Why do you guys perpetuate the COVID-19 lie when it's a hoax created by liberals?
2020-05-02 20:23:29 UTC
I haven't seen a single COVID case or of anyone dying from it. So...that begs the question with as to WHY you guys perpetuate the lie?
85 answers:
2020-05-03 23:54:22 UTC
Just because you don't know or have seen someone dying from it doesn't mean that the virus doesn't exist. That is like saying hunger doesn't exist because you had a sandwich
2020-05-03 20:41:53 UTC
I know some medical facilities in my area with covid 19 patients. Go take care of them for a couple of weeks without PPE and get back to us if you're still alive...
2020-05-03 20:41:48 UTC
The only reason covid 19 is scary is the fact it is new and there's no vaccine yet. Next year ( or later ) there will be a vaccine and it will be literally old news and nobody will care.
2020-05-03 19:50:36 UTC
There are a lot of diseases that kill millions each year that you haven't "seen a single case of," but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Conservative lack of critical thinking.
2020-05-03 15:27:10 UTC
You are crazier than the "Obama is a commie" wackos.
2020-05-03 14:11:11 UTC
My friend has been in the hospital for days. He's a cancer patient and diagnosed with Co-vid19. last I heard from him, the staff was considering putting him on a ventilator. His sister was diagnosed with it.

My friend's sister was diagnosed with Covid19 we live in the same building. I've been at my boyfriend's since the buildings been reported to the city.

My friend's grandmother just passed away from it.

My friend's uncle died from it.

It's not real to you but it's real to me. You're lucky you don't have to deal with it. Because you don't belong to a network of people who have it doesn't mean you should be disrespectful to those who are worried for their loved ones, grieving or dealing with it. It's definitely hurtful. Do you seriously not have friends in the medical industry? You must live in a rural area. If not, you must not have a big network of friends if you don't have a single friend dealing with it. It's actually really crazy to me that you're that isolated where you don't personally know anyone connected to the virus. This is really an example of Americans really living in their own realities. You need to check on your friends living in big cities and see how they're doing.
2020-05-03 09:36:38 UTC
How many cases of - OR deaths from - COVID-19 would you expect to see in your basement? 
2020-05-02 22:00:48 UTC
Why are you perpetuating this COVID hoax lie..Your rhetoric is dangerous.. You are making the case for restriction of free speech.
2020-05-02 20:27:27 UTC
Must be a very very small world you live in if nothing you haven't seen doesn't exist. Most people get over thinking like that by the time they're 3 years old.
2020-05-02 20:25:46 UTC
False premise.

Thanks for playing – please insert coin and try again.
2020-05-05 20:12:23 UTC

republicans are gullible dupes
2020-05-05 02:20:26 UTC
You need some antibiotics

Syphilis must've eaten your brain. 
2020-05-04 23:44:34 UTC
You probably haven't "seen" a single case--and just as well.  My friends in the medical profession say it's not a pretty sight to watch a person suffer and die from the virus.  But whether or not you've "seen" it, you know it's not a hoax, and it has nothing to do with Liberals, or any other group you want to label.  You can read the number of deaths on the CDC's daily update, and on your own state's Dept. of Health website.  You can also read the news; watch and listen to it on television or on this computer you're unable to use, except to ask annoying, ridiculous questions. 
2020-05-04 20:47:21 UTC
If you that think that COVID-19 is a hoax you are ignorant, naive, and causing countless amounts of damage to those around you. 

My mother was battling pancreatic cancer when she contracted the coronavirus. She tested positive April 3rd and sent home since she wasn't experiencing any shortness of breath. She was put in the ICU April 6th because she was having trouble breathing. I was allowed to visit her once to talk to her through a glass window using a nurse to help communicate. She sadly passed away early morning on April 7th. 

My family was lucky that we knew she didn't have long to live because of the cancer so we were covered on the financial side of things. However, my mother was not on her deathbed before April 6th. She carried on her days just like any normal healthy person would. If it weren't for her hair loss from the chemo, you wouldn't have even knew she had cancer or was sick. 

We couldn't even have a proper funeral service for her. My kids didn't get to say goodbye to their memaw. My grandpa couldn't come be with us and say goodbye to his daughter. It is a truly heartbreaking  situation that my family was put into. 

R.I.P. Momma 04/07/2020 
2020-05-04 12:49:07 UTC
Your a clueless idiot a large number of people have died.
2020-05-04 07:40:59 UTC
2020-05-04 01:30:31 UTC
Mr. Wizard
2020-05-04 01:01:52 UTC
I hope sociologists--IF they can really be politically neutral--are seriously studying the effects of this mass hysteria that is rampant and at play with this COVID-19 "crisis" that equally sadly, has been politicized. 

As yourself what is needed to successfully FAKE a COVID-19 "pandemic"; really put thought to this question: Who stands to benefit and why---and be prepared for the answers you find.

Sadly, the LIBERAL FRONT has gained advantages by sparking this hysteria and the prevalent social conditioning efforts are already seen in TV commercials--all making hiding at home so chummy and warm/fuzzy--gushing at all this being "the New Normal". 

If they fail at delaying the POTUS Election in November--I know how I AM voting; the LIBERAL FRONT helped me with my decision.......

2020-05-03 18:03:30 UTC
thanks for the 2 points. respect since and respect facts before it is too late
2020-05-03 16:29:30 UTC
So tell me Jeff, 

Got any of your stimulus check left or spend it all on Meth, Clorox, and Lysol?
2020-05-03 16:23:34 UTC
Buddy, you ever look at world news instead of at your *ss?  It's not just in America, it's not all about America.

I don't know anyone dying of cancer...but I am not a moron, I know people die of it every day.

I don't know anyone recently killed in a car crash...but I also know it happens every day.

What a tool.
2020-05-03 16:10:20 UTC
You need help ASAP!! I know a good psychiatrist, that I can recommend
Random Guy
2020-05-03 14:16:19 UTC
You could test it out by getting one yourself.
2020-05-03 12:56:38 UTC
Because they benefit from it. Doctors benefit financially from the overtime pay, teachers benefit from more pro-government subservience.
2020-05-03 06:38:53 UTC
You keep on believing that and wasting everyone's time with that doody.
2020-05-03 04:51:28 UTC
Well, it depends on your luck... as it were.

I know two people who were killed by it... one only 50 and the other only 48...

I did not know them well, but I did know them well-enough where if we were to see each other out and about we could wave and refer to each other by name.

It's not a myth.

What IS a big mystery is who it takes and who it spares... and I think that is totally something that would cause the end of the world.

God said he would do that one day... since we haven't lived the way he wants us to live.
2020-05-03 02:03:37 UTC
Why don't you go ask the families of the more than 60,000 Americans who died from this virus how much a hoax it is?!
2020-05-02 23:02:18 UTC
You are stupid!!!

You don't know where the coronavirus came from, but I do.

Why don't you type the words origin of coronavirus on youtube, and see, for yourself where it came from?

Anyway I was told when I bought my face mask that the coronavirus came from a lab in China. I watched videos of bats being infected with the coronavirus on youtube, so I am not sure if the coronavirus was made in a lab. I suppose it's possible.

I don't know how bats in China got infected with the coronavirus. Maybe they were being tested on. I just don't know because I don't live in China, and I don't live in the United States of America either.

Lastly I don't know what Trump saw, but I am diffidently curious to know what he saw.
2020-05-02 21:52:21 UTC
Your stupidity is showing
2020-05-02 20:29:05 UTC
you think everything that makes you broke is a conspiracy against you
2020-05-04 23:10:16 UTC
its all to get Trump out of office.
Lam N
2020-05-04 19:31:57 UTC
do you think the earth is flat too? and vaccine cause autism? even though they say that there are no stupid question, i think i found it here.
2020-05-04 15:13:04 UTC
Ignorant Trump supporter.
2020-05-04 11:52:33 UTC
Sweden revered as a socialist success did not take the socialist approach of shutting down their economy as they knew COVID-19 isn't apocalyptic & will spreads no matter how (D)s & partisan news media makes it apocalyptic while the young & healthy rarely affected keeps the economy stable. Doctor Dan Erickson analyzed & exposed the natural & pre-existing conditions deaths are being classified as COVID-19 death, & Influenza deaths are likely being counted as well.

Worldwide Deaths from 01/01/20 - 04/04/20: COVID-19 59,226, Seasonal Flu 125,352, Water Related Diseases 217,099, Malaria 252,878, Suicides 276,480, Road Accidents 348,044, HIV/AIDS 433,382, Alcohol 644,785, Smoking 1,288,753, Cancer 2,117,316, Hunger 2,883,497

The Administration were working behind the scenes of the (D)s impeachment fiasco drawing up plans in early January if things got worst in Wuhan & spread out of Wuhan after CDC scientists were sent in Dec. 2019, but China refused help while (D)s defy & resist the Administration's mitigation guidelines. Travel restriction from & to China was declared before there was a confirmed case in the US. Cuomo didn't quarantine every international flight & sea vessels coming into New York when travel restrictions were announced in late January turning NY into an epicenter. In the west coast all passengers & crews of princess cruises that dock were quarantined, even if they've already been quarantined abroad just as all passengers & crews of a Boeing 747 from China were quarantine. Cuomo pushed back on Statewide Federal Quarantine & ordered Nursing homes to accept COVID-19+ patients where more than 1/2 of the mortality statistic comes from. Having worked closely with the Administration to keep the spread at a minimal & flatten the curve, the west coast governors are getting carried away with the shutdowns threatening to make it permanent, until vaccination that could partially work 50/50, like flu vaccines, are readily available for obvious political reason letting their megalomaniac tendencies loose. N. Dakota, Georgia, & Florida are much better in keeping things balanced as Red states prefers a targeted shutdown approach to minimize the spread.

The Whole World Failed at Keeping COVID-19 out of their countries. CDC, NIH, HHS, & WHO all Failed, as gov. Cuomo argued. Doctor Fauci & CDC Scientists have been operating as they have since Obama's Administration & this pandemic proved that the bureaucracy they had in place then could not handle SARS-COV-2 spreading at this magnitude. Thus, a Task Force requiring Defense Dept. & Private Sector involvement was crucial. WHO should've taken the role of an International Pandemic Response Agency mobilized as soon as there's a large outbreak of an unknown disease infecting humans in a city to quarantine & study. WHO was late to gather Data & sound the Alarm for every country in the world to brace it self from a pandemic the world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity was not prepared for.

No One could've known about an "unknown" disease to infect humans that transmit from human to human simply by talking from people who weren't even showing signs of illness at the beginning stages & into a pandemic. A respiratory disease like COVID-19 can't really be contained absent of data on how fast & easily it spreads by 85% of infected people who never got ill or hospitalized (14.5%-14.95% are recovering) experiencing symptoms of a common cold for which the lightly infected & doctors overlooked it, until alarming number of hospitalized patients were overwhelming the hospitals & 1/20 were dying weekly which prompted a Chinese doctor to look through a microscope ruling out the Africanized swine flu happening at the same time across China that started 3 months earlier. China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious the virus was, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining feverish people having acute symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan through foreign tourist, diplomats & business travelers showing no signs of infection.

De Blasio & (D) Health experts from Feb. to Mar. 15 were making tweets & speeches in small rallies against travel bans, social distancing & shutdowns. 02/02/20, NYC Health Commissioner Oxirus Barbot said, "There's NO REASON NOT" to take the subway, bus, go to restaurant, miss the annual Lunar parade or avoid any neighborhood because of coronavirus. 0302/20, De Blasio encouraged New Yorkers to go on with their lives & get out on town despite Coronavirus. 02/03/20 New York Times: "There is no reason why it is not safe to travel to China, The travel ban is unjust". Prior to 03/15/20 when all partisan (D) news media anchors along with Doctor Fauci & other (lib) experts stated that Influenza should be looked at more than Wuhan Flu with Dr. Fauci assuring the public not to be alarmed on NEWSMAX aired in 01/21/20 & again emphasized the danger was miniscule in 02/17/20. In April, Dr. Fauci reverses his don't wear mask advice, only healthcare workers, questioned by many as it spreads from simply talking. CDC found COVID projection model was over estimated, Fauci mused 1 year quarantine late March, then mid May say the country needs to open as shutdown has grave irreputable consequences.

At some point the country & the world will need to cope & live with COVID-19 along other diseases that are far more lethal & incurable than COVID-19. With an incubation period of 2 weeks, 6 weeks shutdown is more than enough & should've transitioned to targeted shutdown. The world is still dealing with HIV, EBOLA (99% mortality), Hepatitis C & Syphilis without a vaccine. Shutdowns for more than a couple of months will put 280 millions in poverty. A year shutdown will put 320 Million Americans in poverty where the government will have to nationalize the industries, private property, & public individualism inducing famine, unproductivity & deaths.

Despite how American socialists (Sanders & AOC) brand their socialism as Democratic Socialist to mask their true intentions to achieving the end goal of Socialist state control of the economy, industry, property & the public by draconian bureaucratic regulations. Everything they propose such as public education (free & mediocre) & universal single payer health care (rationed) is straight up the USSR, Cuba & Venezuela's play book which Sanders lauds & defends. (Venezuela praised as Democratic Socialist was more Communist with its bureaucrats pillaging oil revenues). These socialist countries don't have state of the art Hospitals & Cadillac Gov. Assist. for all (only 0.0001%) because there isn't enough funds & man power regardless of how much of the private sector are taxed & nationalized. Ultimately all concept or branding of socialism leads to Government owned property of industries, housing, farms, people, long working hours, & NO: dissenting free speech, entrepreneurship, competition, varieties in brands or materials with very little individuality, motivation, & productivity.

In a Socialist country it is very hard to impossible to be a Millionaire when socialists like Bernie & AOC will take 90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. Sanders always touts Sweden (less densely populated homogenous country) as a socialist success where Millionaires & Billionaires thrives from the middle class & the working poor being the ones funding most gov. assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC will use every means of pressure & influence in advancing the Green New Deal's socialist agenda funded by the top 21% ($M/$B) turning that into the top 0.0001% for the US economy & society to permanently mirror Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea eliminating the middle class to exist as all social classes' income are flattened.

Sweden isn't Socialist

A nationwide 75% economic shutdown to essentials only is a communist model economy from a pandemic or warfare that plunges 1st world economies into a depression for socialism to takes hold & permanently take over under the Green New Deal (New Communist Manifesto). Anyone who has lived & escaped Venezuela knows this feeling, once all Industries & Private Properties are nationalized. Senate/House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba where bureaucrats control the economy & profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed gov. assistance & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair.

As POTUS urges each states to open their economy in 3 phases. (D) States Governors are doing all they can to prolong the shutdowns seeing the pandemic as an opportunity to erase decades long debt & mismanagement they have incurred from spending more than the high taxes they collect as they scheme with (D) Congress (has power of purse) for a bailout & print endless money regardless of how much the US dollar will deflate in value taking a page from the Venezuelan & Zimbabwean model where $1 is a Trillion in Zimbabwean & Venezuelan currency. The pandemic is resetting the world nations' economies, but 1st world countries have the means to bounce back with their infrastructures in logistic, manufacturing, retail, natural resources, academics, engineering & science. Due to crimes, corruption, & brain drain of special skill, 3rd world economies have no chance to surpass 1st world economies.
2020-05-04 05:48:33 UTC
You are obviously on the internet often enough to see the news so please stop being a Tool. There are thousands dead, thousands of others ill right across the world. Just because you have not met someone personally that has it means nothing. Then agaiin, we are seeing enough stories about idiots marching in the streets n America to believe there are a lot of idiots and deniers over there.
2020-05-04 04:18:28 UTC
Just because you haven't had COVID-19 or don't know anyone who has doesn't have COVID-19, it does not mean it's not real. It's very much real, and many people who had loved ones have passed away from COVID-19.
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-05-04 03:36:12 UTC
You must have a very small circle of connections. One out of fourteen people in the US either have it or it's touched their family. The virus doesn't care what their political views are.
2020-05-03 23:27:57 UTC
I've never seen a single person die of starvation. Does that mean it doesn't exist? Hell no. It just means I haven't seen it.

Also, how is covid19 a liberal hoax when it started in China and it's a global pandemic?

Have you done ANY learning on covid19 at all?!?! There's a whole world of information and education available for free at your fingertips yet you're trying to ignore it? May I ask why?
2020-05-03 20:48:27 UTC
I'm a Caregiver who was tested positive for Covid-19 and had seen people die from it, I can tell you you are wrong. Because it doesn't affect you or anyone close to you doesn't mean it's a hoax.
2020-05-03 19:11:15 UTC
Its believable because it's a serious incident with the cause of several deaths. Plenty of cases have occurred for this reason. 
2020-05-03 18:23:15 UTC
Easy answer... the libs are hoping to tank the economy so they can unseat Trump at the next election.
2020-05-03 15:34:14 UTC
I do that because I was "educated"   in a government skul..
2020-05-03 14:59:43 UTC
Actually, that really begs the question with as to WHAT rock you're living under ?
2020-05-02 23:58:23 UTC
10 mins ago

Lol. If you want you can believe the whole world is a hoax. What was that movie called.. The Matrix. Apparently some systems of eastern philosophy think the world is actually an illusion.
2020-05-02 23:46:37 UTC
Lol. If you want you can believe the whole world is a hoax. What was that movie called.. The Matrix. Apparently some systems of eastern philosophy think the world is actually an illusion. 

But I am one of those that choose to believe what seems to most people to be obvious fact. I also believe the news, both right wing and mainstream. I also believe someone I talked to that knows someone that died from this disease. I also believe that entire countries and businesses would not shut down for a damn hoax. This we have all seen with our own eyes.

So I conclude it is not a hoax. But if you want to view the world as an illusion, google "The world is actually an illusion" and pick the philosophy or far out conspiracy theory you feel is correct.
2020-05-02 22:24:43 UTC
It's not a hoax. Liberals don't lie. 
2020-05-02 20:38:27 UTC
you should catch covid-19 to prove it is a hoax
2020-05-02 20:36:17 UTC
NOBODY, not even a Trump supporter, could be that stupid. BTW, learn the meaning of "begs the question" before you use it again.
Jeff S
2020-05-02 20:33:48 UTC
Because only morons believe it's a hoax.

Simple logic says if it really was a hoax Trump and Republicans would have proven it was by now.

The FACT Trump Republicans haven't is because it isn't a hoax!
2020-05-02 20:29:55 UTC
You may not have even left your basement....
2020-05-05 13:51:18 UTC
Covid19 simply means Corona Virus #19. A cold is a Corona Virus. There are 19, to date, classified & categorized. A Corona Virus is an upper respiratory infection. You probably get two or three a year. Covid19 has a SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which makes it hard to breath. People pant, shallow, rapid breathes. Covid19 exists. Because you don't recognize the symptoms means very little. By comparison, Covid19 is 4 times as bad as the flu.
2020-05-05 11:36:31 UTC
covid is not a lie it is a mutation of the sars virus and 

coronavirus is a name for a group of viruses includeing the common cold and neumonia
Judy and Charlie
2020-05-05 09:09:47 UTC
Yeah?  Well, if it is a lie, then I want you to go into EVERY HOSPITAL IN AMERICA and just tell those suffering people on ventilators that they can get up now because this is all a hoax.  Oh, and the families who are grieving over the loved ones they lost to the virus?  Just tell them to dig them up now because it is all a hoax and they don't have to be dead anymore....BECAUSE YOU SAY SO!
Christopher H
2020-05-05 04:21:15 UTC
Does your Mother know you are an ******?
2020-05-05 00:17:21 UTC

Honey, get a life. This is just pathetic.
2020-05-04 21:36:03 UTC
2020-05-04 19:56:32 UTC
Methinks it is you and other liberals perpetuating the lie, since you brought it up yet again.
Needful Sinner
2020-05-04 16:25:32 UTC
"I haven't seen a single COVID case or of anyone dying from it"

Okay, that means you are a shut-in, or a home-body, you don't get out much or read the news or have much of a life.  Maybe your government is good at hiding the bodies or you have a very efficient undertakers.    All fine.

"So...that begs the question with as to WHY you guys perpetuate the lie?"

Given the above, why does your ignorance and/or lifestyle preferences translate into you are being lied to?

The reality is over 1 million Americans are infected with nearly 70,000 dead.. if you want to see a dead body so much ask a relative.
2020-05-04 13:35:07 UTC
In the dumbhicsville you probably live in, you are more likely to see cows, pigs and chickens than you are to see people!

“It ain’t happenin near me ya’ll so I’s don’t believes it duuuh!”
2020-05-04 11:33:49 UTC
I've never seen a woman dying during childbirth but I accept that, when told that this has happened to some women it was not a HOAX. Be a sensible little boy now Jeff and cease being stupid.
2020-05-04 05:43:44 UTC
Stressed for their friends and family, lamenting or managing it. It's certainly harmful. Do you truly not have companions in the clinical business? You should live in a rustic zone. If not, you should not have a major system of companions on the off chance that you don't have a solitary companion managing it. It's very insane to me that you're that disconnected where you don't by and by realize anybody associated with the infection.
2020-05-04 05:38:15 UTC
Just because you don't know or have seen someone dying from it doesn't mean that the virus doesn't exist. That is like saying hunger doesn't exist because you had a sandwich
2020-05-04 04:33:43 UTC
If you haven't seen a single COVID-19 case and don't know of anyone dying from it, you are lucky.  Three people on my street are still recovering from it.  A member of my wife's social organization is recovering from it.  And former New Orleans Saints kicker Tom Dempsey died of it (confirmed by testing).

It is not a hoax.  But my question for YOU is, what rock were YOU under all this time?
2020-05-04 04:28:05 UTC
right right so the entirety of the world is lying about covid-19 just so they can fool some karen out there who doesnt like liberals
2020-05-04 01:07:58 UTC
foreign owned Faux news and Jwe owned Fake news keeps telling Americans that we are #1 in the world
2020-05-03 17:30:48 UTC
Covid19 is no lie or hoax. If it is then blame WHO and not the liberals.
2020-05-03 16:36:18 UTC
"I haven't seen a single COVID case" - hahahah!!! you imbecile, that's because as soon as a case is confirmed, the patient is forced to self-quarantine at home, or they are hospitalized! And your local health department and city are not able to release the names of sick individuals, due to HIPAA laws! How hard is that for people like you to understand?! 

I couldn't care less whether you believe me or not, but I personally know 1 person who got sick (and sadly her child did as well), and they were able to self-quarantine at home and recover from there after about 11 or 12 days, though they had to stay isolated at home for an entire 2 weeks. How do I know she was sick? She confided with me about this, because we are close friends. Her child was seemingly asymptomatic (they were originally attributing his symptoms to mild seasonal allergies), while her symptoms were more consistent with the flu (chills, diarrhea, fever, sweats, hard to keep food down). Different people have different symptoms; some people have a difference in taste and smell, or swelling of toes, etc. We don't have "textbook symptoms" to go off of yet for diagnosis, because the virus is still being studied.  

Skeptics like you are the same ones who would have definitely died of spanish flu. Go ahead and go outside without your mask on, convince yourself it's a hoax, get close to plenty of strangers--and then have fun contracting corona and dying in a hospital all alone, because of such tight restrictions on visitation!
2020-05-03 15:17:45 UTC
So you've joined Donnie trump saying COVID  is a democratic hoax?

Are you counting how many Republicans and how many Democrats are suffering from the virus?  For all I know, coronavirus does not choose politics....except that trump appears to have it when he suggested using lysol and bleach to fight it.
2020-05-03 12:40:09 UTC
It's still a virus and people are still catching it and sometimes dying. However, the hoax part is the numbers. They've padded the death numbers far more than any cheerleader every padded her bra. And the social distancing and "wear a mask" is all placebo bullshit. With all the speculation and flat out lies, no wonder people think it's a hoax.
2020-05-02 20:25:40 UTC
Thanks for your important contribution
2020-05-07 06:02:34 UTC
Yea, we made the whole thing up. Our IQ's are DOUBLE YOURS and this is what we use the extra brain power for. There, happy? DEMENTED LOSER!
2020-05-06 23:22:03 UTC
nobody's died? Really?
2020-05-06 22:03:49 UTC
what kind of question is that? numbers are growing and statisticians aren't pulling those numbers out of their asses to simply scare people. so no, it's not a hoax created by liberals. 
Jan J
2020-05-05 14:47:51 UTC
I live in Newport, Wales Uk, outside London we have the largest outbreak of the COVID virus in the UK,   Locally we had 26 death just yesterday, in our local Hospital due to COVID. 1000 deaths have directly been attributed since the beginning of March.  I cannot believe some people are so ignorant to think that something this serious to health is thought of as a hoax. as nearly A Million People world wide have died of it.
2020-05-05 06:50:34 UTC
its retarded . all it does is allow gov. to exercise control and follow their patterns they desire for us. look at all the happiest countries are dying the most. lets all be like russia and korea
2020-05-05 05:06:10 UTC
Is that why Trumptard is staying at home the whole time, cause its a hoax?

Funny how this country has ppl with an IQ thats low enough to believe in bigfoot etc, but when ppl die in the thousands ON THE WHOLE effin PLANET, its all made up.
2020-05-04 18:47:11 UTC
Maybe we just don't trust Democrats any more.   That whole fake impeachment stunt really turned Americans off on Democrats.
2020-05-04 11:06:43 UTC
Jeff, I follow your posts and agree with you on many things.  But this post is irresponsible and you should be ashamed.  I have a friend with COVID-19 fighting for his life in hospital.  He's on a ventilator and in an induced coma  His wife is positive also and in self imposed isolation at home. 

His job is in a large grocery store.  Being a conservative with something called a work ethic, he went to work so that people could buy food and supplies for their families. 

He and his wife got COVID-19 probably because some moronic customers believe this hoax b u l l s h i t and refused to wear masks and practice distancing.

Tell this family about lies and hoaxes.
2020-05-04 05:22:50 UTC
You HAVE to be an idiot of the first degree.  There are 7,700,000,000 people on Earth.  247,000 have died of the virus.  While that's a lot, it's still only 1 person in 31,175.  There are 330,000,000 in the U.S.  67,000 have died of the virus.  That's still only 1 in 4,925.  However, those people ARE dead.  This begs the question of "How can YOU be so wilfully blind & F-ing STUPID?"  You're already declared yourself to be a CON(ned)servaTWIT.  Are you also an Orange Fraud catamite?  If you were in Canada, you'd be arrested & convicted of the offense under Criminal Code S. 181 of Spreading False News.  Fools like you are a danger to much more than just yourselves.  You're also a danger to any & all others who areas STUPID as you.    
2020-05-03 23:55:29 UTC
 I dont see how you seeing or not seeing anything begs ANY question particularly-

 the only question I can see it begging is - are you blind so you cannot see at all?
2020-05-03 16:42:39 UTC
Shut the **** up, shut the actual **** up, you just ******* did the equivalent to pissing on 244,000 people’s graves, and possibly millions more expected to die, you are the person who, when the government told you to stay inside, went out for a beer, you disgust me. Just accept that we are in a pandemic, it’s not that hard.
2020-05-03 15:37:56 UTC
First, you have to crawl out from under the rock you reside at.  Open your eyes.  I know the sun will be bright at first but you will get use to it.  Then go visit.  See how many people will let you in their houses.  Now if you live in the Alaskan tundra then you might not see too much evidence.  But I am going to be nice to you.  I will send you a whole bunch of city folks who are crying they need to get out and stretch their legs.  I will even tell them that since you are out in buckchuck, Egypt they don't have to wear masks or wash their hand.  See we democrats can be nice.  We like to share.
2020-05-03 06:24:08 UTC
Thousand died During the trump Virus, But you don't care Your a CON-servative Liar Like Your Evil Leader who has Bankrupted America
2020-05-02 21:04:05 UTC
Oh, stop, already.  
2020-05-02 20:31:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.