Does Trump prove that America is racist to the bone?
2015-12-09 14:34:38 UTC
Every time Trump says something extremely bigoted, he rockets up in the polls. Why do Americans like this poisonous bigoted Nazi so much? Is it because America is racist to the bone?
117 answers:
2015-12-15 02:12:11 UTC
No, it proves that we are in a tight spot and might have to do a few things he says.

It also shows how polarized and immature both our left wing and our right wings are.

The left takes everything anyone says and makes it sound like Hitler. They are pathological liars on this.

The right's fringe elements will use something Trump said, that's not mean't to be hateful and racist...and then use it to be hateful and racist, subtly.

So neither side is doing Trump or their country any favors.

Jimmy Carter the liberal did the same thing. No libs got all pissy.

Although Trump has been pretty tight with Israel, he's hinted that he thinks they're a problem. Because Israel runs the media and pretty much most of wall street and washington, they immediately made a smear campaign, because Israel seems to be able to mind control our asses.
2015-12-22 10:29:55 UTC
No. Trump proves that about 30 to 40% of the Republicans are racist to the bone.
2015-12-09 14:39:17 UTC
As an American, I'm sorry. We can be a little slow on things; you probably know that we took much longer than other countries to abolish slavery and stuff like that. Frankly, we can be pretty racist, but it's mostly because we're uneducated about other races.

We're not just stupid, though. Americans know less about other races because we live in a big country -- we have so much explore in our own nation that we don't give enough thought to others.

Usually, though, we don't mean to be. Donald Trump is an idiot, a jerk, an assehole, and a racist pig. So yeah, not all United States citizens support him.
David Y
2015-12-12 23:48:11 UTC
No. America is not "racist to the bone." We have racial issues, but probably less than most other diverse societies and nations. What Trump's revealed bigotry is proving is that even we have a long way to go to get to a completely fair society. His supporters may be misguided, and Trump is the wrong person to guide America.
2015-12-19 08:02:29 UTC
There's a difference between someone coming to America, to join us and those who would come here to destroy us. One's an immigrant. The other is an invader. Act appropriately. Stop with the RACIST crap. We're all racist to some extent. Face it! It's part of how we've come this far.

There is no way you can know what is in Mr. Trumps heart. NO WAY! You have a right to disbelieve. That right does not equate to truth.

What might be helpful is, a statement of the tenor of the kind of law he envisions. Along with his purpose for each facet. Then! We have something to consider.

How'd I do?? Daddy Trump??
2015-12-21 17:58:21 UTC
No. Trump isn't even racist. What he said about mexico was NOT racist. Most mexicans are good people, but many illegal immigrants ARE violent criminals and drug dealers and ALL are criminals because they came ILLEGAL. Mexico is not being a good neighbor since thwy let the undesirables from their country mess up our too. It is NOT racist to say that. It's true and just because some might be offended by it does not make it racist or false. My best friend is mexican, but i agree with Trump on the border issues. What he said about muslims was wrong, but this should be classified as prejudice, instead of racist since islam is NOT a race. Wow you're dumb
. Smith
2015-12-14 15:27:14 UTC
There scared and need a daddy to make them feel safe.First he had everyone hating the Mexican's and now it's the Muslim's.He just goes the way the wind blows.This is the oldest trick in the book.Mussolini did the populous act,and it worked by fooling the people.Hitler did it with the Jews.Their your problem,those filthy Jews.And Mexico ain't gonna pay for no wall that will never be built anyway.The man is nuts and people are swallowing this crap.So he plays on the worst of us.Our fear and ignorance.And racism fits right in that play book.But here is the good news.He is getting 30-40% in the poles,sounds huge right?It is 40% of Republican s poled,which equates to 12% of Republicans over all.So the number of Americans who are really behind all his nonsense may not be as big as we fear.But racism is raw and has been since we put a black man (I voted for him both times) in the white house.
Who Dat
2015-12-12 11:28:05 UTC
The hair duo does not represent the whole of America. Even though there is a lot of racist in America not all americans are racist. Donald is doing things to et peoples blood going and the ignorant and racist part of America want to hear this kind of hate. They really think that if they shout over everyone they will get their way. Thing is they think they have a major advantage..when the reality is they are a very small part of our nation. The reality will set in soon for the bigots and racist americans very soon.
2015-12-10 10:47:56 UTC
Not at all. Trump wants all Americans to be successful, and to keep them safe. He knows the country is awash in unskilled illiterate invaders that take jobs and depress wages. He is the most accomplished capitalist in the line up and the withering US economy could use a little less socialist poison to help it grow again. With opportunity restored and the greedy fed sucking less taxes out of the private sector to re distribute to the untalented and slothful, all Americans will have a chance to flourish. By deporting illegal aliens, Trump will restore the Rule of Law and remove many criminals. With a pause on Islamic immigration until feds develop some procedure to properly vet visa applications, Americans will be kept safe from the scourge of Islamism sweeping the globe. He will do these because he loves the country and wants to make it great again, for ALL the inhabitants. Plus, for the libtards, with so many people gone Trump will significantly reduce our carbon emission.

It is so refreshing to hear an honest candidate finally. Leftists lie promising ever expanding benefits on top of our twenty trillion debt, and establishment Republicans are beholden to their donors. When I heard Marco Rubio was backed by billionaire open borders Jew Paul Singer, my hope shriveled. Trump is abrasive and certainly challenges the status quo, but after eight years of a bumbling incompetent socialist community organizer, he will be a welcome change.

Trump helps all Americans, equally, without regard to race. You should vote for him.
2015-12-09 21:44:14 UTC
I don't think Trump is a racist. I just think people are too sensitive and get butt hurt over anything now. Political Correctness is taking over the country big time. I do think he is an asshole but not a racist. He is though, a great business man and is smart in that respect. I think the media just attacks people like him more because they won't get in trouble for it. Think about it, Hilary Clinton is so liberal it's annoying and lied multiple times yet the media can't attack her because people will call it sexist and say that they are only attacking her because she is a woman. I honestly like Trump over Clinton and Sanders because he has a realistic plan. Clinton just wants to please everybody and has a fake "nice-girl" attitude and Sanders is just unrealistic. I feel the Republicans are better
2015-12-12 16:43:29 UTC
Trump's racism proves he is racist. Would you want the world to think everyone in the US loved Justin Bieber because he was popular? You're making a broad generalization much as Trump has. Condemning people for doing something you also do has a word for it.... what is it called?




oh, right,

2015-12-13 20:29:47 UTC
Donald Trump has many "non-white" supporters, and there are fewer non-Latino whites in the U.S. (62%) than there have ever been in the history of the United States. By 2050, non-Latino whites will no longer make up a majority of the U.S. population. Just because Trump wants to keep potentially dangerous Muslims and undocumented people out of the U.S., that doesn't make him inherently racist.
2015-12-10 04:22:18 UTC
How does your mind work. Where do you get this from. All

the man has said. No entry to Muslims trying to enter on

immigration status applications. Muslim heads of State,

Diplomatic Corp, Government employees of Muslim States

have no problem. As long as proper protocol is followed.

By the way, Look up what Jimmy Carter did in 1979. Please

feel free. Then get back to me on What Trump wants to do.

Until such time as a legitimate proper vetting process can

be utilized and put in place. Now how is that racist. Its

called in the interest of National Security. YOURS by the way.
2015-12-09 14:38:38 UTC
No. The red neck hillbillies here are very vocal, but do not represent mainstream America. Democrats and liberals despise Trump, and even many in the GOP are at least claiming to find Trump's vitriol vile.
2015-12-16 04:41:47 UTC
What's more racist than assuming that just because someone is Muslim, they are of a certain race?

They don't just assume that Trump means the worst. They assume Trump means the best.

In other words, unlike you, they aren't programmed to believe that Trump is talking out of bigotry just because Trump states his mind.

They assume that Trump is not bigoted at all, and therefore must have a deeper meaning to his message than the superficial bigotry you are programmed to regard it as out-of-hand.

You know, for example. Say that you keep getting killed by Muslims like what's happening in Israel during the stabbing-campaign. Trump is trying to figure out what to do about that because violent Muslims hide among non-violent Muslims, and you really can't tell the difference.

It's the same reason that if you see a bunch of black kids all thugged-out walking down the street, you cross the street and continue on the other side.

Is it because you're a racist bigot, or because you recognize the reality that it's possible that's a gang, and they might try and mess you up or mug you if you attempt to pass them on the same side of the street?

Well, lets take this to a more profound level. Is Trump talking about a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the U.S. because he's bigoted, or is it because he recognizes the reality violent Islamic extremists are immigrating over here pretending to be peaceful in order to help cause death and destruction on the U.S.

If you live in a liberal metropolis, this should concern you even more because you and those you love are actually more likely to die in a terrorist attack because they love to attack the liberal metropolis'.

And if you're Muslim, ISIS should concern you even more because you came to America to get away from people like ISIS, and if they get in anyway . . . well, what was the point?

You know, nobody kills and oppresses Muslims more than other Muslims, extremist Muslims.

It wasn't Israelis firing rockets while hiding inside of schools and Mosques.

That was Hamas doing that. Do you honestly think that you're safer as a Muslim to have other Muslims firing rockets into Israel as they are hiding in places that your children go to school, that your wife goes to worship Allah?

You think that makes you safer, your family safer. How stupid do you have to be . . . as stupid as a Palestinian because that's exactly what was happening to them, and they were getting mad at the Jews because Hamas was threatening the lives of their children and loved ones by hiding among schools and Mosques.
2015-12-12 07:23:51 UTC
I am beginning to think that everything he is saying at the moment is nothing more than pure unadulterated BS to fool the usual dumb idiots to vote for him, and at the same time making the GOP look like the biggest jacka$$ of the century!

Look back a few years or even read his book, and his views are nothing like what they are now! This guy is playing people like a fiddle, and he is making a total mockery of the US political system at the same time!!!

Most of what he is saying isn't even feasible and he knows it, and if by some miracle he somehow manages to pull this off and be elected President, then all I can say, is that it will be the biggest bait and switch scam anyone has ever seen or heard of!!!
2015-12-20 01:06:40 UTC
No… he actually proves the opposite.

Trump proves that the liberal tactic of “label it racism to undermine it… even when it’s not racism” has been carrie out by liberals for a LONG time now.

The Liberal politicians do it… The media doe sit… & many of the brainwashed & liberal slanted populace have adopted the “if can says it’s true… then it’s absolutely true.”

Trump wants our ILLEGAL immigration laws to be respected.

That’s it.

Wanting immigrations was to be respected ISN’T racist.

It’s adhering to BASIC LAW.

But the liberal media turn it into “If he wants ILLEGAL immigrants to return to THEIR HOMELAND… then he’s apparently a racist.”

Sending people that have entered our country HOME isn’t racist. …especially when our laws deem it legal and reasonable.
2015-12-09 18:52:36 UTC
Trump proves he knows how to manipulate the media to keep him in the center of the news no matter what. The worst thing they could do would be to ignore him. His popularity proves the people of this great country are tired of being told to shut it up and keep it buttoned. This is America. We say what we think, even if it is wrong.
2015-12-16 12:56:41 UTC
Pretty well! C'mon everyone. The odds of one being killed by a dog attack is 20 TIMES more likely than anything happening with US Muslims. Not 20:1, 20 TIMES. No I'm not Muslim.

The enormous support of him makes me feel like our country is much less educated than it is supposed to have the reputation of being. Actually, politically educated and interested in the whole picture over that knee-jerk and at times racist and sexist reactions may be a better way to put it.

2015-12-13 19:04:55 UTC
No that would be Unfair I do Know the USMC and the Liars who claim to be american ex service on yahoo are Racist but then they can Hide

many use No 6 to prove they are Not

Racism defined

1. You have to precede any statement with: “I’m not racist, but…”

2. …Or follow any statement with: “But I’m not racist though.”

3. You say that there are certain races that you’re just not attracted to. No matter how you try to spin this it’s prejudice and racist. You can’t just decide an entire race of people are not attractive, unless you’ve met every single person in that group. It’s really not that hard to keep an open mind.

4. You use any variation of the n-word (either the traditional spelling or version ending with an “a”). No, you don’t get to say it because people in the black community do. You can’t reclaim a word that was never used against you. Let’s please take a moment to get over the elementary school logic that just because someone else is doing something that you can do it as well. And if it’s just a word like non-black proponents of the word would like to argue why are they so butt-butt when people tell them not to use it? It’s just a word after all.

5. You change your voice and get snappy and sassy when talking to a black woman (e.g. “HEY GURLLL!”)

6. You try to explain away your racially controversial statements by letting folks know that you have a friend in the group you commented on. Because, of course we can’t forget about the Racist-Exemption Card that’s given to people when they befriend others of a different race!

7. You refer to all Asian people as Chinese.

8. You attempt to validate prejudice against a certain group by citing negative examples of things that may have occurred in your life. How would you feel if someone looked down on you because a person that looked like you pissed them off or hurt them?

9. You were offended by the coverage and attention on the Trayvon Martin case.

10. You use the phrase, “Turning it into a race thing,” when that does nothing more than perpetuate the idea that we live in a post-racial world. It also attempts to silence discussions and debates about race, which then stops the potential for progress on a large-scale, or even in everyday life. Racism is still alive and well in this world. Instead of throwing this phrase out, people should look inward and question why they are so uncomfortable and defensive in the first place.

11. You think you have permission to touch a black woman’s natural hair…and then you actually touch it.

12. You stop pronouncing the L’s in your sentences to mimic a stereotypical Asian person.

13. You believe that there needs to be a White History Month.

14. You oppose scholarships that take race into special consideration because you think it’s unfair.

15. You try to explain away your racism by saying, “Everyone is racist.”

16. You are offended that BET (Black Entertainment Television) exists and that there’s no WET… even though in reality every channel that’s not BET is WET.

17. You are wholly convinced that Iggy Azalea and Macklemore are the best rappers out there.

18. You call every Latino/a person you see Mexican.

19. You attempt to mimic “Asian Eyes” for photos.

20. You use 9/11 to justify prejudice against persons of Middle Eastern descent.

21. You frequently refer to people of color as ghetto.

22. You were/are mad that the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four is black.

23. You don’t think White Privilege exists.

24. You oppose the potential name change of Washington’s football team, The Redskins.

25. You got really mad as you were reading this article.

Oh, and one more thing… if you’re white and took this all as a condemnation of white people you should check your guilty conscience, because I never once said that these were specific to white people.

My Favorite white Phrase used on Yahoo I cannot be racist i have Black friends my wife is a Phillipeano

i am a Brown man who Married a white English Girl and a white Swedish Girl But according to one white USN member i am a Racist because i hate the USMC Nothing Racist there they are Not a Race Just a Bunch of Racist Bigots

and I never answer to Boy i refused in 1942 and i also refused to in 2012 and Both times used By the usmc
2015-12-19 11:01:14 UTC
Does it prove the US is racist to the bone?

No it doesn't. It proves that people are sick to the back teeth in regards to what has been allowed to happen in the US. Trump says what needs to be said. I haven't heard one thing that paints him as true racist. In regards to his comments on Muslims, well, Syrians (who were partly responsible for the attacks in Paris) should not have been given the right to come here, or Europe. Also, in today's world, Muslims are in the hot seat. In 1965, would we have allowed loads of communist migrants? No.
2015-12-12 01:52:35 UTC
No Obama does that. Obama 50/50% black/white brought up by a white mother declares himself to be the first African American President.

There is nothing more racist than chosing what race you are and declaring it to a nation when you are a 50/50 mix. Especially when you were clearly brought up as being the opposite to the race you choose.

However let's not forget: In the USA 1-100% black means you're black but nothing under 100% white means you are white.
2015-12-18 00:55:01 UTC

Maybe to people who really don't have any idea what the word "racist" means, it might "prove" that HE'S racist. People who understand that disagreeing with, criticizing, voting against, questioning, etc, someone of a different race doesn't make you racist, would say it doesn't PROVE anything of the kind. At BEST it might suggest it to some. For most THINKING people there is NO racism in what he says or does, whether they agree with him or not. RaCIAL does NOT necessarily mean raCIST.

Seriously, It is way past the "boy who cried wolf" stage. ANYTHING that happens that involves people of different races is automatically considered racist even if the FACTS don't indicate ANY racism or even raCIAL motivation.
Little Ms Sunshine
2015-12-16 13:19:55 UTC
The Republicans are well aware that there's no way to win the national election without minorities voting for their candidate, no matter if it's Trump or someone else, so instead they're trying to stir up hatred and bigotry among the white moderates and liberals to get them to switch over.
2015-12-10 13:06:49 UTC
Hell no, nothing Trump has said is remotely racist, as Muslims and Mexicans are not races. Trump is right that many illegal alien Mexicans are bad people and many Muslims are security risks. Why can't you libs just acknowledged the obvious.
2015-12-20 10:27:47 UTC
You call Trump a poisonous bigoted racist. Perhaps you should avail yourself of a dictionary and learn the definition of a racist and the definition of a bigot. You'll be very surprised.
Donald Trump
2015-12-14 07:21:18 UTC
Oh please America is one of the least racist countries on earth. You have no way to back up your stupidity that Trump is racist. He's against illegal aliens and radical Islamists coming in our country, it's common sense because every country in the world is like that too. Blacks are killed by other blacks way more often than whites do blacks, of you think America is "racist to the home" then pack your stuff and take your sorry *** out of my country.This country doesn't need political correctness nor does it need sacks of excrement like you.
2015-12-14 10:32:45 UTC
Many Americans are racist. They find Trump's starkly black and white opinions a refreshing change from most politician's careful doublespeak. I don't see it that way. Trump is dangerous and he would make a terrible president.
Andy F
2015-12-12 08:39:21 UTC
No, Trump doesn't prove this. It's bad logic to say that he does.

However, Trump's appeal to a big fraction of possible GOP voters is a reminder that the United States has a long, bloody history of racial injustice and anti-black racism that dates back to the days of slavery and the slave trade, and that still infects part of our society and culture today.

Trump's political appeal should also remind us of the additional sources of racist ideas and racist emotions that lie in the American history of Indian Wars, anti-Mexican feelings in the West and in Texas following the Mexican War, and the scramble for formerly Mexican-owned land by white English speaking settlers and gold prospectors.

Trump's popularity probably also should remind us of the violently anti-Chinese and anti-Japanese feelings that were common in the western U.S. during the late 1800s and early 1900s, as well as the "nativist" or anti-immigrant reaction that has always surged in volume in this country during and after periods of intense immigration.

All this means that there are many long-lasting sources of racist thinking and feeling and racially-tinged conflict in our society. They still affect all too many Americans today.

But does that make us "racist to the bone"? The entire society? Does our racist national history mean our "bones" are racist, and maybe our DNA makeup, too?

No. Trump's popularity shows that millions of US citizens are still influenced by bad political, cultural and economic ideas and patterns that we're inherited from our nation's violent and extremely racist past.

This kind of racism isn't "bone-deep," it's not due to a genetic flaw in white people. It's cultural and historical and psychological, like bad karma left over from our country's often violent and racist past. Hindu mythology and religion say that it can take a very long time, in fact generations, to get over bad karma, and this is true of societies just as much as it is supposedly true of individuals.

We need to admit that we have accumulated bad karma, folks, but there's nothing that tells us it has to be our permanent fate. We need to keep working on eradicating it, day by day and year by year. We need to change our minds and our habits regarding this bad stuff; we don't need to change our "bones."

-- democratic socialist
2015-12-15 09:30:26 UTC
I Like Trump. But I must say he do at times sound just ,like a damn racist.

THAT MEANS THE GOP LAST HOPE FOR CLOSET -HIDING RACISM BS DAYS IS OVER.NOW! welcome back all good white, blacks, Latino's and just out right kind loving beautiful Mexican's people.BY THE WAY WE GOT A LOTS OF WORK TO DO IN 2016.
2015-12-10 18:16:49 UTC
It is actually only a certain percentage of Republicans who like Trump. Republican politics appeals to those types because the ideologies Republicans embrace are steeped in intolerance, hatred, and bigotry. They basically despise anyone who isn't white. They feel that women should be designated as men's private property, and they think that their belief in their God gives them the moral superiority to dictate their intolerance to the masses. It just sounds like all of America embraces these ideologies. That's because Republicans are loudly vociferous, and always on the attack. they repeat their lies and spew their hatred loudly and repeatedly, drowning out voices of reason. And unfortunately, most of the time their lying, xenophobic hatred goes unchallenged.
Bubba Ray
2015-12-09 14:37:53 UTC
Trump and his racist followers do not represent the majority of people in the Republican Party. The other racists in the Republican Party support a different candidate.
2015-12-16 12:41:19 UTC
No, Trump doesn't represent me or any other American that I know. It just proves how corrupt or political system is. Polls? Isn't this information completely fabricated? I've never known anyone to be involved in any of these fictional things.
2015-12-12 09:31:18 UTC
America is the most racist place i have ever been everyone is obsessed with race and all the different races are racist against each other , it just that Americans are in general not nice to anyone
2015-12-09 19:43:04 UTC
No, Trump proved that political correctness is stronger than the dark side of the force in Anakin.
2015-12-11 16:09:25 UTC
Groups especially liberal groups use "RACISM" as a derogatory term . They completely destroys real racism. . Many people charges those who disagree with Obama's policies as being racist when in fact they disagree with is views and policies. People who disagreed with Pres Clinton did not call him a racist.

Today an acquisition of RACISM is much of the time a false empty cry
2015-12-16 12:33:34 UTC
Do you live in this Country? If not, I will remind you that this is the Greatest Country. This Country led the way to abolish slavery. If you're thinking about Blacks being shot by police. Not saying all Blacks are bad, but enough are committing crime to establish a stereo type. Most of the shooting of Blacks have a criminal record. They don't respect the police so they don't receive it in turn. Now the Muslim issue is referring to Non- Americans. We have the right to say who we allow in our Country. I will remind you that Jimmy Carter banned Iranians during the hostage crisis.
2015-12-09 19:03:34 UTC
No. Trump's popularity proves that Americans are fed up with dhimmitude and political correctness gone wild.
2015-12-10 10:41:31 UTC
Trump isn't racist. The reason he's so popular is because he says the things others are afraid to say. And just because he feels it necessary to take action against certain groups who are performing illegal activities-terrorists, illegal aliens-doesn't mean he's discriminating against anyone. What do you want him to do, invite I.S.I.S. over for tea? If we don't stand up to our enemies, they won't respect us, and then we'll have another 9/11.
2015-12-09 14:35:45 UTC
America is the least racist nation on Earth. You single out the US because you don't know anything about other countries or their people.
2015-12-09 14:43:39 UTC
Just a lot of it. The way (most) Americans treat people because of their race is disgusting.

It's literally almost always white people who do it as well because white privilege doesn't allow us to experience racism.

So basically a lot of bitter Americans are somewhat racist, or somehow a piece of trash. (sexism, homophobia, islamaphobia, transphobia, ableism, etc..)
2015-12-16 11:48:34 UTC
Trump polls high in Republicans likely to vote. This means half of 25% of Americans (which is what Republicans constitute, but only half of them will actually bother to get out and vote)) like what he has to say, or 12 to 13% of the population. That is certainly too many bigots for a great country like the USA, but not enough to say it is racist to the bone.
2015-12-15 00:49:11 UTC
He doesn't prove that America is racist. His soaring popularity proves that many in America are sick and tired of dancing around issues, and sick of a POTUS who labels Isis as JV. He proves that many are sick of a POTUS who says, ""And so the bottom line is that the strategic gains we make by closing Guantanamo will outweigh, you know, those low-level individuals who, you know, have been released so far." These "low-level" individuals will just resume their old tricks and start working for Isis.
2015-12-10 15:57:40 UTC
New definitions





Opponents cannot make a logical argument factually against what the other guy said, so they must then try to label him as a bigot or racist.
2015-12-13 09:50:13 UTC
America is waking up, we are done with PC and the left is going nuts no matter what they lie about Trump it does not work
2015-12-20 22:07:45 UTC
No, racism has changed into a business and way to garner votes. I have a sister in law who waits for someone to say something wrong and jump down there throat. Racism will end when politicians can no longer get votes for being in the right political party.
2015-12-17 04:37:53 UTC
Not at all. Trump wants all Americans to be successful, and to keep them safe. He knows the country is awash in unskilled illiterate invaders that take jobs and depress wages. He is the most accomplished capitalist in the line up and the withering US economy could use a little less socialist poison to help it grow again. With opportunity restored and the greedy fed sucking less taxes out of the private sector to re distribute to the untalented and slothful, all Americans will have a chance to flourish. By deporting illegal aliens, Trump will restore the Rule of Law and remove many criminals. With a pause on Islamic immigration until feds develop some procedure to properly vet visa applications, Americans will be kept safe from the scourge of Islamism sweeping the globe. He will do these because he loves the country and wants to make it great again, for ALL the inhabitants. Plus, for the libtards, with so many people gone Trump will significantly reduce our carbon emission.

It is so refreshing to hear an honest candidate finally. Leftists lie promising ever expanding benefits on top of our twenty trillion debt, and establishment Republicans are beholden to their donors. When I heard Marco Rubio was backed by billionaire open borders Jew Paul Singer, my hope shriveled. Trump is abrasive and certainly challenges the status quo, but after eight years of a bumbling incompetent socialist community organizer, he will be a welcome change.

Trump helps all Americans, equally, without regard to race. You should vote for him.
2015-12-16 09:07:30 UTC
What do you consider to be something "extremely bigoted?" Seems to me that this label is used too often and is, more time than not, used out of context. I haven't decided who to vote for, however, I like a candidate that is not afraid to call a spade a spade (NOTE: that was NOT a racist comment).
2015-12-09 14:42:53 UTC
Old white men and women comprise 65% of Republicans and conservatives.

It's worth knowing that today's college students are mostly liberal-leaning.
2015-12-15 12:33:05 UTC
Trump 2016 - make America White Again

You are ugly and stupid and poor and lazy.

I am handsome and super rich and smart and talented so I should be next POTUS.
2015-12-12 22:12:31 UTC
Well he hasn't won a single election yet, but he does prove that Republicans have a pretty racist streak. We already knew that though.
2015-12-10 16:47:46 UTC
Trump has expose the fact that America has the best government muslim oil money can buy!
2015-12-14 07:48:35 UTC
Among white Americans the largest ethnic group within that population are German Americans. Trump is a German American. Self explanatory - the Germans are . . . . well no need for me to spell it out.

America has a very large neo-Nazi section - few seem aware of.
2015-12-14 20:45:14 UTC
America, especially the government, has some strongly contradictory behavior. However, many of the supposed racism victims, are themselves biggoted and racist.
great knight
2015-12-12 19:30:11 UTC
Are you serious? Anyone supporting planned parenthood is racist, founder wanted to kill blacks!!! But it ok because television said so, right?? No it not. Study the Word of God. Jesus Christ is the truth. I don't know about Donald but anyone support planned parenthood is real racist.
2015-12-10 17:41:28 UTC
Trump is not racist. I bet he has employed more people of color than you could ever dream of. Heck, I hate the guy.
2015-12-15 07:56:14 UTC
So protecting your boarders is considered racist? Do you want mass poverty and terrorism? Say that the next time someone blows up or shoots up someone you love then get back to me.

Bush actually cared about security, Obama is dangerous and gets Americans killed. I could get a **** less about sensitivity of liberals. Liberals get you killed.
2015-12-09 16:48:52 UTC
NOPE , not at all ... Trump has proven NO ONE INTELLIGENT TRUSTS MUSLIMS - in America nor the World ... has nothing to do with " Racism " as you claim :) too many IDIOT POLITICIANS playing POLITICS for more money as they try to bring more Muslims into other countries , where they do not belong !
2015-12-11 19:48:10 UTC
Actually this country is more than racist, look at the self righteous Republicans who get special passes for having gay relations with underage boys.
Joe Z
2015-12-11 06:11:20 UTC
Trump is a fascist and probably 30% of white adults are too. They are expendable.
2015-12-09 19:56:26 UTC
He only represents about 5 percent of America, the deeply inbred.
2015-12-15 14:58:46 UTC
No such thing as racism. Only discrimination. There's only one "race"; it's the Human one. You can't say black is a race, there's no African or Mexican or Spanish or European race. Race is an idiotic concept created to divide and control people:
2015-12-10 11:38:56 UTC
No more than the 2008 and 2012 USA election tally result.

2016 allows my reader to prove me wrong.
2015-12-09 14:37:17 UTC
No. He just represents a small group of people and gives our country a bad name. I assume people just favor him because he's not afraid to make big moves and speak his mind, unlike Obama
2015-12-09 14:37:27 UTC
You're so naive and close minded! It looks like you haven't looked into history more. It seems like you believe everything the media says.
2015-12-15 06:26:44 UTC
Protecting Americas sovereignty is not racist.
2015-12-09 14:53:40 UTC
America is not racist. Go to any middle eastern or Asian country and you will find much more racism.
2015-12-16 19:12:57 UTC
One person who manages to put fear into people who are intellectually stunted does not represent 300 million people, some of whom are actually educated and have been outside the country or even their home town.
2015-12-15 17:06:59 UTC
No, not at all. And I don't think Trump ever will.
2015-12-15 19:58:28 UTC
Trying to protect your country from outsiders isn't being racist.
2015-12-12 20:04:38 UTC
This question is very broken. You can't break Trump.
2015-12-09 14:42:01 UTC
No...just proves that anyone who supports him is an outright lunatic and a racist
2015-12-14 10:47:54 UTC
Because most Americans have thinking brains, they aren't so small minded as people like you that think every situation in the world boils down to racism. We can think past that, our minds aren't stuck in a racism box like yours bigoted mind is. We can see what his message is, and it has nothing to do with bigotry. That is what small minded people get out of him. But as you can see, most of us can think past racism and gender. We aren't liberals.
2015-12-12 17:19:58 UTC
C'mon, everybody is racist, including you.. If you deny it, then you are not only a racist, but a liar to boot.
2015-12-11 20:09:49 UTC
Nazi (National Socialist) don't deal with Zionist (Jews) & don't hire Sub Saharan Descent. This guy hire & deals with all types of people in the world. Hitler Had Arab, Persian, Turk Muslim Allies.

Trump isn't gonna put Muslims in Refugee Camps unless of course they gave their allegiance to ISIL, Al Qaeda or Other Islamist & committed an attacked for which they'll be jailed & charge with treachery, collaboration, & conspiracy with the Enemy. Treachery, & Espionage is a Capital Offense so if they are not executed for it, they loose their residency & citizenship to be exiled back to the land they swore allegiance to.

Didn't France Closed their Border just recently? Didn't Jimmy Carter Banned all Iranians from coming into the U.S. even students after the Iranian Hostage Crisis?

Aren't Immigrants, Tourist, & Refugees to thoroughly weed out potential threats or criminals from setting foot in the country an immigration tool that all countries outside of N. America & Europe routinely does?

Does anybody that applies for asylum automatically obtains permanent residence status as a refugee? Isn't there an Ideological test, Character test, Criminal test (Background Check) Investigation to vet people from Asia, & South America seeking Asylum to see, if there claims are legitimate?

There is no denying the people do lie about there situation to Obtain Permanent Residency incentivize by guaranteed welfare. It's like a Sub Saharan beggar lying about being homeless & turns out to be living in Huge house in an uptown neighborhood. Settlers, Pioneers, & Immigrants before the new deal did not have the benefits of Social Security & the benefits of Food Stamps, Hud Homes, Section 8, SSI, & many duplicated benefits after the Great society programs. Settlers, Pioneers, & Immigrants all struggled in life out of their own conviction to be self sufficient.

Europe, Turkey, & Jordan are Putting Refugees in Refugee Camps, does that make them National Socialist?

Jordan Isn't Giving Refugees Permanent Residency, Government Handouts (welfare benefits/allowance), Housing & Jobs because their welcome is only temporary & are focused more about employing & helping their own citizens. Other Neighboring Countries don't even want refugees by the thousands, let alone by the Millions, & certainly not by the Billions to house, feed, & cater to for the rest of their lives. Soldiers loose their lives & limbs with substandard healthcare.


American Patriot
2015-12-21 22:24:36 UTC
I think Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson have set back race relations 50 years ago, or at least they are trying hard too.
2015-12-11 11:45:34 UTC
Trump tells it like it is. Muslims are dangerous, and that fact has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM.
2015-12-11 17:28:47 UTC
Trump has outed the two-faced bigots. He has laid their truth at their feet and now they are all in denial, LOL.
2015-12-15 21:11:17 UTC
I am voting for Trump.
2015-12-09 15:05:38 UTC
and what race is trump racist against ?

mexicans and muslims are not a race
Mike Georgia
2015-12-10 12:45:25 UTC
How is he racist? Islam isn't a race, it's a religion, a belief system. You can change your religion but you can't change your race.
2015-12-09 14:41:03 UTC
Right he is appealing to the racist. Hopefully all minorities are smart enough not to vote for him.
2015-12-10 13:20:32 UTC
Trump has yet to say amything that is untruthful of bigoted
2015-12-10 03:28:48 UTC
No, it's just that he is such a troll...An old farth with millions to spare who thinks he knows everything and can preach to anybody about his "enlightened" ideas. Disgusting in deed...
2015-12-13 05:11:32 UTC
Sadly yes, the more he keeps talking about it, the more people coming out of the woodwork so to speak. I had thought we learned from our mistakes years ago.... I guess not.
2015-12-17 12:42:05 UTC
not necessarily but a few bad apples in a barrel will soon turn the good ones bad you will have to take the good ones out and clean them b4 its to late
2015-12-22 08:33:47 UTC
A rediculous assertion
2015-12-10 17:29:14 UTC
were so Racist and bigoted that we elected a Black man President twice
2015-12-16 22:44:38 UTC
america is Not racist
2015-12-19 08:57:46 UTC
No, he just proves he'll say anything to get attention.
2015-12-11 20:06:27 UTC
No because he is not a racist
2015-12-21 10:20:07 UTC
typical Lib has to resort to name calling

And for your information< Hitler was a socialist (that's left wing for all you ignorant people}
2015-12-11 17:44:29 UTC
no. he's in the entertainment business and a lot of people like crude humor.
2015-12-10 09:17:51 UTC
"Poisonous bigoted Nazi ?????"

Good grief. If you really want to see where the bigotry and racism is coming from, look in a mirror.
2015-12-10 06:54:11 UTC
yeah we are one political system that is biologically inside a giant human. what a terrible analogy. im done here.
2016-01-23 13:45:55 UTC

most people don't like him
Heaven George
2015-12-12 15:50:00 UTC
the fact so many like trump doesn't surprise me. what shocks me is the fact peopel admit to it so bluntly. like he is not a shy guy he doesn't hide his possibly mild racism that he is run by. had i not been a victim to slander and stalking i probably would just not let it sink in properly that this is happening. i would be like why or how could this be? i know evil people or weird are out there but to have it public go on the news and etc and then be supported by the american public is kind of odd if you ask me. to a certain degree your question actually does see something a bit past the picture in that people that see trump supporters might be like they must be confused or are not smart voters that they are well either similar to him or entertained by his bluntness or they don't think much of it. people focus more on why they don't like trump on the news on the types of comments he puts out about peopel constantly attacking what feels like everyone. he is not really enemies i guess or well maybe he is creating such with those around him even in his own political party pool. anyways i know the republicans GOP see him as a joke. they are taking him seriously because of how many attention of peopel he has gained financial supporters or just people that will attend his rally and speeches so what the polls say and etc. he does not look like a good or nice guy. this is why it is hard for me to believe he will ever be president with the approach he has used. if he stops his bad behavior and just does good i don't know if that is going to make up for all the wrongs or hurtful rude things he has said. it is not like what he says is always true. some of the things he says are straight up lies or uncalled for just rude. like he totally lacks respect if you ask me. and what i say is so obvious it is not thing new. i am just using my own set of words to make a point on how i feel on this issue of him. i don't trust him i feel like he will fight with other countries for stupid or uncalled reasons like unnecessary things. i think he is dangerous. not to say he will destroy america. he will do an ok job. we have alot of double checking in the system. president is not god at least the way we have it set up in america so he doesn't have that much power so that is not necessarily what i am afraid of. it is more so how he gets picked the process of how he has supporters in the first place is what makes it difficult to sit with me on this. i am having a hard time letting that one in. the whole america is racist thing well the reality is that the whole world does have mildly racist or stereotypical beliefs. something our government or world refuses to educate the public on that people actually support certain types of bullies especially if our leaders are the ones doing it. so anyways i am not giving you specific examples. it is just what has happened in my own life that gets me to feel on why i know this is right. i don't know if it is right or fair to say a country is racist. they are mostly not so that is for sure. but i do think stereotype, stigma so biases and etc like gossip, slander, harassment, psychological mind terrorism games.not a real terrorist but just a harsh word i am using to make a point. that people are ok with bad folks that those who will burn in hell eventually in the end of time will be looked as heroes or normal peopel and leaders on this earth. like i am not saying trump will not go to heaven. only god knows. i am just saying there are other issues in my life that make me feel easily this way so i am not here to try to explain that to you. trying to stick with your question on donald.i do not think that trump will wn the republican presidential primary either because there are many other people running for candidacy. i know the polls say he is likely to the winners of the primary but it is hard for me to think that. if i am wrong and he does become president it shows alot of where our country is heading and our future. that we are willing to tolerate racists as our leaders. due to how peopel were very angry about how president obama hasn't done much to fix the country and stuff people might feel they want something new. the fact they picked on a black president instead of a white one regardless of political party already shows the country is up for change. or maybe more so with the growing racial demographics changing and stuff. but none the less ii guess also bush was a true conservative and the economy tanked with him around as well. they are afraid of the pattern for failure or going down. not to say our presidents have failed of any time period. but just like again i gave you 2 presidents who didn't really fix america in a visible way that people could really notices. of course they did some good or some improvements but not big enough to where most people would really make it count. people want someone knew that will change directions even if it seems a little looney. they are looking for excitement. well trump has a talent of the tongue he is a really good speaker in the quality of how he gets peopel active he is highly entertaining. he used to have a high rated tv show so we know he had this talent all along whether he gets help for his speeches or not probably. but it doesn't matter. cause even though what he says is so controversial or goes against people of his own political party he finds people that like him. now see that is where his downfall possibly lies trashing your own party out like that is not a good move. but then again we will see if his approach will work. its a little while till election time coming soon.
2015-12-14 19:12:31 UTC
2015-12-22 04:11:56 UTC
i,d take trump with all of his warts over hillary with all of her fangs and forked tongue.
2015-12-11 11:39:19 UTC
no America is not , it is just that you are a democrat searching ghosts
2015-12-09 14:42:51 UTC
Apparently refusing to die is racism lol
Not Gay, Blind Freddy
2015-12-09 22:15:56 UTC

Only the democrats are.
2015-12-09 14:35:25 UTC
It's in our DNA.
2015-12-12 16:29:07 UTC
2015-12-14 08:37:22 UTC
only republicans are racist.
2015-12-10 03:54:23 UTC
No, but he does appeal to the kkk and neo Nazi vote.
2015-12-11 09:50:01 UTC
as if it needed to be proved.
2015-12-18 05:10:47 UTC
"poison bigoted nazi?" You speak of Obama...surely !
2015-12-10 12:17:13 UTC
sure sounds like you are
2015-12-20 14:54:01 UTC
Im not sure im not at all
2015-12-10 07:55:54 UTC
2015-12-12 22:53:32 UTC
Was there any doubt?
2015-12-09 16:09:36 UTC
2015-12-16 13:37:36 UTC
he affirmed it.
2015-12-16 10:22:24 UTC
Are u obtuse?
2015-12-09 15:24:03 UTC
Define Racist Please?
2015-12-20 21:30:37 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.