Here is Obama's participation in it before we even knew him. Republicans are not clean in this, just not as overt.
It's well documented that Obama has worked for years with the criminal Billionaire Rothschild Agent George Soros, Convicted of fraudulent money manipulation in France
Broke the bank of England through manipulation using insider information costing the people over 1 Billion pounds pushed interest rates up over night 5 points
Soros is classified as a Financial Terrorist by the Chinese Military, he is
Soros brags about destroying the economic and political systems of 6 other countries using tactics he used in France, the UK, and is using in the USA
Soros was big in the "Arab Spring" working with The Muslim Brotherhood, accomplished Objectives for the Rothschild Cartel. Isolate Israel, bring the region to a boil and create a hostile atmosphere for the west, but favorable to the Rothschild Cartel, Most of Europe's oil supply in consolidated Islamic Caliphate. & Libya, one of 4 countries without a Rothschild Cartel Controlled Central Bank like our "Fed"
Obama was a professional community organizer (extortionist) got banks to make bad loans & give to organizations distributing bad loans. Working for Acorn on Soros funded projects. Obama blames Bush for the economic collapse? He and Soros were right in the middle of the core causes
Obama funded Climate Exchange Scam Soros got from Enron, from Soros Joyce Foundation. Those who were deeply invested were mostly Rothschild Cartel Agents like George Soros, and they pushed up fuel price speculation that served as the detonator for the Banking / Housing bomb the Rothschild Cartel used Progressives like Carter and Clinton to set up, using other operatives to run Fannie and Freddy, and the "Community Reinvestment Act" to force banks to do what? ... GIVE LOANS TO BAD RISK BORROWERS
Obama a long time Soros guy, was right at the Core of the Collapse that was set off by Soros friends, just in perfect time to ensure his election. Humm?
Obama's work on funding the Climate Exchange? Which is dependent on Cap & Trade which a Democrat Filibuster Proof Congress Rejected? Because it would raise the average energy cost per house hold around $3000? And add to the cost of everything that uses Energy? Which is almost everything in manufacture & Transport including growing and moving food and almost any other good or service? It would make Obama's buddies pushing the Global Warming Scam ... $Trillions$. That's all just a happy side effect to the Rothschild Cartel who've been out for One World Government since their inception, because they want Global Taxation and Regulatory Authority for the UN, and they can buy the UN, and already have for all practical purposes.
You didn't know Rothschild Cartel Members like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Soros, Rockefellers, Maurice Strong, and others were behind the push on oil price futures? You don't know he organized the Acorn attacks on Bank Executives and their families? I do, it's factual information. You could look it up, if you were not into team over facts. Funny the Media doesn't lay it out huh? I will furnish links, but since the Obama sycophant media who didn't check into him before he was president, like they check into Republicans didn't say it, many of you would call it uncredible ... like a cult member who can hear info against the cult that will destroy them, but they always "know" it's not good info if it goes against what they "know" is the truth.
Below are links to what Obama did and helped with to Crash the Economy, before he was even known to us. Now of course he's blowing up the debt and putting in programs that will be horrible, especially Obamacare, regulating our economy to death, and trying to bind us to agreements that work to damage the country.