what right has the government got to ban this march? dont we have freedom any more?
2010-01-10 03:12:49 UTC
i despise this bunch as do most people. i'd like to be there to throw pork scratchings at them but if these evil gits are banned , who's next?
i'll repeat that these people are loathsome scum and im not on their side.
23 answers:
2010-01-10 03:27:55 UTC
exercise any and all freedoms available - and fight your right to do so, THAT is true democracy

too often the government will wear its citizens down to the point where they ask "what is the use?"

FIGHT BACK - the first generations of Canada, America and Australia know exactly the hardships faced by their parents, to live in a democratic country is a privilege to some. Support it to your dying breath.
2010-01-10 12:31:03 UTC
There will be nothing peaceful about that march.

Apart from the incitement to violence that will be the major point of their march, there will no doubt be opposition marches and protests. This 'march' could well end up as a bit of a bloodbath.

It should be banned to keep the peace as the EDL march in Harrow was banned. Only a dozen or so EDL turned up after that so the riot caused by the UAF supporters of the terrorists was not as severe and damaging to property as it might have been.
THE Answer
2010-01-10 12:54:14 UTC
If there is real threat of the peace being breached then measures can be taken to ban the march. Remember, rights come with responsibilities. It seems that those who want to march are well are of their rights but know precious little about their responsibilities.

I support the Human Rights Act, but wouldn't it be nice to see it balanced with a Human Responsibilities Act!
2010-01-10 12:45:15 UTC
I also feel that the march should not be banned.

Not particularly because I have concerns for the untermenschen that plan the protest but because the government will employ the same justifications against British people in the future.

In fact I think Alan Johnsons concerns are not to spare the feelings of the deceased families but to prevent a national British backlash to Islamic presence in our country.

A backlash that is eventually inevitable and to be honest , it is a day that I will relish.The day when we say enough is enough and stop pretending that the multicultural experiment is a success.

Furthermore, I hear so many people of all creeds refering to the protesters as "extremists".Perhaps so,however, methinks this is a term favoured by our glorious leaders to justify adverse Islamic activity in Britain as not representative of the majority of muslims in Britain......yeah? Right!

Wheeling out the government bought and paid for muslim council of great britain to condemn attrocities with a voice clearly not echoed by the rest of the muslim community fails to impress.Promises of Mosque building grants go a long way in drawing condemnations through gritted teeth.

So I ask why hasn't the ordinary garden variety muslim spoke out?Why do they never speak out?Why has no terrorist ever been reported to the authorities by members of their own communities?

Why? Simply because their faith has taught them Islam is above the law and above moral ethics.

Don't agree? Ask them!

The protest should go ahead and so should the British people's plan to physically but peacefully obstruct them.

Many posters claim sensibly enough that the nature of the march could incite violent clashes.yet isn't this the case as with all protests?That is the nature of freedom and democracy.It comes at a price but one worth paying.A strong police presence is favourable over the removal of civil rights.

Be warned, ask Labour to stop this march and it WILL be used to silence the British too.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. " - Benjamin Franklin

edit@ the ignorant fool

Interesting that you should mention the MC of GB.Something already remarked upon in my first post.Read it.

Secondly Wootton Bassets muslims are afraid of a backlash is hardly a condemnation.

Finally, anyone who spends 24/7 on YA should have no trouble digging up a few vague or spurious sources to support their argument.If I thought that the vast majority didn't accept my point then I too could research 10 fold sources that do support "extremism".

Muslims that have no desire to make life difficult for themselves are certain to pour oil on the troubled waters.

The real test is how many radicals, extremists and terrorists have been reported to the authorities by their communities?

Thats right...none!

You really think 7/7 didn't involve dozens, maybe more?All of them wryly condemning the attoricty after the fact?

So you cited some comments from individuals toeing the line in lucrative council jobs they were awarded through local government PC.

How many from ordinary individuals?

Would you spend the same amount of time researching the petitions against the march by British people?

Would you take the same amount to measure the furore amongst the British?

Like your mentor Galloway, warped by ignorance, hypocrisy and blinkered sycophancy of the enemy you don't see the truth when the facts stare you in the face.Perhaps in the same sad little world where recognition of the facts will deny you the self satisfying pleasure of supporting any leftist lib cause going.
one shot
2010-01-10 13:16:13 UTC
This planned march was aimed at nothing more than causing political confrontation and maximum offence.

I have no problem with Islam4uk carrying out this march in any other part of the UK - they could do it down my own street and I wouldn't give a rats @rse.

The market town of Wootton Bassett, through no fault of the residents, has become sacrosant in the eyes of the British population.

The plan by Islam4uk to consider marching through the town with empty coffins shows their total lack of respect for those KIA, their families, HM Forces and this nation.

5 of my son's mates have taken their final journey home through Wootton Bassett - had Islam4uk been allowed to carry out this march I, for one, would have been in attendance.
The Patriot
2010-01-10 16:28:20 UTC
There are two ways of looking at this. One is that all should have the freedom to demonstrate in a peaceful manner.

The second is to respect the wishes of those who live in Wootton Basset as well as the views of many Muslims. They do not want the march held. Personally, I would respect the right of those who live in Wootton Basset.
2010-01-10 13:32:33 UTC
I do agree with your view,although I cant agree with the people or views of those people wishing to hold this demonstration.

To ban this march would makes a mockery of the idea that we are a democracy and freedom of speech is just a phrase used by all politicians claiming that our soldiers have died for the right to freedom of speech.However I would point out that it should be their right to protest but maybe not to be protected from the effect of that protest.
John D
2010-01-10 12:26:09 UTC
You have answered the question yourself "i'd like to be there to throw pork scratchings at them" The Police would have objected because they know fine well the numbers of ordinary people like me would have gone down there and protested against them, and trouble would have started.

You can't allow people like these to disrespect our dead soldiers. If they want to protest let them do so in front of Parliament, not along a road where our fallen heroes travel.
Dolly 1
2010-01-11 02:45:15 UTC
I'm glad they got banned. Why did they feel the need to march where there were people burying dead soldiers? That's out of order. Surely they must have known that people would have taken offence to what they were doing.
old grumpy
2010-01-10 11:26:34 UTC
Every body has the right to demonstrate if its a protest which may be in the public interest. By that I mean a genuine point on matters that could effect a lot of people.

This particular so called march, is of no public interest at all, because it is meant to incite peoples anger on the subject which is after all close to all our hearts.

Whatever you may think about their rights, they are abusing the very "right" to do so.

That march, and I am very much against it,should be held outside Parliament where the decisions are made and not where the last journey of our brave troops is being held.

Its like holding a demonstration in a cemetery.Its just wrong.
Mac the Knife
2010-01-10 12:11:13 UTC
I agree with everything you've said, but it does appear they have found a legal way to do it (according to the extract below, but it would be interesting to know what they found.

It said comments made by senior members of Islam4UK and on websites breached the Terrorism Act.
Mary H
2010-01-10 11:44:16 UTC
To be honest, I think that apart from all the obvious reasons for the march not being allowed to go ahead, it could cause people to get hurt, feelings are running very high on this matter, and, understandably so, I have had my Nephew killed in the last 2 years, so I have been there, got the teeshirt, it is so hard to know where all this is going to end, but, we must NOT let these people come to our Country and take over, and it looks like that is happening to me! The Law is a ***!
Mr Sceptic
2010-01-10 12:05:10 UTC
To allow the march to go ahead would create a risk to public order. You have already told us you want to turn up and throw things at them, and many people would want to do a lot worse.

It is on public order grounds that this march cannot be allowed to go ahead.

EDIT Just look at the pile of paranoid nonsense 'sir charles scrote' comes out with. If he is a typical BNP supporter, is it any wonder that the vast majority of the British electorate want nothing to do with these fools.

EDIT: You can't help feeling that BNP supporters on here, who feel the march should go ahead are relishing the conflict and violence that would inevitably accompany it. Nothing really changes, does it?

EDIT: PRIVATE asks: "So I ask why hasn't the ordinary garden variety muslim spoke out?Why do they never speak out?"

Enough links, Private? Can I suggest you are, at best mistaken; at worst deliberately spreading untruths to further a race-hate agenda?

MORE EDIT: Private - I take it you're talking to me. Because your normal tactic when you can't argue is to block. But you can't do that on someone else's question, so it's abuse. OK. I know where you're coming from.

It might take you 24/7 to find a few links, but normal people can do it in a couple of minutes.

Has it occurred to you that it is groups who give press releases, and individuals get little reporting? Other than the normal couple in the BBC report? Oh, sorry, they're all Islamist left wing commies, too.

I think I know what you want. You want the march to go ahead. you want violence and blood on our streets so BNP/EDL can take advantage of it. For it not to go ahead is a tragedy for the BNP. For ordinary Muslims to condemn it contradicts your lies.

There are BNP supporters on here who are decent people, who want violence avoided at all costs. Who want the march banned, partly because it's wrong, partly because they don't want to see violence in a quiet English market town.

I suspect you're closer to the internal workings of the BNP (this is guesswork on my part), and understand what a missed opportunity this march being banned represents for Griffin's hooligans, the EDL and the BNP.

I try to make it clear, when referring to the BNP as racist thugs, that I mean the central organisation, not the ordinary member or supporter. I suspect you're closer to the former than the latter.

Can I also make it clear that I regard George Galloway with as much contempt as you.

Now, there must be something there you can report.
2010-01-10 12:30:03 UTC
The government know dammed well how pissed and angry the people are with the muslim infestation of their country. They also know that people are just looking for an excuse to obliterate them.....This march would be the start of a very bloody conflict. Half of me thinks its needed to put Islam firmly in its place. The other half of me knows that its the white British people who Parliament will attack, because most of parliaments bank accounts are swelled with muslim money, and the labour party are kept in power by Islam. New labour virtually is the new Islamic party. We have an election coming up. We need to vote all three main political parasite parties out of power, and get our selves a good fresh start. We need to get out of the EU. they will destroy us with the help of all three of the present parties. LIBS, LABS and CONS with the backing of the EU are the real terrorist threat to Britain.
2010-01-10 12:16:30 UTC
They are going to cause a violent eruption, people are going to get hurt. It is not a peaceful protest. They are demanding a complete regime change for the UK to become an Islamic state. Please try and use your common sense.

I don't care if they lose their rights in this case, they are bang out of order and trying to upset the war families
2010-01-10 11:34:52 UTC
ISLAM4UK, shoudl NEVER have planned the march here, it is a huge dis-service to the dead soldiers, I think it was OK to ban the march, because they chose that place deliberately, it could be placed under the 'hate speech' act.
2010-01-10 11:33:34 UTC
You can't ban people's right to think despite the bias in the media, by banning freedom who do you think suffers the most, by proscribing this march and the people behind it you are stoking up the fires of terrorism not damping them. Fascism didn't die in 1945, its alive and well in Britain in 2010.
2010-01-10 11:43:59 UTC
the same right they have as to try and ban a legitimate political party like the bnp and allow labours mouthpiece the bbc to deny them air time. islam4 uk should be banned so should the uaf. labour already had edl marches banned by shipping in bus loads of uaf to attack the edl, so in effect labour are saying english people have no right to be proud of their heritage. labour is full of left wing subversive elements, people who claim to be working class socialists but who are in fact anti-establishment anarchists. if they arent kept in check then who knows whats next, islam4uk are already planning a march for 7/7.
2010-01-10 11:21:08 UTC
Maybe it's to prevent an act of terrorism. Maybe it's not planned as a peaceful march.
2010-01-10 11:28:51 UTC
Any so called protest that aims to incite hatred can be banned. Freedom of expression can and must not be allowed to be used for intimidation and hatred!
2010-01-10 11:27:06 UTC
Because...the an attempt to be seen to be taking complaints made by those against the march seriously..... has lost sight of its obligation to be fair....and of the golden rule...which says....'you cannot please one particular group all the time'.
2010-01-10 11:28:21 UTC
We have similar problems in the US..

Overly religious Christians want to protest holding signs that say "Thank GOD for dead soldiers" "Thank GOD for IED's", etc...

I say.. Let them protest and march... That is their right... But it is NOT their right for the police to escort them the entire time..

Guy below = "Freedom of expression can and must not be allowed to be used for intimidation and hatred"..

That is very hypocritical... You can not claim "freedom of expression" if you make it illegal.... Why you get 4 thumbs up?? I have no clue...
2010-01-10 11:21:11 UTC
Great Britain had too many colonies.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.