2008-12-02 11:29:16 UTC
in today's world - this seems it would lead to a less progressive and backward-thinking economic drive
as a broad and generalized example: McDonalds is probably the most popular restaurant in the world - but probably one of the least healthy (admittedly trending healthier as of late) but still the existence of such popular business entities, wildly successful via free market affects us all- through health strain, ecologic strain, etc.
it seems we essentially by this constrained "free market" system are destroying our societal evolution by "dumbing down" by the will of the majority
also to mention this middle-bell-curve is largely more swayed by what they hear, advertisements, TV, etc. and often by their own stubbornness, not willing to listen to other viewpoints (typically the more intellectually based viewpoint, the higher end of the bell curve)
so how exactly is a free market system supposed to help the entire country, the world, as a _whole_, when all it seems to do is dumb down the entire world to an 'average' stance?
it's basically a socialist business model is it not? to let the market cater specifically to the masses
aren't government restrictions, government oversight, gov't standards- assuring a system more of economic progress and responsibility?