Why do right-wingers keep claiming that most of the troops want to be in Iraq?
2007-06-01 20:44:29 UTC
The FACT is that MOST troops think we SHOULD BE OUT OF THERE!

An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and more than one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows.
28 answers:
2007-06-01 21:13:06 UTC
my fiancee is in the army. thinks the "president" is a dumb f**k! everyone he knows thinks GWB is a dumb f**k. some people just dont get it. i dont understand why these people who say they support the troops think they want to be there. Dont they know that the troops just want to come home safe? I think fighting for their safety is the ULTIMATE form of support. These people are trying to KEEP THEM THERE. GWB has 597 days left in office. We are losing people at an average of 2.44 people a day (3.39 a day in the month of May alone!!). At that rate, we will lose about 1500 more brave men and women because of this stupid oil war. Why would anyone want to be in a situation like that??

Do you think baby bush cares? The "right-wingers," as you call them, obviously dont care about the troops!! We need to fight to BRING THEM BACK ALIVE!!!
2007-06-01 21:28:25 UTC
Surveys (international ones at that), are only as accurate as the sampleing was conducted. It's very easy to skew a statistical survey.

What you don't have in your supporting information are the reasons for the 72%. There could be a myriad of reasons. Considering how the operatrions have been hamstrung by the U.N. dictating the rules of engagement from the onset, i.e., not being allowed to disarm the populace, not being able to level mosques that are clearly being used as operational military platforms, not being allowed to enter certain zones an so forth. The rules of engagement have thwarted getting the job done. International politics is the largest factor in protracting this mess.

There is a large contingency of Reservist's and National Guard over in the sandbox. Do you know why? You can thank the Clinton administration for the National Guard and reservist's being screwed over, having to assume a major responsibility in fullfilling manning requirements and remaining in country. The Clinton administration decimated the U.S. Armed Forces by 28% in manpower as part of the fictitious "balanced budget". It is also responsible for the protracted Stop Loss mandate to military members.

It only took a couple years for kid's to realise that the sandbox was in their future if they joined, active duty. Consequently the numbers enlisting (all the way around), fell through the floor. Reserves and National Guard were being used to replace and backfill shortages of active duty, and these kids only want to fullfill week end commitments.

The National Guard and Reservists, who can blame them for wanting to come home? By military structure, Reservists are suppossed to backfill the shortages created when the active duty force deploys. The National Guard is to secure the continental bases and their respective state to protect the nation. Their combined operational function is intended to be a "reserve force".

How was the intent in operation of the Reservist's and National Guard maintained in the past? Simple. The draft! We need to reinstitute the draft. Talk about a lot of people getting a wake-up call to, like the kid that posted beneath me telling others to grab a rifle because he wants no part of it. Isn't there a term used for that we're all familiar with? .

And let's be honest here. The vast majority of the public sector hasn't a clue regarding the intricacies of the military. They have but their self concieved ideas without having firsthand knowledge. They're talking out the side of their neck.
2007-06-02 01:12:08 UTC
If all you right-wingers believe in the war so much, then put a vest on, grab a rifle, and go over there and serve in this war! If you support this war, and you don't go fight, then shut the F*** UP! If you're too old, send you're son or daughter. Matter of fact, send barbara and jenna bush over there too! If the president's daughters were being shipped out on monday, he would end the war on tuesday.
2016-10-09 11:16:18 UTC
we don't declare they are traitors because of the fact they decide on the conflict to end. that's their strikes. Like claiming the conflict is hopelessly lost. have self belief that in case you decide on, yet then push for withdrawal now, no longer in a 365 days. did you recognize on the same time as they declare this they only seek for to get rid of all "attempt against" troops. Even Clinton's plan leaves troops in Iraq, it basically makes them targets that throughout actuality take a seat there waiting for Al-Queda to manifest, letting the country fall to destroy. Like attempting to dilute the country with needed and South American unskilled human beings because of the fact they are grand-mothers and fathers of folk who ran around the border and had an anchor toddler. Or their help of unlawful immigrants (Bush's help of them sickens me too). How approximately we enable experienced knowledgeable human beings into the country to make up for each and all the spoiled lazy human beings residing off the government's tit? How approximately this socialized drugs? And increasing all varieties of "entitlement" classes. you recognize what you're entitled to from the government? How approximately regulation ENFORCEMENT? The liberals have been against actual regulation enforcement for as long as i will remember. Is it any ask your self greater human beings decide on weapons to guard themselves? i recognize, enable's placed border guards in reformatory for doing their activity (oops, that replaced into Bush, yet i recognize the liberals help it). in case you decide on an thought what the country will look like if the liberals take over, flow look at California. in my view, that state scares me, exceptionally southern Cal.
2007-06-01 20:57:25 UTC
Dude, you are looking at the wrong opinion totals to base you opinion. The majority of the American population are not in the military. These guys are of a different mind set. The majority of them join the military because they want to fight, end of story. The ridiculous statistical analysis based on 994 mystery soldiers out of 170,000 +. Most likely these were reserve guys, who joined for benefits and really didn't want to be there. I promise you if they were certain divisions, like special forces of Marine. platoons the answers would have been decisively the opposite. The data you are relying on is quite shallow. The mere fact that they cowardly do not disclose the participants, shows how prejudice and politically motivated the people writing the article are
Who Else?
2007-06-01 21:21:00 UTC
Who cares what the right-wingers claim? They had their chance, and they blew it. Who cares what the troops want? They don't make foreign policy. Most of the WORLD wants us out of Iraq, and that actually matters - we can't afford to fight anyone else, and we can't afford the bad image this war has given us. We are the new Nazis, in the eyes of everyone except maybe Israel and a few misguided Brits. And what was it we got for attacking Iraq? I've forgotten...
2007-06-01 21:03:04 UTC
Because repetition is the key for a brain washing....errr...helping the troop's morale campaign.

If they keep telling the American public lies, such as the ones about the weapons of mass destruction of Iraq. Americans might be stupid enough to believe them again and Congress might be so irresponsable as to let the troops stay for four more years.

The propaganda machine is running at full steam again as they must hide their true intentions and their fears to be brought to justice for crimes against humanity, misleding the American people/missrepresentation, fraud, etc.
2007-06-01 21:18:04 UTC
Simple, for the same reason they claim all the soldiers fighting are hard core Republicans. They believe what they are told by people like Rush, Coulter, O'Reilly and oh, yeah, Bush. It's called parroting talking points, and that's all they know how to do. Critical thinking probably seems like socialism to them. Why not, everything else does.
2007-06-01 20:51:35 UTC
I can go out RIGHT now and survey 100 "random" men and women in our armed forces and tell you that 73% of our troops support the War in Iraq and do not support a pull out strategy at this time.

My point being that in this day and age, especially given the world situation at this time, it is virtually impossible to truly know what ALL of our troops are thinking and what surveys were completed unbiasly and without the intent to sway the American people.
2007-06-01 20:54:55 UTC
What else would we expect them to say...oh yeah, my favorite one "They volunteered...they knew the risks." Yeah I love that one. I'm sure the Inactive Reserve Guys really find comfort in that comment as they say goodbye to their families and careers for a year at a time to run convoys like Clint Eastwood in the Gauntlet.

Our troops deserve better.
2007-06-01 21:10:25 UTC
The cons don't seek the truth, they just report things as they wish they were rather than attempt to determine what the truth is.
Jackie Oh!
2007-06-02 06:29:16 UTC
Do we know if the CIA is using LSD again on the military?
2007-06-01 20:51:07 UTC
That's an interesting question. I have a nephew there and he says most of the people he talks to wish they weren't there. I don't know. Maybe the people that believe in it hang out together and vice versa.
2007-06-01 21:22:57 UTC
because they have one friend who they know... and that guy says that all the troops love Bush...

they seem to base their opinions on second hand information... then run around bashing scientific polls...

classic conservatives...
2007-06-01 20:54:29 UTC
Do you have a job you like?? Usually everyone picks their job. I think of course there are people in the military who hate their boss,some believe in their defending somthing. But you have to do what the boss wants wether they like it or not. Now if someone like Mr. clinton sends you into somthing stupid like Magi then i can imagine you r like what the heck we should not be here and then of course what happens and then Mr c(Lower Case) just chickens away you r like what just happened. Just remember no likes war but war is needed somtimes.. I am very proud and support our military they are very strong people. You should respect the Presidents decisions. They are making it a better place for the people who live ther. I am glad we caught HUUUUsain and desposed of him and all the others who were keeping their country down. Now maybe the people will be able to have lights food running water and everything else that a living human should be able to have.Just remember we live in the free world and not some third world country. You dont have to like the President but he is comander in chief. If you follow the right it is right!!! Go GOP!!!

Dont see eye to eye with me then if hilllary wins then you will cry cause the US will be totally ****** up!!
2007-06-01 20:55:58 UTC
Everything republicans say has to go through one of my filters first before it reaches the worlds ears.
2007-06-01 21:03:38 UTC
Tell that to my friend who is finishing up his second tour in Iraq. He volunteers to go. And he has been in Afghanistan as well. He truly believes in his mission and has a love for his country that most will never know. The garbage and hate that you spew is doing nothing for the troop moral but then again I am guessing you aren't too concerned about that.
2007-06-01 20:57:30 UTC
That is probably the worst poll ever produce. 977 troops? I wouldn't trust this left wing poll with only 0.7% of the troops surveyed.
2007-06-01 20:52:41 UTC
Because they only watch Fox noise. They have no idea

of what other people are reporting.

I watched soldiers being interviewed last night & they

couldn't believe John McCain lied about how they were

feeling. Even McCain is into the lying thing. Disturbing,

considering McCain's background.
2007-06-01 21:07:05 UTC
My brother in-law Just RE-ENLISTED for his 3rd tour. He believes in this war...All of his friends believe in it...seems to me the problem here is we hear it first hand and you read it off a web site!
2007-06-01 21:10:40 UTC
I dont know where go, their info, because that does not seem right
2007-06-01 20:51:37 UTC
I am Former Military who servered in Iraq and Afgan and believe me the troops Morale is very high, but it goes down whe we read the garbage you write, NY TIMES, CNN, ROSIE, BILL MAHER ad any other Geroge Soros hate anti-American Hate machine, or Harry Reid saying we lost the war, Grow up Left wing nut, how about this join, the Military, and find out for yourself, but you won't because you don't have the balls 2.
2007-06-01 21:09:05 UTC
that's what the military is for
2007-06-01 20:50:43 UTC
Sorry to tell you, but both 2 of my nephews are there and they believe in what they are fighting for. They signed up because they grew up in NY state in an area where lots of the people affected by 911 were from. A lot of us believe it because more of us do have family over there and we know they believe in the work they are doing. We believe supporting them goes along with supporting what they are doing.

I support them and what they are doing.

One of my nephews is in his third year there, and he reenlisted and knew he would be going back and choose to do it because he believes it is necessary. He is in the marines in the part that sees the most action and the other is a tank commander in the army. Incidentally my nephew in the Marines said they were shot at a lot more in Haitti than in Iraq.
2007-06-01 20:48:18 UTC
Because it's easy to be an computer chair quarterback.
and socialism
2007-06-01 20:51:37 UTC
Why don't you go to Iraq and spread some peace love and harmony!
2007-06-01 20:51:17 UTC
because they are not!!!!!!
2007-06-01 20:52:12 UTC
I bet not............another liberal poll........dumb.

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