Wish you understood what a "liberal" generally is!
"Liberalism is a broad class of political philosophies that consider individual liberty to be the most important political goal.
Liberalism emphasizes individual rights and equality of opportunity. Within liberalism there are various streams of thought which compete over the use of the term "liberal" and may propose very different policies, but they are generally united by their support for a number of principles, including freedom of thought and speech, limitations on the power of governments, the rule of law, an individuals right to private property, free markets, and a transparent system of government. All liberals, as well as some adherents of other political ideologies, support some variant of the form of government known as liberal democracy, with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law.
Modern liberalism has its roots in the Age of Enlightenment and rejects many foundational assumptions that dominated most earlier theories of government, such as the Divine Right of Kings, hereditary status, established religion, and economic protectionism. Liberals argued that economic systems based on free markets are more efficient and generate more prosperity.
The first modern liberal state was the United States of America, founded on the principle that "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to insure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This said, much of early liberal thought originated in and influenced the politics of the United Kingdom." wiki
I have an issue with another Wall Streeter watching over Wall Street. They work for Wall Street, not the people of the United States, as shown by past appointments! That is part of the reason we are in the mess we are in! The same is true of Bankers! However, I am not upset, and I won't be, unless this becomes politics as usual.
And what do you have to complain about?
Kill Capitalism? Read the above and quit holding your hand out for a bailout. That isn't capitalism! When you socialize risks, which is what your ilk is doing, it no longer is 'Capitalism!"
It never was anyway because the rich have always made it a 1 way street with workers. That is not true Capitalism either! Nor is it true capitalism when you have Republicans selling our country to a few!
Capitalism is not guaranteed under the constitution, nor is it the governments role to dole out welfare for the rich! My issue is with your definition it is a one-way street. Well, that is not the way it works!