As a non-American, here is my point of view...
Most Americans, just like people from every other planet on the country, are basicly good people.
As a culture/society/national entity though the way that the US seems to operate is essentially like a rather arrogant and childish bully who then turns around and cries 'Unfair!' if someone hits them back and thinks the whold world should stop because of it.
I dislike the way that the US interferes in the politics of other countries so much - there would be outrage if others tried to do that in your country. I dislike the fact that you guys feel the right to police the world according to your standards, standards that are pretty low on the world scale since you guys have a generally poor education system, are often pretty naive and ignorant and very rarely have a good understanding of history (even American history but especially that of the rest of the world) or context of things that occur. This explains why 9/11 shocked you when if you knew your history you'd realize that it was a retaliation against the way that the US has acted in the middle east rather than an attack against 'Freedom (tm)' - not that I in any way condone terrorist attacks, simply that I don't think it came out of nowhere or that the US is the white handed innocent it claims to be in all of this, you guys have messed large sections of the middle eastern populace around for five or six decades now and caused far more than 3000 deaths doing so.
I find it tragically comical that you guys think that you have the best country in the world when the average standard of living is nowhere near the highest, when the poor don't have adequate medical services, when your education system is steadily degrading and you're about the worst nation in the world in many ways environmentally. You also have a high rate of crime and just about the highest rate of imprisonment in the world.
As a scientist I downright loathe the way that science is under attack from various interest groups in the US with apparent approval by the current US government (who I think are the worst thing to happen to the US and the rest of the world for awhile but I digress). I dislike that you're supporting the interests of a few corporations vs those of people everywhere. I dislike the fact that America can't seem to be able to see something as having value unless it's either patriotic or you can put a dollar and cents price on it. I dislike the rather stupid 'With us or against us' attitude - allies aren't allowed to question your actions ever? Look at how you guys have acted towards France cause they wouldn't support a futile and unnecessary war you guys wanted to have.
I also think you guys don't understand irony and that you tend to have simplistic, judgemental, black and white, dualistic views of the world - you think that the world is made up of good people and evil people and that there is always a straight distinction between the two. I also think that you guys tend to be hypocritical often - judging others on things that the US does as well.
All in all though, while I think that the US leaves much to be desired, I don't think you're altogether worse than the rest of the world - your citizens are people just like the rest of us. I think your country is misguided, arrogant, ignorant and often senseless and that your view of the world (ie unrestrained capitalism at the expense of everything else) is foolish and immature... but I don't think that you're evil villains (or heros for that matter), just fools like the rest of us - I could equally write for just as long about the flaws of any other country (including my own). I do think you need to stop putting your interests and values so far ahead of everyone elses though - particularly since your interests are often selfish and greedy and your values are often pretty poor and ill informed, why should everyone else have them forced upon them?
I mostly though just hope that America can learn to deal better with the rest of the world without constantly trying to enforce their own values and interests at the expense of others - despite all of it's flaws the US has alot to offer the rest of the world and despite all of their flaws the rest of the world has alot to offer the US.