Should race issues drown out all other issues?
2020-09-24 18:35:45 UTC
Can anyone else get a word in edgewise, or are racial issues the only issues worth talking about? Even the virus has taken a back seat to race issues, starting with the George Floyd riots in late May. Is there nothing else worth talking about in the world?
51 answers:
2020-09-27 19:52:40 UTC
Should they - NEVER, however, this is NOT what George Soros is controlling and paying for.
2020-09-26 15:02:34 UTC
The only "issues" are being CAUSED by terrorist groups like BLM, Bail Fund and other organizations run by rich White people, lying to Blacks. George Floyd was so full of Fentanyl, among other drugs, that he "couldn't breathe" in the back seat of the police car, where he was fighting back, long before the video that we see from bystander that should have been charged with aiding and abetting for simply filming it. Jacob Blake returned to the house of the woman he raped, she had a restraining order, he fought the police who had the legal obligation to arrest him, and went for a knife. He won't be raping again, will he? Breonna Taylor had a boyfriend, who lived at her place part time, who was a drug dealer. She was keeping his money and was receiving his drugs at her home. Police DID announce themselves as testified to by a Black neighbor, and knocked 3 times. The boyfriend shot a cop BEFORE they started firing. She got in the line of fire. SHE should have been charged as well. 

Once again, police are NOT going around shooting randomly at Black people on the street. They are shooting back and protecting us. You believe in the nonsense the Left is spewing. The only systematic racism that exists is Affirmative Action, but I'm sure a good liberal like you has no problem with Blacks getting preferential treatment because they aren't capable of EARNING it, right? You Leftists are HUGE RACISTS.
2020-09-26 11:41:26 UTC
Yes, there are other issues but it's been such an issue for so long. We're in 2020. This really needs to be resolved.
2020-09-25 20:30:17 UTC
The reason there are race issues is Obama stirred up the race pot of hate.. Between race and climate change we are completely ignoring the important things some people don't want to talk about.. One huge example is the Obama corruption and the attempted overthrow of a president.. One of the biggest things to happen to the US since it's founding and silence from the guilty left.. 

When the race wars start those who are most organized, can hit a target and have the most bullets win..
2020-09-25 19:37:05 UTC
You don't see anyone backing down and that is what makes it big news.
2020-09-25 05:13:41 UTC
nope ...................................


TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
2020-09-25 05:09:26 UTC
Of course not. All issues have importance.  National security is important, so is climate, so is the economy an jobs, so is health care, the gun discussion is important etc....  In fact I would say race takes a back seat to most everything else. Race is not so much an issue if everything else is being addressed. If we for instance have economic justice, then race is also being addressed.
2020-09-25 02:48:29 UTC
Yes, but no.

There is a way to prioritize things - via media - with the virus going on - but people insist on taking it to the streets.

This is all impractical and basically the end of the world. 
Not Applicable
2020-09-25 00:04:50 UTC
Race is part of the matrix which includes class. It is all part of the ideology which says some people are inferior to others and in order to feel I have real value, I need someone to look down upon. That can be another race(s), class, women, religion, _____(insert other favorite category here). As long as society disproportionally rewards those with centralized power (political and economic), they can easily play one group against another to keep control in their hands. 
2020-09-24 18:41:22 UTC
Yes.  Identity politics is totally woke.   
2021-02-07 07:06:24 UTC
News reporters talk about everything. One of the topics is racial issues. USA with other countries in the world have to solve everything.
2020-09-27 21:38:43 UTC
No. But race is the first issue among the fundamental issues. The troubles that we are having today stem from a mistake that mankind made in the middle of the 19th century, and greatly compounded in the middle of the 20th century. Different races are not supposed to mix. When they do, there is trouble. Racial diversity is not a strength; it is the cause of endless problems. The Segregation of the 1950s wasn't a perfect answer, but it was a partial one, and American life during the days of legally mandated Segregation was far better than is life in the United States now.
2020-09-27 01:34:01 UTC
Maybe if we just drown the racists, that'll take care of things .
2020-09-26 23:02:45 UTC
The thing is there is no pro-racism side to argue with. So you end up wrongly accusing Innocent people of racism and that can have serious consequence.
2020-09-26 20:45:25 UTC
Well you better be fair and talk about racial prejudice that is in all races. Seems the caucasians always get the brunt of this issue.
2020-09-26 12:53:46 UTC
No, but the media seems to act as though black criminals being shot is bigger news than anything else.

Pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Green Puffin
2020-09-26 09:08:56 UTC
Racism is affecting basic human rights.  If it personally affected you or your love ones, perhaps you'd be more emphatic.  Of course there are always a million other important issues to talk about, but racism is what millions of non white skinned people face, every day of their lives, and importantly most of us want to change that.
Ubuntu User
2020-09-26 07:16:41 UTC
There wont much of a thing called race if they cant get a handle on this virus, race wont matter one bit
2020-09-26 05:53:59 UTC
Content is determined by what sells the most. Content has nothing to do with whether the content is important. It’s all about revenue. If race issues draw more media attention and attention from citizens that’s what they will discuss. Race issues has always brought a lot of attention. Attention is currency. 
2020-09-26 03:40:55 UTC
Well, I thought by now in 2020, we would be flying around in jetpacks and flying cars like The Jetsons, but we haven't even reached The Jeffersons yet.
2020-09-25 23:54:56 UTC
Well let's see...Start with the premise that this is NOT a racist country.  If that were true then Obama would never have been elected.  Racism is NOT the issue unless one party decides to throw out a straw man just before an election.  Did you notice that RACE is only an issue 6 months before an election?

No one wants to vote for a racist, right?

However, many minorities don't know where the real problem originated from and keep voting for the wrong party.

Biden cut funding for Historically Black Colleges.

Biden has sided with segregationist democrats.

Biden has spoken at the funeral of a KKK "Grand Wizard"/leader. (Sen. Robert Byrd)

Biden has said that "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."

Biden has said that, ["Unlike African Americans, Hispanic Americans are very diverse.]

"Racial justice begins with Joe Biden retiring from public life."
2020-09-25 18:04:49 UTC
Most supposed race issues are not really race issues.  Take BLM's focus on police brutality against blacks for example.  According to statistics, nearly 80% of those killed by police are not black.  Police brutality is not specific to race.  Some cops overstep their authority and it happens to people of all races.

Race issues should not drown out all other issues. Quite the opposite, we need to stop making race issues out of things that are not race specific.  Doing so creates more of a race divide.  We need to stop making an issue out fo race rather than focus on it.

The way to stop discrimination is to stop discriminating.   The way to stop racism is to stop making an issue out of race, rather than making race an issue.
2020-09-25 16:25:04 UTC
No, the sooner americans stop pretending that humans come in races the better
2020-09-25 07:32:51 UTC
No because there are so many issues out there and race is such a small issue but every Tom, Dick, and Harry is a victim now because they learned they can get attention and they can look like the victim if they scream RACE 
2020-09-25 00:05:18 UTC
2020-09-24 23:46:56 UTC
That's how Marxism is, at times they are interested in forcing the nonexistent problem of racism. Before women or gays. Otherwise they use environmentalism.

They are not very real problems. Racism is much less than it was many decades ago, simply what there is is Marxism hitting the subject all the time. And they ignore and do not mention them to the countries where the treatment is much worse for blacks, women and gays but that are not white or Christian or democratic or capitalist.
2020-09-24 21:12:53 UTC
you want to convince the opponents not to be racists?

lotsa luck since you've been allowing them to push you around every day, at least since I was 15. Thats 45 years ago.

Was I surprised that guys bigger than me are the smucky est little cowards on this planet.

how do you claim to fight wars?

you've been claiming to fight wars since I was born.

why? you fold like limp turnips.

do you even cover your faucets to prevent the hissing noise of dry rivers from bothering your neighbors?

hmmmmmm....aye tink not...

you accept traitorous pay instead and attack your are sleeze...

if your women are cast in pens and auctioned off the the highest bidders in saudi arabia and iran what would you do?

why youd us...

just like you do now.
2020-09-24 20:46:39 UTC
Race has been known to be an American weak spot for decades. The people who are running the present Color Revolution in the US are using race to cause unrest.

The have their plan to oust a duly elected POTUS and they are using race as a catalyst.
2020-09-24 18:45:40 UTC
If we can’t lift blacks from their state of oppression and systematic racism then we are uncivilized and nothing else matters.  
2020-09-24 18:40:36 UTC
No but the media knows that racism is a cash cow. Since they are the ones who decide what we see and hear in the news, racism will always win out, whether its real or perceived.
2020-09-29 19:30:54 UTC
When you can scream loud enough about non issues and make it look like it is an issue all other concerns get pushed to the side which is why they are doing it as they don't want you to know what they are really doing behind the scenes which is a level of criminal and coverups that are the shell games of social manipulators....


2020-09-27 03:26:05 UTC
Yes, because it is the original sin of this country and 400 years of sweeping the issue under the rug has not worked.  We need to bring it out in the open and resolve it so our country can move forward in unity and happiness with equal rights for everyone.
2020-09-26 22:16:55 UTC
Not only that, but we should ban all words except for "race," "racism" and "racist." Everyone should be forced to only use these words.
2020-09-26 20:36:44 UTC
No, but it's certainly not any less important than other issues. 

Moreover, you can't focus on all issues all the time.  It stands to reason that one or two issues might take center stage and both demand and deserve much more attention than others at a given moment.  That only makes sense.

No, the virus has NOT taken a back seat. I'd say that racial problems and the virus are about equally important right now.
a sane person in an insane world
2020-09-26 17:23:54 UTC
Not quite sure what 'race issues' you are talking about.

Is it the race issues in Liberal Democrat governed areas with the police shootings?

Is it the race issues in Liberal Democrat governed areas with the insane violence and looting?

Is it the race issues in Liberal Democrat governed areas with insane rates of black on black murder and violence?

Just wondering what issue you are asking about.
2020-09-26 16:29:00 UTC
Certainly not but they certainly are.
2020-09-26 16:21:12 UTC
Especially since the examples they try to use are ALL lifelong criminals that resisted lawful and justified arrests. Really? I'm to feel sorry for Criminals JUST because of their race? HA! BLM is a scummy joke about an imaginary racial inequality that does not exist. Cops aren't even all white so this is a Ridiculous, childish temper tantrum and NOTHING more. They don't even have a message or goal, just ignorant rants and violence. How is HUNTING cops to kill them a proper reaction to cops killing people by mistake in the course of their lawful duties? That's when you become enemies to our nation and cease being protestors. BLM is the most evil movement in history that disgraces all past activists. Martin Luther King would be Disgusted by this. He would be out calling out BLM as the traitors they are. Fact.
The Football God
2020-09-26 15:02:26 UTC
I prefer fantasy sports. It's especially challenging for me because I don't watch much sports. The idea of sitting down and watching more than 30 minutes of any TV eats me away from the inside.
Ogami Itto
2020-09-26 10:04:37 UTC
Leftists win elections by exploiting emotional SJ issues because that is the weakness of strong pragmatic conservatives.
2020-09-26 05:35:16 UTC
Blue Skies.
2020-09-25 21:16:49 UTC
Radical leads the charge. The left have no platform. All they

have is the I hate Trump syndrome.
2020-09-25 17:14:03 UTC
Why should they fight for rights that they already have, like:  freedom, equality in housing and schooling, high level jobs, drinking at the same water fountains, and sitting where they want on the bus.  Also, African Americans act like they're the only group that's ever suffered discrimination.  Where were they when a white, mentally disabled man named Ethan Saylor had his neck crushed by the cops at a movie theater several years back?  As such, its time for the race card to be put away and for folks to open their eyes to injustices suffered by other groups.  
2020-09-25 14:15:54 UTC
The only racism that is infecting America, it is black on white which NEVER makes the news.  Look up the Newsome-Christianson rape and murder.  The media covered it up because the victims were white and the criminals, black.
2020-09-25 12:26:49 UTC


There are some valid points. 

Personally, I'm for governmental accountability.
2020-09-25 12:16:09 UTC
Nope, because so many things not racial are blamed on race.  

Keep in mind that most countries have immigration problems. The USA is the only country were immigration is confused with racism.
2020-09-25 11:14:03 UTC
Because it's an election year, the democrats/the media are pushing racial identity politics to gain votes and power.
2020-09-25 03:55:24 UTC
Of course.   Hiring more blacks under affirmative action is a far more important issue than a few Covid deaths.  
2020-09-24 20:13:17 UTC
One thing I've noticed, these "race issues" sure are ending a lot of black Americans careers. I guess that's good because they chose law enforcement?
2020-09-24 18:47:47 UTC
Liberal media may focus on identity politics but I think a silent majority of Americans are becoming very tired of it.   
2020-09-24 18:38:39 UTC
I Am So Tired oF Thinkking About Black People And Black Issues All The Time , .... There Is So Much More 2 Life Than Obsessing Over Fūcking Niqqerz , .... We Shouldn't Have 2 Live Likke Thīss , .... 

Thīss Is Like Living With Cancer , ... 
2020-09-25 00:23:40 UTC
All the US News media is covering is the racial tension and the virus, so I tune to BBC, Al Jazeera, and NHK for news of the world outside Trump's wall.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.