Well let's see...Start with the premise that this is NOT a racist country. If that were true then Obama would never have been elected. Racism is NOT the issue unless one party decides to throw out a straw man just before an election. Did you notice that RACE is only an issue 6 months before an election?
No one wants to vote for a racist, right?
However, many minorities don't know where the real problem originated from and keep voting for the wrong party.
Biden cut funding for Historically Black Colleges.
Biden has sided with segregationist democrats.
Biden has spoken at the funeral of a KKK "Grand Wizard"/leader. (Sen. Robert Byrd)
Biden has said that "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."
Biden has said that, ["Unlike African Americans, Hispanic Americans are very diverse.]
"Racial justice begins with Joe Biden retiring from public life."