It's not Social Security, it's a health plan *run* and *controlled* by the government. They are trying to *force* all of us into it in a complete disregard to the rights that our Constitution guarantees. Take a look at our complaints about it:
--The government has no right to force, directly or indirectly, everybody to use their health plan and that's exactly what the "public option" is. Where are OUR Constitutional Rights in this equation????????
--In the 1,017 pages of the House Democrats’ health-care bill is a little-noticed provision that for the first time could give the government access to the checking or credit-card information of every American. Where is our Constitutional right to privacy??????
--If the health plan they will offer if SO GOOD, why the president, his family, and the Congress will not use it...???????????
--The health care reform project include a clause that will put people to decide whether their own life would be “not worth living” under certain guilt inducing scenarios. They don't call it a death panel but that's exactly what it is. The government has been denying that there's such thing as Death Panel but they announced they dropped it from the healthcare project. If *it was not there* why do they need to 'drop it"....?????
--WE, the ones opposed to it, know how to read, we understand what we read, and we have been reading for years and years the problems that other countries, like Canada and Great Britain, with government run plans are having. They have to wait years for appointments regardless of the condition they are suffering, many die without medical attention.
--The government health plan will cover abortions, that is exactly the same as approving murder.
--"Employers failing to provide an insurance option must pay a fine roughly 8 percent of payroll."
"Smarty" employers will determine that paying the fine is cheaper and will drop their health benefits. This will *force* millions of Americans off their employer-provided plans onto the public plan.
--The government health plan will cover illegals, who *do not* pay taxes. NO, they do not pay taxes, they do not pay federal and/or state taxes, and the sales taxes they pay are not even enough to pay for the energy that one single traffic light consumes because they have a very low purchasing power, so what they pay in sales tax is practically nothing.
On August 15, 2009, at 6:01 PM (ET), in Grand Junction, Colorado, Obama said:
"So just to recap here, if you’re one of nearly *46 million" people who don’t have health insurance, you will finally have quality, affordable options."
According to the Census Bureau, almost *10 million* of that 46 million figure are illegal immigrants, and Obama knows this.
Besides, the USA Constitution clearly states that our government cannot deny illegal immigrants the same rights that the rest of us have. Once we are forced into the health program, illegals will be included. No provision or law saying that illegals cannot be covered can be placed above the Constitution.
--Exactly the people who *do not* pay taxes are the ones that will benefit the most from the government health plan, while the ones who pay taxes will have to pay twice for their health insurance: pay for a private one to get good health service; and pay the raise in taxes to cover the health insurance for those who *do not* pay taxes.
--The Postal Service, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, the public school system, just to name a few services run by the government, are a complete disaster or in bankrupt and they want to run another one, this time where lives will be on the line?????