I guess there really is no Justice . 4000 Americans killed so far in Iraq and Iraq had nothing to do (or very Little to do ) with the terrorists who attacked American Soil.
This is the cost to Americans >
Consider the costs...
* $4,681 per household.
* $1,721 per person.
* $341.4 million per day
Here are some links >
Should Bush be tried for war crimes? on Yedda - People. Sharing. Knowledge.
Should Bush be tried for War crimes and genocide when he leaves office looking at the number of people that have lost their lives as a result of the USA invading ...
yedda.com/questions/Bush_tried_war_crimes_Politics_8627968461117 - 202k - Cached
Bush Administration War Crimes in Iraq - SourceWatch
... or government officials could be subject to the death penalty for war crimes ... and tried for their crimes versus humanity as the alleged proponents of an ...
sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Bush_Administration_War_Crimes_in_Iraq - 50k - Cached
It really is not up to Obama . But the UN is looking into it
UN official: Enough evidence to prosecute Rumsfeld for war crimes ...
UN official: Enough evidence to prosecute Rumsfeld for war crimes: Video ... It is Bush and Cheney and their civilian clique who need to be held accountable... reply ...
current.com/items/89758119/un_official_enough_evidence_to_prosecute_rumsfeld_for_war... - 117k - Cached
Ask the International Criminal Court to Prosecute Bush and Cheney for ...
Ask the International Criminal Court to Prosecute Bush and Cheney for War Crimes ... Council acting under Chapter VII of the UN. Charter. ...
www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/33818 - Cache.