Because it has turned into a ridiculous way of not hurting "feelings"....and is totally absurd and is being misused.
A janitor is now a custodial engineer
garbage hauler is now a sanitation engineer even though neither has an engineering degree.
An American Indian is now called a Native American.
A person who is deaf is now hearing impaired.
A blind person is now visually impaired.
A handicapped person is now physically impaired.
A person who is slow to learn is now mentally challenged.
Orientals are now Asians. .
A prison is now a House Of Corrections.
An illegal alien is now an undocumented immigrant or an undocumented worker. T
errorists are now called insurgents even though the definition of an insurgent is a rebel and a rebel does not usually kill innocent people. Punks and deliquents are now called environmentally challenged youths.
Christmas is now Happy Holidays.
Happy Thanksgiving is now Happy Turkey Day
Even Valentines day is now being called Friends Day in some elementary schools..PREPOSTEROUS!
War on Terror is an OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY PLAN - WTH is that all about?!?!?!
We are no longer Americans, we are now African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans and a whole bunch of other -Americans