A question about Obama?
Moderate Schizoid
2009-12-14 20:16:50 UTC
okay well I'm not a fan of Obama nor do I dislike him, but I think it's ridiculous how people expect him to turn this country around in 4 years after we had a jackass ruin it in just 5, now I don't think Obama has done much but let's face it, he's only been in office for 11 months what can you really do to turn around a country in this shape in that little time,but I do however also think it's ridiculous how people(mostly black and hispanic) praise Obama when he hasn't really had a enough time to do anything significant, and I also dislike how anytime someone that isn't black dislikes Obama is seen as a racist or anyone black that doesn't like him is seen as being jealous or self hating. But I just want to you guys to give an honest opinion on Obama, not a race fueled rant about him.
23 answers:
Philip H
2009-12-14 20:50:03 UTC
As you noted, Bush didn't do well' even though his statistics were going well right up to the end of his term in office. What is needed is a little perspective and place these miserable events into the context of history.

Look at Carter. His Presidency was the worst disaster in my lifetime and I'm over 60. It took Reagan 3 years to turn that around.

Then Reagan sat back and allowed Speaker of the House, Wright, of Texas, to create the Savings & Loan disaster. It looked good at first, but when the bubble burst.... George Bush (#41) got stuck with paying off the debt created. That debt was payed by the end of his first term.

Clinton took over with a resurging economy, but then permitted the DOT COM bubble which made him look great until that bubble burst.

George Bush (#43) inherited that mess but recovered well.

Then Bush took credit for the economy when the big real estate bubble created by the likes of Barney Frank and Maxine Waters artificially pumped up the economy again.

That bubble burst and Bush, who enjoyed the credit for that rising economy, now "enjoys" the blame for the failure.

Now Obama has even a worse problem, but is creating an even bigger mess by spending ridiculous amounts of nonexistent money on worthless projects that don't create real jobs.

When that bill come due, we will be in the biggest bunch of economic trouble in the history of the USA.
2009-12-14 20:36:31 UTC
Hmmm... Okay. Well I agree with much of what you had to say.

"but I do however also think it's ridiculous how people(mostly black and hispanic) praise Obama when he hasn't really had a enough time to do anything significant, and I also dislike how anytime someone that isn't black dislikes Obama is seen as a racist or anyone black that doesn't like him is seen as being jealous or self hating."

I pose a question to you in return - If you believe that President Obama hasn't had time to do anything significant (therefore he doesn't deserve praise ...yet...) why are you calling out only the people who speak positive about him? (which I personally don't believe are "mostly black and hispanic") This question is twofold....Both for those who support him and those who don't.

There are just as many negatives as positives to point out.

I, like many others, am interested to see what President Obama can do for our country and our people. I don't think 11 months is time to make any judgments at all. Give the man his four years.

We gave Bush 8 (or we gave him 4 and he took 8, however you'd like to paint it.)
2009-12-14 20:40:06 UTC
It is his disdain for America and the U.S. Constitution, referring to it as a flawed document and an obstacle. His attempts to convert America into a socialist nation. His open contempt of America. His hatred of what he terms as "whitey". We see what he is attempting to do. It will destroy 200 years of freedom, and leave us fighting to regain what we lose for years to come. I honestly believe he thinks our poor are rich, compared to 3rd world orders. The environment will not tolerate all people being raised to the lowest standard of living in the U.S., therefore, the only way to achieve equality on a global basis, is to lower the standard of living in the U.S. to the level of 3rd world countries. I am not raciest. Regardless of the color of a person skin, a design to destroy our free nation, and undue the constitution is, by its very nature, Treason.

I also thing Bush was a horrible President, who placed his family and friends financial interests above the people of the U.S., a Big-Oil, Big-Business guy, with their standard line - if you don't need it, don't buy it; if you want it, pay what is asked. With an economy built around the ease of transportation, the outcome was obvious. You cannot encourage 5-6 foreign based oil companies to take and "extra" 60-80 billion dollars in profit, each quarter, each out of the American economy, without destroying the economy. As all presidents had done before him, a release from strategic reserves would have, once again, quashed the rise in oil prices. His vested interest in not doing so damaged our nation. This is just one of the reasons he became the most unpopular President in the History of the U.S. - but, that said, recent polls show the American public would, by 50%, prefer to have him back, than to keep Obama.

But who am I? After all, I appear to be one of the few who think the current economic situation is directly traceable to Regan. The new world order and free trade agreements resulted, after he was out of office, in the transfer of jobs and business overseas, where labor is cheaper. Essentially, the cheap labor, 16-18 hour workdays, and child labor is still available overseas. Thus, the same businesses who had their labor abuses outlawed here, got permission to go elsewhere, engage in the same abuses, and market the product back to the U.S.
2009-12-14 20:25:55 UTC
Obama supporters are exhibiting the normal 5 stages of grief:

Denial - Obama is doing a great job! I'm very happy with him.

Anger/blaming - You're criticizing Obama because he's black! You racist! Bush is to blame!

Bargaining/postponing - If we just give him more time, then he'll start doing a good job. He's just taking his time and not rushing into things. Besides, it will take time to clean up the mess he inherited.

Depression/disconnecting - Oh, what's the point? Obama is never going to deliver on his promise of preferential treatment for people in my select group.

Acceptance - Oh well, we'll just try again with another Democrat next time. I'm still sure a Democrat will be better than any Republican. Remember how good FDR and Clinton were? Obama and Carter were just exceptions to the rule.
The Distraction Potential of Certainty
2009-12-14 20:44:27 UTC
Most short-sighted people have a problem with projecting their worst fears or most delusional aspirations, (see body of work by #43) onto their political friends or foes, most seem to loathe this fixation so much that to them, this object of vitriol is less than sub-human to them.

If you understand how polarizing politics are and how the far-Reich dominated media bias, (especially on the AM dial) actively promotes bodily harm on a constant basis for anyone who dares speak of equality or compassion for fellow humans, then you have a hint at how much hatred & blind rage there is for anyone who dares pose even the most benign threat to the comfort of hate-mongers everywhere.

As long as Obama is in office and for many years to follow, any conservative failure will perpetually be blamed, projected, misrepresented on any convenient "liberal" even someone who not only supports Bush's draconian policies of civil liberty restrictions, but Obama has expanded them!

If you're a conservative (wannabe) it's a waste of time to spell out all the things you "imagine" that he's screwing up, if you want the reality based community to take you seriously, try complaining about all the things he's actually screwing up worse than Bush did, like refusing to overturn DADT,

leaving Gitmo open because of knee-jerk conservatives are too scared to lock-up and convict terror "suspects", staying in Afghanistan, (indefinitely sounds like no end in sight) and for some reason not much news about Iraq even though our military isn't the largest occupiers there, (that's been privatized, just like the lucrative oil extraction contracts).
2009-12-14 20:35:54 UTC
It's NOT about race.This is about a guy who has NO CLUE in how to govern his people.His spending,his 250+ broken promises,his tax dodging Czars,his constant deviance of his birth certificate,his inability to even secure the White House,his lack of responsibility against companies farming jobs to Mexico and China and his healthcare reform,are just the tip of an ice berg that will end the dreams of many American workers and homeowners!!!! Then of course,he accepts a "peace prize" while sending thousands more soldiers into Afghanistan.He's a liar,and a two faced bigot! So why people are trying to explain to their kid's that Santa won't be coming to their house this year,raise a glass to this cretin,while he's partying with Oprah and at the White House!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-12-14 20:32:41 UTC
So what is your question? So far this is a rant!

My honest opinon of him IS A RANT..because there is so much to tell you why I don't like him. From 500 plus days of lies to his ruining AMERICA..and being in the group THAT DID START THE PROBLEMS!

The jackass you said ruined this country saved your butt and loved this country...and the military loved him. He did not get on TV and call AMERICANS anti government tea baggers and call the military selfish and terrorists. He did not ask people to report on each other and put up a website to do just that. He did not tell insurance companies to not talk to us and put a gag order on them that had to be lifted with threat of court later! HE did not get four warnings from the WORLD To stop spending as we are about to lose our triple A rating...meaning we will be a third world nation! FOUR TIMES WARNED about it..the latest just the other day. This jackass had a war to fight because we were attacked on our land and both parties agreed to both wars overwhelmingly! WMD's were found ...but did they report it? NOPE...but they were found along with planes with missles buried in the sand. Associated Press was the only one to cover it.

He worked HARD to keep you safe...and our country..he did not ignore the military OR YOU.....he was there!

It is amazing to me how you all forget that you are safe today because of BUSH and you have a lot to be thankful for because of his great leadership! Did he do everything right? President does...but he did more good than BOZO would ever do in the same situation. We had lower taxes and low unemployment and when congress took over as democratic congress he tried to stop them from ruining the economy but they would not listen. YOU CAN listen to that it was recorded in senate and you can hear it from the dems mouths...that that they would not do anything and said it is ok.

NOw the village idiot has over 500 days of lies...and has not told the truth about anything..has insulted AMERICA and made us to be the enemy while kissing butt of others. He has done NOTHING for AMERICA but follow his AGENDAS! He has ignored unemployment, economy and a divided nation for his own personal crisis events such as health care, global warming and cap and trade which has only ADDED TO OUR PROBLEMS!

For a YEAR he has not done one damn thing but RUIN our economy and our country...and you call BUSH A JACKASS? NOPE...the village idiot is A JACKASS!
Dan Levin
2009-12-14 20:25:44 UTC
Yea right, your a total obamabot. Only a bot would be so dumb to think there would be no sign of improvement after a year. Only a bot would defend the fact that he said he'd keep unemployment below 8% if he passed his trillion dollar earmark bill, well its at 10% now, still no jobs. And ONLY an obamoron would characterize criticism of Obama as "race fueled rant"

We can see right through you. Another idiot who hears a good speech and thinks her Lord and savior has come to save her.
2009-12-14 20:33:29 UTC
Well you are right he wasn't handed a pat hand. Also if yo go to the below site you will find that our House and Senate members have $3.2 billion donated to them in 2008 and they are online for a 105 raise! You can also put any politicians name in the search engine and see how much they got, from whom and how they voted. So those guys actually have the power to do stuff and ok it.

I don't know if he will be able to get everything back to stuff in 2 and a half years, but you never know.

Happy Holidays!
2009-12-14 20:39:25 UTC
I beg to differ. So far, he's done several important things.

1) Prolonged unemployment benefits. This sounds unimportant until you think about it and realize that it's keeping people in their homes, fed and spending money. The last is vital to an economy.

2) Using profits from the bailouts being re-payed, he's set up a fund that the public can borrow from to avoid home foreclosures based on bad mortgage lending practices. (Yes, returns have yielded profits:

3) He repealed the ban on stem-cell funding.

4) Expanded loan programs for small businesses.

5) HUGELY improved global image of the United States

6) Expanded health coverage to children.

7) He's made changes to pay equity.

8) Closed Guantanamo.

9) Signed an executive order ending torture.

10) Cash for Clunkers, despite being hugely criticized, was hugely successful.

11) Let's not forget the ones that Conservatives REALLY hate - he won the Nobel Peace Prize for improving the standing of the United States in the view of the world and actively working on nuclear disarmament.

But, you know, he hasn't done anything.

Edit @ Lifeguard: are you saying we should be PROUD for all but exterminating the Native Americans? Are you saying we should be PROUD of invading two countries that have done nothing to us? Are you saying we should be PROUD of invading the privacy of our citizens? Are you saying we should be PROUD for joining every single conflict the world has ever seen, usually uninvited? Are you saying we should be PROUD of all of these things?

You seem to forget that, while he has criticized the mistakes of this country, he's also spoken praises of the good that it's done.
the real gyt
2009-12-14 20:25:21 UTC
His lack of experience and his use of theories he learned in liberal college classes is not good for the country.

Before you blame the last president too much, remember it was the congress that made all of the laws and policies during two years of that time.
2009-12-14 20:23:46 UTC
Oh you're not smart sweetie. Listen to your first statement. A president can't do good in four years, only evil? I think someones been listening to a little too much Keith Obermann. Now, take off the headphones that you're forced to wear at night that repeat leftist smear campaigns and think for yourself. It might be hard at first but you'll get the hang of it. I have faith in you. I mean no president could be worse than one who sits on his *** and does nothing but spend spend spend spend spend. Now you're either 13 or unemployed- which explains your lack of care for tax money.
2009-12-14 20:29:49 UTC
i would've like him to press the job issue more instead of health care.i can really care less if i'm healthy. if i can't find work at other words he really needs to get his priorities straight.for what we need and want as a country.with out a job i can't pay health care so his Plan won't work regardless.
2009-12-14 20:29:14 UTC
If you would pay attention to the news, and stop being brainwashed by NBC, CBS, and CNN.

Obama is failing big time, don't be surprised if he resigns real soon.

........the link is not lite up in blue....

Example of how the yahoo police is stopping desent of their king Obama.
2009-12-14 20:23:57 UTC
HIs weakness and naivety infuriates me. I hate how he displays himself and this country to other nations. I hate how he hates this country and apologizes for all the terrible things we did. At least Bush was a real American and proud of this country and didn't take crap from the dictators (who now adore Obama) and was commited to fighting terrorism no matter how low his approval rating got. Also Obamas socialist agenda is very unappealing.
2009-12-14 20:29:19 UTC
Obama isn't even worth complaining about honestly. If you really want to see a change in our 3rd party.

Go here to learn about how we can ALL have a better future.
2009-12-14 20:21:25 UTC
The previous president was in office for 8 years.

Just an FYI.
2009-12-14 20:29:09 UTC
He's been trying. Personally, I think he's a good person, but a shadowy, Chicago politician and follows socialist policies.
2009-12-14 20:22:29 UTC
Actually he's done a lot. If health care reform were passed, he'd have done more than any other President in his first year. The problem is that all the good things he's doing are being drowned out and lied about by the loud and obnoxious far right.
2009-12-14 20:22:45 UTC
the jack *** you refer to is the Pres now ... ask him how spending money we don't have at a faster rate than all other presidents COMBINED EVER is helping??
2009-12-14 20:23:16 UTC
Could you please elaborate on how a jackass ruined America before Obama?
2009-12-14 20:22:42 UTC
"We are going to change the world." -Obama
2009-12-14 20:21:44 UTC
well said, i agree

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