Ratan chandra
I see Megyn as an opportunist. She's trying to appear tough. She obviously had a bone to pick with Donald Trump, and the questions she asked were intended to provoke the response she got. I've never thought of Megyn Kelly as a conservative, and I don't know if she's a republican or not. So I can't tell you if she's a traitor, until she actually comes out and tells us what she is.
Ratan chandra · 3 hours ago
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jack f
I see Megyn as an opportunist. She's trying to appear tough. She obviously had a bone to pick with Donald Trump, and the questions she asked were intended to provoke the response she got. I've never thought of Megyn Kelly as a conservative, and I don't know if she's a republican or not. So I can't tell you if she's a traitor, until she actually comes out and tells us what she is.
jack f · 4 days ago
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Why is everyone acting like Trump was the only candidate that was asked hard questions? Here is Ben Carson's first question from Megyn Kelly:
"You are a successful neurosurgeon, but you admit that you have had to study up on foreign policy, saying there’s a lot to learn.
Your critics say that your inexperience shows. You’ve suggested that the Baltic States are not a part of NATO, just months ago you were unfamiliar with the major political parties and government in Israel, and domestically, you thought Alan Greenspan had been treasury secretary instead of federal reserve chair.
Aren’t these basic mistakes, and don’t they raise legitimate questions about whether you are ready to be president?"
Now....if he was Trump, he would have been crying foul...and if he was a liberal, he would be playing the race card....but he's a grownup and didn't take offense....he's presidential. Trump is not.
Dennis · 5 days ago
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traitor, no.. i don't know what her party affiliation is. the fact is most people i know feel what Trump is saying reflects what a lot of us feel. Frankly, while i appreciate Trump's bluntness, after so much of it, it loses it's power.
I want to hear about his policies and his plans for this country and not his personal beefs on reporters and candidates.
I don't think Megyn is a traitor to the conservative party. Some of the questions probably were to spark the ratings higher and those questions had to come from Roger Ailes.
I think that moderators Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer did a better job in the first debate.
Nur · 2 days ago
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In all honesty, the majority of the population of the USA is a traitor to Republican party. The party is and has been dissolving/dividing over the past 20 years. Why? How? They have been splitting and splitting in ideals, beliefs, political lines, etc... and are now minorities. Now the FLIP SIDE of politics. The democrats are the exact same but are at the time more unified (at the moment) and splitting slower in deep/true beliefs then the republicans. Both parties were born are from an archaic time... post 2000's children are seeing this.
David · 1 day ago
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What Megyn Kelly did was no different from what moderators at MSNBC and CNN have done to Republicans in the past. The biggest problem was that while she asked all of the other candidates policy questions, she opened an attacking line of questioning on Donald Trump over what is arguably, meaningless drivel. Megyn's actions have undoubtedly caused her and FoxNews viewers. I know she has lost me and my family.
walter · 14 hours ago
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Megyn Kelly has stated that she is an Independent. Her first questions to all candidates were tough. Trump was the one that had the temper tantrum. He is thin skinned. If he can't handle a question like that now, how will he handle it with other reporters and if he ends up debating the Democratic candidate? He is spending considerable time now volleying back at reporters and any candidates that make remarks about him. Then he has his Twitter wars.
I want to hear about his policies and his plans for this country and not his personal beefs on reporters and candidates.
I don't think Megyn is a traitor to the conservative party. Some of the questions probably were to spark the ratings higher and those questions had to come from Roger Ailes.
I think that moderators Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer did a better job in the first debate.
Anonymous · 3 days ago
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Trump is a misogynistic ***. Megyn Kelly did her job. What this primary has revealed to me is that 25% of my party is made up of bigots.
1. I grew up in San Antonio. 70% of the city is ethnically hispanic. I was often raped and sold drugs, but hell, i assume some people in that city were good people.... no, I'm just kidding was never raped or sold drugs. Apparently fleeing a drug ravaged battleground for the sake of your family makes you a 100% rapist and possibly a good person. Hearing bigots ***** about illegal immigration is like hearing a billionaire ***** about how bad a recession is pinching him. It's so easy to hate the people you've never lived among from your comfortable homes far away from the border.
2. John McCain was a war hero. Trump got an extremely painful bone spur, and can't remember what foot it was on. I'm sure.
3. Then Trump had the audacity to bring his glass ceiling misogyny into a presidential debate. It was disgusting.
riverman9210 · 1 day ago
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She's not a traitor. She just asks tough questions that most Republicans prefer not to touch on because they're usually two-faced.
I will say that her question about Trump's conpanies' bankruptcy was unfair, solely because the other candidates were being asked about immigration and race, and she suddenly hopped onto the aforementioned question. I mean, seriously? She also asked an inflammatory question in the beginning of the debate that wasn't necessary, and Trump threw it right back at her, and rightfully so.
Again, she's not a traitor; she's tough. But she seems to enjoy taking little personal jabs at Trump and acting innocent right after.
Ally-Ann · 4 days ago
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Andy F
Let's use some logic and common sense on this one, not just "kneejerk" emotional reactions.
Republican conservatives are going to want their favorite candidate to win against the Democratic nominee for president, right? They're not going to want to nominate a GOP candidate who can't win, or is unlikely to win. That would be self-destructive and foolish - right?
Trump is hugely popular with some Republicans, but he isn't necessarily loved by everybody. If he wins the GOP presidential nomination, he's going to have to campaign against some Democrat, whose supporters will be ready to attack Trump with every weapon they've got.
Therefore, there was nothing "anti-conservative" or "anti-Republican" about Megyn Kelly asking Trump some very tough, even apparently hostile questions about one of his possible political weak spots -- certain sexist and offensive things he's said about women.
If Trump can't answer those questions about his attitudes toward women well enough to win the votes of many Republican and independent women voters, he's likely to lose -- especially if the Democrats nominate Hillary. Therefore it may be good for the GOP and the conservative right that Megyn Kelly asked the questions of Trump in last week's debate.
If Trump can't answer such questions effectively when Kelly asks them, he's not suitable to be the GOP nominee, because he might not be able to campaign effectively against Clinton, either.
Conservatives need to know how Trump can/will handle this issue. So they probably should thank Megyn Kelly for asking him the question.
Meanwhile, if Trump's sexist attacks on Kelly win him a big enough following among conservative Republican men to offset any losses he's suffering with women, then maybe Kelly even did Trump himself a favor. Maybe even Trump himself should be thanking her. it's better for him to be handling the question now, before a friendly GOP audience, than having to answer it later, for the first time, in a televised debate with Hillary, before a tougher national audience.
-- Truth in advertising: I'm a democratic socialist who would never vote for Trump. I also don't like Fox News or Megyn Kelly. But I think the logic above makes sense, if you think about it.