Do you see Megyn Kelly as a traitor to the republican conservative party ,why or why not?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you see Megyn Kelly as a traitor to the republican conservative party ,why or why not?
228 answers:
2015-08-13 20:54:36 UTC
Trump is a misogynistic ***. Megyn Kelly did her job. What this primary has revealed to me is that 25% of my party is made up of bigots.

1. I grew up in San Antonio. 70% of the city is ethnically hispanic. I was often raped and sold drugs, but hell, i assume some people in that city were good people.... no, I'm just kidding was never raped or sold drugs. Apparently fleeing a drug ravaged battleground for the sake of your family makes you a 100% rapist and possibly a good person. Hearing bigots ***** about illegal immigration is like hearing a billionaire ***** about how bad a recession is pinching him. It's so easy to hate the people you've never lived among from your comfortable homes far away from the border.

2. John McCain was a war hero. Trump got an extremely painful bone spur, and can't remember what foot it was on. I'm sure.

3. Then Trump had the audacity to bring his glass ceiling misogyny into a presidential debate. It was disgusting.
Andy F
2015-08-11 20:46:54 UTC
Let's use some logic and common sense on this one, not just "kneejerk" emotional reactions.

Republican conservatives are going to want their favorite candidate to win against the Democratic nominee for president, right? They're not going to want to nominate a GOP candidate who can't win, or is unlikely to win. That would be self-destructive and foolish - right?

Trump is hugely popular with some Republicans, but he isn't necessarily loved by everybody. If he wins the GOP presidential nomination, he's going to have to campaign against some Democrat, whose supporters will be ready to attack Trump with every weapon they've got.

Therefore, there was nothing "anti-conservative" or "anti-Republican" about Megyn Kelly asking Trump some very tough, even apparently hostile questions about one of his possible political weak spots -- certain sexist and offensive things he's said about women.

If Trump can't answer those questions about his attitudes toward women well enough to win the votes of many Republican and independent women voters, he's likely to lose -- especially if the Democrats nominate Hillary. Therefore it may be good for the GOP and the conservative right that Megyn Kelly asked the questions of Trump in last week's debate.

If Trump can't answer such questions effectively when Kelly asks them, he's not suitable to be the GOP nominee, because he might not be able to campaign effectively against Clinton, either.

Conservatives need to know how Trump can/will handle this issue. So they probably should thank Megyn Kelly for asking him the question.

Meanwhile, if Trump's sexist attacks on Kelly win him a big enough following among conservative Republican men to offset any losses he's suffering with women, then maybe Kelly even did Trump himself a favor. Maybe even Trump himself should be thanking her. it's better for him to be handling the question now, before a friendly GOP audience, than having to answer it later, for the first time, in a televised debate with Hillary, before a tougher national audience.

-- Truth in advertising: I'm a democratic socialist who would never vote for Trump. I also don't like Fox News or Megyn Kelly. But I think the logic above makes sense, if you think about it.
2015-08-11 12:00:38 UTC
She's not a traitor. She just asks tough questions that most Republicans prefer not to touch on because they're usually two-faced.

I will say that her question about Trump's conpanies' bankruptcy was unfair, solely because the other candidates were being asked about immigration and race, and she suddenly hopped onto the aforementioned question. I mean, seriously? She also asked an inflammatory question in the beginning of the debate that wasn't necessary, and Trump threw it right back at her, and rightfully so.

Again, she's not a traitor; she's tough. But she seems to enjoy taking little personal jabs at Trump and acting innocent right after.
2015-08-09 14:47:17 UTC
For what? She just asked questions, not her fault if Trump couldn't answer them without making himself look like a fool. Did you want her to praise him and kiss his feet?
2015-08-12 09:26:59 UTC
Megyn Kelly has stated that she is an Independent. Her first questions to all candidates were tough. Trump was the one that had the temper tantrum. He is thin skinned. If he can't handle a question like that now, how will he handle it with other reporters and if he ends up debating the Democratic candidate? He is spending considerable time now volleying back at reporters and any candidates that make remarks about him. Then he has his Twitter wars.

I want to hear about his policies and his plans for this country and not his personal beefs on reporters and candidates.

I don't think Megyn is a traitor to the conservative party. Some of the questions probably were to spark the ratings higher and those questions had to come from Roger Ailes.

I think that moderators Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer did a better job in the first debate.
2015-08-11 14:33:01 UTC
She is a member of the media, she is not supposed to be a friend to any party or cause. The only cause the media is beholden to is the truth. Since she is employed by Fox News, she and the truth are unacquainted. Her performance at the most recent Republican debate was the first time she showed anything close to being a decent member of the media. The media is supposed to keep the government in line, they are the Fourth Estate, and should act like it.
jack f
2015-08-10 22:55:39 UTC
I see Megyn as an opportunist. She's trying to appear tough. She obviously had a bone to pick with Donald Trump, and the questions she asked were intended to provoke the response she got. I've never thought of Megyn Kelly as a conservative, and I don't know if she's a republican or not. So I can't tell you if she's a traitor, until she actually comes out and tells us what she is.
2015-08-11 23:30:33 UTC
Megyn Kelly asked Donald Trump a very good question. His response is to be an immature bully. A president has to be a diplomat, and he would be a disaster as a president.
Gerry G
2015-08-12 06:20:23 UTC
She was doing her job. It was refreshing that a journalist finally was asking tough questions to the candidates.
2015-08-10 10:55:29 UTC
Why is everyone acting like Trump was the only candidate that was asked hard questions? Here is Ben Carson's first question from Megyn Kelly:

"You are a successful neurosurgeon, but you admit that you have had to study up on foreign policy, saying there’s a lot to learn.

Your critics say that your inexperience shows. You’ve suggested that the Baltic States are not a part of NATO, just months ago you were unfamiliar with the major political parties and government in Israel, and domestically, you thought Alan Greenspan had been treasury secretary instead of federal reserve chair.

Aren’t these basic mistakes, and don’t they raise legitimate questions about whether you are ready to be president?"

Now....if he was Trump, he would have been crying foul...and if he was a liberal, he would be playing the race card....but he's a grownup and didn't take offense....he's presidential. Trump is not.
Ratan chandra
2015-08-15 00:21:18 UTC
I see Megyn as an opportunist. She's trying to appear tough. She obviously had a bone to pick with Donald Trump, and the questions she asked were intended to provoke the response she got. I've never thought of Megyn Kelly as a conservative, and I don't know if she's a republican or not. So I can't tell you if she's a traitor, until she actually comes out and tells us what she is.
2015-08-13 10:11:19 UTC
traitor, no.. i don't know what her party affiliation is. the fact is most people i know feel what Trump is saying reflects what a lot of us feel. Frankly, while i appreciate Trump's bluntness, after so much of it, it loses it's power.

I want to hear about his policies and his plans for this country and not his personal beefs on reporters and candidates.

I don't think Megyn is a traitor to the conservative party. Some of the questions probably were to spark the ratings higher and those questions had to come from Roger Ailes.

I think that moderators Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer did a better job in the first debate.
2015-08-13 18:13:43 UTC
In all honesty, the majority of the population of the USA is a traitor to Republican party. The party is and has been dissolving/dividing over the past 20 years. Why? How? They have been splitting and splitting in ideals, beliefs, political lines, etc... and are now minorities. Now the FLIP SIDE of politics. The democrats are the exact same but are at the time more unified (at the moment) and splitting slower in deep/true beliefs then the republicans. Both parties were born are from an archaic time... post 2000's children are seeing this.
2015-08-17 10:11:18 UTC
This is retarded. She is a journalist not a politician; she is supposed to ask hard questions. A journalist that allows their political affiliation to get in the way of the news is is a "TV personality" and no longer a credited journalist.

Why can people understand that the question she asked is the same question 90% of the female voting population also wants to know? Do you think Megyn was tough? How do you think the accusations are going to be when they come from Hillary?? Megyn gave The Donald an opportunity to give his side of the story. He should have been ready for this question before he even put forth his intention to run for office.
2015-08-14 13:20:42 UTC
What Megyn Kelly did was no different from what moderators at MSNBC and CNN have done to Republicans in the past. The biggest problem was that while she asked all of the other candidates policy questions, she opened an attacking line of questioning on Donald Trump over what is arguably, meaningless drivel. Megyn's actions have undoubtedly caused her and FoxNews viewers. I know she has lost me and my family.
2015-08-16 22:25:41 UTC
I don't see Megyn Kelly as a traitor, though it may well be apparent that Trump is not her favorite candidate, she apparently made some effort to ask many of the candidates some tough questions, though I did think she gave Huckabee a softball, perhaps a little bit of Fox News fellowship.
2015-08-13 02:44:48 UTC
I used to like Megyn Kelly, I don't now, she was way out of line, and has joined the regular media in attacking conservatives, she must be a big liberal and I am no longer a fan of her or Fox News
2015-08-12 20:30:44 UTC
traitor, no.. i don't know what her party affiliation is. the fact is most people i know feel what Trump is saying reflects what a lot of us feel. Frankly, while i appreciate Trump's bluntness, after so much of it, it loses it's power.

Megan Kelly is a commentator, period. She makes her money on ratings. Trump opening his yap about her menses, probably did more for her ratings than anything she has done since she 1st started her show.

I will be voting in the republican primary for either Rand Paul or Carly Fiorina.

I will never vote for Jeb, Christie, or Kasich, They are RINO fascists. No different that Queen Hitlery.

the turbo-xtians like Huckabee, i can't stand either. there are too many to remember.
2015-08-11 12:35:52 UTC
I used to like Megyn Kelly, I don't now, she was way out of line, and has joined the regular media in attacking conservatives, she must be a big liberal and I am no longer a fan of her or Fox News
2015-08-13 16:46:48 UTC
She's just a professional news anchor what ever she said about trump was probably just business. I think she is a conservative republican because if she weren't she wouldn't be able to do what she does every day. A person can debate something they strongly disagree and do a good job and sound convincing for a collage debate but to do that all the time I would thing would be a little infuriating and irritating don't you think? just how many people with gender mismatch despise having the body they were born with and just go with it for money? Not very many I would imagine.
2015-08-15 10:21:08 UTC
Kudos to Megyn Kelly, Mr Trump and FOX News....they are all "Tops" in my book and certainly did not suffer a bit from all the publicity that they got.....Megyn certainly did not suffer and knowing all before hand what was to come took it and responded like a Champ...she does an excellent job for FOX and added beauty to the debate team as well which was evidenced by the record number of viewers.....They all have my Vote !!!!!! AKYamamoto
2015-08-16 05:58:07 UTC
Of course not, Megyn was doing her job as an un-biased questioner. She actually helped the Republican party by exposing a very biased potential candidate. It's best to weed out these clowns before the convention.
2015-08-15 13:31:45 UTC
Trump was on the defensive anyhow after Megyn Kelly asked that question. And Trump doesn't like to be on the defensive, he wants to be always right, he doesn't like to lose an argument. And the woman had to take his abuse form of comment to prove himself he was right. He was wrong and he knows it but wont admitted. He'll never make a good or a bad president.
2015-08-11 12:24:43 UTC
Megyn Kelly is not a traitor to the GOP. She is only on the behest on the orders of the FOX executives
2015-08-15 16:07:19 UTC
Certainly not a traitor to the republicans. It is important to see how candidates respond to tough questions. Her questions were no worse than what liberals are saying. Trump and other candidates need to show how they can respond to anyone on any topic. I believe FOX also needs to be strong in support of Megyn and others who test the candidates. Fair and balanced, not CNN.
2015-08-12 06:38:38 UTC
I don't even know if Megyn is a Republican. In any event it is an issue far removed from what the nation needs to be concerned about.
2015-08-12 05:48:05 UTC
Megyn Kelly is not a traitor to the GOP
2015-08-12 00:40:59 UTC
Megyn Kelly is a nice women who whats to be treated like a girl. Who will take her seriously now? How many people would come to the aid of Sean Hannity if someone answered him gruffly

Womens equally took a step back
2015-08-09 14:46:40 UTC
Megyn Kelly is not a Republican but an Independent and her question to mr. Trump was out of line, i believe.
2015-08-11 14:58:36 UTC
Megyn Kelly is a nice women who whats to be treated like a girl. Who will take her seriously now? How many people would come to the aid of Sean Hannity if someone answered him gruffly

Womens equally took a step back
2015-08-12 10:03:07 UTC
In all her editorializing to date, it seems that Megyn Kelly would prefer a Republican wins the next presidential election over Hillary Clinton. To that end, she and the other moderators used that first round of hard-ball questioning as a forum to vet which candidates are "electable" in terms of who can beat Clinton. Following the thrashing we got in 2012, the GOP did a post-mortem and found we need to attract more votes to win the presidency, and the biggest opportunities are to attract more women and Latino voters. It is possible to attract them using conservative reasoning, but it's not possible if we nominate a renowned misogynist who says all Latinos coming over the borders are criminals and rapists. Trump only hardened his position as a misogynist with his reflex "blood coming out of her wherever" comment, and did not win any women voters with that gaffe no matter much he spins it.

Political correctness is a fact of life so we better nominate someone who knows the rules. This is politics, after all.
Smokies Hiker
2015-08-11 19:36:16 UTC
Yes. I feel the entire Fox Team kicked open the door for the Democratic nominee ( whoever that may be ) to secure the White House for another 8 years. I'll not vote for any Republican nominee when there's clandestine reporting and questions being asked by Fox News like we saw at last weeks first Republican debate.
2015-08-14 13:30:36 UTC
I don't care who asked the question, it was a fair question, and she was just doing her job. Even in a court of law, a prosecutor cannot use evidence of a defendant's character to prove he committed a crime, UNLESS, that defendant first puts that character trait in issue. In other words, even in an environment as regulated as a courtroom, where if you even phrase a statement wrong, you'll get objected to, you can still use evidence of someone's bad/dishonest/selfish/aggressive/etc character to prove they committed an unrelated crime, if the defendant first tries prove that he is a good/honest/selfless/peaceful/etc person.

Trump put his temperment at issue when he SAID "you should vote for me because unlike those others guys, I have temperment." Kelly's question basically said "You said you have temperment, but everytime someone disagrees with you, you call them playground names like a little b|tch rather than try to come up with a counter-argument. Clearly, you are full of sh|t." Trump should be held accountable for past acts or statements like every other candidate. He DOES NOT deserve special treatment, and the question was absolutely relevant, and should have been addressed by Trump. Can you imagine Trump negotiating with other countries, sitting there, calling them names like a little kid every time things don't go his way? You want this guy to be your next president?

Donald Trump is a spoiled d|ckless little b|tch who doesn't know how to live without being entitled. How's that for political correctness? He is an embarrassment to all Americans.
bad girl
2015-08-11 13:29:02 UTC
Megan Kelly is definitely not a traitor to the Republican party. The powers that be in the GOP do not want Trump as the candidate, so she did their work for them.
2015-08-11 20:19:49 UTC
Fox News put on a was never about learning what each candidate stood for and what their policies would be.....they asked questions to certain ones to cause riffs between those certain ones, and yes they attacked Trump and intended to make a story to harp over for all their radio and TV news shows.

I set and wondered what each Candidate stood for what they were going to do and how..BUT Fox did not allow that to occur....all they wanted was to cause arguments and create a story to talk about for months.

Kelly has a beef with Trump and has have for awhile. She like so many can not stand when someone simply speaks the truth......she belongs on MSNBC, not Fox...she and OReilly are more liberal than most liberals...remind me of McCain...he is a Repub but votes more on the liberal side then any conservative side and is in fact is as Liberal and if not more so than Polosi or Reid.

I like to see moderators who ask EVERY Candidate what their policies will be and how will they do X-Y-Z....Not say i will do this or that and never give no information at all...and worse never allowed to

Most people have NO CLUE what each one stands for and how they intend to handle all the problems Obama has caused this Country BOTH domestically and abroad...failed policies that have almost destroyed this Nation and has allowed our enemies to prosper and our allies to flee from us......Just saying i will strengthen the military or repeal Obamacare is not an answer....who WILL and HOW WILL they Truly have REAL Healthcare reform ( Obamacare has reformed NO HEALTH CARE) it only forced people to buy Insurance while Doctors, Hospitals, etc etc still steal billions from Medicare/ Medicaid every month...and charge people 10 times the price their actual services cost.....and the excuse Doctors will leave ? really to where Iran ? China ? countries whose healthcare system is ...well NONE-Existent !!! Fox Botched the they through hissies about Newt Gingrich last year because he had remarried...and yet Clinton "did not have sex with that woman " and people cheered......the double standard Fox claims about others they showed themselves ....and Kelly was only concerned about her own agenda. Fox should fire MSNBC can hire her...that is where she belongs !!!
2015-08-16 20:52:41 UTC
For all that dont know Megyn Kelly is a right wing conservative and at least USED to be referred to as the "Conservative Darling". She seems like she isnt a real conservative though in the since that she will agree with whatever society does for the most part. An opportunist like one of you said. If Clinton is winning i see no reason why she wont sway towards her. A traitor though? Not to that extreme no. But I don't feel that she should be called a republican unless she commits to the party. I have seen no real evidence that she is loyal to the party. Hope this helped! ;)
2015-08-09 14:48:21 UTC
First of all, I do not see what she may have done to even be considered as that., but perhaps you think that FOX rolls just like PMS-NBC, just for the other side. Not true. Fox is not trying to "Engineer" the election, they are trying to give their viewers the best look at the candidates.

Megyn just happens tio be the toughest female interviewer in the business. Don't let that drop-dead gorgeous face foool you.
2015-08-09 15:44:38 UTC
Megan Kelly is an honest and through hard-news reporter. Mostly she is pretty laid back, but she is not going to be blown off (or laughed off) when she asks a serious question. Neither Donald Trump (nor his typical supporter) have any more sense of humor than your typical left-wing liberal (that is to say NONE). Trump thought he should be thrown soft-ball questions just because he is leading in the polls. Kelly debased him of that assumption and now he is angry with her. Frankly the questions she asked the other candidates were just as hard-ball as the one Trump is so angry about. But Trump (and his supporters) are the only ones whining. None of the questions she asked was unfair. The one excepting was an attempt to get Trump to agree to not run as a Third Party Candidate, and Bret Baier asked that question, not Megan Kelly. That smelled of an ambush, but Trump should have anticipated that question and been better prepared to address it.
2015-08-11 22:37:42 UTC
I don't think she's a traitor. I don't think she was ever on anyone's side but her own. I'm very conservative, but I have always found her to be brash, rude, and dishonest by way of only giving half of the truth. She is very unprofessional and intentionally crosses the line for ratings. I don't even like Trump, but what she did was unprofessional and biased. No one wins when a debate isn't a debate but a big joke and a pulpit for one person's own grievances and ratings.
2015-08-11 11:57:10 UTC
I love Megyn Kelly.
2015-08-14 16:36:08 UTC
No. Personally, I'm not a conservative and I think Megan Kelly DID ask Trump unfairly controversial / difficult questions because she was following orders from the higher ups. I don't think the establishment Republicans like Trump and I don't think they want him to win the nomination and that's why they're doing everything they can to destroy his campaign.
2015-08-12 06:44:56 UTC
No; she hit him them with the same type of questions that we would expect during a presidential debate. If all Trump is going to say is JOBS then why should we vote for him? why does Donald Trump wants us to trust him of all people? Why does he deserve more trust than the other candidates? If you ask me he hasn't stated any specifics and expects us to just trust that he will do a good job. In this day and age we cannot just trust people; we have to look for *specific* qualities that we agree with. And besides Megyn Kelly is not fully responsible for those questions she just asked them during the debate. She didn't write those questions by herself; someone else wrote them for her or with her.
2015-08-13 12:03:16 UTC
Megan Kelly is gonna do whatever she has to do to maintain her Fox Network career. There is no conspiracy there. She is just the voice asking the questions on people's minds she isn't conciously trying to put a slant on things or going after trump because she hates him. She just wants him to answer to his comments and elaborate more clearly on what he means. If Donald is going to make outrageous comments he needs to be able to elobarate to the public what he really means versus just making a paumpus compulsive statement that cannot be explained without any reasoning. Kelly might be a little vengant with her line of questioning but they are neccessary questions that need answering.
2015-08-11 17:09:29 UTC
She is just another arrogant person whom feels obligated to go with the flow in regards to how she thinks the vast majority of equally arrogant people feel at any given time. This is why for decades she instead of being an independent thinker she instead has shown the need for approval of arrogant people and therefore has expressed hateful attitudes towards decent people. What she failed to realize is that the very same arrogant people that she wants to please are the very same people like Trump whom will answer even justified questions with an arrogant and insulting response. This is what happens when such groups like the gop and tea party choose arrogance towards others over respect and consideration towards others. While gop and tea party are minding people's business; the democratic party continues to move our country forward.
2015-08-11 12:48:41 UTC
Idiots. By giving Trump the question about misogynistic allegations, he addressed it early before it could have any real impact on his candidacy. Megyn Kelly ruined the Democrat's "October Surprise". She did him a HUGE favor, as well as herself. She had 4 times the viewership last night because of it.
2015-08-12 15:10:50 UTC
I thought FOX "news" was fair and balanced. Should Megyn Kelley be serving up softball questions or asking tough questions of all the candidates? If conservatives can't stand the heat of difficult questions they should get out of the kitchen.
2015-08-09 14:49:55 UTC
No.. The US doesn't have a Republican Conservative Party.
2015-08-16 18:59:54 UTC
Of course not, you sound as if her job was to promote Republican candidates and their agendas. News flash, she is NOT part of any politician's campaign organization, like all the other moderators she is a journalist, and their job was to ask questions that probed the candidates' ideas, policies, and characters. I think they did a great job, and as a lifelong conservative Republican I in no way feel that any of them were "traitors", they did their jobs. Remember that Fox News is the only major news organization that is not in the tank for the dimocraps. They look like conservatives only because all the others are so far to the left.
2015-08-18 06:53:40 UTC
No. Even if she is a conservative, she is a journalist, and will take

advantage of anyone. The things she said were uncalled for.

The way Trump responded was not right either, but you are dealing

with one of the most powerful men in the world, and one of the richest.

As you saw, the hub hub was squelched quickly, because I promise

you Trump put an end to it, and shut Miss Kelly up as you might have

seen on her FoxNews show.
mission cat
2015-08-15 13:17:07 UTC
The question was unfair.


Example: Bill Cosby raped approximately 100 women and got away with it.


Bill Clinton raped an estimated 1000 women in the last 35 years of his access to power. Today Clinton is celebrated and gets up to $500K to deliver B.S. speeches.

Trump replied to verbal attacks from lesbians and other deviants, this is his worst crime, and now he is to be attacked by that fool Kelly and denied access to the same office as Bill Clinton the 1000x rapist held ???

Do I smell a double standard ?
2015-08-14 21:18:18 UTC
Absolutely not...she asked hard questions of just about all the debate participants. I don't really care what her personal politics are...she's a very good journalist or this would not be a question in a lot of people's minds! Soft questions don't solicit answers from which we the public can determine where the candidates are coming from. JRTex
2015-08-17 18:14:48 UTC
I don't know what voting party Megan Kelly I would have wanted to see another fox news host to moderate the debate I only saw bits and pieces and I didn't see the Donald Trump and Megan Kelley debate I cannot comment further
music freak
2015-08-11 17:19:42 UTC
I'll respond to the Trump issue. I am not a Trump fan, but I will say that I found her questions inappropriate, and quite frankly, displaying the problems with the media the Trump has stirred up. He was treated unfairly; no other candidate was asked personal questions in regards to their "participation" in the "War Against Women". (BTW I am a woman.) I believe those questions were asked purely in an attempt to get a headline-worthy response from Trump. But...I wouldn't say she betrayed all republicans. She just participated in typical media problems.
2015-08-12 09:49:53 UTC
I see Megyn Kelly as a career woman with an agenda.
2015-08-11 20:06:03 UTC
I'm a democrat and didn't know her. But to me it seemed she used the same blunt forwardness that trump uses. Hence his smirk. Why is it when he does it it's "speaking the truth" and when it's someone else it's a traitor? If she did a hit job you can bet it was GOP influenced. If it were bipartisan I wouldn't be surprised either. There's no "fairness" in politics. It's open warfare. And she's too hot to be a republican.
2015-08-11 13:25:12 UTC
Why is the question she asked Trump NOT RELEVANT? I think name-calling when you are president of the United States (and this isn't constructive criticism, folks, this is just insulting someone for the sake of insulting them) is not presidential. Am I alone in this??? I find his behavior appalling, mostly because he thinks he's being a straight shooter. This isn't a case of being direct, this is just over-the-top mean, childish behavior. And, why is it Trump can't take the heat? His MO is to lash out at anyone who questions him. Again, not one of the characteristics I'd look for in a president??? Incidentally, I'm trying to picture Ronald Reagan spouting off the phrase "fat pig" to describe a person right now and I'm just not able to conjure it up. I think there's a reason for that.
Maurice H
2015-08-17 20:47:37 UTC
No. She was doing her job. He's tryna win republican nomination, but it's evident by his past and things he says in the present that he's not really republican. His views are more democratic.

If he won the nomination, and went up against the democrat nominee, he would be the lesser of evils and I would vote for him. But among the other republican candidates right now, Trump definitely would not be my first or preferred choice.
2015-08-16 19:07:18 UTC
Most republicans are cry babies ,and thumper is no exception,this is just the start,he hasn't even been baited by a pro yet why ? he doesn't need any help when the polls wane and he has a chance to pull his foot out of his mouth the fun will begin, little doggies
2015-08-16 17:53:29 UTC
No, she isn't. She's a certain type of establishment conservative though with an agenda. She tried to corner the Trump. She lost. The "moderators" were trying to get Trump out the race. Just notice how badly he was treated.
2015-08-17 00:30:47 UTC
No, she should not be labeled a "traitor" because she asked ALL of the candidates some pretty hard ball questions, not just Trump. The debate would have been weak if she just asked all of the candidates what flavor ice cream they prefer. These candidates will also get hardball questions non-stop from more liberal news shows (MSNBC, CNN, ABC) they mine as well prepare now!
2015-08-12 15:21:49 UTC
No Megyn Kelly was just doing her job as a journalist and she declares herself as an Independent.
2015-08-11 13:46:26 UTC
The word "traitor" implies that Ms. Kelly owes the Republican Party her loyalty. She does not.
2015-08-14 11:25:33 UTC
Absolutely yes! Not only does she not take orders from her betters (anyone with a title in the GOP) but she has the NERVE to ask pointed questions from them. Doesn't she KNOW that it's the soul of the GOP to follow orders and NOT ask why? She's a traitor.
2015-08-12 05:42:16 UTC
I see Megyn Kelly as a dumb *** broad only hired to do the news because of her looks, to get ratings.
Brad R
2015-08-11 21:49:41 UTC
She's supposed to be a journalist and be fair and balanced and not be affiliated with the Republican party anyways! So I guess I say not as you have to be aligned with someone to be their traitor.
2015-08-10 11:48:15 UTC
That is a question reflecting ignorance and shouldn't even be asked. Does anyone really think Kelly pulled her questions out of thin air on her own? Your contributing to a clown show here, at someones expense.
answer boy
2015-08-10 07:07:46 UTC
Finally Fox news challenged the Republicans to show their stuff and now she is a was a debate , not a advertisement for the GOP.
2015-08-11 17:26:27 UTC
Megyn Kelly was too full of herself. She thought it was The Kelly File and was too cute by half. Her star has dimmed considerably.
2015-08-11 15:50:59 UTC
She asked some tough questions. That doesn't make her a traitor. Besides, shouldn't people involved in politics be faithful to the issues they care about, and not have blind loyalty to one party?
2015-08-12 08:40:54 UTC
Megyn Kelly is a traitor to the Republicans, she bashes them all the time.
2015-08-11 13:30:25 UTC
Megan seems to be a Democrat on a Republican show.As of late seems to be a little bit verbally violent toward candidates.She took it a little bit personal with Trump and it made her look bad.Now Trump does not want to be on any Fox Presented shows.
King Nobama
2015-08-11 12:56:00 UTC
Yes , because he tried to stop the TRUMP TRAIN - she failed miserably! hahahahahaha!!!!

She is a woman - all women are not fit for this outside world and NEED to be send back to the kitchen immediately! Trump will make sure that happens!

Why were women more polite and respectful to men back in the the 80s (and to a lesser extent, the 50s)? Back when they married out of high school instead of becoming feminazi lesbians who want to KILL men? Figure it out yourself.
Linda R
2015-08-14 08:41:49 UTC
For all the good she's done, for Fox News, I just don't understand why she wanted to be one of the moderators for a 'debate' when all she did was poll internet questions about comments candidates made 10-20 years ago.

This was NO debate at all. A TRUE debate gives EVERY candidate 5-minutes to answer EVERY 'debate' question....NOT questions from the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Felonious Monkey
2015-08-09 14:49:01 UTC
Conservative politics is a bloodsport. That's what the base wants, and Kelly got caught up in the fight.
2015-08-14 08:56:25 UTC
She like other fairly looking women are of the opinion that their good looks will get them right up there with the famous and wealthy.They do not know that their attributes only run skin deep, and what has been instilled in their hearts is what really matters and if good will receive it's reward!
2015-08-09 14:56:27 UTC
No, she only pressed Republican candidates before the progressive weasels are able to.

"If they can't deal with me, how are they gonna deal with Putin?" - Megyn Kelly
2015-08-12 00:28:55 UTC
Megyn Kelly has penis envy toward Trump.
2015-08-17 00:49:27 UTC
She is not a traitor. These tough questions are bound to show up later. Better now than later esp if he wins the nom and has to debate against Hillary.
2015-08-14 12:35:30 UTC
Trump is in the wrong business if he doesn't like tough questions. He can't look at Megyn and say, "You're fired."
2015-08-16 14:54:23 UTC
No. She's no "traitor". . . . she just tried to be somebody she's not, and the attempt failed miserably, on a high-profile stage. That's all. Now, people are set about making a mountain out of this molehill.
2015-08-10 19:19:37 UTC
You have to ask tough questions, and you have to question past behavior. Fox News has to establish some form of fairness to the country. Avoiding embarrassing questions is stupid, put it out there. People admire honesty, and probably won't hold it against you, unless it's something horrible or creepy
2015-08-13 08:37:40 UTC
You're calling her a traitor because she asked your Messiah Trump some semi-tough questions and made him actually have to think a little?
2015-08-11 16:26:15 UTC
I do not see her as a traitor at all. If Trump didn't want to be asked about his - to say the least - questionable statements, then he shouldn't have said those statements.
2015-08-11 19:18:52 UTC

That s what conservatives do. They state what they feel, often rather bluntly, sometimes too bluntly. It would be one thing if she were like a typical liberal and just trying to trip him up, but the questions she asked were necessary.

Those questions needed to be asked, and they needed to be heard. Yes, the debate was a bit unfair to Trump, in all honesty, but Trump needed to answer for those things still. And now he needs to convince us that his answers are genuine, at least that s how it should be.
2015-08-17 05:15:38 UTC
She was supposed to be an impartial referee but from the outset of the debate she looked bad when she tried so obviously to made Trump look bad.

So I wouldn t say that she was a traitor, but rather just failed to be impartial.
marty w
2015-08-12 10:30:25 UTC
No, she's just a wanna be fat pig chick with blood coming out all over! We have cops getting killed, people picking and choosing which laws to enforce, babies body parts being sold and Iran with Russia laughing at us. Don't really care about Megan Kelly.
2015-08-17 08:15:23 UTC
Illegal immigrant Accused in triple homicide in Florida home


Mr Trump is 100% right
2015-08-10 11:06:34 UTC
She did what she was told to do. You do realize they have a little ear piece and most if not all of the questions come from the producers right?

Its more a case of Trump verses Murdoch, they hate each other.
2015-08-16 17:57:11 UTC
The way I see it, better those questions were asked in the primaries, then in a debate with the Clinton machine. I honestly don't think she wrote that question, but was told to do so,
2015-08-17 12:26:22 UTC
How is she a "traitor", she'll go back to her same propagandist ways once the Presidential debates start up, this is just the primary.
Tad Dubious
2015-08-13 05:36:24 UTC
No, FS. And as to why, it is because I do not see her at all - literally. I stay away from the boob tube as much as possible, and as for these debates, it is WAY too early for any of it to be of any consequence but eliminating some candidates and diverting the masses from more important concerns nationally and globally.
Curtis Edward Clark
2015-08-09 14:46:28 UTC
Bret Baier is the real culprit. His first question should only have been asked by the Republican party of its candidates.

But he could have asked Trump directly, "Are you thinking of a 3rd party run?"
2015-08-10 00:37:14 UTC
Her stance on abortion combined with the fact that she invited Schultz to provide analysis on a Republican debate? Yeah, doesn't look good.
2015-08-09 14:47:08 UTC
What amazes me about all this hoohah is that you people seem to think she actually picks her own questions! LOL She asks the questions Roger Ailes tells her to. She doesn't operate independently any more than any of the other mainstream media does.
2015-08-11 18:10:50 UTC
Who cares. People need to stop stereotyping "party groups" & lumping them together. We're all humans with different ideas and opinions. To say we all have the same viewpoint is shallow and narrow-minded at best. People...use your brain and stop using party lines to self-identify. It's sad.
2015-08-12 07:05:59 UTC
I wouldn't know or really care because all Republicans want is the money and Donald trump in control
Working Class Hero
2015-08-13 16:17:50 UTC
I see Megyn Kelly as a media whore, nothing more , nothing less.
Smoking Joe
2015-08-09 15:10:33 UTC
Trump cannot win a general election and is making all Republicans look like idiots.
2015-08-12 00:03:22 UTC
She is eye candy that is why Fox hired her, not saying she does not have any talent. It is all about ratings and theater not substance. I am no fan of Trump, but I think it is more a case of loose lips sink ships rather than him making a comment about her being on her period.
2015-08-10 19:11:08 UTC
No, she was asking the questions. I can imagine what the democrat debates will be like, soft ball questions to Hillery, the other "debaters" nodding and agreeing with her and Chris Matthews leading the cries of "heil Hillery" from the gallery.
2015-08-12 13:04:28 UTC
She spoke against a man, A MAN. I'm sorry but read the Timothy verses of the New Testament and you shalt come thou see to know that it is not in a woman's place to do such things. So yes she is :(.
2015-08-13 13:24:01 UTC
She is not a traitor, she asked questions that other people will ask him at other times. she actually helped him by getting it out of the way right away.
2015-08-11 13:50:23 UTC
No. I don't believe she is a traitor. I believe she would have directed such a question to any outrageously successful guy, no matter who he is. Trump just happened to be her golden opportunity.
2015-08-12 22:19:43 UTC
Red Devil
2015-08-15 12:32:35 UTC
I wouldn't call her a traitor but she knew what she was doing and in my opinion it was a sneaky hit below the belt.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-08-15 08:36:34 UTC
Just another Dog & Pony show; Not unlike the McCain/Palin fiasco ! In my opinion, she's a total TWIT !
2015-08-18 06:32:39 UTC
2015-08-11 22:58:05 UTC
I see her as a hard hitting journalist working to Peel back the outer layers that candidates want us to see and expose what's really inside. Nice work @megynkelly.
2015-08-17 10:07:13 UTC
2015-08-17 11:48:25 UTC
I wish more reporters would ask the tough questions. If candidates can't handle the questions they shouldn't be in the race.
2015-08-14 11:08:25 UTC
2015-08-11 12:37:26 UTC
She is smoking hot but a traitor to the GOP
2015-08-12 07:34:45 UTC
She's not a traitor, she's just out of her element... the kitchen or the bedroom.
2015-08-11 13:21:14 UTC
Mergyn Kelly is a damn racist this is the main reason why she do not like Donald Thrump.With this old saying bull sh!t saying that


REV1: 9-14 . Jesus hair was like wool and his feets was copper and burn inside a furnance. Which mean Jesus was black.
2015-08-12 06:52:53 UTC
In ten years Megyn Kelly will begin to look more and more like Joan Rivers......................
Mr M
2015-08-18 05:12:39 UTC
No. Journalists and interviewers don't owe parties any loyalty. That's nuts.
2015-08-11 22:00:27 UTC
She's a bone head. Seriously. Another talking head nitwit
2015-08-12 00:13:51 UTC
Yes. She thinks she has a stinky puss that can control powerful Republican white males, but she only has a very tiny pea brain with blood running out of it...
2015-08-09 14:46:15 UTC
Nah. She still spews the contard koolaid. She just poked a hole in Donnie Dumpster's enormous ego.
2015-08-11 12:03:12 UTC
No. It was a debate. Questions are supposed to be asked. Trump doesn't like to be challenged by those he thinks are beneath him.
2015-08-13 15:04:42 UTC
2015-08-16 18:04:23 UTC
No because Fox news in general does not represent true conservatives.
2015-08-15 20:22:53 UTC
2015-08-12 06:53:15 UTC
Kelly is a very nice person who gets goaded into stupid **** at the behest of the bullies at fox.
2015-08-12 22:33:05 UTC
No, I been a long time trump supporter and may I not have liked her question I still think it good political journalism and plus it doubled trumps poll ratings.
2015-08-09 14:47:15 UTC
She is not a traitor to anyone. She is a reporter and she did the job expected of a reporter. She is not supposed to be partisan.
2015-08-11 12:53:36 UTC
The upcoming debate ; is this 2 out 3 and whom will win this debate.
2015-08-09 14:46:31 UTC
She is not conservative just a tool of fox news to push Bush on us.
2015-08-09 14:46:42 UTC
Yes, she's a total loser. Her line of questioning towards Trump was totally out of order!
2016-02-10 08:57:29 UTC
I think that moderators Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer did a better job in the first debate.
2015-08-10 08:49:13 UTC
Fox was given standing orders to attack and destroy Trump, At all cost.

And they tried. But he is still standing and increasing in the polls.
2015-08-12 12:03:51 UTC
No. She's a promoter; serving her own agenda while appeasing those peers directing her. Anything more and you're kidding yourself.
2015-08-16 16:28:27 UTC
There was nothing wrong with her question. Big deal. She is hot and I like seeing her on TV. If your going to run for President, then you should expect tough questions!
2015-08-11 16:41:34 UTC
yes she is a traitor since her agenda was intentional and mean spirited. it had nothing to do with the issues plaguing America. t&a will get you only so far .
2015-08-09 14:45:34 UTC
Megyn is a couch queen - that's how she got her job
2015-08-15 02:09:31 UTC
Who watches Fox News anyway?
2015-08-16 09:24:59 UTC
No. She's an annoying feminist who thinks she's tough. And she must come out of her closet soon.
James Piersall
2015-08-14 20:08:32 UTC
How is she a traitor for standing up for women?
Don't Fear The Reaper
2015-08-16 17:17:30 UTC
Tempest in teacup. Can we move this along and actually pay attention to REAL issues? Evil here and off shore.
2015-08-11 11:18:30 UTC
No! She has the right to say anything she wants to, no matter how offensive it may be to anyone else, providing she does not advocate overthrowing our government by violent means.
2015-08-12 13:04:56 UTC
I talked to my lawyer and he wanted me to remain silent for two months. After wards I will investigate why I am remaining slow on all these urgent issues.
2015-08-09 14:46:36 UTC
Not really. She did injure herself just like Candy Crowley did. She was not there to debate the candidate or refute him. The debate is not her show.
2015-08-09 14:45:15 UTC
she is a TV news anchor for Fox network. No more no less, if ABC offered her the nightly desk or CNN offer double her salary she would be gone,
2015-08-09 14:44:58 UTC
I think if you considered her loyal at any point to anything other than ratings and attention you over-estimated her connection to the public discourse.
2015-08-11 14:48:34 UTC
No Beacause as a reporter she is supposed to be Fair and Unbiased.
2015-08-12 19:36:04 UTC
I think megyn is an anus
2015-08-11 14:39:15 UTC
Her job as Moderator was to rattle them with tough questions, so, that is what she did.

If Fox didn't want "friendly fire" to happen they could've hired Colbert to do it.
2015-08-13 10:23:54 UTC
She wasn't questioning Trump. She was baiting him.
2015-08-14 08:45:51 UTC
I see her as a stupid smelly woman and a great example of why women should be treated like the arabs treat their women
2015-08-09 15:21:50 UTC
She is not a conservative she just outed herself.
2015-08-12 07:25:12 UTC
No she is just a rude talk show host basking in her 5 minutes of fame.
2015-08-13 21:41:09 UTC
I'm a Liberal. Why should I care one way or another ?

Its your problem. Thank goodness.
2015-08-14 19:05:37 UTC
No because she's just a girl.
2015-08-12 20:10:14 UTC
this reminds me of the people who called anti war protestors :UN AMERICAN". Whats unamerican is not standing up and speaking truth...even if ur the only one standing alone
2015-08-09 14:43:06 UTC
Smart women are not conservative
2015-08-11 16:03:30 UTC
Not really just a smart chick that will do anything to get ahead.
2015-08-10 14:49:22 UTC
She is proof that getting an education does not take brains
2015-08-14 12:59:02 UTC
2015-08-16 18:36:06 UTC
I Love Everyone.
2015-08-17 17:58:42 UTC
I don't see her as a "traitor".
2015-08-14 09:35:01 UTC
No, but a five week vacation is what she got for her line of questioning.
2015-08-15 12:22:31 UTC
yeah she is she's a leftist under cover and bashing trump
2015-08-11 17:51:09 UTC
Yes. Her actions speak for themselves.
2015-08-12 22:55:23 UTC
no I see her controlled by her new Rino lib boss Rodger Ailes
2015-08-12 10:54:04 UTC
She isn't a trators
2015-08-11 19:26:43 UTC
Who cares?
2015-08-11 13:28:08 UTC
She's a b*tch
2015-08-13 07:28:53 UTC
She was trying to make herself bigger. She is not great journalist, Id say average.
2015-08-11 17:20:50 UTC
Who and I don't care
2015-08-17 01:08:00 UTC
Don't know to be honest
right is right, left is wrong
2015-08-09 14:44:52 UTC
No she was doing her job, but, I think she does have a personal dislike for Trump
2015-08-16 19:22:57 UTC
She's hot, I'd like to put my peckar in her butthole.
2015-08-11 20:06:57 UTC
NO. She was doing what she is paid to do and was not out to get Trump.
Art G
2015-08-13 22:42:17 UTC
2015-08-17 18:48:01 UTC
megan can wash the dishes for trump too
2015-08-10 20:40:55 UTC
Never knew who she was and I still don't know.
2015-08-13 23:09:40 UTC
i dont see why thats such a bad thing theyre all a bunch of assholes anyways.
2015-08-11 14:30:04 UTC
Yeah she ****** us hard she probably dates Obamas cousin
2015-08-09 14:44:39 UTC
If he is, she is because she does not tow the party narrative.
Miles from Michigan!!
2015-08-16 17:12:33 UTC
I see trump as a democrat/liberal!!!

just how many illegals do you think he has working for him? hundreds!!!

how much in taxes do you think he pays? not his fair share!!!!
2015-08-15 02:53:10 UTC


Ratan chandra

I see Megyn as an opportunist. She's trying to appear tough. She obviously had a bone to pick with Donald Trump, and the questions she asked were intended to provoke the response she got. I've never thought of Megyn Kelly as a conservative, and I don't know if she's a republican or not. So I can't tell you if she's a traitor, until she actually comes out and tells us what she is.

Ratan chandra · 3 hours ago

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jack f

I see Megyn as an opportunist. She's trying to appear tough. She obviously had a bone to pick with Donald Trump, and the questions she asked were intended to provoke the response she got. I've never thought of Megyn Kelly as a conservative, and I don't know if she's a republican or not. So I can't tell you if she's a traitor, until she actually comes out and tells us what she is.

jack f · 4 days ago

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Why is everyone acting like Trump was the only candidate that was asked hard questions? Here is Ben Carson's first question from Megyn Kelly:

"You are a successful neurosurgeon, but you admit that you have had to study up on foreign policy, saying there’s a lot to learn.

Your critics say that your inexperience shows. You’ve suggested that the Baltic States are not a part of NATO, just months ago you were unfamiliar with the major political parties and government in Israel, and domestically, you thought Alan Greenspan had been treasury secretary instead of federal reserve chair.

Aren’t these basic mistakes, and don’t they raise legitimate questions about whether you are ready to be president?"

Now....if he was Trump, he would have been crying foul...and if he was a liberal, he would be playing the race card....but he's a grownup and didn't take offense....he's presidential. Trump is not.

Dennis · 5 days ago

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traitor, no.. i don't know what her party affiliation is. the fact is most people i know feel what Trump is saying reflects what a lot of us feel. Frankly, while i appreciate Trump's bluntness, after so much of it, it loses it's power.

I want to hear about his policies and his plans for this country and not his personal beefs on reporters and candidates.

I don't think Megyn is a traitor to the conservative party. Some of the questions probably were to spark the ratings higher and those questions had to come from Roger Ailes.

I think that moderators Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer did a better job in the first debate.

Nur · 2 days ago

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In all honesty, the majority of the population of the USA is a traitor to Republican party. The party is and has been dissolving/dividing over the past 20 years. Why? How? They have been splitting and splitting in ideals, beliefs, political lines, etc... and are now minorities. Now the FLIP SIDE of politics. The democrats are the exact same but are at the time more unified (at the moment) and splitting slower in deep/true beliefs then the republicans. Both parties were born are from an archaic time... post 2000's children are seeing this.

David · 1 day ago

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What Megyn Kelly did was no different from what moderators at MSNBC and CNN have done to Republicans in the past. The biggest problem was that while she asked all of the other candidates policy questions, she opened an attacking line of questioning on Donald Trump over what is arguably, meaningless drivel. Megyn's actions have undoubtedly caused her and FoxNews viewers. I know she has lost me and my family.

walter · 14 hours ago

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Megyn Kelly has stated that she is an Independent. Her first questions to all candidates were tough. Trump was the one that had the temper tantrum. He is thin skinned. If he can't handle a question like that now, how will he handle it with other reporters and if he ends up debating the Democratic candidate? He is spending considerable time now volleying back at reporters and any candidates that make remarks about him. Then he has his Twitter wars.

I want to hear about his policies and his plans for this country and not his personal beefs on reporters and candidates.

I don't think Megyn is a traitor to the conservative party. Some of the questions probably were to spark the ratings higher and those questions had to come from Roger Ailes.

I think that moderators Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer did a better job in the first debate.

Anonymous · 3 days ago

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Trump is a misogynistic ***. Megyn Kelly did her job. What this primary has revealed to me is that 25% of my party is made up of bigots.

1. I grew up in San Antonio. 70% of the city is ethnically hispanic. I was often raped and sold drugs, but hell, i assume some people in that city were good people.... no, I'm just kidding was never raped or sold drugs. Apparently fleeing a drug ravaged battleground for the sake of your family makes you a 100% rapist and possibly a good person. Hearing bigots ***** about illegal immigration is like hearing a billionaire ***** about how bad a recession is pinching him. It's so easy to hate the people you've never lived among from your comfortable homes far away from the border.

2. John McCain was a war hero. Trump got an extremely painful bone spur, and can't remember what foot it was on. I'm sure.

3. Then Trump had the audacity to bring his glass ceiling misogyny into a presidential debate. It was disgusting.

riverman9210 · 1 day ago

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She's not a traitor. She just asks tough questions that most Republicans prefer not to touch on because they're usually two-faced.

I will say that her question about Trump's conpanies' bankruptcy was unfair, solely because the other candidates were being asked about immigration and race, and she suddenly hopped onto the aforementioned question. I mean, seriously? She also asked an inflammatory question in the beginning of the debate that wasn't necessary, and Trump threw it right back at her, and rightfully so.

Again, she's not a traitor; she's tough. But she seems to enjoy taking little personal jabs at Trump and acting innocent right after.

Ally-Ann · 4 days ago

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Andy F

Let's use some logic and common sense on this one, not just "kneejerk" emotional reactions.

Republican conservatives are going to want their favorite candidate to win against the Democratic nominee for president, right? They're not going to want to nominate a GOP candidate who can't win, or is unlikely to win. That would be self-destructive and foolish - right?

Trump is hugely popular with some Republicans, but he isn't necessarily loved by everybody. If he wins the GOP presidential nomination, he's going to have to campaign against some Democrat, whose supporters will be ready to attack Trump with every weapon they've got.

Therefore, there was nothing "anti-conservative" or "anti-Republican" about Megyn Kelly asking Trump some very tough, even apparently hostile questions about one of his possible political weak spots -- certain sexist and offensive things he's said about women.

If Trump can't answer those questions about his attitudes toward women well enough to win the votes of many Republican and independent women voters, he's likely to lose -- especially if the Democrats nominate Hillary. Therefore it may be good for the GOP and the conservative right that Megyn Kelly asked the questions of Trump in last week's debate.

If Trump can't answer such questions effectively when Kelly asks them, he's not suitable to be the GOP nominee, because he might not be able to campaign effectively against Clinton, either.

Conservatives need to know how Trump can/will handle this issue. So they probably should thank Megyn Kelly for asking him the question.

Meanwhile, if Trump's sexist attacks on Kelly win him a big enough following among conservative Republican men to offset any losses he's suffering with women, then maybe Kelly even did Trump himself a favor. Maybe even Trump himself should be thanking her. it's better for him to be handling the question now, before a friendly GOP audience, than having to answer it later, for the first time, in a televised debate with Hillary, before a tougher national audience.

-- Truth in advertising: I'm a democratic socialist who would never vote for Trump. I also don't like Fox News or Megyn Kelly. But I think the logic above makes sense, if you think about it.
2015-08-17 11:17:44 UTC
who cares. it doesn't matter what any of you think the gov will ignore you
2015-08-15 21:03:38 UTC
2015-08-11 19:41:37 UTC
The media is supposed to be impartial, so no.
2015-08-11 14:25:04 UTC
shes a person
2015-08-11 14:47:23 UTC
I don't care, she is hot
2015-08-17 21:16:43 UTC
NO--everything is fair in politics.
2015-08-14 09:27:16 UTC
2015-08-17 18:00:15 UTC
She is doing what she thinks is best for her
Jesus Himself
2015-08-14 02:29:09 UTC
just because she enjoys donkeys shows doesnt mean shes a democrat.

2015-08-10 13:51:03 UTC
watch the replay. she may know Donald better than you think. watch close!!!!
2015-08-11 20:02:21 UTC
probably and because so points what need and and and last what on
2015-08-11 17:23:14 UTC
the entire right wing is anti-american...
2015-08-11 12:22:49 UTC
I miss it
2015-08-15 22:34:22 UTC
2015-08-11 22:50:42 UTC
Yes why not?
2015-08-16 11:22:53 UTC
wow! the question is great. i also waiting for the best answer...
2015-08-11 20:11:05 UTC
she is eye candy for fox
2015-08-11 14:45:57 UTC
She's an idiot
2015-08-16 07:30:32 UTC
I'd **** her daughter
2015-08-11 23:16:25 UTC
No more parties please. No more political parties... Partisan politics will be the end of democracy.
2015-08-14 14:54:18 UTC
2015-08-14 20:22:34 UTC
You are a traiter if you say that.
2015-08-13 12:26:22 UTC
Republicans are dumb
2015-08-18 09:11:25 UTC
no she asked perfectly good questions.
2015-08-12 04:18:35 UTC
she is a smelly cun+
2015-08-11 13:05:40 UTC
2015-08-14 13:54:57 UTC
2015-08-17 21:37:38 UTC
2015-08-12 09:59:14 UTC
2015-08-18 04:13:45 UTC
2015-08-17 14:10:07 UTC
2015-08-13 08:41:32 UTC
2015-08-12 00:40:51 UTC
2015-08-12 11:07:24 UTC
No. She has courage.
2015-08-12 06:56:48 UTC
It is just what it is by all your answers..MEDIA DISTRACTION..ALEX JONES!
2015-08-12 10:59:09 UTC
enemy of the republic
2015-08-11 11:58:48 UTC
nice h(o)(o)ters! who cares about her brain?
2015-08-12 00:59:11 UTC
shes a fat slut
2015-08-17 11:22:55 UTC
2015-08-15 06:47:18 UTC
2015-08-11 14:15:53 UTC
2015-08-11 13:40:19 UTC
2015-08-11 12:01:40 UTC
2015-08-09 18:36:05 UTC
2015-08-17 05:23:41 UTC
2015-08-11 14:59:34 UTC
2015-08-11 14:14:15 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.