I beg to differ. So far, he's done several important things.
1) Prolonged unemployment benefits. This sounds unimportant until you think about it and realize that it's keeping people in their homes, fed and spending money. The last is vital to an economy.
2) Using profits from the bailouts being re-payed, he's set up a fund that the public can borrow from to avoid home foreclosures based on bad mortgage lending practices. (Yes, returns have yielded profits: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/jun/10/barack-obama/obama-says-government-has-so-far-turned-profit-mon/)
3) He repealed the ban on stem-cell funding.
4) Expanded loan programs for small businesses.
5) HUGELY improved global image of the United States
6) Expanded health coverage to children.
7) He's made changes to pay equity.
8) Closed Guantanamo.
9) Signed an executive order ending torture.
10) Cash for Clunkers, despite being hugely criticized, was hugely successful.
11) Let's not forget the ones that Conservatives REALLY hate - he won the Nobel Peace Prize for improving the standing of the United States in the view of the world and actively working on nuclear disarmament.
But, you know, he hasn't done anything.
Edit @ Lifeguard: are you saying we should be PROUD for all but exterminating the Native Americans? Are you saying we should be PROUD of invading two countries that have done nothing to us? Are you saying we should be PROUD of invading the privacy of our citizens? Are you saying we should be PROUD for joining every single conflict the world has ever seen, usually uninvited? Are you saying we should be PROUD of all of these things?
You seem to forget that, while he has criticized the mistakes of this country, he's also spoken praises of the good that it's done.