Dr.Singh government has done nothing?
anuragada poojaari(ap)
2009-10-25 03:39:41 UTC
the bjp claims that dr.manmohan singhs government has done "nothing" for the people..for the country...they have eve resorted to calling Dr.Singh nikamma..useless...and their people on y!a have faithfully followed their line..i'd like to ask this nothing??

• It has restored secular and Constitutional values in governance. It has also made administrationmarkedly more transparent. The Right to Information Act, 2005 is a historic legislation. It is enablinglakhs of our citizens in villages, towns and cities to demand responsiveness and accountability frompublic officials and government at all levels.

• It has enacted the path-breaking National Rural Employment Guarantee Act which is being implementedin all districts to provide 100 days of legally guaranteed employment to each rural household seekingemployment in public works programmes. Not only has livelihood security been provided to many lakhpoor rural families but durable community assets have also been created.

• It has started and achieved considerable progress on the ambitious Bharat Nirman programme totransform rural India by expanding and providing irrigation, all-weather roads, houses for the poor,drinking water, electricity for all poor families and phone connectivity in all villages.

• It has brought comfort and hope to crores of our farmers and their families by (i) increasing the MSPand procurement prices; (ii) by waiving loans to the tune of Rs 65,000 crore; (iii) by increasing threefoldcredit from banks and reducing interest rates on crop loans; and (iv) by extending irrigation facilities.

• It has launched the National Rural Health Mission which has already made a positive impact byimproving the quality and accessibility of primary health care in villages. More children are now beingdelivered under the care of trained health professionals. Around six and a half lakh women have beentrained and posted as accredited social health activists (ASHAs).

• It has significantly empowered the weaker sections of society by (i) giving scheduled tribes andtraditional forest dwellers rights over land they cultivate in forest areas; (ii) by providing reservationsfor OBC students in all professional institutions; (iii) by passing a new law to protect women fromdomestic violence; (iv) by giving women equal rights to inherit property; and (v) by enhancing hugelythe scholarships for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, minorities and OBCs to pursue college anduniversity education.

• It has imparted a new momentum to the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan for primary education. It has alsointroduced a cooked mid-day meal scheme in all primary schools that feeds 15 crore children every day.At the same time, it has for the first time in five decades, increased the number of colleges, universities,and institutes of technology, management and information technology. The investment in highereducation in the XIth Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12) will witness a huge increase – five times theinvestment in the previous five years.

• It has delivered five years of record economic growth. This has enabled an unprecedented step-up ingovernment spending particularly on (i) education and health; (ii) on agriculture and rural development;(iii) infrastructure like power and railways; and (iv) municipal services in towns and cities. Thiseconomic growth has enabled the introduction of the Aam Admi Bima Yojana (life insurance cover) forone and a half crore landless households, the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (medical insurance cover)for six crore unorganized sector workers living below the poverty line and the Indira Gandhi NationalOld Age Pension scheme for elder citizens over 65 years of age and living below the poverty line.

• It has initiated the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) with an outlay ofRs.1 lakh crore in 63 cities for upgrading infrastructure and for providing basic services to the urbanpoor. Work amounting to over Rs.42,000 crore is in progress covering areas like water supply, sanitationand urban transport. 14 lakh houses for the poor are under construction. Governance reforms underJNNURM has increased the availability of housing in the 63 cities. A major programme for improvingpower supply in 1,420 towns and cities has also begun.

• It has ensured that all States in the country received financial resources from the Centre for developmentschemes and programmes at a scale never known before. Unlike the NDA’s record during 1999-2004, noState has faced discrimination in the matter of funds from the Central Government. Sensitive States ofthe northeast and Jammu and Kashmir have benefited enormously and are seeing development activitieson a very large scale. For the first time, the Backward Regions Grant Fund with an annual allocation ofover Rs 5000 crore for 250 of the poorest districts is being implemented through panchayats.

• It has earned for India a new respect and stature internationally. Civil nuclear a
Fifteen answers:
MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar
2009-10-25 07:45:59 UTC
Good Job in consolidating high level achievements of the Indian government. Why don't I post the entire report card? That will help you answering any questions posted by users? This report card is until 2008.

Edit 1:

@ Ratnesh Singh:

Mid Day Meal Scheme: Center provides the funds for this scheme and monitoring the mid day meal on daily basis. Also has provisions for monitoring this scheme. Why are teachers monitoring the cooking process?

Arrangements for local level monitoring

Representatives of Gram Panchayats/Gram Sabhas, members of VECs, PTAs, SDMCs as well as Mothers' Committees are required to monitor the (i) regularity and wholesomeness of the mid day meal served to children, (ii) cleanliness in cooking and serving of the mid day meal, (iii) timeliness in procurement of good quality ingredients, fuel, etc. (iv) implementation of varied menu, (v) social and gender equity. This is required to be done on a daily basis.

Display of Information under Right to Information Act

In order to ensure that there is transparency and accountability, all schools and centres where the programme is being implemented are required to display information suo-moto. This includes information on:

Quality of food grains received, date of receipt.

Quantity of food grains utilized.

Other ingredients purchased, utilized

Number of children given mid day meal.

Daily Menu

Roster of Community Members involved in the programme.

Inspections by State Government Officers

Officers of the State Government/UTs belonging to the Departments of Revenue, Rural Development, Education and other related sectors, such as Women and Child Development, Food, Health are also required to inspect schools and centres where the programme is being implemented. It has been recommended that 25% of primary schools/EGS & AIE centres are visited every quarter.

NREGA and corruption, for any corruption in India the first and foremost responsible parties are we. We the citizens are the one encouraging corruption on all the level. We start corruption since the child is borne, we pay bribe right from birth registration to death registration. Unless we stop that, and be ready to fight that hassle, we have no moral right to talk to about corruption.

Loan Waiver: I would put it other way round, other than UPA opposition everyone knows what benefits did it do to the common man and that is they UPA returned to the power. It is proved in parliament elections as well as assembly elections in Vidharbha.

Reservations, I am all against caste based reservations, but to answer your comments, those who are benefited from reservation will say that reservation is good, but others will say it is bad.

Edit # 2: I am not sure if the citizens of India really understand the difference between the State governments responsibilities and central government's responsibilities? I am not also not sure, if they understand that in most of the cases, Central government only plans, funds and directs the schemes, without proper implementation from local governing bodies, no scheme can be implemented correctly.

How can you deny the changes the union government has brought in and is directly impacting the life of "AAM ADAAME"? The best example the new Tax Code. Can someone on deny that would increase the take home of middle class family by 15-20%? How about the Mandatory Education for children under 12 that is still under discussion and I am not sure if that was included in last education reform?

If you want to just sit and criticize Union Government though enjoy the development provided by the very same government that is your wish. I have courage to appreciate the good work of BJP government in my state Madhya Pradesh, I do appreciate DMK and AIADMK's efforts to make Chennai as hub for Auto Industry at the same time criticize the wrong decision of Congress when it make though I am a hard code Congressman. But for me, India is first, not the party.
2016-04-10 04:03:46 UTC
The money of the big interest is running big in Washington and US public servants are getting some of it. This is something that we as Americans, middle class can not permit or tolerate. The majority of the Congress that are pro illegals are doing it because of the money and not because it is humane or anything else. They are selling their soul and going against the rights of the American people. So we have to keep alert and watchful. They are in both parties but more in the Democratic party. The Democratic party is doing everything to win in the 2008 election if it take selling the country to the government of Mexico. Now the US Government is going to permit Mexican truckers to drive in our roads and they are not worrying about the illegal drugs and illegal aliens that are going to come through this new way. There are no controls and no security for this new ideas of this so called US government. Wake up America, something is wrong and the government is part of it.
2009-10-25 04:07:41 UTC
The state governments use language, job reservations and river water dispute for a long time to keep people guessing who would do the economic reforms in that also the parochial politics is to blame the centre for not allotting more money to the states. Ever since captured power on volatile subjects race, religion and language they keep it up to feed the peoples passions not the belly. One such problem is foreign nationals came as refugees doing politics in India whipping up communal sentiments, I hope, in all earnestness Dr, Manmohan Singh as an economist who is not obsessed with anyother bullshit ideology but to bring millions of rural population out of the poverty, abject poverty, I'm ashamed of using the word poverty as India is not that poor if it can look after thousands refugees from Sri Lanka and other neighbouring nations too for more than three decades!
2009-10-25 22:03:00 UTC
Hats off!

I respect PM Dr. Manmohan Singh and His Government. BJP is wrong here! (What BJP is doing there on the benches of opposite party then? If Our PM is doing nothing- they say then are they able to tell us about their achievements during the period?)

Now we are waiting for the result of Afzal Guru.

We are also waiting desperately for the action as per Kapil Sibbal promised us for “Exams on demand.”

We hope Dr. Manmohan Sing also recognize the scattered tiny groups of So called Hindu community divided in number of casts, languages, regions, and many dimensions as real minority and a single, very unique, offensive religious group of Muslims as real majority. We do expect, accordingly he will distribute the resources because he said that minorities have the first right to get the benefits!
2009-10-25 05:41:40 UTC
Yes this govrnment has 1.

taken our land with violence to disable and ilegaly

2.- Has make us to cancel the best program in Asia 1200 kids.

3.Has torturate me.

4.- Has taken me hospital without my aprove.

5.We have done more than 100 days hunger strike in India see Spanish hunger strike in India. We contine our protest against 13 january 2007 government in Haridwar DM Mr. Sudhanshu sent six men to beat to floor disable spanish NGO membeer.

Yes Dr. M Singh government has done too many atrocities to our Foundation but we forgive and still love India and indians very much
India Inc.
2009-10-25 23:14:41 UTC
India never had a PM as good as Dr. Manmohan Singh. The people of India know that and that's exactly why there is practically no opposition for the Congress.

Who cares what those who do not represent the people rant?

A. B. Vajpayee was not half as capable as Dr. MMS is.
Pro bono publico
2009-10-25 08:27:19 UTC
Miss ap dont u have better things to do or to discuss on better "issues", rather than anti bjp and sanctifying the congress. Sitting in front of ur comp n cutting / pasting report cards does not change the situation.

u talk abt mid-day meal - Iam very close to this system n u know what it looks very good to read "MID DAY MEAL" for childeren attending schools- Its just Bullcrap. Do u know that the govt has asked to provide mdm's but have not established a seperate body to look after, the school teachers have to bear the brunt, imagine a teacher who is supposed to teach children, is now instructing the cooks n keeping inventories of rice n dal... n the children they just come for the meal n not to study.

About NREGA: just move ur lazy as* n take a check on the ground reality, the level of corruption has gone into it.

About 65000 crore loan waiver: Has the farmer's situation improved, NO, that is bcoz the loan waiver is not for the farmer's rather it was for the middlemen who took loans from banks n then in return lent it to the unassuming farmers at a very high interest rates (everyone knows abt that).... n who has paid for the 65000 cr waiver.... every1 knows it. (Certainly NOT ur congress).

About the reservations: I cant believe still ppl think it has done good....

Dont have words for that....
2009-10-26 01:35:15 UTC
The great economist as he is known to be has increased the prices of commodities so high that it is practically impossible for a man on the street to buy even "Dal" for his family. So even if he has done so many things as u have listed he has utterly failed to address this price hike so he is a failure.
2009-10-26 01:39:14 UTC
Even anti-congress brigade in this forum know the caliber and efficacy of Mr. Singh.But still they do it so out of frustration.

Have any one of this BJP supporters given any matchable qualification, caliber in your previous question about Dr. Singh. NO! Becuase they do not have any body of this stature.

BJP may provide us what you have enunciated above. But we want this :- Can they?

BJP may give us good and prosperous India. But we want "COMMUNAL FREE INDIA". Ideologically that is not possible from BJP side.

BJP may give us safe India. But we want "UNITED & PEACEFULL INDIA" Religiously they do not leave us to get united.

If this is possible we do not mind voting for BJP.
V.L. S
2009-10-25 03:52:46 UTC
Why? They did so many achievements like Spectrum scam, dropping the case against Qutrochi, supporting one state and avoid another in issues like Mulaiperiyar, Cauvery. These are very few examples.
2009-10-25 08:09:31 UTC
To cut your story short tell me one thing,

What is the HDI ranking of India this year?

Edit: Yeah 134, very respectable ranking isn't it? Really singh is king (king of dogs).
2009-10-25 09:00:40 UTC
rti is useless......actually itz the same transparency as b4.......and by the way can u just answer where the file accounting to the bullet proof jackets worn by our mumbai heroes are............i really want to kno thro the rti act..........

miss,just enter the villages someday n see how much employemnt is actually getting generated........none!!!!!40 bucks a day wont make a good different to 1% who are getting employment.............

yea farmers suicide in maharastra is a superb example of irriagation projects by the manmohan ministry thou being the state of agricultural ministry

not a single buck actually reached the farmers.......6 suicides still happen eachday in the deccan plateau region.........

it rather further divided the indian society by appleasing some sections of the society.....what crimes we brahmins have done miss ap................i was refused a admission inspite of having 93% in my ssc coz of our dear pm quatas.........doesnt merit ever count in india..........n at the same time.......ur judiciary reforms......kasab n afzal are i guess having a biryani for todays sunday dinner......

a lab reserach conducted on the quality of food served to children says it isnt fit for cattle consumption too

yea six hours of power cut in mumbai............n maybe around 12 just outside ambernath........awesome power growth!!

12 ppl die daily on mumbai surbhan railways n another thing....the foundation stone for metro phase two is laid in mumbai like just in sept this year but the work would resume only after 18 motnhs.........n yea a sealink in 10!!

nuclear would take 10 years for the reactors to come home.............and moreover why didnt we tap our own nuclear reserves in north east......................?????????????????

over all........the worst government india ever had..................
2009-10-26 01:38:29 UTC
All the schemes that you mention find the genesis during the BJP govt . Check out each individually.
2009-10-25 04:11:55 UTC
Ok !

But I love RTI Act,perhaps it is handicap.
2009-10-25 08:21:55 UTC
@Mr Bharat ................HDI rank of india this year is 134

and my opinion is singh is king ...........

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.