Yes I would. I support companies that give me value for my money.
Every dollar I have is valuable. And for each product and service I purchase I look to get as much value out of it as I possibly can. I don't buy the most expensive product, nor the cheapest. I buy the right product for what I can afford.
My daughters are learning this lesson as well. They don't like to go to Dollar Tree any more and would rather save their money for better toys (because the Dollar Tree ones always break).
I do not look at each product and toss it aside if it wasn't made in the U.S. And I know you don't either.
If U.S. companies want my money, they can compete for it. That's capitalism. Isn't that the current conservative rally cry?
Already, there are high barriers to importing products (tariffs, transportation, taxes on profits, cost of setting up business in foreign countries, etc.). If American companies can't win with that head start, what does it say about the way we create products? High cost of labor, medical plans, huge profit margins. It also says that our government doesn't care about other countries' policies (lax environment regulations, child labor, unsafe working conditions).
We set this economy up to behave the way that it is. Don't be surprised when you reap what you sow.