So liberals decide to create a law that gives the federal government the authority to give hand-outs to corporations, then more corporations pile on and stick their hands out, then corporations make bad decisions and liberals use the laws they created under FDR to bailout corporations that failed...
...and from that, you made the determination that its conservatives that favor the wealthy?
Conservatives have been pushing for limiting the government and not allowing that to take place for 50+ years. In fact, it was one of the main reasons the Tea Party formed with their anti-Bush policies that were doing the exact same thing that liberals were doing all that time.
Conservatives want workers to be able to sell their labor for whatever they can get. They also support workers having the choice to not work at a place that isn't pro-worker. They also support workers having the choice of whether or not they wish to join a union.
In fact, I could post a list a mile long of conservative policies that are pro-worker and pro-small business.
Since the basis of your rationale is incorrect, the conclusion you have made from that basis is also incorrect. It isn't so just because someone brainwashed you into thinking it is.
If you want to see the result of liberal anti-worker policies, just take a look at the jobless numbers in the country, or the number of underpaid workers that have been limited to shorter hours. The evidence is practically slapping you in the face.
Starting July 1, 2014 the government is going to attempt to tax citizens that deposit their money in banks that accrue interest higher than the artificially lowered interest rates here in America. People are trying to save their money in places where their form of currency is worth more than the dollar. The fact that the government wants to do this, show that their policies are failing the worker and the businesses.
More businesses have filed for bankruptcy under Obama than any other President, ever. No businesses, no workers. It doesn't get much more anti-worker than that. Open your eyes and realize who is slapping you in the face.
More and more people a graduating college and not being able to find a job. Obama just passed a law to ease their payments on their government loans, flat-out admitting that his policies are failing so badly that he has to do this.
And its not just there...have a quick look at the massively high amounts of drug shortages on the FDA's list. These are basic drugs that a lot of hospitals simply can't operate without. Several people have died simply because they couldn't get basic, common medicines. The worker cannot work if the worker is dead. That's the ultimate anti-worker policy, and it has nothing to do with conservatives.
We're not afraid of socialism, we're watching the exact effects of trying to implement it from the front row.