I remember hearing Whoopi Goldberg a year back say something along the lines of Communism being a good idea and this appears to be mirroring a trend in the United States. I even had a couple of high school teachers who claimed that "Communism was a good idea in theory." What? What is so good about the destruction of wealth and the abolition of private property, much less the equal distribution of misery as Churchill once said. Back in the Cold War Era America may have had an irrational fear of Communism but it was much better than the state we are in at the moment where celebrities and high school teachers think that Communism is a good idea. I miss the good old days when Communists were reviled and blacklisted for being the malicious anti-Americans that they were, nowadays it seems like embracing Communism in the "cool" or "in" thing to do nowadays. Also, do you think Winston Churchill would've approved of Universal Single-Payer Healthcare? I highly doubt it.