Question to the American people. :)?
2006-06-28 11:58:47 UTC
Ive often read that the American people think that some or quite a few Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East hate them.

I would like to know why you think they hate you???
As in, what their reasons are!?

Im genuinly interested in what people think and Im Not in anway, shape or form trying to be sarcastic or offensive. If you are offended then Im very sorry. :)

This is just so I know what peoples opinions and thoughts about this issue are!

Thanks and God Bless. :)
39 answers:
2006-06-28 12:04:06 UTC
It was Muslims who rammed the effen planes into the twin towers and the Pentagon and into the field in Shanksville, PA,

and have killed innocent people in the name of Islam, ANYMORE STUPID QUESTIONS!!!!
2006-06-28 12:22:07 UTC
I beleive that this is true for a few reasons, first is our obviously different religious beliefs, any one can say that this is not true but any two opposing forces in the world are bound to form some conflict, i do not know much about the Koran or the belief system of Islam, but i do know that in my religion life is held at a high value, and preserving life, not taking it is most important.

I also feel that the American media has also played into the belief, or stereotype that Arabs and Muslims are quite adverse to our society, though i am not one to listen to the media, but i am sure that there is some base of truth in thier somewhere.

As far as thier reasoning for hating the American people, i dont know but could justify the idea with the fact that there is a war going on, that generally tends to breed anger and hatred, but there are also some in the Islam faith that truly believe that we are not fit to live in this world.

And some of those people belive that they have the religious backing of thier "Allah" to destroy us.

I also dont subscribe to the idea that just because the men who hijacked those planes on 9/11 were muslim that we should exact justice (revenge) on all.

Unfortunately there is now a growing portion of our society in America where it is ok to hate...

The Government has set a precident not only for the world but for American society, that it is ok to be aggressive and violent, this has created an enabling factor for people to hate others, and most of the anti-muslim...anti-arab rhetoric that you may here from America is purely an expression of thier own fears.
2006-06-28 12:16:06 UTC
Well, I think many of not most people from the middle east do have a dislike for the United States for a couple of reasons.

1)We have been, and still are, Israel's largest Allie. Most Arabs and Muslims don't particularly like Israel, so that dislike is transferred to us.

2) We are wealthy and affluent, and I think for many that breads resentment.

3) We do have a knack for interfering into other people's business, and since we get a large portion of our oil from the Middle East, we have been known to interfere in Middle Eastern politics.

4) Many nations in the Middle East (really the whole world) have state run media. Since many countries governments do not like the US or US politics, often the media reflects this. This lends towards a dislike for Americans in the countries population.

While I believe we are acting in our nations best interest, I can understand how at time our actions could create tension or dislike for us. Hope that answers your question.
2006-06-28 12:09:24 UTC
First, there have been tensions between the West and the Middle East already, probably beginning with the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979. With 9/11, conflicts in Iran and Afghanistan, the nuclear enrichment issue with Iran, and for a brief moment, the cartoon of the Prophet, the tensions between the West and the Middle East have increased dramatically.

So basically, its really no surprise why someone would think this. I remember watching CNN recently on a poll they did on what Arabs thinks of the US and what the US thinks of Arabs. Looking at the results, both say negative things about the other.
2006-06-28 12:18:49 UTC
I have spent time in the middle east while in the military. I think there are a few reasons people think that.

1. Economy. Some people here in the U.S. think there is a jealousy among countries that have a less annual income than the average American.

2. Religion. Some people think that Muslims hate us because of our mainly christian beliefs. Although we have people from all religions here that can and do live together in peace.

3. Politics. The different political views between a democratic society and a religion based government.
Robert B
2006-06-28 12:07:31 UTC
Oh, I'm assuming you haven't been living in a cave for the past 30 years. You're genuinely interested in what people think, but you haven't noticed the MASSIVE amounts of anti-American sentiment coming from the middle east? Are you serious? Back in the 70's, a bunch of Iranian STUDENTS took the American embassy and it's workers hostage for 444 days. Did you see the video released this past year wherein three hooded men cut off an American civilian's head with a small knife? Where were you when the Taliban flew two planes into the Sears Towers? How about the bombings of the Sears Towers back in 93? How about the Marine barracks in Lebanon? The USS Cole in Syria?

We get that impression because our properties keep getting bombed, our people keep getting killed, and to date, I haven't heard one single Islam voice declaring anything contrary to what would be suggested by these acts; that we are hated by most Koran carrying Muslims.
2006-07-11 15:32:36 UTC
Because of the insane demonstrations that are shown by the media (true or not) they seem to have a real blood lust for the USA. I can almost understand the Isralie thing because the land was just handed over to the Israilies after ww 2 and the muslims were kicked out, but anyone dumb enough to shoot an AK up into the air and wonder why their neighboor was hit by the bullit that came down doesn't have much upstairs. There are many Arabs that are good honest people but they have created the image of hatred for the west we don't make them act nuts !!
2006-06-28 12:29:16 UTC
Well, I have heard several stories on either T.V. or the radio about what the Quran teaches. Suppsoedly ( I havent actaully read the Quran so I cant say for sure if it is true ) the Quran teaches Muslims to hate Americans and Jews. And that the more Americans and Jews that they murder, the more likely they are to get into heaven, where 72 virgins will be waiting for them, along with rivers flowing with wine. One man on the radio said he had read and studied the Quran extensively, and that it was a book of hate. The man who was hosting that talk show agreed with him, because he claimed to have also studied the Quran while he served in the military in Saudi Arabia. Both of them went on to say that Muslims will claim that they practice a peaceful religion, but this is a lie, as the Quran has taught them to lie to Americans. The two men said Muslims are trained to tell Americans they are peaceful, but really they are violent people, who hate Americans, and their life mission is to kill Americans.

I am not saying that I agree with ANY of these statements, so please don't take it that way. I am only telling you what I have heard over the years. Every religion has a radical group, and usually this group gives everyone who practices the religion a bad name. For example, Christians are supposed to be loving, caring people, but there are some Christians who murder abortion doctors all in the name Christianity. I think it is a small group of Muslim terriorists who has ruined it for everybody else. Hope this helps.
Document Guy
2006-06-28 12:23:35 UTC
1.- Most Americans are uneducated. The label a huge number of countries as "Arab Countries", and generalize everything about them. They see no difference between a country with 5,000 years of History like Egypt, with a country like Algeria, or a country far away on another part of the world with 6,000 years of history like Iraq, or the Arab Emirates. All countries that have nothing to do with eachother, but American labels them as "Arab Countries".

2.- Americans sterotype. Americans don't care about the opinions and thoughts of what the many different people in the different "Arab countries" have. They just stereotype all those nations, and assume every single one of people of everysingle nation thinks that way.

3.- Americans don't reason images. America just like every country in the world has disturbances. There are riots in the USA, there is vandalism, but that only occurs in some parts of the country. When American see the images of something bad going on in the Middle East, they don't think for a second that happening somewhere, they automatically assume that what's happening EVERYWHERE, in EVERY single "arab country" from Morroco in the West of Africa, to Egypt in the East of Africa to Asian countires like Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq.

It's amazing how the American can generalize all these countries, they generalize the way all the people think, they generalize what all these people do. It's really weird.
2006-06-28 12:09:06 UTC
I think Muslims may dislike the West because after WWII we took the holiest land on the planet that several peoples were laying claim to, gave it to Israel, and established a military presence in the Middle East.

We also operate on social, political, and economic ideologies directly opposed to the teachings of the Quran: religious freedom, economic individual interest achieved through competition and exploitation of the poor, and (allegedly) equality, gender equality in particular. All this is backed by a formidable military might, again some of which is located in the holy land.

It wouldn't be so bad if the US were an isolationist country that kept to themselves, but the nature of our economics requires that we spread our other ideologies throughout the world in efforts to gain resources. This rubs the diametrically opposed the wrong way, and rightly so.
Kyleen G
2006-06-28 12:06:24 UTC
I don't think people in the Middle East hate us as a whole. I think like in any country that there are factions that hate what we stand for therefore they hate us and want to harm us. The news doesn't help when it shows mass demonstrations depicting people celebrating on 9/11. Once again that wasn't all the people there, just some. I think it depends on the person. People who like to generalize and stereotype will say that the Middle east hates us while those who don't understand that it's just a handful of all the people that disagree with us.
2006-07-09 14:32:43 UTC
I'm not sure how many muslims hate Americans, however there appears to be quite a bit of animosity from many muslims that see American financial and political support for Israel. Many Palestinians (majority of last election) that are now politically controlled by Hamas, appear to have a hatred for anything American (United States). The press stories I've seen coming from the middle east appear to be very slanted against United States policy, which in and of itself is great - (I don't support our current political leaders either) however there appears to be a large amount of non-factual stories that get large amounts of support in the middle east. Like: "George Bush crashed the planes into the twin towers so that he could declare war on all muslims" This and many other stories lacking factual content or any evidence appear to get solid standing in the papers, and general media of the middle east.

I acknowledge that many muslims have no hatred for the U.S. but they appear to be quite silent. It appears to be a vocal minority in most muslim nations. Iraq however probably has a legitimate grudge ( they need the U.N. to intervene - U.S. troops are illigitimate power in Iraq) and most Palestinians appears to be truly hateful of Israel and the United States. (Amazing considering Hamas sanctions the use of bombs to blow up random women and children in public places as a political policy.) How could people support that - and if they hate us then I'm OK with that, until they change their idea of acceptable public policy.
2006-07-09 14:03:53 UTC
I hope you are sincere with your question; here's my theory and observation. I don't think you have to go too far to get a sampling as to why this is, just read some of the pathetic reasons given so far in this forum. We as Americans are too self-indulged with power and greed, but are deadly afraid of the unknown. If we do not understand a specific culture that does not fit our religious beliefs, then we label them as damned Muslims or Terrorists and make no distinction of the fact that it does not represent a nation as a whole. However; because we are so blinded with our righteousness, we do not see that within our country we too have extremists such as Ku-Klux-Klan, Skin-heads, and various prejudiced groups and gangs that if it were not for the fact that they are Americans, they too should be labeled as 'terrorists'.

Most caucasian Americans are so fearful of the truth that they live in fear even of their own shadow; because it's dark and follows them where ever they go!.....preaching fear and encouraging ignorance and weak minds make a powerful government tool in any country, as long as the world is kept fearful and no chance to trust or tolerate each other; then this cycle will always be part of humanity. Unfortunately, this is what we all seem to accept!
2006-06-28 12:09:00 UTC
I think that people around the globe hate americans because we cannot keep our noses out of everyone elses business. We try to make everyone be like us trying to make them believe that our way of life is the right way. We try to have to much comtrol and try to rule the world. But people should not hate america, after all, what is america? We are a country made up of people from all over the world. We are a part of every nation, and because of that, we are the greatest nation! But that does not mean we need to keep poking our noses where it doesnt belong. People can hate american government if they want, but should not hate americans, as we are all different and do not necessarily stand for the same things.
2006-07-12 02:03:19 UTC
I seriously don't know, but dang this liquor store guy who was from afghanistan was all mad at me for no reason at all. After a while things looked up but danng what'd I ever do to him?? It's kinda weird 'cus these natives over here don't seem to hate white peoples at all. Weird huh? If I had ownership over some land right now I'd give it back u guys :(( I wish I had somethin to give, I guess technically this question applys to the richer ones and i'm kinda not mattering. I promose not to have kids though, promose promose. Guess there's a reason though for everything, sorry just ramblin' on.
2006-07-08 08:24:25 UTC
Its not so much that they hate us as Americans, they hate America. Remember that what our government does in and out of our country has nothing to do with our way of life, our constitution, what this country was founded on or what the people in this country actually care about. Joe and Jane American are nothing more than passengers on this sinking ship, captained by our arrogant, foolish greedy leaders.

I need a life raft
2006-07-06 22:27:31 UTC
I don't believe that Arabs hate Americans. I do believe, however, that Arabs see our government as suspect (and rightfully so). Americans were introduced to Islam by two planes crashing into the World Trade Center. Sadly, most americans believe that Arabs are radical members of Al-Qauda (sp?) who enjoy beating their wives inside thier tents in the desert. I know, it's sad, but true.
2006-06-28 12:06:21 UTC
During to 9/11 attacked did you notice that they celebrated, chanting in the street "death to America"? What so funny, is most of the middle east do hate Americans, yet they love the cloths we wear. Look at any pictures, quite funny.
2006-07-12 06:28:35 UTC
i wanna first apologize to the one who asked this question cuz i am not an american . i am a muslim from egypt and i wanna clarify the image of islam and to say that we really do not hate americans or any other population around the world . first , do not judge on the religion of islam as a result of acts of some muslims or those who claim that they are muslims , because unfortuanately most born muslims today do not act as real muslims - away from terrorism - , so i do not blame any american or foreigner to have a wrong view about islam . moreover , hollywood played an important role to make this wrong view of muslims or arab in the american movies which made american and all viewers around the world to think that we live in deserts , dress this strange clothe like osama bin laden , drive camels , and other images you know about us , so i invite everyone who read my message to search for the truth and spend a little time to know about islam , arab , and middle east from objective sources in order to clear the bad image about us and to have some knowledge about arab countries as we know alot about america and europe . second , i admit that there are few arab and muslims hate america but most of us distinguish between america as population and america as a government . in other words , i and almost all arab in all countries like american people whereas we - in egypt - go to american movies and watch sitcoms , eat american food ( pizza , KFC , macdonalds , ...) wear american clothe ( nike , adidas , ... ) which make us understand you . but we also refuse the american politics in middle east , occuping iraq , helping israel and other biased politics . finally , i hope that you understood what i wanted to say and i really hope to know us as we know you . peace be with you ....
2006-06-28 12:34:29 UTC
I have studied the Middle East for quite a while now, the hatred has nothing to do with religion as some people suggested (the Popular front of Palestine are mainly Christians and they are willing to hurt Americans as much as any other Palestinian) .. Palestine is the real issue, ever since Israel existed (and they have the right to exist) and the US is blindly supporting it, no problem, but when Israel started to hurt, attack and occupy other territories including the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai, Golan, Lebanon, using money, weapons, and political support from the US it kind of made the US an enemy in itself... When Iraq occupied Kuwait the US interfered but when Israel Occupied Southern Lebanon, the US used the veto against even condemning that attack. When Iran tries to build a nuclear reactor the US goes on the highest alert and condemns the spread of WMD, while Israel owns over 100 nuclear bombs and is seen by the US as ok.. the double standard and complete bias our government shows towards a conflict between the Israelis and the Arabs simply made the US the enemy, the EU halted weapons export to Israel as a response to the cruelty they use against civilian Arabs, while the US keeps supplying them with enough weapons to have a 10 times overkill.

To make things worse the US invaded Iraq with absolutely no reason, how do you think that makes Arabs feel? Most of the western world are Christians (and more devoted than the US) and some are wealthier than the US why do you think they attacked a difficult target in the US (the twin towers) and not any other soft target anywhere in the whole Christian world (4 fifth of the world)? It is our government policies that made enemy out of us in Central America, Southern America, Asia, Middle East by supporting our allies even when they do the utmost atrocities.

5 GIs being investigated in 4 Iraq deaths By

BEIJI, Iraq - The U.S. Army will investigate charges that five American soldiers were involved in the killings of four Iraqi relatives, including a woman who had been raped, military officials said Friday. It's the sixth current inquiry into the alleged slayings of Iraqi civilians by American troops.

Some of the five soldiers also allegedly burned the body of the woman they are accused of assaulting in the March incident, a U.S. military official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.

The U.S. command issued a statement saying only that Maj. Gen. James D. Thurman, commander of coalition troops in Baghdad, had ordered a criminal investigation into the alleged killing of a family of four in Mahmoudiyah, south of Baghdad.

At least 14 American troops have been convicted in other cases.

The United States also is investigating allegations that two dozen unarmed Iraqi civilians were killed by Marines in the western town of Haditha on Nov. 19 in a revenge attack after one of their own died in a roadside bombing.

"The entire investigation will encompass everything that could have happened that evening. We're not releasing any specifics of an ongoing investigation," military spokesman Maj. Todd Breasseale said of the Mahmoudiyah allegations.

"There is no indication what led soldiers to this home. The investigation just cracked open. We're just beginning to dig into the details."

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said he had no additional details on the incident but added that the military routinely investigates all allegations of misconduct.

However, a U.S. official close to the investigation said at least one of the soldiers, all assigned to the 502nd Infantry Regiment, has admitted his role and been arrested. Two soldiers from the same regiment were slain this month when they were kidnapped at a checkpoint near Youssifiyah.

The official told the AP the accused soldiers were from the same platoon as the two slain soldiers. The military has said one and possibly both of the slain soldiers were tortured and beheaded.

The official said the mutilation of the slain soldiers stirred feelings of guilt and led at least one of them to reveal the rape-slaying on June 22.

According to a senior Army official, the alleged incident was first revealed by a soldier during a routine counseling-type session. The official, who requested anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, said that soldier did not witness the incident but heard about it.

A second soldier, who also was not involved, said he overhead soldiers conspiring to commit the crimes, and then later saw bloodstains on their clothes, the official said.

He also said the four people killed included three adults and a child, and one of the adults was the woman who allegedly was raped.

One of the accused soldiers already has been discharged and is believed to be in the United States, several U.S. officials said on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing. The others have had their weapons taken away and are confined to Forward Operating Base Mahmoudiyah.

Senior officers were aware of the family's death but believed it was due to sectarian violence, common in the religiously mixed town, a U.S. official said.

The killings appeared to have been a "crime of opportunity," the official said. The soldiers had not been attacked by insurgents but had noticed the woman on previous patrols.
2006-07-09 07:31:48 UTC
The middle east hates America because they know it is strong, but they don't think it cares about them at all. They don't see it even remotely as a possible ally.

They hate America because they hate the Jews and Israel, and we're a big ally of Israel.

They hate America because it's generally a Christian country.

That's what I understand.
2006-07-06 00:50:21 UTC
You raise a good point, however hate is privileged in-that, the one who is hated rarely knows why and the ones hating rarely tell why until asked and when asked rarely have a good reason. I am compelled to ask if you hate Americans and if so why?

Gods Blessings to You as well
2006-07-07 20:12:08 UTC
I've gone to school with many of you leaders back in the late 70's. They were very nice. I work today with several Muslims today. They are very agreeable individuals.

I'm feel that most religions have their own version of the 10 commandments. 30% of it deals with man's relationship with his God. 70% deals with mans relationship with his fellow man. It most be when the individuals forcefully attempt to convert others they are saying only my religion is going to heaven. I love you so much I'm will to convert you by killing you so We can be together on the other side.

True fully I think you are too busy living your own life to think much about me. It would be very arrogant of me to think otherwise.
2006-07-08 21:35:44 UTC
Mostly because we do not see Arabs or Muslims taking a firm stance against the terrorists. In the war against terrorism-how many Arab or Muslim soliders do we see?
2006-06-28 12:05:56 UTC
they hate us because we have fat mattresses and we wear golden underwear and our feet is too big too.

The real reason?

Its the jihad man...

we are infidels get it? And so are you if you arent muslim.

We are no more cleaner than pigs and urine and jews for that matter.

Why dont you understand thats its about power.

The mullahs want a caliphate you even know what that word means?
2006-06-28 12:31:22 UTC
1. Our government has been tampering in the political affairs of other nations dictating to them what their leaders can and cannot do in their own sovereign countries.

2. Our government has been supplying arms to internal factions that oppose governments that have disobeyed our governments dictations in order to incite revolution against the government.

This has shamefully been going on for decades.
2006-06-28 12:22:38 UTC
I don't really know at this time. I have the feeling no one can satisfactorily answer this question simply because we are dealing with subjects that are not rational but have to do with instinct and feeling. We are dealing with passions and they are not rational, the answer will be a combination of factors.
2006-06-28 12:04:19 UTC
To many opinions today are based on stereotype and ignorance. The popular media doesn't help a whole lot to break stereotypes and really inform us either.
2006-06-28 12:04:37 UTC
There are a lot of ignorant people here that find it easy to label groups as a whole. Its lack of education and the media that I would blame.
2006-07-10 23:27:39 UTC
I feel sorry for you guys brother. You must catch flack all the time. It's not right, We are one people that must work together.
2006-06-28 12:02:22 UTC
It could be the images and stories we receive in our media.
2006-07-07 22:51:11 UTC
Maybe it's because i'd hate me if I were them, so i guess assumption plays a part.
2006-06-28 12:11:59 UTC
It's very simple we meddle in their affairs and orchestrate coups and provide weapons to supressive regimes to further kill, torture and suppress their own people and here's more:
2006-07-12 09:24:58 UTC
I don't think they hate me alone ....They dislike Americans as a whole for what we stand for.....
2006-07-09 21:03:27 UTC
I doubt that many of them hate me.
2006-07-10 10:41:32 UTC
Geee I wonder why. They all love us don't they, peace and love

happy happy happy
2006-07-07 16:51:25 UTC
They don't practice what they preach.
2006-07-10 02:35:54 UTC
i respect everyone and their opinions so idk wat the government says about anything unless its life threatening. ppl from different places r awesome and should not b labled unless they r proven.
2006-06-28 12:01:15 UTC
i don't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.