HOW did the Fed manage to create the first great depression and now possibly the second great depression?
2011-08-20 11:03:37 UTC
What did they do? How? Why?
Fifteen answers:
2011-08-20 11:29:42 UTC
The first Depression was caused in Prelude to the war to weaken the US so we wouldn't jump in it seems pretty plain to me, though I can't back that, it's what they do. Not sure of the exact details of how they pushed that one but them screwed with monetary policy and pushed over spending and regulation to stifle business.

WWII which the Rothschild Cartel which owns the Fed had calculated out. More like they were using Hitler to go after Stalin who'd ticked them off, and Hitler finally did, which is why Europe, or England specifically, stopped calling Churchill a Warmongering idiot and fought. FDR was a Rothschild Puppet as well and he was brought into it, and brought the US into it.

FDR's social programs have them all over it. Hook the people and lead them to financial destruction, the end game has always been one world Government, which Russia thwarted them from in a World council meeting of some sort in the Early 1800s starting a fued between Russia and the Rothschild Cartel which ended in their financing and pushing the Bolshevik Revolution and murdering the Czar and his entire family in ugly ways, babies to old people.

What Caused the Current semi Crash?

There is a long story here, but to make it short housing and fuel prices brought us down, and when you look back it was all done through democrat operatives and billionaire friends of Democrats to do with the Cap & Trade scam, and it was done deliberately. It was just in time for the Obama election.

I know, you think no one could have orchestrated all that, but it was done, the start was under Carter with the Community reinvestment act, Clinton with Fannie & Freddy putting democrat heavy insiders like Gorelick, Daily & Reins among others in and they caused lending problems. The problems were caused by Regulations forcing banks to give out bad loans.

The whole thing was detonated by high gas prices which ground the economy to a stop, which set off foreclosures which caused problems with the biggest form of banking collateral.

That blew up the economy, and it was no stinking accident, it was deliberate and it worked extremely well, and the people who took part should be tried for treason because that's what it was all about, and Soros and his buddies in Europe who control the Fed were the brains and funding behind the whole damned thing. Obama is a figurehead they chose.

That's it in a nut shell, but there is a lot of detail I didn't add to this. The Rothschild Cartel which owns the Fed pushed all of that. Soros was a big player, a man who's destroyed many economies and governments, and has said he wants to destroy the US economic system, and Obama has worked for him a long time. Soros is a Rothschild Agent, Obama is a Rothschild Puppet. They made him and got him the office of the Presidency, he's a useful idiot.
Mike W
2011-08-20 11:35:49 UTC
Prior to the establishment of the Federal Reserve, bank panics were handled differently. The effects of the financial upheaval were contained through a combination of lending activities by private banks, called clearinghouses, and the suspension of deposit convertibility into currency. With the introduction of the Fed, it was assumed that the Fed would be a lender of last resort to help rescue banks in the midst of a bank run. This never happened, and banks started to fail, and the money supply contracted. After that, the federal government assumed the responsibility for insuring bank deposits. This may have been their goal all along.
2011-08-20 11:11:48 UTC
The Fed didn't cause either one. The Great Depression was caused by lack of regulation. Stock market regulation then was even worse than it is now. Traders were manipulating the market to pull all the profits out much like they did in the housing crisis. During the housing crisis, and what S&P is being investigated for is knowingly rating bad risks as AAA and selling them to people who believed they were correctly rated. This is fraud. This is why the housing market fell and why the financial institutions were on the edge of failure. It is the equivalent to what Bernie Maddoff was doing.

In the 1920's, the financiers were playing the same games with the entire stock market. Greed and fraud brought on both situations. Lack of regulation allowed them to happen.

You should be ashamed that Al Bundy knows more about finance and economics than 99% of the Republicans on this board.

Give it a thumbs down if you want to. Just read the answer and learn something.
2011-08-20 11:09:15 UTC
Unregulated, unrestrained Capitalism caused the first depression, and regulated Capitalism is slowing down the occurence of the second one.
2011-08-20 11:05:06 UTC
They messed with the private sector. The public sector needs to leave the private alone. We are now going into the Greater Depression because of it.
2011-08-20 11:07:04 UTC
America: "Mr. Bernanke, we have no assets to back the money you want to introduce into the economy."

Ben Bernanke: "The more money we print, the richer the country is, stoopid!"

America: "No, sir, I don't think it works..."

Ben Bernanke: *slap in the face* "I am say what is and what isn't!"
2011-08-20 11:18:27 UTC
How? They have the power to, so they do.

“The heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God.” --Todd Akin
2011-08-20 11:08:50 UTC
Here is Obama's participation in it before we even knew him. Republicans are not clean in this, just not as overt.

It's well documented that Obama has worked for years with the criminal Billionaire Rothschild Agent George Soros, Convicted of fraudulent money manipulation in France

Broke the bank of England through manipulation using insider information costing the people over 1 Billion pounds pushed interest rates up over night 5 points

Soros is classified as a Financial Terrorist by the Chinese Military, he is

Soros brags about destroying the economic and political systems of 6 other countries using tactics he used in France, the UK, and is using in the USA

Soros was big in the "Arab Spring" working with The Muslim Brotherhood, accomplished Objectives for the Rothschild Cartel. Isolate Israel, bring the region to a boil and create a hostile atmosphere for the west, but favorable to the Rothschild Cartel, Most of Europe's oil supply in consolidated Islamic Caliphate. & Libya, one of 4 countries without a Rothschild Cartel Controlled Central Bank like our "Fed"

Obama was a professional community organizer (extortionist) got banks to make bad loans & give to organizations distributing bad loans. Working for Acorn on Soros funded projects. Obama blames Bush for the economic collapse? He and Soros were right in the middle of the core causes

Obama funded Climate Exchange Scam Soros got from Enron, from Soros Joyce Foundation. Those who were deeply invested were mostly Rothschild Cartel Agents like George Soros, and they pushed up fuel price speculation that served as the detonator for the Banking / Housing bomb the Rothschild Cartel used Progressives like Carter and Clinton to set up, using other operatives to run Fannie and Freddy, and the "Community Reinvestment Act" to force banks to do what? ... GIVE LOANS TO BAD RISK BORROWERS

Obama a long time Soros guy, was right at the Core of the Collapse that was set off by Soros friends, just in perfect time to ensure his election. Humm?

Obama's work on funding the Climate Exchange? Which is dependent on Cap & Trade which a Democrat Filibuster Proof Congress Rejected? Because it would raise the average energy cost per house hold around $3000? And add to the cost of everything that uses Energy? Which is almost everything in manufacture & Transport including growing and moving food and almost any other good or service? It would make Obama's buddies pushing the Global Warming Scam ... $Trillions$. That's all just a happy side effect to the Rothschild Cartel who've been out for One World Government since their inception, because they want Global Taxation and Regulatory Authority for the UN, and they can buy the UN, and already have for all practical purposes.

You didn't know Rothschild Cartel Members like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Soros, Rockefellers, Maurice Strong, and others were behind the push on oil price futures? You don't know he organized the Acorn attacks on Bank Executives and their families? I do, it's factual information. You could look it up, if you were not into team over facts. Funny the Media doesn't lay it out huh? I will furnish links, but since the Obama sycophant media who didn't check into him before he was president, like they check into Republicans didn't say it, many of you would call it uncredible ... like a cult member who can hear info against the cult that will destroy them, but they always "know" it's not good info if it goes against what they "know" is the truth.

Below are links to what Obama did and helped with to Crash the Economy, before he was even known to us. Now of course he's blowing up the debt and putting in programs that will be horrible, especially Obamacare, regulating our economy to death, and trying to bind us to agreements that work to damage the country.
2011-08-20 11:06:37 UTC
Congress and Obama letting each other do what they want and Bernake thinking he cant be replaced and keeps printing money, telling a Congress Committee he doesnt have to answer their questions. I didnt see him go to jail as you would.!!

Recycle them all next year.!!
2011-08-20 11:06:46 UTC
They didn't.

It was little boy bush's hand's-off-policy SEC that let the international banks go, that did it.

You don't wanna know what's going on, you don't wanna know just how far it's gone.

Derivative traders lost 10's of trillions of dollars. It's all gone and it'll be decades before the global economy recovers.
2011-08-20 11:05:17 UTC
Keep interest rates super low while flooding the system with money.
2011-08-20 11:05:43 UTC
What goes up must come down, what goes down has to re-bound.
2011-08-20 11:07:31 UTC
Republicans were co-conspirators.
2011-08-20 11:04:36 UTC
the tea party cut spending. it's already working
no one here gets out alive
2011-08-20 11:06:55 UTC
by design , by design...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.