How many of you Trumpsters actually believe the blatant BS that comes out of his mouth (or his twitter)?
2017-01-24 03:36:34 UTC
I mean really. You Trumptards cannot be that stupid to actually believe that his inauguration was the largest in history, right?
284 answers:
2017-01-28 00:19:56 UTC
2017-01-27 07:00:19 UTC
they have to back him. If they don't it's a reflection on THEIR stupidity.

It's like when you force people to admit that their community is a crap hole.

Admitting that they choose to live in a low life white trash community

reflects on THEMSELVES, for still staying there, even when they know.

Not defending it means that they are admitting they are low-life, low class

white trash.

They will always defend the defensible.
2017-01-25 17:29:31 UTC
I don't support Trump and I agree. He speaks rubbish. His plans are ridiculous and his promises are probably more empty than my bladder right now. Bearing in mind, all the women he's abused yet denied even touching several times, how can ANYONE believe a word that stuck up man says. It's ridiculous and he's an ****.

Peace out.
2017-01-25 08:21:58 UTC
I believe everything he says. He is a christian.
California Duck Fan
2017-01-25 03:58:10 UTC
I am a lifelong Dem and voted for Hillary. That said, I hope Trump does so well that I vote for his reelection in four years. Did I think he was the perfect candidate? Of course not. That said, he is now our president and I hope he does an amazing job!
2017-01-25 03:51:57 UTC
Don't care what you have to say snowflake. Get a life.
2017-01-25 03:45:32 UTC
How about you reflect on your position and see what positives Trump actually had, instead of constantly screaming "OMG HE SAID MEXICO SENDS US THEIR RAPISTS MORE THAN THEIR NON-RAPISTS, THAT'S RACIST!"
2017-01-24 20:34:14 UTC
The true answer would terrify you. Your powers of analysis and discernment were taught you, though you regard them as innate to all humans. There can be millions of humans who are so brainwashed that they can burn millions of "Witches" to death over a period of hundreds of years (the mediaeval Church) or gas millions of Jews (the Nazis), genocide millions of Native Americans (American White people) or do the horrific acts of terrorism we see in the news today (Islamists) so the true answer as to what Trumpsters are "thinking" would scare the HELL out of you.
2017-01-24 17:46:52 UTC
Art thou irate
rigomortisfx studios
2017-01-24 06:04:41 UTC
he really does not know who do deal with the world he is just in it for the ride

he will doom us all with his big mouth
2017-01-27 04:44:23 UTC
Just another whining democratic loser attitude.Certainly better to be a Trumpite than a crooked Hiliaryite with free government programs and open borders that cost a lot more than a Mexican wall.
2017-01-27 02:31:00 UTC
2017-01-26 15:55:22 UTC
I voted for Trump because I think the policies he outlined during his campaign made sense. Personally, I would love it if they would take away his twitter account, at least until he settles into his job more fully. I also happen to think he will be an outstanding President at a time when we need just that.
2017-01-26 00:36:11 UTC
I'd believe him before I'd believe your sorry a s s.
2017-01-25 22:36:57 UTC
Actually, I believe, unlike FORMER chairman obama's supporters, PRESIDENT Trump's had to work that day. What difference does it make how many people were there? FORMER chairman obama did most of his deals behind closed doors with no more witnesses than those involved.
2017-01-25 22:17:01 UTC
65 Million
2017-01-25 22:12:03 UTC
Get over it already you sniveling little *****!
2017-01-25 07:06:41 UTC
About as stupid as you left handed Snowflakes for letting this one get away from you !
daniel g
2017-01-25 01:26:18 UTC
If you are going to present a point to argue, it certainly helps to get your facts together.

I not only saw the inauguration, the turnout was a magnitude larger than any in history.

Not to say it was a boastable turnout, number estimates range from 250,000 t0 1.5 million. As predicted.

Now that Trump IS president, all you can do effectively is suck it up.
2017-01-24 22:24:47 UTC
Do you need a tampon? Sorry, I forgot we can't make jokes like that anymore. Umm... Would a pat on the back and a "good job, buddy" with a smile be plenty insulting enough?.. Mm... maybe that a little TOO harsh for this day in age. :/ Maybe a warm hug with a little whisper in the ear would be juussstttt the right amount of insult to not hurt someone's feelings. Heck, maybe we could even add in a little earlobe tickle in there!! IF we both consented of course. You know how finger on ear action is now a days.
2017-01-24 21:59:21 UTC
I have called the Wambulance for you. Hot cocoa and marshmallows are on the way. They'll take you to your safe space ASAP :)
2017-01-24 21:37:04 UTC
Like what?.
2017-01-24 19:33:53 UTC
I'm not really a Trumpster, but some of which he says is BS and some of what he says might have done truth in it. He's rather funny sometimes, though... And he seems awkward for a President.

Not that I really liked any of the candidates this election. Too old and too baby boomerish.
2017-01-24 18:53:03 UTC
About as much as I believe the BS coming from the liberal media.
2017-01-24 17:40:23 UTC
Get a BS degree and you will pick up the BS from both parties, stop being a sheep.
Linda R
2017-01-24 15:50:08 UTC
Poor snow flake......the TRUTH is now B.S.
2017-01-24 09:31:12 UTC
Whose to say? Hilary,who lied about Benghazi? Obama.who didn't even close Gitmo down in 8 years in office? The pro DEm media,that didn't predict Trump's election victory?

Trump's team seems more trustworthy than anyone on the Dem side - who are still in denial and still eating plenty of sour grapes.Trump won the Presidency - deal with it or run the risk of being seen by future generations as traitors and Fifth Columnists.
2017-01-24 06:33:46 UTC
I voted for Trump mainly for Christian reasons. Yes, I'm aware he's not perfect, and neither are you. You can go ahead with Obama and Clinton and continue the murder of unborn babies and homosexuality but some of you need to understand you've been brainwashed by the media to think Obama and Hillary are good politicians. They're liars. The economy isn't getting better. Obama's been lying about that. The economy is actually much worse than you think. Anyone who's aware of how politics in this country works knows the U.S. government keeps secrets. Snowmen revealed very little but the government breaks the law all the time. The Swine Flu back in 2009 was fake, and the fake vaccines were an attempt to get money from people. When will you all wake up and see you're supporting the wrong people. If you're calling him a womanizer, remember JFK. He was the biggest cheater to reside in the White House, yet Americans still love him.
2017-01-24 04:38:31 UTC
2017-01-24 03:58:25 UTC
Name one thing
2017-01-27 01:42:00 UTC
He is our president now, and I hope that he does what he says in bringing more jobs to people, and lowering taxes so that I no longer have to struggle financially due to the amount of money that comes out of my paycheck, among other good things he has said he will do. I hope he does so good that everyone votes him in again. No matter how you feel about whoever is president, behaving properly and being respectful is absolutely necessary. I wasn't overly thrilled about Obama being president, however, once he was elected, I was not going to do anything less than respect him and pray that God will guide him and do his best. Every single person who makes it into such an important position of leadership deserves nothing less. They have a huge task on their hands, trying to heal our divided, financially and morally devoid, crumbling nation! It will take a long time to get America out of debt and back on its feet, but anyone who is going to attempt that has my respect and support. I don't care who they are, what gender they are, what color their skin is, what religion, whatever. I care about the heart of the person, and the heart of the matter.
2017-01-26 19:14:55 UTC
I believe in the Muslim ban
Linda C
2017-01-26 16:55:36 UTC
Not me. He is a pathological liar. Probably believes what he says even when it changes. Check facts.
2017-01-26 05:53:04 UTC
Ir doesn't matter.

What matters is NOBAMA!
2017-01-26 03:59:14 UTC
Cons believe everything authoritarian leaders tell them. That's why so many tithe to Creflo Dollar, et al., and think Jesus coming back any day now, to save them from their problems.
2017-01-25 21:08:23 UTC
It makes no difference to them. People accept his lies even when the claims are demonstrably false.

Furthermore Trump is a bigger flip-flopper than John Kerry, but how conveniently conservatives give him a free pass. Hell, Trump can say one thing today and say the complete the opposite a month later they will still believe him.
2017-01-25 10:45:31 UTC
looks like a lot of them.
2017-01-25 04:05:24 UTC
Arman Kalantari
2017-01-25 00:34:11 UTC
It Was One Of The Largest Inaugurations but it wasn't larger than the 2009 inauguration
2017-01-24 21:48:48 UTC


I think it's so funny when they call me names like snowflake... Like I'm a cute bunny or something. F*CK NO! Im a person with my own thoughts. Then i have to throw facts and reality at them. They look at me like duhhhh what girls can read?.... most of the time they get drunk after a reality check. And like Omg Donald trump is so bad. I don't know how people couldn't see threw his shaddy bull sh*t. Unless they really do agree with his hateful ***. DANGEROUS! Or even worst... religious reason? Like wtf does my body have to do with your dreams? People are unbelievably stubborn. Omg. People will even vote against there own good because of it. I don't get it. I got luckie having my own brain and eyes and sh*t. WILD! Or lol or when people go ohhhh you made he won?.... Like yes I'm f*cking p*ssed that we are now stuck in time... in some weird Donald trump hair dimension.... oh and while he's talking sh*t about EVERYTHING even your mother... just don't mention his hands.
2017-01-24 19:50:39 UTC
I know he's an idiot i just can't help how great it feels to see the far left going crazy, it puts a smile on my face. If i ever feel down all i need to do is open twitter or any other social media and laugh my *** off.
2017-01-24 17:42:25 UTC
we iz dumb daz y
2017-01-24 15:35:04 UTC

Did I get it right?
2017-01-24 15:33:50 UTC
The question is simply a reflection of the emotional underdevelopment of the author. Nothing more.
2017-01-24 08:58:36 UTC
2017-01-24 05:57:50 UTC
A man who changes his mind minute to minute and has access to the nuclear code cannot be trusted with the fate of civilization!
2017-01-24 04:20:32 UTC
OK, the inauguration numbers were a bit of an eye-roller.
2017-01-24 03:48:43 UTC
they believe cuz they luv him. like Democrats who gave passes to B. Clinton.
2017-01-24 03:46:19 UTC
I don't think most people actually believe him.

The 2 main candidates this year were crappy. People had to vote for the lesser of the 2 evils, and I guess some people just thought that Trump was less evil (though I disagree).
2017-01-24 03:37:44 UTC
Is Yahoo Questions the best place to fight Trumpsters now? Well well, delightful!
2017-01-27 02:59:59 UTC
white people
2017-01-27 01:52:33 UTC
All of them.
cross-stitch kelly
2017-01-26 20:46:23 UTC
It doesn't matter to them, even when they see the videos, side by side, of him saying one thing and then the other. Trump says it's the media's fault, so it must be that way. Even when he was the media darling, back in the 1980's, he was an absolute jerk who was only in it for himself. People don't change that much. Funny, I remember being born into a country where people had at least a little common sense, and who could judge the truth when they saw it, rather than being spoonfed lies and assuming they're true because they like the source. This is not that country anymore.
2017-01-25 23:27:04 UTC
Not me
2017-01-25 22:00:50 UTC
I have never witnessed an American president acting so foolish and immature. I wonder how he made it thru the Armed Forces unscathed.

He is not a person I look up to, nor respect, and I fear for the US of A while he is wheeling and dealing and making world leaders afraid/confused/irritated/insulted.

Only a bully (with money) may get away with this uncalled behavior!!!
2017-01-25 20:31:42 UTC
BS is most politicians middle name. True enough, his tweeting is asinine but he doesn't lie much more than most politicians.
2017-01-25 18:25:16 UTC
he is president by votes and not by Coup .. He may have different narratives in his own way
2017-01-25 18:07:24 UTC
At the root of Liberals' "hatred" of Donald Trump is a great deal of "envy." He's a billionaire with a beautiful wife, and now he's the President of the United States. Haters are gonna' hate. At root of Liberals' hatred of wealthy people is jealousy and envy. Trump has what most people "don't have & can't have" and it eats at Liberals more than it eats at Conservatives. Most Conservatives have learned to "accept what they cannot change" while most Liberals think that "Conservatives are the reason that so many Liberals are poor." Donald Trump "has it all" and this is salt in the wounds of "struggling Liberals" who have only a tiny fraction of what Trump has.
2017-01-25 15:44:52 UTC
Ivanka Trump 2020!
2017-01-25 04:15:54 UTC
We noticed got readily you lapped up the democrats BS, like it was manna sent from heaven.

No longer safe for Americans anywhere in the world. Even at home youre now a target.
2017-01-25 03:42:07 UTC
My 1st election was duhbya's, but I very much remember bill Clinton. I wanted Bernie, got stuck with Trump.

But I thank God we didn't get Hillary. Within a year of bill leaving office we got 9/11 and the recession. That was not a cooindence nor can it be blamed on duhbya's. Not by anybody with more brains than a chimp.

I'll also note that Trump is keeping promises left and right. Obamacare going away, trade agreements being renegotiated, Ford not building a plant in Mexico....

At this rate the wall should begin construction in spring.

In comparison Obama promised change, and what we got wasn't an improvement.

And "affordable" health care. What we got was affordable, if you are a meth addict, a baby factory or a career criminal. If you got a job, it's $4,000 a year even if you don't catch as much as a cold.
2017-01-24 18:31:59 UTC
I love when liberals cry
2017-01-24 17:50:56 UTC
2017-01-24 15:42:45 UTC
The same amount that didn't believe Obama's BS
2017-01-24 15:16:18 UTC
How do you respond to someone who uses insults to address you.
2017-01-24 14:01:19 UTC
2017-01-24 13:46:43 UTC
Donald J. Trump has done more to advance Employment that one can see

and watch grow then Obongo did in his 8 years. You left leaning hacks

say Obongo saved the Auto Industry. No he did not. He almost successfully

sunk it. Remember Cash for Cars. Woo that was a biggie. Then when he

would not allow GM to bankrupt. He took the stewardship of the company

and gave it Unions. What about the actual investors and bond holders

that he bypassed.
2017-01-24 10:01:32 UTC
I cant believe everyone wants him to fail just so they can say "i told you so". Everyone who dislikes Trump should be saying "i hope he proves me wrong". Living in America and hoping he fails just because you dislike him is like being on a plane and hoping it crashes just because you dont like the pilot
2017-01-24 09:49:24 UTC
I'd guess all of them considering he lied his *** off through the whole campaign and they still elected him while bitching that Hillary, the media and pretty much anyone who disagreed with Trump were the liars.
2017-01-24 05:36:16 UTC
But if he were wrong about something, that could mean that they themselves might also have been wrong about him, so that can't be right. Surely it's one of those confusing liberal plots.
2017-01-26 19:05:21 UTC
I'm surprised Trump isn't really slim with the amount of **** that spews from his mouth
2017-01-26 13:45:07 UTC
I do not believe everything any politician says, but he is no more of a liar than Hillary Clinton. You are blindly biased, so you believe nothing that Donald trump says, while blindly believing everything Hillary Clinton says. That is appalling!
2017-01-26 08:07:08 UTC
I'm a Trump supporter and seeing trolls like you just makes me laugh. The truth is regardless of what you liberals think or want to believe, Trump has already started delivering on his campaign promises, unlike Obama. What shocks me is you have a President, Obama, who openly hated America and you liberals loved him. Yet, now you have a President, Trump, who very obviously loves America and what it stands for and you liberals loathe him. Maybe its because he wants to take you handouts away, maybe its because he wants you to work, I don't know. What I do know is you can say what you want because of the rights you have as Americans and Trump has pledged to defend those rights, unlike Obama. Think about that the next time you want to throw insults.
2017-01-26 07:35:06 UTC
not as many of your wankers who believe the lyin media dickhe@d
2017-01-26 06:38:54 UTC
When Obama was being inaugurated there wasn't republican protesters that were vandalizing and rioting in the streets, marching, disrupting traffic checkpoints, preventing people from attending. Is that all you have? More people showed up at Obama's inauguration??? SO WHAT. Trump still beat Hillary put that in your pipe and smoke it.
2017-01-25 23:29:22 UTC
I support Donald Trump, and I don't think his inauguration crowd size was the largest in History. I even say that as someone who's been to his inauguration. I just think, the media should just tell us the truth on how big it really and not make it up. I mean, stop making it such a big deal. It's really not that big of deal. It's just numbers. It means nothing. The person who had those numbers do however.
2017-01-25 19:58:34 UTC
As many as believed the blatant BS that cam out of Bill Clinton's mouth or that came out of Barack Obama's mouth
2017-01-25 19:45:12 UTC
He's an idiot. **** trumpidy dump dump trumidy dump dump over the dumpdy dump
2017-01-25 18:11:45 UTC
Feels good knowing I triggered a retard without doing anything, it's kinda funny how you said how do we believe anything he said who how could you believe anything Hillary said 😂😂😂 glad we could trigger you brother have a shitty day
2017-01-25 17:29:59 UTC
Typical libtard, majoring on minors. Have you noticed that the Dow Jones topped 20,000 for the first time ever? All because of Trump policies!? Yes, let's put those pipelines through! They don't even cross Indian reservations, so they have no reason to b*tch!
2017-01-25 10:40:41 UTC
give him a chance
Mike W
2017-01-25 10:13:20 UTC
Trump is only good because he... No reason. I wish Clinton won but the shamans said nope and let Trump win.
2017-01-25 10:11:04 UTC
perhaps they do, perhaps they don't, does anyone really believe everything that comes out of their politicians mouths?
2017-01-25 03:52:11 UTC
You shall feel much better after you have gone to mental health and obtained a prescription.
2017-01-25 01:13:27 UTC
We stand under an American flag, rebuke metals for everybody, praise metals for soldiers and then we listen.
2017-01-25 01:00:30 UTC
excuse me? Are you just assuming every trump supporter believes his inauguration was the largest in history? I believe it was the third largest in US history, idiot. It's not that far fetched. You're rude, aren't you? How much more bias can this comment get? Go to hell.
2017-01-24 23:49:51 UTC
I don't think he is blatantly lying. And most of the time, I do believe it.

Obviously, it seems untrustworthy that more people came to Trump's inauguration, yet took up less space in photographs, used the Metro less, etc.

But, I do believe that more people (using a TV) watched Trump's inauguration than Obama's second. That fact came from Trump's Twitter, but he presented real, believable numbers, and the media has not yet gone crazy about how wrong he was and how he was blatantly lying.

Basically, you do have to take it with a grain of salt. But that doesn't mean reject it all. And it is that attitude that will result in more Democratic losses (so actually, in that case, maybe you should reject it all).

However, I also feel like there are a lot more important issues than the things about which Trump has been accused of lying on Twitter and the likes. I want to see whether Trump keeps his promises, whether they help or hurt, and what else he does (I'm assuming more issues will arise than the ones that came up during election season). I don't care how many people saw him being sworn in - all that's important (for better or for worse) is that he was sworn in.
2017-01-24 22:50:17 UTC
Wow, that was the most ignorant thing I've seen today.
2017-01-24 11:37:35 UTC
You seem to be really upset about this
2017-01-24 07:10:15 UTC
LOL probably not half as many as there are liberals who believe the Democratic party & liberal media BS. Pot calling kettle black.
2017-01-28 18:33:44 UTC
This is funny, but you are asking a group that Trump said is too stupid to vote for anyone else....then when his team corrected him, he said he could go out and shoot people in the middle of the street and not lose a vote. Good luck with that one!
2017-01-27 07:45:45 UTC
You don't have to "believe" anything. "Belief" implies there's some doubt about the facts. Just look at what he's doing. Here's a hint: it's everything he said he would do.
2017-01-26 05:56:29 UTC
That is just a smoke screen that is spoon fed to liberals and the leftist media. While liberals are pointing out crap like a school hall monitor, Trump is throttling the EPA, building a wall and two pipe lines, sending illegal aliens back to their country of origin, and on track to have an ultra-conservative justice to the Supreme Court and most liberals are too busy thinking they are smart and caught Trump in a lie to even know about all of the GOOD stuff he is doing. You have to realize he is a shrewd businessman and can %^&* you liberal over and have you smile about it.
Diana M
2017-01-26 03:56:00 UTC
Hes an idiot
2017-01-26 00:25:52 UTC
Obviously, the better question is how come someone so stupid was able to beat the oversized pantsuit off the biggest heir apparent liar and loser of a politician that was anointed by bigger retard than the dumbest Trumpster voter out there. Sore losertard.
2017-01-25 22:41:14 UTC
you are a stupid monkey, you are waiting to be deported.


Only Trump can save USA.


1) Population

White population was about 1/4 of the world population.

Now it is about 10%.

In the near future it will be only 7%.

2) Demographics - America, Europe, Australia

2.1) UK

In 1990, white population was 80% in London.

In 2000, white population was 70% in London.

In 2010, white population was 60% in London.

In 1950, there were 10,000 British Pakistanis. Now there are 1.2 million British Pakistanis.

2.2) USA

Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.

As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white.

The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities (2015) - Bloomberg

America will a white minority country before 2050.

In 2050, white population will be less than 50% in USA.

In 2100, white population will be 1/3 in USA.

In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.

in 1980, white population was about 80% in USA

in 2000, white population was about 70% in USA

Now, white population is about 60% in USA

2.3) Australia

Chinese buyers are snapping up 1 in 5 new homes in Sydney and Melbourne。

2.4) Russia

Analysis: Russia's Far East Turning Chinese.

Peter Zeihan

2.5) Germany

Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2030.

The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.

Green politician Dr. v. Berg: Germans will be a minority in Germany, this is a good thing!

2.6) Canada

1870- 1970, white population was 95-98% in Canada.

In 1980, white population was 90% in Canada.

In 2010, white population was 60% in Canada..

European Canadian, - Wikipedia

In 2031, White population will be under 40% in Vancouver,

Asian population will be over 40% in Vancouver.

Demographics of Vancouver - Wikipedia

This is called "social engineering" .

3) Demographics, Asia

In China, 90% of the population are native Chinese.

Demographics of China - Wiki

In Japan, 98% of the population are native Japanese.

Demographics of japan - Wiki

In Korea, almost 100% of the population are native Korean. South Korea is a homogeneous society.

Demographics of South Korea - Wiki

4) GDP, Globalization

4.1) USA helped Japan just after WWII

Japan has a bigger buying power than any European country.

4.2) Now China has a bigger buying power than America.

Truman isolated China, China was very poor at that time.

The idiot Clinton let China to join WTO.

Then China becomes the world factory.

In year 2000, the GDP of America was 31% of the world. China was 4%.

Now the median household income in the US is lower than 2000.

4.3) China tops US in numbers of billionaires - BBC News

4.4) Asian millionaires now the wealthiest in the world

5) Defence

Chinese leaders and generals declared a few times that China will nuke USA.

Chairman Mao said that China will win, even 2/3 of Chinese population will be nuked, since China has the biggest population.

The idiot Jimmy Carter said a powerful China is good for America.

Jimmy Carter said yes to export technologies and weapons to China.

6) Politics.

If Hillary Clinton win, USA will be the United States of Latinos.

Hillary needs blacks, Latinos, Asians, refugees, illegal immigrants to support her.

Hillary will give all illegal immigrants a citizenship.
2017-01-25 18:46:45 UTC
It really is a talent to say something
2017-01-25 17:59:55 UTC
Whoever likes his negative qualities deserves to suffer!
2017-01-25 03:11:54 UTC
Yeah how about that BS coming from your liberal media! as marchhare57 suggested. That BS is ruining the world and trying to turn our country into a social justice state. If you want THAT BS go move to Europe! Germany! Go live with the radicalized muslims over there that like to rape and kick women out of cafe's. Hows that for ya.
2017-01-25 02:53:26 UTC
Trump be stew ped
2017-01-25 02:21:37 UTC
2017-01-25 01:28:28 UTC
maybe most of the population. and to the ones you think Trump is trustworthy...well Trump and Putin LIED about World War III
2017-01-24 21:37:47 UTC
usually new jesus isn't it. quite old tv anyway.
2017-01-24 20:10:21 UTC
People who believe him certainly have a limited intelligence. They are not the brightest.
2017-01-24 16:56:39 UTC
Believing any politician a laughable.
2017-01-24 16:39:27 UTC
I do! He is the answer to all of our prayers
Somebody with many questions
2017-01-24 13:13:50 UTC
hillary is right winged, but not as bad as trump.
2017-01-24 12:13:06 UTC
Your attitude is why the Dems lost. You're smug and out of touch. #MAGA
2017-01-24 06:44:55 UTC
It wasn't. Just another grand verbal show to impress the ignorant.
2017-01-24 04:42:06 UTC
2017-01-27 01:14:47 UTC
Im a libertarian and didn't advocate for him but I will say that he is doing everything he said he would. Now I am behind him.
2017-01-27 00:16:37 UTC
The news. The press. Has told so many lies. We are forced to believe him. They are out for a slander job on him is clear. So bad reporting, no truth in most of what they report or so slanted to be a joke. We must.
2017-01-26 12:53:49 UTC
Whether you like it or not, he IS the president now and for that I want to see what he actually is going to do rather than rely on the "predictions" of the non-trumpsters as you would call them. If you really are so just as you claim to be, then stop judging him before any actions are actually taken. But if you already made up your mind, then every single president in the history of the world is the worst as none did 100% as they promised during their election speeches (and yes, that includes clinton and obama for the dems, or reagan and whoever for the reps).Being biased and shouting empty slogans just because is a dangerous and stupid thing to do.
2017-01-26 12:45:09 UTC
You need to get a grip on reality, do you want to live under communism? suck it up the democrats lost the election and if you do not like it here get out and go live in another nation.

Show a little respect. When peopler being killed in our cities in large numbers it is time to do something about it.

Do you people who ***** all the time pay taxes.
2017-01-25 22:40:43 UTC
I don't believe anything in the media, I always take everything with a grain of salt because I don't know what's true and what is false.
2017-01-25 08:01:23 UTC
First of all, why do you have to be so insulting? That's not necessary at all. I am a Trump supporter, but we are not all the same person. I don't speak for all "trumptards", but I don't really care if it was or not. It really has no effect on anything. I care about actions, not words. Words are meaningless without action. I've liked the actions I've seen so far.
2017-01-25 03:55:10 UTC
There are facts and there are alternative facts. Fortunately, due to the new invention of alternative facts, we can all live in our own alternate realities! There is the TRUE truth, and there is the not true truth, which, apparently, is now officially labeled as it's own separate form of 'truth'. No, no, it's not that the "Trumpsters" you are talking about are liars, they are just "alternate" truthers. Now we can all get along in a peaceful world where Fox News and real news are created equal.
2017-01-25 01:25:55 UTC
This "question" is coming from people who are so uneducated that they just can't figure out how the Electoral College works!

Right. Go take your meds, libtards and start with this one:
2017-01-24 19:06:40 UTC
Most Trumpsters are actually anti Hilary.
2017-01-24 17:31:30 UTC
He will make America Great Again. He's already started. You will see. By the end of his 2nd term in office, they will dedicate a national holiday to his name.
2017-01-24 17:18:18 UTC
Oh what the hell. Obama had a bigger turn out , than Trump. Ok Maestro yes it is delightful. Trump bashing.
2017-01-24 16:50:09 UTC
so what

you;'re the jernalist who got on the kids case,ehhh?

gwon go play in a wood chipper,thereyare jump right in feets first
2017-01-24 16:30:51 UTC
Oh didn't you know, they have found a way around that, they now call it "Alternative facts''...Lol!

Same thing really, just helps sugar coat it for the dumb idiots that voted for the moron!

I actually felt sorry for Sean Spicer Trumps press secretary, the poor sap looked and sounded like the slow kid being put in front of the class and told to read aloud, stuttering and bumbling the crap that either Trump or one of his sniveling henchmen had written for him! And I bet when he had finished, he dashed to the bathroom to throw up!!!

Now in Kellyanne CONway Trump chose well, what better than a soulless dead eyed harridan like this to preach your lies, no conscience whatsoever! And that is what the judge will probably say when all this catches up with her and the orange jerk!!!
2017-01-24 14:00:11 UTC
Trump go USA
2017-01-24 12:23:31 UTC
I don't
2017-01-24 11:27:21 UTC
How many of you Obamites actually believe the blatant Socialist, Islamofacist, BS that "came" (past tense since he's GONE) out of his mouth? Or the mouth of Old Horse Face?

Really? It works both ways, jerk off.
2017-01-24 09:52:13 UTC
Hillary, it's ok that you have lost.

You can spend you time now a drinking Ensure and wearing Depends.
2017-01-24 06:19:25 UTC
2017-01-24 06:07:13 UTC

2017-01-24 03:40:19 UTC
Hes done more than OBAMA has done his first four years. This is why we were done with Politicians lies. Trump went down the list and BAMM.
2017-01-27 08:59:09 UTC
Who really cares how many really attended? It is just swearing in the President and nothing more. Why does it have to be a show of somekind?
2017-01-27 06:19:25 UTC
Maybe if you werent so brainwashed into thinking this warmonger is better than trump, you would not ask this question. dipshit
2017-01-26 15:55:59 UTC
President Trump is so great! Thank God for President Trump making America great again. The media people have to be rounded up and charged with crimes.
Alright alright alright
2017-01-26 12:17:19 UTC
Trump is about as foul as it gets he even made us pay for the wall and is balsy enough to confirm pipelines wig no regard to environmental.We can only blame ourselves I don't approve of his evil cabinet and that purge of a son in law who is as cold just by looking at him I have not read good things about him he reminds me of nazi officers who where behind hitler nothing but a silver spoon reject trump included
2017-01-26 05:27:20 UTC
Hang in there snowflake, it's tough when your horse comes in last but whenTtrump makes America great again all of the dead weight liberals will ride again. LOL
2017-01-26 00:23:18 UTC
Go back to craigslist. You make every body there sick so why do you gotta polute this site moron
2017-01-25 22:52:16 UTC
Only a moron worries about he size of the inauguration. Who cares. The right man is FINALLY in office, trying to undo eight years of America destroying policies foisted upon us by the previous puppet.
Jag Fan
2017-01-25 15:37:20 UTC
I believe everything that comes out of his mouth and his twitter....

Trump is great. Trump is god.

I would obey anything that comes from our great ruler, though I'm not entirely sure what BS comes out of his twitter. I unfortunately did not pay attention during biology class....

Thank you for your consideration, Master of Questions. So powerful that you asked two questions in one post. I bow down to you. May you be my next ruler once The Great Trump's reign ends.
2017-01-25 10:47:58 UTC
2017-01-25 03:33:13 UTC
I guess that answers your question. Trumptards believe anything and very angrily defend it. 1.5 million at the inauguration?? LMFAO!
2017-01-24 22:48:50 UTC
He is our current president nothing can change that. Instead of crying and whining like a 2 year old, about something that is set in stone (unless if he gets impeached which may or may not happen) why don't you act like a true american and support our president. Sure, you might not agree with his policies, I disagree with some of the stuff he is doing as well. But complaining will not change anything bro. This country is going down hill fast, the best thing you can do is to worry about yourself and stop ridiculing the man that is our president. And by the way this country is not run by Trump, he is simply a speaker remember that. Peace be with you, and good luck during these dark times.
2017-01-24 22:38:06 UTC
-3 %
2017-01-24 20:11:26 UTC
I believe 99% of what Trump says
2017-01-24 20:01:32 UTC
Ubuntu User
2017-01-24 12:33:41 UTC
you sound mad
2017-01-24 11:30:09 UTC
Even if 10% of what came out of his mouth was legit, he would do a better job than his predecessor.
2017-01-24 06:23:27 UTC
Only libtard morons have all day to read his twitter. Others have a life. Why are you shitheads the only ones obsessed with it?
Alex Bohnert
2017-01-24 05:49:19 UTC
He's not perfect but hes better than that ***** you wanted in office literally just because she has a cooch
2017-01-24 04:57:41 UTC
2017-01-24 03:50:39 UTC
It doesn't matter how many people showed up at his inauguration. The fact is that Trump is the president for the next four years and nothing is going to change that. So I suggest you get on board or else, unless you move to another country, the next four years are going to be complete torture. At least for you.
2017-01-27 01:34:20 UTC
Why are we still talking about Trump? All you HillaryHeads can't let go even after he's our president,and why you calling people "Trumptards" about something so dumb as how big his they think his inaugeration was. You people just want to find anything or anyone to blame about something. Smh. (and btw i dont support trump)
2017-01-26 17:14:31 UTC
With a question that insults the respondents, why should anyone want to answer it.
2017-01-26 16:39:20 UTC
I love trump he said he would have sex with his own daughter. How cool is that?
2017-01-26 05:03:01 UTC
How many of you libtards have anything between your ears besides the B.S. Hillary and Barry Soetoro told you?
2017-01-26 02:00:11 UTC
If you don't like Trump, fine. But, seriously, "trumptards"? What are you hoping to gain by name-calling?
2017-01-26 01:18:09 UTC
I did not vote for him but calling someone stupid just because they believe in him makes you the jerk, not them. If you are entitled to believe what you want, then they are too. He is already our President. How about instead of attacking his character, praying for him, Pence and his other picks so that they can lead our nation in good ways. They have tough jobs and we need to pray for him and his family and team as they try to help unbreak the brokenness our country has.
2017-01-25 19:18:12 UTC
Tumptards is my new favourite word tha is to you 😂 I still wish we'd gotten Bernie instead
2017-01-25 18:24:29 UTC
2017-01-25 12:44:17 UTC
Guys, as a Bernie sanders voter who doesn't like Hillary or trump. We are screwed either candidate. After Bernie lost I saw where it was headed. The electoral college are the real voters and the senate is the runners of the country. The president is just a front man to distract you
2017-01-25 04:35:40 UTC
Your attitude shows very little regard for your fellow Americans. So stop with the divisive and insulting language and enjoy the next eight years of progress. No more Obamacare, no more uncontrolled illegal immigration, and productivity in technology development.
2017-01-24 14:11:49 UTC
I'm just there for the show.
2017-01-24 13:04:05 UTC
I think the hate speech that you spew says it all. Trump Supporters are faced with Trump on one side and hate the other, so they took a chance on Trump.
2017-01-24 12:50:52 UTC
i would expect it to be the largest ever, being that there is a larger population than ever before
2017-01-24 11:50:19 UTC
Trump won , now get over it
Barack Obama II
2017-01-24 09:32:48 UTC
He is just a TRUMP, don't listen to this guy.
2017-01-24 06:29:29 UTC
Its for show
2017-01-24 05:28:52 UTC
Most of it, Some stuff i may not approve but its better than Hillary. He is a business man. Do you know he is really going to save YOU some money? He is gonna crack down on this welfare crap. Everyone's gonna need to get a job. And that's great news. That means less people sitting outside of a burger king asking you for YOUR money. I am assuming you are younger like in high school or collage because you brought this on Yahoo answers. So think of it this way. Lets say you are getting straight A's in school right. And you got this classmate who is getting a C average. Now lets say this classmate goes to this make believe school program where the kids who do have higher grades have to give some of there grades to the people with less of a grade. So you take your grade and drop that down to a B so that your classmate also can have B. Do you think that is fair? Or do you think they should have earned that grade by them self?
2017-01-24 05:14:23 UTC
No. I don't think he speaks BS. He's very honest and is known to speak his mind whereas Hilary is liar. Go trump! I'm happy he's going to lower taxes and that he wants to help America be a wealthy and safe country.also I'm happy he got rid of TTP deal.
C Topper
2017-01-24 04:49:15 UTC
Honesty time, I didn't like either candidates, but I couldn't think of having Hillary as our president. Sure Trump says some stupid stuff, but he's our president now and protesting and going against the laws that get passed is only going to hurt our country as a whole. We've had presidents people don't like before… we'll get through this just like we did every other time.
2017-01-24 04:37:02 UTC
It was in the biggest inauguration in the last 4 years.
2017-01-27 05:10:46 UTC
go home TROLL!
Mark F
2017-01-26 07:16:35 UTC
The question is directed at Trumptards but most of the answers are from Libtards. There's a funny joke in there somewhere.
2017-01-26 02:38:22 UTC
Don't support him
2017-01-25 23:56:45 UTC
Republican and proud
2017-01-25 22:30:40 UTC
A sane individual cannot possibly believe Donald Trump. He says one thing, and the next day contradicts himself the next. The man is ill. Truly ill.
2017-01-25 20:23:36 UTC
lol Trump supporters are pure retarded. That's why we must make them disappear.
2017-01-25 19:43:03 UTC
You're the one with the bs coming out of your own mouth.
Heart of the Matter
2017-01-25 19:39:28 UTC
He had an entire biker gang following him around providing crazy is that? How many other Presidents have received that kind of support?
2017-01-25 16:58:03 UTC
I would believe him a thousand times more than the traitor who just moved out. Thank God Obama is gone!
2017-01-25 16:37:13 UTC
I hope he's not really that awful, just messing with us.
2017-01-25 16:26:07 UTC
Your powers of analysis and discernment were taught you, though you regard them as innate to all humans.
2017-01-25 12:38:34 UTC
Well seeing as he is going to be the best president EVER I think I believe all he says
2017-01-25 03:50:57 UTC
Ok, so I'm not on his side OR against him, but honestly I'm tired of hearing people be disrespectful of other people's opinions. I used to like him and I told some girls because I was in a political class and they started being mean to me. Watch what you say.
2017-01-24 23:56:09 UTC
oh, did you mean like you can keep your doctor and health plan....wait that was Hussein

what about Benghazi was about a video....oh crap Husseinand

we were not involved in fast and furious..Hussein again

solyndra is good for our energy future...yep Hussein.

and you think TRUMP has blatant bs...oh I get it, since Hussein is a liberal, its ok, right. and we all know who the real tard is...TARD.
2017-01-24 20:43:35 UTC
In many of these comments the Trumpistas don't even answer the question, they just babble on with accusations that Obama and Hillary lied.

The question is NOT about Obama or Hillary. It's NOT about liberals. It's about Trump!

But they hold to the fallacy that if Obama, Hillary, and liberals are bad therefore Trump must be good.

This is why we need ranked choice voting. They use it in Australia and they just adopted it in Maine for electing senators, representatives, and state offices. We need it everywhere. We shouldn't only get rid of the electoral college, we should get rid of first past the post. Have a ranked choice system where votes transfer according to how they are ranked until someone has a majority. That would allow more competition such as from third parties and independent candidates, and more importantly change the political psychology of our country. No longer would people's beliefs cluster into these two antagonistic liberal and conservative camps. And since candidates would have to get good ratings from people who rank other candidates as "1" in order to win the election negative campaigning would go down and there would be more amity and understanding between people with different political beliefs.

I supported Bernie Sanders, but honestly if we had a ranked choice system Bloomberg would probably be president right now. And reflecting on it more I've realized that that is really what we need, is someone from the center who can bridge the divide in this country.
2017-01-24 18:35:30 UTC
I believe less of what comes out of Hillary's mouth. Hillary tells credible lies. Trump's lies are too incredible to believe.
2017-01-24 17:01:40 UTC
There were more marchers in Seattle on Saturday than attended the Trump Inauguration.
2017-01-24 12:02:24 UTC
what difference does it make how big it was huh you defective khunt? what difference does it make what I think? and what difference does it make what he tweets? You get off of that you weird fock? Find yourself something useful to do you foken weak minded fock!
2017-01-24 11:07:42 UTC
I could care less if what he says is true or not. I like the way he talks and I will vote for him yet again next election.
2017-01-24 03:42:37 UTC
My husband has been in he military going on 20 years and everything Trump said about the military and ISIS and borders has been factual.
2017-01-28 00:12:19 UTC
I strongly believe that you wrote this question ONLY so you could argue against the opinions(THAT YOU ASKED FOR) from people off of this website. If that is the only reason you are here, then just leave.
2017-01-26 21:39:36 UTC
Fact of the matter is the 2 party system should've died a long time ago
2017-01-25 22:11:59 UTC
His inauguration crowd would've been bigger, but most people that support him were at their job🤷.
2017-01-25 17:58:22 UTC
That's sooo trivial how many people went or not. Trump is focusing on more important things.
2017-01-25 17:26:17 UTC
get yourself a're frustrated...
2017-01-25 15:27:56 UTC
Just so great. So great! You are all going to have a wonderful time!
2017-01-25 09:19:12 UTC
Trump is doing a good job but he needs a thicker skin - he seems quite unable to deal with the usual things that go on in a democracy. Here's one, no words just a picture.
Smokies Hiker
2017-01-25 02:16:46 UTC
I guess you take in the entire statement. That includes all possible sources. Those there in Washington in person. Television, and worldwide on the internet and social media. Those last three sources weren't available when Ronald Reagan took the oath of office.
2017-01-25 02:16:21 UTC
Well, I wouldn't consider myself much of a Trumpster, but a lot of the stuff he says isn't BS. How about you? DO you believe the lies that Hillary Clinton and Obama told you?
New here
2017-01-25 01:36:23 UTC
2017-01-25 00:04:32 UTC
I hate trump
2017-01-24 22:19:53 UTC
F*cking cry baby, live your own life and stop worrying about what others do or don't do ! That's enough of this donald trump ********, Hilary wasn't any better !!!

Sounds like you might be jealous of his twitter !
Right Handy
2017-01-24 21:52:27 UTC
More truthful than our previous POTUS.....
2017-01-24 18:30:45 UTC
2017-01-24 15:52:48 UTC
Trump sucks bro
2017-01-24 11:18:58 UTC
I\ m not sure but ,if anyone else wants to learn about best remedy for psoriasis try Imforda Psoriasis Secrets Guide (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my cousin got amazing results with it.
2017-01-24 09:15:58 UTC
I DO NOT TRUST A WORD that comes out of his filthy mouth! He is A DISGRACE!
2017-01-24 08:03:11 UTC
I believe everything! Trump would never lie :(
2017-01-24 06:28:41 UTC
You're a special kind of stupid and your parents are failures.
2017-01-24 05:01:02 UTC
Donald J Trump = greatest president ever.

Obozo the Gay Brown Muslim Clown= loser, failure, fraud, irrelevant lame duck that no one even remembers anymore.
2017-01-26 23:37:35 UTC
Barry said he was going to shut Gitmo down. It is still open. So should I believe the BS that came out of his mouth?
2017-01-26 14:55:24 UTC
I believe 90% of what he says and 0.0001% of what Hillary says
2017-01-26 07:09:19 UTC
He never said that his inauguration was the largest he said the audience was the largest in history.

The fact that the media syndicates decided to object and need an interpretation, really shows their desperation. Any thinking person knows what audience means in that context. Playing dumb like that, exposes their desperation. Dis-information by twisting words is yet another liber union tactic of mind control.
Lizette Ambriz
2017-01-26 05:10:46 UTC
He's gonna get the US killed. He's not or ever going to be Christian, and he is simply a puppet who was put in office so he could sign stuff without reading them because he's "smart". This country's huge strides that took generations to achieve are soon going to go away within the first year of the orange raging crayon in office because conservatives can't stand progress.
2017-01-26 02:57:59 UTC
2017-01-26 01:33:35 UTC
He's god.
2017-01-25 21:31:20 UTC
2017-01-25 20:05:34 UTC
It depends. No, he's not going to build a wall/have a wall built, no, he's not gong to prosecute Clinton or any other of the candidates who ran against him, but I don't think many people voted for him for those reasons.

I think he (and Ryan) are serious about cutting Social Security and military pensions, I think he's serious about getting the US out of NATO and the UN, and I think he's serious about keeping government employees from speaking to the public and/or reporters.
2017-01-25 14:16:35 UTC
2017-01-25 06:38:52 UTC
To me, his Twitter posts are irrelevant. I base my opinion on presidents on their actions, not what they say, not what they say they will do either.

I was skeptical of Obama at first, but if you see through eyes without hate, you'll realize he wasn't a bad president.

No one can tell the future, no one knows what he will do. He will either be a bad president, mediocre president, or a good president.

Time will tell. But until then...why would you start hating him, judging him, and shunning him before he has even done anything? Give him a chance. Everyone gave Obama a chance, and everyone deserves a chance to prove their actions. Otherwise we're simply shutting our eyes, and filling ourselves with hate, prejudgement and ignorance.

Lets wait and see what happens. That is all we can do, and there isn't anything else we can do. What people believe he says on Twitter or to the people is irrelevant. It all comes down to actions.
2017-01-25 05:01:05 UTC
Why don't you just learn to accept Trump is president and move on?? Seriously all I see people doing is complaining that Trump won. Get over it.
2017-01-25 01:08:56 UTC
He mentioned God, and the bible so he cannot be that bad
2017-01-25 00:52:24 UTC
Is that you Hillary?
2017-01-24 22:20:08 UTC
Large or small inauguration, he's still president, he still balled TPP and threw it in the garbage, he still, just today, approved the job-creating pipeline, can hardly wait to see what he does tomorrow. Eff the true number of inauguration attendees! Who cares!
Big Lance!
2017-01-24 22:11:57 UTC
I'm wondering... Would u ever find anything that Trump says to be agreeable? I'm doubting that but interesting I just watched a utube video ex la Lakers shaquille oneal rappers 50cent... Ice cube.. Kanye West.. Will Smith.. Many more famous folks actors n mainly working people and more than will admit voted for Trump... Does he tweet to much I say yes but the big picture is Americans want borders closed safe hoods law n order jobs and to kill NAFTA and other job killing bills revoked or import tax threats imposed.. We don't have to like him or his style but the guy ran on his own money and dumped the presidential salary because he's got big money and money is not his motive making this country great again is his game plan.. How can we disagree w this message when Hillary received 250 million in donations from Muslims and big business folks wanting favors why else would someone hand someone millions what for free? Hillary is and has been loyal to no one except highest bidder. Go Trump
2017-01-24 07:40:21 UTC
doesnt matter whiney-crat libturd what you believe...we have the house and senate and can ram anything down your libturd throats lol
2017-01-24 07:18:43 UTC
Calm your nipples.
2017-01-24 04:34:02 UTC
Back at you buddy. The sad thing is that after seeing everything it's very believable that people are stupid enough to believe all the blatant bs that comes out of the medias mouth. I hated both candidates during the election but now I support trump because he is our president now and Clinton would have been 10 times worse. Also the country is the dumbest right now I have ever seen. Completely brainwashed by the media.
2017-01-24 03:39:02 UTC
I don't care who was at his inauguration. I care bout him doing his job. And so fat he's kept his campaign promises
2017-01-24 03:37:24 UTC
How many fcuksticks pretend diversity is a strength and race is just skin color difference in order to seize the moral high ground and avoid being called a racist?

2017-01-28 05:00:05 UTC
Trump is a piece of filthy s hit.
2017-01-28 04:22:14 UTC
The silent f u c k tard majority supported him before, but now that they can start to see how stupid he his, they will stilll not admit that the were foolishly wrong
2017-01-27 18:23:14 UTC
there is no doubt that a huge argument is going to erupt on this question
2017-01-27 02:51:46 UTC
I hope not none
2017-01-27 01:49:08 UTC
I don't think even Trump believes all the off the cuff BS coming out of his mouth. He has some hard lessons to learn that as president. You have to mean what you say and say only that which you mean. In his entire life he has never had to do that.
2017-01-26 03:59:10 UTC
Are you saying you yourself never BS'd anyone? Everyone has done it before, including every president in my lifetime, has. How do you feel about calculated BS. Not just off the cuff, heat of the moment BS. I bet you believed obama's BS when his cronies calculated behind closed doors to knowingly lie to the American people about keeping your doctor, healthcare plan if you like it...period. Yes, he actually said "period" at the end which meant no exceptions. Nice little touch of BS at the end with that "period." I would say your own question is BS or are you little miss perfect sunshine.
2017-01-26 01:57:15 UTC
Stop watching the mainstream media
2017-01-26 01:42:42 UTC
I don't believe much of that suited up red tied oranguian
2017-01-25 23:10:36 UTC
Keiff Murray
2017-01-25 22:55:47 UTC
Yeah, I do. One thing we learned is that whatever CNN says, believe the opposite and you have the truth.
2017-01-25 07:39:36 UTC
Please write about something more productive than this. If you're frustrated, go punch a wall or talk to a therapist. If you have a valid concern, then write it in a reasonable way, and let us answer it. No one cares about the inauguration.
2017-01-25 05:06:39 UTC
I don't believe EVERYTHING that he says but some things I do believe.
2017-01-24 23:51:32 UTC
whatever !!!
2017-01-24 19:16:11 UTC
2017-01-24 13:45:35 UTC
I'd say about all of them do. Their brain is made of mold and mildew. Trump made a peo,Iselin to build a great wall, not sure how far he'll get; for with regret it won't be very tall.

No experience, other than as a shady 😼 buisssnesman, who likes to not pay people their due even though they did his work through & through.

Tired of politics as usual, always playing the blame game, that is Donalds supports; they all belong on he wall of shame. Inot he hall of desperation where everyone is a bigot and they're all the SAME!
2017-01-24 12:59:57 UTC
Honestly, I don't care one way or the other. I didn't vote to see how many people showed up at the inauguration. The only people who care about it are the people such as yourself and the Trump Derangement Syndrome media. And by the way, using the term "Trumptards" indicates not only your absolute political bigotry but demonstrates your own stupidity. You should seek psychological help or it's going to be a long four to eight years for you. We know how it is. We've been putting up with your ilk's ignorance for the past eight years.
2017-01-24 12:51:38 UTC
About the same as you liberals believed what came out of Ms Clintons mouth.
2017-01-24 10:52:32 UTC
2017-01-24 09:02:37 UTC
I wouldn't call it BS check out this clip. Complete testimonial of what he is talking about in this generation. He had the same ideas 20 years ago. This shows he is not in it to scam people. He really wants to change the country.
2017-01-24 03:48:45 UTC
I don't care if he lies or not. I just want him to p*ss off you liberal faggs.
2017-01-28 02:18:24 UTC
No, probably not the biggest. Still, he is showing promise. That you cannot deny. I am going to sit back and see what he does next. This is getting interesting! :)

To top that off, he is promising more freedom, opportunity, and liberty for all classes of people to poor class, to middle class, to rich class, to minorities, to majorities, and to all genders which i admire.
2017-01-26 01:34:26 UTC
I don't agree with all his decisions and actions but he's better than Hillary. Plus who expects you libs to be believed when you twist his statements? Seriously, I recall him saying "and some, I assume, are good people" in reference to Mexicans, but later the media cut out that part, among other things. Of course some do, otherwise the media would need more material to work with.

When you start flame posting, do it better next time.
2017-01-25 23:15:45 UTC
Illusive Prime
2017-01-25 20:30:45 UTC
A load of butt-hurt Hillary supporters here.
2017-01-25 16:39:54 UTC
I have trouble deciding which version of the truth to ponder first. As you know, with Trump, what is truth can vary from day to day, followed up by a lie to cover it up and the morons on the right eat it up. Incomprehensible.
2017-01-25 12:55:34 UTC
a lot
2017-01-25 11:17:51 UTC
I don't believe anything he's telling and for sure I'm not a Trumpster.
John Roberts
2017-01-25 00:29:04 UTC
His words I take with caution, and his actions I take as truth, just as I did with Obama. Then I determined whether or not the action was of a benefit to our well-being.

Besides, the profanity laden rants serve no purpose other than to widen the gap between opposing views.
2017-01-24 20:57:17 UTC
Maybe if you add all that watched it on different social media.
2017-01-24 20:24:33 UTC
I believe Trump, I voted for Trump and I contributed to his campaign.
2017-01-24 19:05:22 UTC
Hi Im here for the Liberal cry baby fest
2017-01-24 17:55:42 UTC
I place MUCH more faith in him than I ever could in that lying con Hillary. You really need to either accept or move to another country for the next 8 years.
2017-01-24 16:00:43 UTC
Let me just say this. People hear what they want to. Hillary Clinton played off of this and made it seem to most people that she was completely for all these rights and stuff. However, just like you wouldn't hire a criminal to work at a doctors office you don't let them run the country. Personally I would love to see a women president, but I don't feel that Hillary is the right person to do so. Yes Trump said lots of stupid things but you have to see through the ******** and listen to their whole story with what they want in their presidency. In terms of immegration for example, if I gave you a bowl of M&Ms and told you 10 were poisoned would you eat them? That's what we are doing with immigration from the Middle East. There are a lot of people there who don't like the US and believe their god wants them to hurt/kill us all. So if we except 100 middle eastern immegrants whose to say whether they are a terrorist or not?
2017-01-24 15:21:14 UTC
Actually, I'd like to hear your evidence that Trump supporters think the inauguration was the biggest in history and then see the data on all the inauguration turn outs in history and then check to see which was the largest number.

B/c I'm methodical and open minded like that.
2017-01-24 11:41:41 UTC
The mainstream media are the greatest purveyors of fake news out there. Why would you trust the New York Times, Huffington Post, Slate, Jezebel, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC..
2017-01-24 08:43:08 UTC
2017-01-24 07:14:58 UTC
LOL! kid you must be new to politics, They ALL lie. Not just Trump.
2017-01-24 05:12:38 UTC
ALL politicians are blowhards, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And all the rest in the primaries. So what else is new??!!
2017-01-24 04:49:19 UTC
Thank you Trumpster. Your replies live up to the description of deplorable that you are. Classic! And SAD!
2017-01-24 04:43:05 UTC
2017-01-27 17:05:16 UTC
Haha libby
2017-01-27 00:50:21 UTC
aahahah yeaaaa bobob
2017-01-26 23:49:18 UTC
Stay on your own ground buddy. The same can be said for you. Because where'd you learn that wad he says is fake? MEDIA. Probably primarily the news company's, which have been proven to have constant bs fake news. And also, so far his presidency os going very well, very very fast. He signed executive order for the Keystone pipeline, which will create thousands of United States jobs. He's taxing things being imported into the us by 20%. If you do the math, that equals 10 billion dollars annually for the united states, that money will be used for the wall, so Mexico will pay for the wall. Just like he said. And that will keep Mexicans who have not gone through the proper steps the become a us citezen, out. Which will boost the economy because the Mexicans will stop stealing our jobs. Basically what I'm saying is, so far his presidency is going perfectly, and you're fighting a losing battle. so again, stay on your ground
2017-01-26 05:20:39 UTC
I'm not an all out conservative but liberals are literally the biggest bitches. They can't accept failure, they are push overs, they're winer's, they are just annoying ******* who have no back bone. They think they're so cool and smart because all the celebrities, musicians, artists etc are libtards also so they're you have it my analysis.
2017-01-25 22:11:37 UTC
Awww, does change scare the little hypocrite liberal?. Change is good. Yes, we can. The shoe is now on the other foot isn't it? Too, bad.
2017-01-25 11:40:47 UTC
There's three forms of the orange plague

1 the people who just like him because they relate to him and will go along with pretty much whatever

2 the people who are literally clueless & brainwashed sadly the most common strain of the disease

3 and then there's the rarest form which is the rich people who will actually benefit from his greed ego & arrogance. This is the form that keeps everyone else infected

Someone please invent the penicillin we need
2017-01-25 03:28:27 UTC
Just give the man some time to get the job done or we'll all go back to critiquing Barry.
2017-01-25 01:36:48 UTC
His inauguration, no. I think he's counting the marches from the day after, that's where he's getting his numbers.

Anyone with half an eye can see the difference in the pictures. Trump thinks we're idiots and will try to wear us down.
2017-01-24 22:15:22 UTC
And what was the alternative? Hillary, who didn't give **** about nobody but her bank account?
2017-01-24 21:59:04 UTC
No one believes that. But honestly why is everyone bashing the people that like trump? he won. He was better than the other choice. Yeah he might not be the best, but give him a chance.
Navin R. Johnson
2017-01-24 18:24:35 UTC
First of all it's a stupid question. Perhaps you could share a definitive statement that he's made that you feel is B.S. and then we can have an actual grown up discussion about it. Saying that everything a person says is "b.s." is just intellectually dishonest and makes you sound like a bitter child.
2017-01-24 17:27:05 UTC
i dont use twitter
2017-01-24 11:10:47 UTC
How many of you Trumpsters actually believe the blatant BS that comes out of his mouth (or his twitter)?

LOL as long as it has U, UR Kind mad President Trump is a good thing !
2017-01-24 10:11:23 UTC
Everything he says or writes is viewed through a magnifying glass

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.