It does to SANE people.
He prevented the complete collapse of the economy, including the end of 2/3s of the auto-industry. He's pumped huge amounts of money into businesses, and to individuals (saving more businesses).
He's made loans available to small businesses so they can expand.
Uh, what "nationalization" are you babbling about? We own STOCK in the car companies; they are still privately run, and we'll profit when we sell the stock, if that's what you're referring to.
Controlling health care costs helps businesses AND individuals. (I know wing-nuts ONLY love businesses, and HATE HUMANS, but only other brainless, heartless wing-nuts agree with that attitude.)
???? Businesses aren't investing as much because we had a huge economic crisis that we're only slowly recovering from. It was not Obama that caused the crash of 08.
Why you think that businesses shouldn't have to pay tax puzzles us HUMANS. Currently, we have businesses that earn tens of billions of profit, that pay nothing. Only other brainless, heartless wing-nuts think that's a good thing.
??????? Uh, enabling businesses to hire is generally considered a good thing, by SANE people. Dunno what you're babbling about, exactly.
I know that wing-nuts LOVE the sight of millions of people, mostly children, starving to death in the streets. No HUMAN shares that feeling.
Shut down 1/3 of the oil drilling capacity? Again, not sure what you're babbling about. Most Americans realize that the broken system Bush left for oversight of oil drilling has resulted in a massive disaster.
?????? So you haven't heard about the oil spill, I see. If you had any brain, you'd know that the southern states' economies have been tanked by a huge oil-extraction disaster that was caused by oil company greed, and lack of proper oversight.
Obama is the one making sure people and businesses are being compensated for their losses.
And I thought the person asking the previous question I answered was brain-dead!