2010-04-23 10:54:51 UTC
Im sure normal, decent British people dont care about his origins or where he came from but celebrate too rightly the great hero who slew that alleged dragon.
But how will Nick Griffin and BNP and other far right racists accept that the very hero of Englishnesses was none other then a Turk. "An 'orrible Turk" An Islamic yes Islamic Turk the very thing that Nick Griffin and the BNP seem to detest?
I mean the BNP humiliated themselves a few months ago when they tried to use a RAF battle of Britain poster except to later realise that the pilot in the picture were Polish pilots who defended Britain valiantly from the scourge of Nazism.
I mean how will this go down with the BNP then do you think? To realise that the very thing the St George they have loved and used it for their hateful purposes was none other then a Islamic Turk! Do you think they are saying now "Ok guys lets forget and disband this BNP this racism business just isn't working"
Happy St Georges day to all the English people. Many thanks for your answers!