Obama's approval rating keeps dropping why?
rightwing radical 1
2009-07-08 19:30:11 UTC
Fourteen answers:
2009-07-08 19:38:58 UTC
Too many bailouts, too much spending, don't forget cap and trade and Obama care... I do not approve of anything he has done. I'm shocked it isn't a lower rating.
2009-07-08 19:45:44 UTC
Interestingly enough, Obama's approval rating is below the level that George W. Bush's was at similar 2001 levels. The Democrat's commanding lead isn't nearly as strong as they would like to believe themselves to be at.

But more telling is the historically low numbers of people who call themselves Republicans. It seems that the largest bloc of voters, bar none, are now independent; and polls demonstrate that most independents are socially liberal but fiscally conservative. Wether a liberal wing of the Republicans arises, the "neo-liberal" movement (pro-free market) gains traction among democrats, or a third party captures the imagination of the voters, it seems that the old guard of "New Left" vs "Reagan Republicans" is rapidly becoming an anachronism.
2009-07-08 19:37:18 UTC
Most voters I know are thinking "ah gee I ****** up again".Most Obama voters I know voted Red in 2004,but were deceived by Obama because they felt he was the genuine candidate he made himself out to be.They wanted change,but all they got was a guy not very much different from Bush thus far.I don't see it changing either.
2009-07-08 19:35:58 UTC
Because he's at the stage where though it isn't reasonable to expect that the economy would be fixed, a percentage of Americans are impatient and unreasonable. When the economy bounces back, Obama's approval rating will shoot back up from just 'high' to 'stratospheric' again.
Hillarys lovehandles
2009-07-08 19:36:10 UTC
It is dropping in the US ,but not North Korea ,Venezuela,Kenya,Russia ,China,etc all Enemies love him !
Socialism's great!!!
2009-07-08 19:38:04 UTC
Because he sucks....... Remember the little thing about lack of experience? Guess its kinda hard to hide.............. Besides many of his blind followers were expecting big handouts, and they havnt gotten them yet.
2009-07-08 19:34:47 UTC
He's a lousy leader who spends other peoples money like it's going out of style.
2009-07-08 19:37:12 UTC
That's what happens when you lie to people, they get wise to you eventually
2009-07-08 19:34:52 UTC
One Term Barry is an incompetent boob, that's why.

That and 467,000 jobs lost last month.
Cigar that Bill Clinton Sniffs
2009-07-08 19:33:10 UTC
he stinks as bad as the Stench of Rancid BO
libs, almost as smart as lint
2009-07-08 19:35:13 UTC
You can only hide incompetent for so long.
2009-07-08 19:38:12 UTC
The conservative media is running dishonest poles.
2009-07-08 19:35:04 UTC
i wonder why...

maybe because all his policies are failing..

could the messiah have FLAWS?!
2009-07-08 19:38:57 UTC
He is a failure.

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