@Gray Shadow: Then I guess that makes Alan Greenspan a conspiracy theorist?
Because he said on Lehrer News Hour that the Fed was private, independent and not answerable to congress.
Since then, I have not heard ANYONE try to claim that the Fed was not private, until now!
I thought you guys had given up on that argument, and retreated back to the old: "yes it is private, but it needs to be!" talking point.
Pick one lie and stick to it at least.
BTW, The Fed's own website is not a credible source in this debate. That's like defining a word using the word in the definition, or asking a murder suspect "did you murder that guy?" and being satisfied when he says: "Nope!"
Government sites classify it as an agency? Boy, I'm impressed!
Back to reality for a moment... let me try to answer the Q...
According to everything I've read, the Fed's shareholders are other major private banks, most of them foreign, i.e. the Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, etc. Who are themselves owned by some of the most influential and ruthless banking dynasties in history, including the openly-nefarious Rothschild and Rockefeller families.
(How that translates into "the Fed is not privately owned" is a logical somersault that I am not brain damaged enough to even try to understand...)
However, to the best of my knowledge, the available lists of shareholders are the product of independent research and speculation, not actual disclosure. I don't think the Fed has ever published a list of its shareholders. Being a private corporation, it is not required to.
And as for this whole fairy tale about how congress oversees and regulates the Fed, that's kind of funny considering...
... I mean, I feel stupid even having to point this out.. have you not been paying attention to the news for the last, oh, 2 years??
Here's a couple of hints, as to why that claim is ridiculous on its face:
If the Fed answered to Congress, or if the GAO audit were meaningful, I would not have all these links showing examples of Congress and others demanding transparency (or even just translucency) and receiving only defiant refusals from Bernanke and the other representatives of the unilaterally powerful Federal Reserve.
Bloomberg would not have had to sue the Fed through FOIA to try to find out the recipients of those loans. Bernanke would have disclosed that info when Sen. Sanders requested it, or it would have been public already; included in the GAO's "audit."
There would be no need for HR 1207 and S 604, and the establishment would not have needed to pass a watered down version of the bill in order to try to diffuse the anger of the citizenry.
If the Fed were an agency of government, we (as a nation) would not be having this discussion.
So don't insult peoples' intelligence.
What kind of an audit is not complete? That defies the very definition of the word!! If the IRS audits you, do you get to decide what to disclose and what not to? Are you allowed to say "fine, but you can only audit certain things"?
NO. But for some reason, the Fed is allowed to do exactly that.
This is why we fought so hard to introduce a bill which opened all of the Fed's operations up to a GAO audit. If that were already the case, we could have spent our time doing something else.
Unfortunately, our efforts were stopped... this time... But we're not going away, and your outdated talking points aren't going to put the cat back in the bag, GS!
[Please inform your supervisor that you have been pwned. You might want to request a more current script. Also, I know you've probably been instructed not to try to debate anyone who seems more informed than you, but it would be nice if you would at least try. For old times sakes? Or was that a different person using the GS account? I suspect there is more than one of you. Am I right?]