Is the media really liberal, or is Fox News and Rush Limbaugh lying to me?
2006-07-10 08:03:23 UTC
My Pastor thinks the Media is liberal too, but I wanted to know the opinions of my Yahoo Colleagues out there.
31 answers:
2006-07-10 08:12:31 UTC
Well considering that it people in the "media" that keep telling us uts liberal, i think you should take it with a grain of salt. Also, media is big business, thats all it is. We are not even the customers of the media, even though we think we are. Advertisers are the real consumers, and media sells them advertising. Us, the people, are simply the product that media sells. Now, ask yourself, why would the group that benifit most from the media, corporate america make there own marketing tool "liberal" when that is aginst the very core of there idealogy?

I liken the "liberal media" myth, with the saying that the smartest thing the devil ever did was convince the world he doesnt exist.

im not a liberal, but I think you need to really think about the claims that the media is liberal, it is not, the media is a distraction and a marketing device, that is it.
2006-07-10 08:44:52 UTC
Reread your own question and think about it and you'll have your answer. With the exception of your pastor, the people whining about the "liberal media" ARE the media, and they're as far right as you can get without donning a Nazi uniform. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News just don't like it that there are still people with enough integrity to deliver unbiased reports. Anything too close to the truth gets labeled as liberal by the ultra-conservatives, and that's how the myth of the "liberal media" began.
2006-07-10 08:48:59 UTC
It depends on what media you are referring to. There is some liberal media and some conservative media. Fox News is CONSERVATIVE. They will report what the republicans want you to think. Not what is true all the time(sometimes it is), but what they want you to believe is the truth. Like what was already said, think for yourself. Do some research, don't just rely on one outlet for your news. Check out CNN, read the papers, yes even the "liberal" ones, watch the BBC. Then when you get all the different angles you can make your own decision instead of being force fed what they want you to think.

Ethan, you have a good point about talking to our soldiers that have actually been to Iraq, but the only downside to that is they are not allowed to say certain things (without getting in trouble) so even then you don't know what the entire truth is, so take it with a grain of salt.
2006-07-10 08:10:58 UTC
Pfft. The media in the United States are so far to the right you can't even SEE liberal from there. Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are of course lying to you. The media's behavior during the impeachment of President Clinton should have put this myth to rest for good. All right-wing, all the time. Their collaboration in the right's various "Al Gore says he invented the Internet" and "Bush is strong on national security" fantasies further demonstrates the deep conservativism of the media.

Your pastor probably sincerely believes that the media are liberal, but that's only because the various propagandists (Fox, Limbaugh, the rest of the media) have been so successful in convincing people of that.
2006-07-10 08:29:25 UTC
Conservative and Liberal are made up labels used for the purpose of simplifying arguments by boxing people into categories without having to discuss the issues. For example, if I was to say I am against abortion someone would label me a liberal, lumping me in with every liberal idea that is out there. Much of the media reports on issues leaning one direction or the other. Because nearly all media leans towards at least one issue on the liberal side of things, Rush and your Pastor I assume, lump them into the "liberal" category. This is an error in logic. If someone does something sometimes (supports anti-abortion laws) how can it be assumed that they do this always (disagree with the war in Iraq). I feel the media is all conservative. This is because I lean to the liberal side of nearly all issues I encounter. But I too have an inaccurate argument as most media is down the middle leaning different directions at different times. In fact, during the immigration rallies very few media outlets spent any time identifying or reporting on the issues that were being protested in detail. This would have given a voice to the so-called liberal argument. Instead the media discussed the counter protests and the details surrounding these arguments.

I wish that individuals would stop forming opinions on ISSUES based on party lines, media moguls such as Rush, their pastors, and groupings like Liberal/Conservative and would start researching the issues themselves. For example, find out what is inside the immigration laws and read them verbatim. Read different sides of the debate.

I think the biggest problem in our country is ignorance. Not because people don't read or write properly but they don't care to find out about the issues outside what is spoon fed to them from mass media which is motivated by advertising dollars and ratings. Our citizens form opinions to support wars and kills thousands without knowing why, how, or what are the real consequences. Stop letting Rush tell you what to believe and find out for yourself!

Please don't decide what you believe, until you know every fact within reason about an issue. Always be willing to learn more and always be willing to change your stance if given new information.
2006-07-10 08:11:06 UTC
It's liberal! Why do you think every network tv station reports things that make the liberals look good. You never hear about the good things that are going on in Iraq. Just the bad things that make the current administartion look bad.

Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States in

January 2005 for the reestablished Fulbright program?

Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?! They have 5


patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment.

Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three operational

squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport


(under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night, and


soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?

Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando


Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully


and equipped police officers?

Did you k now that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce


3500 new officers each 8 weeks?

Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in


They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad

stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical


Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have


the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?

Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary

school by mid October?

Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq


phone use has gone up 158%?

Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75

radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?

Did you know that 47 countries have reestablished their embassies in


Did you know that the I raqi government currently employs 1.2 million

Iraqi people?

Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are


rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new


have been built in Iraq?

Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20

Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all

currently operating?

Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?

Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had


televised debate recently?





Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we get photos of flag

burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at the

presidential motorcades.

The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes. It


intended to undermine the world's perception of the United States, thus

minimizing consequential support, and it is intended to discourage



*** Above facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense web

2006-07-10 08:08:46 UTC
Of course your pastor, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh think the media is liberal. I can speak with experience that Fox is freakishly conservative sometimes, and that Rush is freakishly conservative all the time. Well, I mean unless it comes to him having to serve jail time for drug charges, or the fact he abuses drugs... Can you say hypocrite?

Anyway, back to the answer...

Your pastor is probably very conservative as well.

Form your own opinion and stop relying on other people to make decisions for you. Neither Fox, Rush, nor your pastor have to live your life.
2016-10-14 11:37:14 UTC
I watched Fox for the first time the different day (I watched it on a pal's satellite tv for pc television) and that i become very much stunned to work out the outright and blatant accurate-wing bias in it. the point of reporting about information in Iraq fantastically - in case you purely watched Fox you would assume that each and every thing become going swimmingly, that there become no civil warfare and all of us loved the U. S. forces. this isn't the case. i have on account that got here upon out that it become the topic of an study by using the autonomous television fee (united kingdom's television watchdog) for alleged bias - that is problematic to get the ITC to check out something, so for them to even seem into it it had to be fantastically undesirable. i have not watched Rush Limbaugh, yet from what I listen from strong resources, he's purely extremely a lot less rabidly accurate-wing than Hitler. You communicate about getting each and each and every of the assistance - nicely you at the on the spot are not getting it and could not get it on Fox. attempt going to someone like the BBC. you most likely gained't like what you're listening to i.e. the actuality truly than some sunny accurate-wing propaganda, yet a minimal of you'd be getting each and each and every of the assistance truly than a selective biased version of it.
2006-07-10 08:32:10 UTC
rush and fox are simply making money and you fail to realize this .RUSh needs his viagra to keep it up with his 35 year old girlfriend.LETS see rush divorced three times and with a woman half his age .

DOES this sound conservative to you , he is making a living and since when did a persons job reflect what they really think and do .RUSH drug addict serial relationships and millions of dollars makes him a rich liberal .

CON sevatives spend money on his crap and most liberals are to smart to do this .So if i were going to pander to the people i would choose the idiots with disposable income and collect my share of it .RUSh is a liberal do not kid your self making money of people he is much smarter then .

FOX news conservative or a place for liberal's to get a good laugh .

THE first time i saw bill i was flipping channels and came across him by accident it was only after a few minutes i noticed he was trying to be serious and report the news .I had to laugh at myself for not spotting this right away but he had me laughing so much that it took a moment to realize this clown was not an entertainer.IF you can not figure out the truth then you have no business taking all your in formation from one source .bill says everyone is out to get him and the factor show but i look and say it is cheap entertainment .BUILD the wall first then we can talk about what to do about mexicans here illegally bill just say you will round them up and toss them over the wall.

IT IS so clear the freedoms we all lose everytime a conservative opens his mouth or passes a law that we use this new law on him making him see the error of his ways but he is to dumb to see this and continues to try and legislate morality when it is in his best intrest to back off .CONSERVATIVES have not won a single battle yet but feel as if they are going to win the war on society forcing it to bow down and accept there rule and this will not happen and in the procces's all of us suffer.

WASTed time defending freedom instead of solving our problems and meeting the challenge of new world .
2006-07-10 08:15:02 UTC
Of course the media is liberal because most of the people that work in it are liberal. Bias is subtle and unavoidable. Does that make it wrong? No. It is human nature to be biased.

However, the media refuses to acknowledge that they like the rest of us are human. Rush says he is conservative, and makes no pretense to it. But for Dan Rather of all people to claim impartiality is a joke.

Liberals are good people, and some are bad. Just like conservatives.
scott j
2006-07-10 08:17:37 UTC
They're lying to you. I've been looking for the bias for years but can't find it. Sometimes it seems too conservative.

The only thing I can think of is that people watch the news with a certain bias. They are only seeing what they want to see. The problem is they don't even realize it.

I will admit that many newspaper lean to the left. But, the search for truth is usually a more liberal endeavor.
2006-07-10 08:14:55 UTC
Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdock who was a big Regan supporter in the 80's He is without question a Republican. The other News Stations are run by money motivation. What ever sells at the time that what they go with.

Look at how fast they turned on Clinton and that was just for a Blow J*b
2006-07-10 08:13:13 UTC
Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are part of the media too, aren't they.
2006-07-10 08:12:47 UTC
No, not really. Yes, Fox News and Rush lie. Google Media Matters. It's a website that tracks this very thing. (There are also books on the subject, such as the one by Eric Alterman.)

Of course, you could evaluate this for yourself.
2006-07-10 08:12:23 UTC
It is Liberal media. Watch it some time and see for yourself.

I am not saying this because I am a Republican I am saying this because they only interview other Liberals, they do not hide their Liberalism, they have been trying to lose the war since we started it and when they do interview a Conservative they openly verbally bash them and don't take anything they say seriously.
2006-07-10 09:10:09 UTC
okay think about this. GE owns NBC, Viacom owns CBS, Disney owns ABC. Why would these huge multi-national corporations be pushing a liberal agenda? How does it benefit them? If they thought for one minute that individual reporters or producers were hurting the bottom line of the company with a political agenda, they would be fired.
2006-07-10 08:17:59 UTC
. Why is someones opinion "liberal" if you don't agree with it, and "absolute unvarnished truth" if you agree with it ? No I wouldn't believe Rush on a stack of Viagra and Fox is just kissing the powers in charges a**
Chris S
2006-07-10 08:10:03 UTC
Look no further than the CBS News "Memogate" scandal, or type "Howell Raines" or "Jayson Blair" into your search engine. That will reveal the lengths the mainstream media will go to to try to oust a Republican president. There's your answer.
Bobbie E
2006-07-10 08:13:23 UTC
Some is some aint, chances are good that any of the media services will be leaning one direction or the other.
david c
2006-07-10 08:09:09 UTC
fox news and rush are more biased then any other media outlet, rush once said hilary looked like a dog.
2006-07-10 08:10:34 UTC
Very liberal
Ethan M
2006-07-10 08:33:28 UTC
Why don't you find out for your self. Talk to some service people who have been to Iraq and then compare the stories you hear on CNN to what they say.
2006-07-10 08:07:42 UTC
Media tends to be liberal, producers tend to be conservative, so n ormally a nice mix.
2006-07-10 08:07:01 UTC
Fox news is for crazy people
2006-07-10 08:06:32 UTC
It's liberal
2006-07-10 08:12:08 UTC
hillary doesnt look like a dog...why would you want to run dogs down like that...???

however..her thighs do rub together and make an awful sound when she walks and that overbite reminds me of the old "church key" can openers....billy bob beer anyone...???
2006-07-10 08:13:26 UTC
The media is liberal and commie inspired!!!
2006-07-10 08:07:47 UTC
I think it is very libereal.
2006-07-10 08:06:47 UTC
A conservative who wants your money LIE to You?No.


More proof dumb,fat CONservative reactionaries are easy to fool.
2006-07-10 08:07:14 UTC
Your pastor is correct.
2006-07-10 08:06:44 UTC
the conservatives lie to you? no way...

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