in free trade than American jobs.
2012-07-29 22:48:23 UTC
Here's what you don't understand about AJA. It is warmed-over Stimulus, which itself didn't work. AJA, like Stimulus works on the flawed Progressive Liberal idea of spending, any spending is what get the economy going. Since any spending works (kinda like maxing out the credit card just to get the miles), Progressive Liberals figured they might as well spend on a wish list of Progressive agenda items they wanted to spend on anyway. Not only is AJA just warmed-over Stimulus, it is half the spending of stimulus and half the duration of Stimulus. What on Earth makes anyone think it would work?!!

Not only that. After Stimulus, 15 months or so after declaration of "Recovery Summer" and other economic-infusing programs, Obama pulls AJA out of thin air as if all the prior "job creation/stimulus" policies didn't exist. He promotes THIS was the Bill everyone was waiting for, the fruition of his tireless, unceasing laser-like dedication to jobs, that will get the economy rolling again [cue drum roll] and it will be unveiled...........right after his month-long vacation at Martha's Vineyard.

Much of what you list is just more government pushing the economy car and saying, "Look, it's moving forward again!" Obama's vision of what drives the economy is government. This was punctuated during his Roanoke firehouse speech last week, spending money to put teachers and construction workers back to work sounds nice but it's just pushing the car, with little to show for it except debt. Obama has no clue how to make the engine of that car run on it's own again.

Invest in clean Energy manufacturing. You sound like a commercial talking point! Supporting "green" energy is just more pushing the car! Haven't you heard of Solyndra or any of a dozen of other solar or green project that have tanked! Throwing money at the problem will not kick off a recovery. You want an energy boom that supports itself and is creating jobs? Oil and other fossil fuel. It is a boom technology that is straining to take off. As computer tech fueled the late 80's/90's economy. This wants to lead the way now. Obama pathological hatred of oil is keeping it from happening. What little is able to go ahead is booming! There nothing wrong with actual investment into green energy, but it's not ready ready for prime time. It's like asking a little league kid to save the day in the major league game.

Providing tax breaks for small business that hire new workers is the closest to Obama understanding how tax breaks work. It still falls short and says loads about his understanding of the needs of business and the economy. He expects a company to hire a $40,000 a year worker, take on the health care costs of them, for years to come, all to get a one-year, one shot $5,000 tax break? The only companies that would consider that are ones that were going to hire anyway. All this would be is a $5,000 fruit basket to the employer with a note saying, "Thanks for hiring". In other words, a total waste of money, just like the rest.

The only time we were able to spend our way out of a serious economic downturn (very slight ones, spending can work), was in 1940. Prior to this FDR proceeded on massive government social and prime-the-pump spending like now. He, like Obama distrusted big business, thinking they should be more employee support centers rather than profit centers, working in partnership with government. All this kept the Great Depression great for 7 more years. Then in 1940, despite himself, he was forced to buy planes, tanks, ships, bombs, bullets and beans. This was government spending, but spending straight AT business, an example of a spending version of supply (trickle-down) economics. The Depression was over within a year.

Pushing the economic car does little good unless the engine is working again. The engine of the economy is NOT government as Obama believes, it is private sector business. Obama has built of a business-hostile environment that is stifling a real recovery (36 months and still waiting). He has put a big, fat jockey on the back of the economic racehorse and is dumbfounded on why it's not winning races again.

I could go on but I'd run out of room to post. I do that occasionally. Explaining political realities sometimes requires in-depth explanation. This is why reacting to issues is easier than understanding them.
William C
2012-07-29 18:04:24 UTC
Who is going to pay for all of this? Not the people you are trying to protect.
Antie Pantie
2012-07-29 18:04:04 UTC
...because this act reeks of Big Government.

It is giving government the power to direct the free market as well as tell business owners how to run their businesses and people how to live their lives - not to mention, more and more handouts. "Tax breaks for hiring??" Seriously??
2012-07-29 18:03:12 UTC
No cost-benefit ratio?
2012-07-29 20:17:31 UTC
2012-07-29 18:02:48 UTC
don't know.... but i'm sure there was a debate on it on c span
2012-07-29 18:09:40 UTC
What fat is in that you have not told us.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.