THE USA national debt has HIT 19 TRILLION. are you concerned?
2016-02-02 10:32:29 UTC
THE USA national debt has HIT 19 TRILLION. are you concerned?
260 answers:
Andy F
2016-02-03 14:42:23 UTC
I'm somewhat concerned. But what percentage of the GDP does this represent? The absolute number isn't as important as the proportion of GDP we're talking about. If Greece, say, had a national debt of 19 trillion, it would be totally catastrophic. For the US to have a debt this large is extremely concerning, and not good, but given the size of the US economy, this number isn't as scary as it looks.

AFAIK, we've had national debts that were bigger in proportion to the size of the economy in the past -- notably right after World War II, when I think the percentage reached 128 percent, or something like that.

The interest rates on the debt also matter a great deal. Today US interest rates are really, really low, which means we're not paying nearly as much to service the debt as we would if interest rates were higher.

It also matters where we are in the business cycle, when it comes to high government debt. Most liberal economists say that a high national debt can be good during times of recession or depression, when the government needs to spend more money to provide unemployment compensation and SNAP payments to help poor people survive, while also keeping up effective consumer demand. In a recession or depression, a high government deficit and/or government debt can be "counter-cyclical."

As the economy improves, however, many liberal economists would say it's important to reduce the debt levels, so the government will have the flexibility needed to address the next big economic crisis.

Some of the Marxist economists I'm reading are extremely worried about another global economic crisis erupting soon, and are afraid that the high debts the US government is running now will mean it has no effective tools to address the next crisis.

I also think it matters what tools we use to reduce the debt. To cut important social programs for the poor and the middle class in order to reduce government spending is both morally wrong and economically counter-productive, I think. If we "save" money for the government in ways that drive more Americans into poverty and starve the economy of effective consumer spending, it may backfire, and leave our economy worse off than it is already.

OTOH, it makes all the sense in the world to raise marginal tax rates on the super-rich and the corporations in order to bring down deficits and debts, IMO. Of course, the government has to be able to get the rich people and the corporations to pay those taxes, or raising taxes won't work, either.

-- democratic socialist for Sanders / only the truth is revolutionary -- no matter what partisan flavor or "ism" the truth represents.
2016-02-02 12:55:21 UTC
If conservatives were really conservative then they would not have shut down the government for 16 days costing the TAX PAYERS 24 Billion, and got NOTHING for it. Close to 20 million wasted on Benghazi. What a joke!

when the Republican Intelligence Committee exonerated, the President, Ms. Rice, and Hillary, yet they think they will find something different, plus all that has been pretty quiet for some time now. Just nothing new to know, and in spite of her E-Mails, NOTHING that is classified now was not classified then. Fox news, pundits, and viral e-mails say she should be prosecuted, unfortunately they have nothing, no matter what that twirp, Rubio says. All of his campaign ads has at least 2 erroneous statements in them, he's hoping you re not paying attention, and are, just glued to right wing rhetoric. Plus millions spent on ridiculous lawsuits. The House of Representatives has wasted money, and have, absolutely NOTHING to show for all this money spent. Also, remember G.W.B.' s tax cut is still in effect, and the 1 percenters are not paying their fare share of taxes. So being concerned is all well and good, but what can you do about it? These radical Republicans are the spend thrifts. They should be "thrown out" and work for electing republicans that are more moderate so things can get done, these "hardliners" get "a bug up their derriere", and they don t care what they spend to make someone else look bad.

They are a total waste of time & money. Plus, Republican Presidents are truly the big spenders, and that is very easy to check. The Cons call Obama a big spender, percentage wise, he is the most frugal. Inflation IS a factor. To get the spending power of a million dollars from the 60 s, requires 8,045,068.03 million today, so don t let the politicians make you stupid.
2016-02-04 14:04:34 UTC
Out of the $19 trillion nation debt, $13 trillion is war debt, or war ancillary debt (like costs for caring for veterans after the war has ended). Of this, about 2/3 is war debt incurred since the year 2000. The rest of it goes back a long way, but the way. The US is still carrying a few million dollars in war debt from the Spanish American War, in 1898. This war debt includes literally hundreds of billions spent on weapon systems which turned out not to even work at all.

Another $4 trillion of the debt is what has been incurred directly or ancillaries due to the 40+ year "war on drugs." Between foreign wars and the war on drugs, that's $17 trillion of the debt. Incidentally the last $2 trillion is not even real debt; it's paper debt which some government agencies owe to other government agencies.
2016-02-03 02:01:54 UTC
Yes. I'm very concerned. The USA national debt was 10 trillion when Obama took office. By the time he leaves, it will double to twenty trillion. Half of the debt is owed to foreign countries like China. This basically means that they own us. The USA national debt is very detrimental to the American way of life, and yet it almost never gets mentioned in the news. Instead we see stories about cats being saved from trees. Sad.
2016-02-05 11:26:37 UTC
I am pretty much concerned, but if the government deals with debt, that means it may reduce the number and I think more and more people believe in popular belief nowadays, and I'm getting frustrated why it's so hard for them to give up possessions to developing countries unless it's charities. I mean come on, people in general. Do you really have to get on with it and pay the debt?! It's been a few years since the last crisis, and I think sooner or later, things could take on the worst turn to ever happen since the end of the Jazz Age. We'll just never know what's gonna happen, but the thing is China is going to bring back the top spot in economy by 2030 and since long before the 1500s. They are dissing our economy that is extremely strong, despite the oil economy that's going down in the past month. I'm really not okay with me being unemployed for real, besides being self-employed. I want my first paycheck soo bad!
Matthew Loper
2016-02-02 20:13:58 UTC
Yes and no. If politicians don't do anything (which they tend to have a habit of), then yes, China will get all our military and trade secret and government capital. No, because it can be avoided. If we balance the federal budget, fix the problems that well hurt us dow the road like Social Security and Medicare, we'll stop it from growing beside interest. Also, we'll have to outperform it on economic growth compared to interest. Right now our GDP is about is about $18.6 trillion. We'll have to grow the economy to make it a small portion of the much bigger economic pie. The debt grows about $229 billion a year, which is about 7% of the federal budget of $3.249 trillion. But, trying to take down the debt hastily is a waste of money that has to be used for necessary things like education. So, in order to pay up on the debt, we'll have to increase tax revenue by increasing the economy's size.
2016-02-03 09:04:46 UTC
The simple number: 19 trillion, is irrelevant out of context. The fact is that the ratio of national debt to GDP has decreased during the Obama administration, and furthermore the interest rate on the debt is very low. The cost of servicing the debt has declined dramatically in recent years. Under those conditions, a responsible government (i.e. not necessarily ours) would increase the debt, using the money in ways that will improve the productivity of the country in the future (infrastructure repair, improved transportation and communication, etc.). Unfortunately, the issue of the national debt has been turned into a simplistic propaganda tool by a right-wing that seeks to destroy the government in its current form.
2016-02-03 06:56:44 UTC

I am concerned the USA national debt has HIT 19 TRILLION,
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-02-02 21:48:05 UTC
If you do a bit of study, you will discover several things, among them the fact that much of our National Debt exploded by the bad policies of the GOP totalitarianism during the lawless Bush/Cheney administration is money we owe to ourselves. Weird, I know...but true.

The National Debt is not the problem figure so long as what economic analyst Rex Nutting calls the "annualized pace of spending growth" is being lowered while new revenues are being generated---something our economically astute President Obama has been doing all along. The points made by "neeengefan" are valid, by the way.

The figure that is of most concern to Americans is the DEFICIT, which is different from the National Debt. When President Obama first took office, that DEFICIT figure (the amount spent beyond what is taken in as revenue---and this includes wars fought without paying for them as well as those unfunded, a.k.a., NOT PAID FOR, mandates and the fiscally insane tax cuts for the wealthiest 1.5% all passed by the GOP-controlled Congress between 2001 and 2007, but still in effect through to 2010) was an alarming 10.6% of our declining Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As a candidate, Barack Obama pledged to bring that deficit figure down by one-half at the end of his first term---a PROMISE KEPT, because by December 2012, the policies put into place by the Democrats-controlled 111th Congress (2009-2011) and by President Obama had successfully brought our GOP-caused deficit all the way down to 5.2% of the GDP and going down even more. We are on the correct path, fiscally speaking, except that the GOP has BLOCKED the revenues-generating American Jobs Bill each year since they have been in power (see or this JOBS bill would generate revenues while accelerating our slow-but-steady Obama-generated RECOVERY so that the National Debt would go down and the deficit would turn to a Bill-Clinton-like SURPLUS.

It really was the very bad (always fail) policies of the GOP in total control from 2001 on through to when those bad policies were reversed that got us into this mess, so why vote for the same-policy-proposing Republicans?
2016-02-02 15:51:14 UTC
I'm not concerned. Aside from inflation, we have three options:

1. Stop the national debt from getting any higher. In order to do that, we'll have to balance the budget.

2. Default on the debt. In that case, people won't be willing to lend us money any more. Therefore we'll have to balance the budget.

3. Let the debt get higher. Eventually if we do that, it'll get so high that people will think we can't pay it off. Then they'll stop lending us money. And then we'll have to balance the budget.

The result is the same in all three options. They all just require us to balance the budget. So what difference does it make?
2016-02-04 07:13:57 UTC
Of course I am concerned. You would be a fool not to be concerned.

Our debt exceeds the annual economic activity Gross Domestic Product, 17.9 trillion last year. That’s like making $100,000 per year and having $105,000 in credit card debt. The debt to GDP ratio is getting as bad as those European socialist basket cases, Spain, Italy and Greece. Notice how nobody wants to loan Greece any money? That will be us soon. There is zero plan to reduce this. Listen to Hillary and Bernie – spend, spend, spend! Free college and shelter and ice cream for everybody! Just shake the magic money tree and wealth will sprinkle down. Meanwhile, for the first time in US history more companies are going out of business than starting, and the ones that can are fleeing the US 35% highest corporate tax rates in the world, like Pfizer leaving for Ireland where thay are taxed at a reasonable 12%.

The 2015 US debt was $18 trillion, and interest on that was $200 billion per year, with interest rates low. That goes up as interest rates rise, and if they rise as expected by 2020 the budget will require $800 billion per year, more than all of defense and nondiscretionary spending combined.

And look at the crowds of Bernie Sanders supporters. It is madness. We are witnessing a trainwreck in real time. America was destroyed by Leftists, libtards, Obama voters, democrats…
2016-02-02 22:47:42 UTC

I am concerned the USA national debt has HIT 19 TRILLION,
2016-02-03 18:47:14 UTC
No. I'm not. Obama has been trying to pay down the debt the Republicans left this country in while they got rich and fed their friends around the world. And I beg to differ its 19 trillion. Its greed and selfishness that's caused this country more trouble than we can shake a stick at. And yet Obama gets all the blame for working things out. You people beat everything you know that?
2016-02-04 11:27:01 UTC
Well, in a caring society, and being aware that you are that society, you most certainly should be concerned for that staggering debt is around YOUR neck, and at the end of the day its your baby.

Unfortunately the truth of the matter is that we are all living above our means, and have no intentions at all of doing anything to rectify matters, thus curing the problem. We have reach the point where there is no going back to seek a solution for it far to late for that. Even Governments are helpless to find an answer for they too can only attempt to provide that which the population wants.

One day the world will reach the point of total bankruptcy, and it will all grind to a wailing and shuddering halt, and the armchair critics will bemoan the fact that they did nothing about it whilst they were able.
2016-02-03 21:52:00 UTC
I read somewhere that if America began pay of the US National Debt, it would take as long for it to be paid off, as the time lapse between now and the era of dinosaurs.

But then since many Christian Americans do not believe in dinosaurs, my guess is they will let the matter rest there.

Anyway, thought you might like to see this - a really good news story.

And in answer to your question - No I am not concerned and nor should any else be. After all, the people who are owed their money are not demanding it back. Instead they collect an interest on their investment - so to say.

London UK
Tom Carpenter
2016-02-08 11:14:47 UTC
A billion here a billion there who cares??? The US treasury will just print up money . Paper money and coins for the American people to spend on Housing, food , and clothing and other needs for basic living. The Federal and State Governments do not care about the national debt for the most part because it does not effect them daily or weekly or monthly like Joe and Sue Public. Best wishes America in 2016 and the future
2016-02-03 04:44:08 UTC
Well, Neengefan, it's not entirely the conservatives faul. Ron Paul tried to get a bill passed that would put a roof on our debt, but people like, Bernie Sanders, voted against it. If you want to blame anything, blame the ridiculous war we are in right now. We've spent 6 trillion on it, only to take a government leader out and basically replace him with isis.
2016-02-04 01:22:58 UTC
I read today somebody worth 50 Billion Dollars was

a resident of Hawaii. I'm told because this is possible

for one percent of the existing USA population that's

why everybody else needs their fair share of stated

19 Trillion Dollars of debt. Its unfair to think resident

Billionaires should resolve this problem nor halt the

daily increase of their personal worth because reader

is having a hissy-fit.
2016-02-03 08:19:11 UTC
We have been in debt for years so no more concerned than I have been in past years. Though I am an independent voter have to admit that the Bill Clinton years were the last time we made a dent in the national debt.
2016-02-04 05:44:01 UTC
In many respects a nation's debt is no different than your personal debt. You must be able to make the payments on your debt expenses. When a nation cannot make payments, their borrowing costs rise and they print more money and cause inflation. At some point you have to live within your means.

Bill Borron
2016-02-05 02:42:10 UTC
Its Far Higher England Is 63 Trillion In Debt. To Rothschild's Terror Empire. Peter Gore Seer.
2016-02-04 11:33:38 UTC
at least 2 erroneous statements in them, he's hoping you re not paying attention, and are, just glued to right wing rhetoric. Plus millions spent on ridiculous lawsuits. The House of Representatives has wasted money, and have, absolutely NOTHING to show for all this money spent. Also, remember G.W.B.' s tax cut is still in effect, and the 1 percenters are not paying their fare share of taxes. So being concerned is all well and good, but what can you do about it? These radical Republicans are the spend thrifts. They should be "thrown out" and work for electing republicans that are more moderate so things can get done, these "hardliners" get "a bug up their derriere", and they don t care what they spend to make someone else look bad.
2016-02-02 13:41:09 UTC
We borrowed money so we could lower taxes. Taxes were lowered but expenses didn't decrease. Imagine a war that's so far has lasted for 16 years with no 'war tax'. War ain't cheap. It costs a million bucks a year to keep one infantryman in the field. Aircraft carriers cost billions. Every hour in the air for a fighter jet costs $10,000. We have an 800 billion dollar defense and security budget that's entirely borrowed money. Some folks believe that we should lower taxes again. Some people aren't particularly realistic.
2016-02-04 19:39:44 UTC
No,the LORD will provide but also this is hastening the end of the monetary system,the government wants to get rid of the use of cash,they want to go to a credit system.The only way they will cut you in on the credit system is if you get an inplant that has all of your personal info on it,one scan of your hand and your purchase is done and your paycheck is added as credits to your account and accessed by scanning.This is the so called "Mark of the beast"and opens you up to total government control,the one world government,religion,banking just around the corner.Refusal to get the chip will mean that you can't buy,sell or make any kind of transaction and the government will apply the utmost pressure on you to get on board.The Bible has warned us about this and the Obama administration is just the tip of the iceberg for what's coming next.Mark my words,it will not matter who is elected president,this is a sure thing.By 2020,you may not believe how fast things changed in 4 short years.,by 2025 you may not recognize the United States from what it was in the year 2000.GOD help us.
2016-02-04 11:47:49 UTC
thing different, plus all that has been pretty quiet for some time now. Just nothing new to know, and in spite of her E-Mails, NOTHING that is classified now was not classified then. Fox news, pundits, and viral e-mails say she should be prosecuted, unfortunately they have nothing, no matter what that twirp, Rubio says. All of his campaign ads has at least 2 erroneous statements in them, he's hoping you re not paying attention, and are, just glued to right wing rhetoric. Plus millions spent on ridiculous lawsuits. The House of Representatives has wasted money, and have, absolutely NOTHING to show for all this money spent. Also, remember G.W.B.' s tax cut is still in effect, and the 1 percenters are not paying their fare share of taxes. So being concerned is all well and good, but what can you do about it? These radical Republicans are the spend thrifts. They
2016-02-02 10:41:08 UTC
yes, the usa will eventually have to repay its national debt. ITS SIMPLY TOO HUGE AT 100% of gdp. but add 6 trillion for freedie mac and fannie mae housing, 3 trillion in state and local, 1 trillion in student loan, it rises to 200%. the usa national debt is way too huge. foreigners will cut the usa off soon if they cant recover funds.
2016-02-02 10:38:45 UTC
Meh. It's manageable, although we're going to have to become a lot more austere about government spending at some point. What really pisses me off is that the federal budget was BALANCED. The US was running a budget SURPLUS. The debt was easily manageable at that point. Then George W Bush took over and the whole world went to sh*t.
2016-02-04 18:28:54 UTC
It is my opinion that the powers that ne are intending to destroy the American middle class and the debt is just one of many pieces to do that.

The debt was being paid down for a very short time but you idiots let George Bush and company get into office.

The Cheney /Bush administration were the 1st clue that what I think does not matter. Neither does that piece of paper called the Constitution.
2016-02-03 05:28:43 UTC
Were you concerned when it climbed from 6 trillion to 10 trillion under Bush Jr.? Where was your concern THEN, when it was getting out of control 8 years before Obama even took office?
2016-02-02 14:34:54 UTC
No, because I am not a racist con! Why can't you racists understand massive debt is the only thing that is saving this countries economy! The good liberal Obama understands this and that is why he created more debt! If we get another racist con like Bu$hler in office we will be doomed to only go around $2 trillion in debt per term, we need a good liberal like Sanders in office who will put us more like $20 trillion in debt every four years!
2016-02-03 06:22:01 UTC
The average American buys a home on a 30-year mortgage THREE TIMES their annual income.....why aren't you "concerned" about that?

Sure, "19 trillion" SOUNDS like a lot of money to you, but it is barely 100% of the US annual GDP, let alone 300%!

You are (I'm afraid) one of those Americans whose grasp of basic arithmetic is so poor it explains why (legal!) immigrants like myself are able to come here and THRIVE without having to really try all that hard!

Perhaps you think mortgages should be outlawed, and Americans should "save up and pay cash" for their homes? LOL!

(Or perhaps you are just like many (most?) Americans, and you just do not QUITE grasp the difference between "National Debt" and "National Deficit"?)
2016-02-02 10:33:50 UTC


THE USA national debt has HIT 19 TRILLION,-

and AMERICANS won't talk about massively printing & spending on America???

Aren't you concerned? I am.
2016-02-02 10:38:09 UTC
No. We Christians are about to enter the next world and we won't need money there. Those who love money will no longer be around. Neither will those who put us 19 trillion in debt with their greed.,
2016-02-02 10:35:22 UTC
yes, future generations in the next 20 years in the usa will have a much lower standard of living. IT DONT MATTER WHO OWNS THE USA NATIONAL DEBT. there is interest required on it and it will rise. its eating up like 15% of the federal budget, BUT STATE AND LOCAL DEBT ADD ANOTHER 3 TRILLION
2016-02-02 12:02:21 UTC
As soon as we can throw this fruad of an Arab out of the white house.

And get someone in that House. That really has Americas best

interest at heart. We can and will start to recover. Erase all of these

bullshit give away programs. Tighten our nations belts. Create

some damn jobs. Dump out our prisons that are full of Illegals.

Stop all immigration into this country. Until we can get our borders

secure. Then we are back to standing on some firm ground. Until

then we are in serious and I do mean serious trouble.
2016-02-03 12:37:36 UTC
Never mind the concern look at the reason for this

America allowed its manufacturing to go to China and other countries, thereby destroying American jobs and increasing foreign debt. This made USA millionaires into billionaires but badly affected the American economy.
Mike W
2016-02-02 10:45:15 UTC
Somewhat concerned, but not alarmed. The size of the debt isn't a big problem, so long as the debt doesn't grow faster than the economy.
Linda R
2016-02-04 09:14:43 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! Under the Obama administration - he has forced Congress to spend money we don't have.

I say, a judge must submit an wage garnishment (against Obama) until it is paid in full (it went from 8 trillion to 19 trillion - so a judge can only garnish 11 trillion from him).
2016-02-03 00:04:11 UTC
HORRIFED! Our national budget has a 2.8% DEFICIT!

revenues: $3.02 trillion

expenditures: $3.504 trillion

note: for the US, revenues exclude social contributions of approximately $1.0 trillion; expenditures exclude social benefits of approximately $2.3 trillion (2014 est.) CIA World Factbook

We are going to have another crisis with the Student Loan fiasco. The jobs availavle to graduates pay roughly the same as to high school graduates which will not help pay off their student loans. The only way college is worth it is to go to trade school to get a PROFESSIONAL DEGREE such as a dentist, psychiatrist, eye doctor, etc.

All of these other degrees as nice as having a history degree is will not pay for itself! Tuition is out of this roof! People will be im debt longer and wont have the early expenditures to buy other things such as homes.

With that being said, I am deeply saddened that our government is acting lile a poor role model, owimg more than they have coming in to pay for it.
2016-02-06 17:25:06 UTC
I was concerned when the national debt hit 1 trillion. My concern isn't the problem. The problem is that Washington DC spends like a drunken sailor (forgive me, sailors), on the tax-payer dime. On projects that the tax-payer vehemently opposes.
2016-02-02 12:00:30 UTC
Of course. If half of the money is just sitting in offshore banks, just SITTING THERE NOT BEING USED, lets take that and pay off the debt. Of course this would require to pay more taxes. It isn't anybody fault except for those idiots that voted for the Iraq war. Bernie Sanders, and Russ Finegold are on spot with how to deal with issues like these, we need them in more power over the budget, NOT republicans.
2016-02-02 13:47:05 UTC
Not as long as we remain the #1 military in the world, economics are important, but you can hold all the debt over someone you want, but if they can beat you and every person you know if you try to collect it, it doesn't matter. So that's the US. Though it is concerning and we should be trying to lower it to avoid relying on that reason to not worry.
2016-02-04 12:51:49 UTC
The Federal Reserve, which prints our money, is a privately owned (by the Jews) corporation which charges us interest on the money it prints. It was voted into existence over Christmas break when most of Congress was home celebrating the holidays a long time ago. Kennedy tried to abolish it but had his head shot off (coincidence? I don't think so.)
2016-02-03 21:05:44 UTC
national dept is NOT like household debt.

they can repossess your house or car but wha tis somebody going to do? repossess the Grand Canyon?

it is the Lenders that are at risk not us.

compare it to the nation Gross domestic product, and the nation assets which are in the hundreds of trillions.

you should worry more about the GAP between the ultra rich and everybody else.

only 400 individuals own more assist than the rest of the country combined. (Forbes magazine.)
2016-02-02 18:12:31 UTC
Yes and if a democrat wins in 2016 that debt will only go up. Of course Bill Clinton did pay down our debt and he was a democrat, but he was not extremly liberal and would make a better president than any republican or democrat running today.
2016-02-02 21:52:00 UTC
Yes And Cruze has talked about the dept. He is principled. When Obama shut down the WW2 memorial monument by putting gates around it during the governent shutdown , Cruze was the only one i saw there speaking to the veterans. Hes been out front alone on alot of issues including the dept
2016-02-04 02:36:25 UTC
I'm more concerned with what is Not being said: ie that the financial debt is only catching up with and directly aligned with our societies Moral debts.
2016-02-04 09:32:20 UTC
I'm more disappointed than concerned. In most respects I've liked Obama as a president. But in this area, I think he could have done more. I have a lot of pride in my country, but when you need help from the neighbors (China) just to pay the bills... It's humbling. I don't like debt. And I don't like having to rely on others. We are capable of doing better than this. We just have to do it.

info link
2016-02-04 14:36:41 UTC
Im not concerned at all, its only 19 trillion, not some high amount like 200 trillion, low trillions are ok i guess.
2016-02-04 06:03:17 UTC
No because I'm oblivious to societies ills. I don't watch the news, I'm not connected to anything. I am more concerned with myself than of people all around the world. I live for personal gain.
2016-02-03 20:17:17 UTC
It's crazy because the national debt was only $30 million when he arrived after Bush, just shows you how much 0bama spends on golf trips.
2016-02-03 21:34:05 UTC
No not really, but if Hilliary Clinton becomes President. I wonder if her husband will put us deeper in debt with China. If Bill Clinton had'nt borrowed from the Chinese. America would'nt be in debt today. Mike
2016-02-03 06:43:19 UTC
We're still below our Debt ceiling so no I'm not overly concerned but I'll start to be very concerned soon if this continues.
2016-02-03 14:41:02 UTC
No like the UK after WW2 in debit But able to meet its creditors demands does not create a Problem as Broke as the UK was we could still Borrow 4.5 Billion the USA is in the same Boat
2016-02-07 00:17:25 UTC
This number means nothing. The debt is all a scare tactic, the government has everything in control. After all, they are the same people who control most of the world. The US is the center of the NWO.
Eddie D
2016-02-04 03:24:16 UTC
If there is a large debt somewhere, who do you think should be the more concerned about it, the lender or the borrower. It seems to me that if the lenders are willing to lend then they must have built up the confidence to do so. Therefore why should the borrower worry?
2016-02-06 03:40:56 UTC
I am pretty much concerned, but if the government deals with debt, that means it may reduce the number and I think more and more people believe in popular belief nowadays
2016-02-05 20:55:13 UTC
No...not at all. National debt isn't the same as a persons debt. It's not like we he a credit card statement every month.
2016-02-03 20:28:33 UTC
Yes not foe me I'm old but the coming generationthey will be stuck with paying it back an with the interest that is now 37 billion a month.
2016-02-02 21:00:47 UTC
I'm old so it will affect me for a short while, but for the young and middle age it's going to hit hard. It's closer to $20Trillion that's owed because something recently was approved. But before Obama leaves office he will add QE4 to it..
2016-02-02 19:09:37 UTC
Yes because if all of the votes were counted in Florida back in the year 2000, we wouldn't have had that problem at all in the first place.
2016-02-02 16:15:33 UTC
50% is USA money borrowed from the USA. By cutting spending some of the debt money borrowed could simply evaporate.
2016-02-02 20:04:44 UTC
Everyone is concerned except the Democrats.. Remember King Obama was going to fix that... he tripled it instead. Of course he got his piece of the pie.. so he doesn't give a sh*t!
2016-02-03 09:41:52 UTC
Yes: Great thanks to Obama for the damage!

Hillary wants to be POTUS and add MORE to the 19 TRILLION dollar damage!

Trump CAN BRING DOWN that 19 TRILLION dollar damage--and RESTORE America to a strong nation again!!

Trump for POTUS 2016!!
Uncle Remus 54
2016-02-02 16:25:01 UTC
Yes. You see the debt does not include this generation of the living. It will effect our children and their children and their children's children and even longer.

We are in economic slavery. Slavery is always a big concern to me.
2016-02-03 11:43:44 UTC
The national debt seems to have no effect on me personally, so i am not concerned.
2016-02-03 18:03:13 UTC
Yes, VERY CONCERNED. This is why I'm ONLY going to vote for a candidate who is genuinely concerned about this most important issue. Cut the DAMN spending NOW!
The Global Geezer
2016-02-03 17:13:32 UTC
Not really. The US national debt keeps going up with inflation so it's nothing new or shocking.
2016-02-02 18:19:01 UTC
Yes, yes I am. I KNEW it from day 1 that Obama would make a terrible choices as president. He simply didnt have the experience but was elected to be politically correct in my opinion! Unfortunately though, FOR EVERYONE, I was right from the very beginning
casey m
2016-02-04 04:58:41 UTC
Yes, for one simple reason. The debt is still going up and these are "good" years. even our govmt is predicting higher yearly deficits going towards 2020 and beyond. also we have low rates, if that changes we would have crisis due to debt payments wt new debt being costly
The Devil
2016-02-05 16:27:43 UTC
It simply means that our dollar is that much devalued by our bidding up everything to 20 times what it should cost, like your $20,000 house selling for $400,000. We did it to ourselves being greedy. So, now we cannot pay our bills and the interest is compounding out of control + our businesses prop themselves up selling worthless stock we demand value from ignoring the value or quality of the actual products. You should have invested in water- too late now.
Coop 366
2016-02-03 08:03:36 UTC
What you are not telling is Bush/Cheney started with a surplus and charged the war to President Obama which part Iraqi war were not needed.

God takes care of fools, drunks and children; looks like Congress matches two of them and they act like the third.
2016-02-03 01:07:16 UTC
And most of it is owed to the Chinese.

Gosh is that not a bit scary considering who the were treated during the Ninetieth century by the USA!
2016-02-04 06:41:55 UTC
Nope. We owe ourselves money? Ok, I'm good. We owe China ? NOT GOOD.It concerns me that everything we buy comes from China. I double-dare you to find "Made in America " on any tag, anywhere. What happens when China decides to withhold or quadruple the price of washer parts, fabric, pencils, tape, shoes, light bulbs?

THAT concerns me.
2016-02-02 15:56:12 UTC
It's funny
2016-02-06 18:38:15 UTC
2016-02-06 05:51:49 UTC
2016-02-04 08:30:01 UTC
If you are so concerned, then why did your party simultaneously lower taxes and start a FIVE TRILLION DOLLAR WAR IN IRAQ?

You live in a glass house. Stop throwing stones.
2016-02-03 00:29:28 UTC
2016-02-02 22:53:03 UTC
Yes! I'm concerned.
2016-02-03 06:16:11 UTC
Money, debt, and all the rest of that stuff is hogwash, and utterly fictitious. I wouldn't worry about it, we just need to stop giving it weight, stop paying our bills, and taxes. Let's learn to live freely, and share the bounty of the earth fairly between us, and just ignore the control freaks, and agents of the Rothchild family who want to re-possess our homes. They can't arrest us all.
2016-02-02 10:38:52 UTC
Just return taxation on the wealthy and corporations to the levels they were at before the Republicans started cutting taxes massively and the problem is solved overnight.
2016-02-04 21:07:41 UTC
nah, let the federal government go bankrupt. im fine here by myself.

i recall the debt clock said a couple years ago the debt per citizen is 30k. now its 200k.

i will never willingly pay any of that. the politicians did it they can undo it. it has nothing to do with me just like your student loan debt has nothing to do with me. i will not pay someone elses bill.

they could come take it forceably, but then if its like that who cares about economy at all. time to kill politicians. guerilla.

lets hope not.
2016-02-03 07:03:47 UTC
Yes I'm very concerned for your country.
2016-02-04 12:35:44 UTC
2016-02-04 11:45:05 UTC
2016-02-03 21:58:53 UTC
It is absolutely absurd. We must get a reliable canidate in there. Obama screwed us. Our nation can not make another stupid decision. Hillary and Bernie will officially destroy this country. We need a Republican in office. Marco Rubio is our best choice.

2016-02-02 12:13:23 UTC
a future benjamin will be worth millions of current dollars, just like you could get a steak dinner for 5 cents in 1910, so the future can pay the deficit with chump change, anyway reagan (and cheney) said "deficits don't matter"
2016-02-02 18:29:05 UTC
Liberal Bernie Sanders will decrease the debt by giving everyone free high speed internet!! Yaaay, who needs to stop ISIS when you got high speed internet to worry about??? Right Burnie Sandles?
2016-02-04 02:24:13 UTC
Not at all. We are a wealthy country. It will never be paid off. That's the beauty of credit. It is like paying the minimum on your credit card and you are still using it.
2016-02-02 23:28:04 UTC
Time to elect the Cut Taxes and Spend Conservatives to shake things up!
2016-02-02 15:20:13 UTC
Nope , why be concerned, WHADDYA gonna do , it's based on what America is worth... BTW it's how every country works / operates, not just America.
2016-02-04 18:03:39 UTC
Yes. It's those Liberals fault
2016-02-03 14:02:45 UTC
It sounds like you'll be payin that off forever, which is waht tha Government want, to control that masses via debt
2016-02-02 18:25:30 UTC
At least the national debt will solve in part the illegal immigration problem.
2016-02-02 23:56:30 UTC
No, I have better things to be concerned about. I'm not giving an ounce of energy to it except to answer this question.
2016-02-02 11:53:38 UTC
Yes concerned. Spend less cut more allow businesses to grow allow faith to grow. Vote for the best
2016-02-03 18:20:42 UTC
Not at all. All we have to do is make all the $1 bills worth $100, then everyone will be rich. Am I the only one who s using my brain here?
2016-02-04 08:58:19 UTC
Nope, I'm English. But gf, we'll have to look into a reinvasion at somepoint
2016-02-04 09:43:24 UTC
2016-02-03 02:29:28 UTC
To be honest, I'm more concerned that I've just used my last Tassimo Latte.
2016-02-04 09:21:06 UTC
why should i be concerned when the people in charge dont care. theyll just keep passing it on to the next political party in power. We're not gonna pay it back either cause its america
2016-02-03 17:31:14 UTC
As a country yes, way above my head to be concerned about though.
2016-02-03 19:35:11 UTC
Why be concerned? I mean it is not as if we can pay it off or do anything about it. Most of us struggle day to day just to survive. And do not look to the Federal Govt. to solve it, they created it and most of them are wealthy. Just relax and take one day at a time.
2016-02-02 13:13:00 UTC
No, how does the national debt work? I know nothing about it
2016-02-03 15:01:14 UTC
You have to ask your self if the auto industry bail out and the bank bails out were worth it if your going to blame obama. If you do your research you would realize that what that he basically saved the auto industry and that the recession would of been much longer with out the bank bailouts
2016-02-05 21:29:21 UTC
Very concerned for my old age, my sons old age, for the young people being born now will be the ones who must have it paid off.
2016-02-02 16:25:48 UTC
That's not our problem anymore because we can't control how the Government spends our tax money.
2016-02-04 04:03:03 UTC
I dont know if thats the combined debt of ppl in the country, or the govt, or both
2016-02-03 07:00:06 UTC
Nope, I don't care how high it gets. I am hoping it gets to 50 billion,trillion kazillion and 1 cant. lol!
2016-02-02 21:02:40 UTC
2016-02-06 13:46:31 UTC
I'm more concerned about my OWN debt.
2016-02-04 03:24:13 UTC
Oh, yes! I have not slept a wink since it went over 13 trillion. I am bleary-eyed.
2016-02-04 15:36:35 UTC
I'm concerned
2016-02-02 18:45:41 UTC
Nope. It will only get worse. Americans continue to place idiots in the charge of the country.
2016-02-03 12:07:05 UTC
This is an alarming situation for a developing country but not for USA.
2016-02-04 22:00:17 UTC
Yes, but under what conditions would that indebtedness be called all at the same time? It cannot collapse as simply as a bank.
Abdu Rahim
2016-02-06 18:52:51 UTC
No. I passed concerned decades ago and have now gone straight to Utterly Disgusted.
2016-02-02 10:37:43 UTC
Yes, when I stop and think about it. Hope the Obama's enjoyed their expensive vacations on taxpayers dime.
2016-02-02 10:38:13 UTC
Yes, apparently throwing liberal democrats into office has only been making things worse, therefore lets throw more liberal democrats at the white house and give them another 4 years to fix it.
2016-02-03 06:19:44 UTC
Some folks believe that we should lower taxes again. Some people aren't particularly realistic.
2016-02-03 20:00:39 UTC
Yes! I'm so scared of a financial collapse happening. It freaks me out to think that it could happen any day now.
2016-02-02 13:22:35 UTC
Yes. Politics aside, it's very frightening. How are we supposed to pay it back? We can't spend like drunk sailors and we can't always turn to tax hikes.
2016-02-02 12:02:01 UTC
If it reaches 21 trillion we are in big trouble.
2016-02-02 21:06:08 UTC
Nope. Cuz I know Obama's term is almost overrr
2016-02-03 09:18:00 UTC
Yes, all of the waste that we have spent on these endless wars in the middle East, and our bloated defense budget.
2016-02-04 13:49:23 UTC
Not yet. Not with the size of the US economy. Don't let the number scare you.
luis l
2016-02-02 23:00:52 UTC
2016-02-02 13:53:40 UTC
Yes. This is probably the worse thing to happen to the U.S. Politicians won't change it though
2016-02-02 10:43:46 UTC
Yes, there is no other conclusion but that we are screwed. If you have money to invest, get it out of America. Warren Buffet has moved 70% of his assets out of America - what does that tell you?
2016-02-03 12:53:44 UTC
I am used to it
2016-02-02 14:36:02 UTC
Yes, because we're going to be the ones that have to pay it all back with our tax money.
2016-02-04 23:56:26 UTC
No because it's 10 less then george w bush's hi score.
2016-02-06 01:23:34 UTC
Hey Pal, those Invasions of Mideastern and Central Asian countries are not going to pay for themselves.
2016-02-02 13:58:32 UTC
Yes of course. I don't know what else you want me to say. Of course that is concerning.
2016-02-02 10:41:55 UTC
No, but I honestly do know that it will be a very big depression coming...

Filling a balloon with air, and eventually you will lose space, What happens?

"POP" and the balloon is gone.
2016-02-03 11:53:01 UTC
Yes if it doesn't change expect America to fall nothing last forever
Warren T
2016-02-02 13:40:05 UTC
Ohm Boy
2016-02-02 10:41:28 UTC
Of course. I realize we cannot sustain the path we are on. Can somebody please explain to me why I should vote for any mainstream candidate for president? More of the same seems like disaster to me. I'm just saying.
2016-02-03 16:40:53 UTC
No because the rich will pay for it. I will still get my free college from Bernie. Feel the Bern pigs!
2016-02-04 16:11:41 UTC
No, all the worlds rich have dollars so I doubt they are going to allow the dollar to collapse. Then they would be broke like the rest of us.
2016-02-03 14:58:21 UTC
If youre an american we should all be conserned because some countries arent very forgiving if it takes to long to pay it off
2016-02-05 01:43:44 UTC
Off shoring jobs to other countries and allowing American companies to avoid paying tax by moving their headquarters off shore are contributing to this problem.
2016-02-03 23:12:23 UTC
im more concerned about america having the highest incarceration rate in the world
2016-02-05 05:55:13 UTC
No I don't care. I have my life and my kids. Shylock can't ever take a pound of flesh from us. I don't give a crap about money.
Bisexual Aromantic
2016-02-03 16:59:56 UTC
Seeing as I'm not American, no, I'm not concerned.
2016-02-03 14:14:14 UTC
2016-02-04 14:55:16 UTC
2016-02-03 13:26:29 UTC
Time for the wealthy and corporations to pay a higher tax rate. No more corporate welfare
2016-02-02 15:19:41 UTC
It wouldn't affect me if it was 0 and it's not affecting me now, I'm still collecting welfare checks from you idiots so nope.
2016-02-04 12:19:57 UTC
Its the peoples fault for choosing the government
2016-02-04 03:38:38 UTC
I would only worry if I believed what the newspapers say. I don't
2016-02-02 10:33:34 UTC
YES, THE US will never repay this debt. all the immigration and needs of poor will only increase such
2016-02-04 14:12:18 UTC
I am not concerned. I don't even know what that means.
2016-02-04 10:03:44 UTC
I bet you want to blame Obama. Obama is still digging us out of the '08 crash and Bush's wars.
2016-02-02 14:55:42 UTC
No, because I don't live in the states.
2016-02-04 18:06:06 UTC
2016-02-03 12:19:43 UTC
And then Americans make fun of Greece, lmao
2016-02-02 16:43:35 UTC
Not too much, we're not as bad as Greece.
2016-02-02 10:33:07 UTC
Way more concerned than the POTUS! Or his clan of Dumbocrats.
2016-02-03 09:58:09 UTC
High time to recoup ALL the money that we've loaned other countries !!!
2016-02-04 04:54:31 UTC
Search VAnga Baba prediction than you will more clear
2016-02-05 19:55:46 UTC
Haha nah
2016-02-03 18:07:35 UTC
that number means nothing to me. what is a good number, 15 trillion?
2016-02-05 13:51:19 UTC
Its to late to be concerned
2016-02-03 10:44:06 UTC
yes. Of course. I am buying lots of silver. point 999 pure
2016-02-02 12:30:32 UTC
Yes but politicians aren't and they don't listen to me!
2016-02-02 17:53:51 UTC
No because Dick Chaney told us deficits don't matter.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-02-03 07:56:48 UTC
NAHHHHHHHHH-----18 trillion, 19 trillion...............pretty soon we'll be talking real money!
2016-02-04 05:13:54 UTC
The people who gave the money should be worried
2016-02-02 17:56:43 UTC
No we just live here they got the whole is military anybody wants war they can come get it.
2016-02-02 21:32:35 UTC
2016-02-03 15:36:47 UTC
yes this idiotic government is spending out of control but not spending for our military defense which is very criticle
2016-02-05 15:55:44 UTC
no the government will never be balanced

and as I read in history class it never has been. ever! even when Washington was president
2016-02-03 22:24:05 UTC
I am not concerned at all. Canada rules.
2016-02-02 16:35:14 UTC
well if your not you probably have over 100 dollars in debt yourself!
2016-02-03 01:24:32 UTC
I was concerned back at 17 trillion.
2016-02-02 22:16:01 UTC
It's only money
2016-02-04 15:24:44 UTC
Yes and both sides are to blame
2016-02-02 11:01:54 UTC
Nope. Cuz you're the one who has to pay it off.
2016-02-03 13:04:58 UTC
although i am not a usa citizan but that dosen't sounds good.
2016-02-03 15:55:38 UTC
Keep voting for the liars communist progressives and we will have more of the same.
2016-02-02 10:33:19 UTC
I am considerate lol I'll just say that
Art G
2016-02-03 21:00:21 UTC
Definitely !
2016-02-04 03:42:18 UTC
I'm not worried because I don't have to pay it.
2016-02-05 18:17:52 UTC
yes but Obama's not
2016-02-03 12:46:21 UTC
2016-02-03 13:25:08 UTC
Yes, this concerns me...A LOT!
2016-02-05 07:44:24 UTC
ray s
2016-02-04 19:37:43 UTC
No. Barak Obama will see it gets put right.
2016-02-03 16:11:06 UTC
It pisses me off, but why get upset over something that won't change
2016-02-03 00:41:43 UTC
2016-02-05 17:15:59 UTC
I think we're doomed anyway
2016-02-04 19:29:01 UTC
americans are lazy and stupid.

tell the truth on the web.

the web is where the real truth is found.
2016-02-03 15:17:34 UTC
Im not worried.....because its only gunna grow, you might as well forget it, i t can never be paid. And even if it were paid it would only devalue our money
2016-02-03 12:37:26 UTC
I truly don't give a danm!
2016-02-05 13:23:20 UTC
2016-02-04 09:19:28 UTC
Little bit..but as US is great and has proven record, US will over come of it.
2016-02-04 18:37:43 UTC
Not necessarily.The Chinese are assuredly concerned.
2016-02-02 10:41:44 UTC
Just a sec. Let me get my wallet.
Not So Gone
2016-02-02 10:33:17 UTC
No, I don't live in 'Murica
2016-02-06 13:59:20 UTC
We owe the mass majority of that to ourselves, so no.
2016-02-05 06:23:44 UTC
Hell yes we won't be able to pay it back
2016-02-04 08:42:00 UTC
We should be. It is a very conc ring matter
2016-02-04 06:51:21 UTC
2016-02-02 13:38:44 UTC
Very. Soon countries will start getting mad.
2016-02-03 13:21:40 UTC
Yes, because our descendants will pay for it.
2016-02-02 11:57:34 UTC
its too late the snowball effect has begun
2016-02-03 16:10:51 UTC
doesn t concern me in the least--its not my dept. and even if it was nothing I can do
2016-02-03 11:23:42 UTC
No because I know it is being well spent.
2016-02-03 02:03:32 UTC
"Deficits don't matter! Reagan proved it!" -- Dick Cheney, Republican VP.
2016-02-03 12:34:53 UTC
yes give them to me
2016-02-03 15:44:35 UTC
Yeah it's super dumb the way people do **** isn't it.?
2016-02-03 21:52:58 UTC
No...I'm Canadian.
2016-02-05 02:53:15 UTC
in iraq soon we will be banker-put soon oil price dropped
2016-02-03 08:28:30 UTC
Why Me worry?
2016-02-02 20:03:14 UTC
Not my chair not my problem. Oh wait!
2016-02-03 20:14:12 UTC
yes and no.. because i know we will lower our deficit someday... only if trump does not call
2016-02-02 19:51:06 UTC
Sanders will double it.
2016-02-02 13:17:49 UTC
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-03 08:34:28 UTC
Yes, but there is nothing I can do about it !
2016-02-03 08:47:20 UTC
yes, very much so
2016-02-04 05:53:05 UTC
Very much so.
2016-02-02 10:39:48 UTC
no i am not worried about it

it can never be brought to zero balance

learn to live with that fact
2016-02-05 00:14:10 UTC
a little
2016-02-03 15:53:37 UTC
2016-02-02 22:01:49 UTC
2016-02-02 10:52:13 UTC
2016-02-04 06:42:33 UTC
Everyone should be worried!
2016-02-03 11:30:58 UTC
yes, very
2016-02-04 10:56:10 UTC
the US can just blow up anyone who demands their money.
2016-02-06 13:23:25 UTC
Tad Dubious
2016-02-03 05:32:21 UTC
No, Black. We just print more.
2016-02-04 10:43:55 UTC
2016-02-04 11:20:17 UTC
2016-02-04 10:17:59 UTC
2016-02-04 08:35:46 UTC
very much
2016-02-03 03:07:14 UTC
No ,but about was ,then concentrate on.
2016-02-04 19:19:18 UTC
2016-02-04 17:47:50 UTC
2016-02-04 11:21:35 UTC
2016-02-04 03:11:56 UTC
kind of
2016-02-02 14:56:29 UTC
all you assholes that voted for obama...this is what you get
2016-02-04 02:06:09 UTC
The entire world should be concerned - thanks Obama!
2016-02-04 07:45:20 UTC
2016-02-04 16:50:59 UTC
NO, but my kids are.
2016-02-03 19:40:42 UTC
2016-02-05 10:40:56 UTC
im not
2016-02-03 15:18:01 UTC
2016-02-03 10:21:58 UTC
Emmanuel Jithoo
2016-02-04 00:43:23 UTC
2016-02-04 15:07:56 UTC
2016-02-04 14:20:36 UTC
2016-02-04 03:26:00 UTC
2016-02-05 01:36:13 UTC
no, im canadian, suckers!
Gandy Dancer
2016-02-04 17:00:21 UTC
America is toast. Thanks a lot, libtards.
2016-02-05 16:58:24 UTC
2016-02-05 14:56:21 UTC
2016-02-02 10:46:05 UTC
Welcome to liberal utopia!!
2016-02-03 14:49:33 UTC
2 points thanks

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.