2011 Budget, a budget freeze. All departments would have to make due with the monies they had in 2010. Also no new "pork" projects. All politicians know what pork is, and none would be allowed.
enact legislation to audit the fed, and remove their powers. Bring authority of monetary policy back to congress.
2012 Budget, 10% reduction in all budgets across the board. Force them to become more efficient. Take the money saved from the budget cuts and apply 20% to auditors to do full audits for strictly waste fraud and abuse. Take the other 80% and apply it to paying the national debt. Adjust taxes accordingly to fully fund the federal government (no deficit spending)
2013 budget. Implement all auditor recommendations. This should cut another 5-10 % from the budget (maybe more). Again take the same budget amount from previous budget for auditors and efficiency experts to analyze all departments. Eliminate any departments that are primarily duplicating services and combine under 1 department. Eliminate any departments that are not performing as legislated. Shrink the overall size of government (this includes military and social programs) Use remaining budget surplus to pay down national debt (big chunk for Social Security). Adjust taxes as necessary.
2014 budget. propose changes to federal government. Start allowing services that can be handled by the state, to return to state control, propose eliminating government positions, toward private sector. Again reduce the size of government. Use excess budget monies to pay down debt.
2015 National debt should now be under control, federal government should now be about 2/3 the size it was. Responsibility of many projects should be back in state control, and the federal government should now be only dealing with things of commonality with the states. The congress does not need the staff that was once needed,and there presence is not necessary in Washington 8 months a year. Enact legislation that congress will be in session from Feb 1 till Mar 31, unless needed for emergency or special session. Set up full video teleconferencing, so committees and special session do not necessarily need to be in Washington.
Also enact legislation to make senators 6 yr ambassadors to be selected by the state legislatures. This will eliminate the most expensive elections our nation sees, and would make them beholden to the state instead of national politics. The representatives are the direct representation of the people.
Just a few items that would happen.
EDIT- There would also be auditors to bring pay and benefits in government positions down to the level commensurate with the same position in the private sector. After all a Janitor is a Janitor etc...