Why don't homeless people get a job?
2018-01-03 04:34:03 UTC
Surely they can at lest get a job bagging groceries or something
171 answers:
2018-01-05 21:34:04 UTC
A lot of homeless people lack the basics and facilities to maintain proper hygiene vital to almost any job ,plus when you are out there your mind is more into what am I going to be eating next or how can i feed my addiction so i can be off reality for a couple hours ...if they are lucky enough to maintain discipline to get a job and go unnoticed surely that is a way out of the streets.
2018-01-05 05:03:24 UTC
Because no one wants to hire them and they have lost their self esteem because of the rejection they have received from the past.
2018-01-04 22:16:35 UTC
Idiot pretty sure if they had a suit somewhere to clean there selves up etc they’d all jump at any job first offered to them, some are genuinely down trodden and can’t help how they’ve ended up and a little help to them would go a long way not all of them are druggie layabout no gooders sone would change their life with a little help
2018-01-04 17:44:08 UTC
They lack even the gumption to loot the homes of the wealthy.
2018-01-04 15:28:48 UTC
They are lazy
2018-01-04 07:30:13 UTC
And WHERE do you propose they get a job? Hundreds of thousands out-of-work, experienced and trained workers can't find a job... where does that leave the homeless? Do you THINK (at all?) that children aspire to grow up to be homeless? People become homeless as a result of mental illness and/or loss of employment, sometimes divorce and sometimes because of substance abuse or the tremendous lack of affordable housing that exists throughout the nation doesn't help matters. PROVE ME WRONG with evidence and FACTS! Remember the old adage, "There but for the grace of God go I." It can happen to anyone, even a relative or family member of yours! What then?

MORE tax breaks to the wealthiest in the nation that squirrel money in offshore banks to avoid paying taxes but... what about the continued cuts to Education and Housing...? The middle, working class Americans, I strongly believe, would rather have their tax dollars go to HELP the needy, the poor, the disabled, the elderly and homeless, NOT the rich and powerful who pay off crooked politicians to help them become even wealthier... to squirrel more money in offshore banks and go to foreign nations to buy their goodies and expensive toys or engage in conspicuous consumption, like tRump and his adult children.

Insofar as shelters, it is a money-making scheme that the City, State and Federal Governments pay handsomely to warehouse and feed the homeless food often donated by private companies that YOU would not let your child or your mom consume, canned goods with expired dates. I KNOW from working at a supposed "Not-for-Profit" shelter... where the President received a brand new van with all the options every year, and paid him "living expenses" that included a condo apartment in a very ritzy condo building with a paid maid..." and he rarely showed up to "work," or sit around in his office watching TV while he was there. The same not-for-profit shelter was fined over half a million dollars on 3 (yes, THREE) occasions within a 5-year span for reasons that included embezzlement and "cooking the books." I witnessed Home Aides' physical and mental abuses of the disabled (wheelchair bound and blind) residents, too. I was one of a few vocal former employees that was black-listed for interfering and defending them. There have also been several murders and numerous assaults at that same shelter where security and other personnel were nowhere near their assigned place of work. And you wonder why homeless people are afraid of going into a shelter? HOW about the rats and roaches that are ever present at shelters? HOW about the rapes that have occurred at shelters while paid workers are nowhere to be found, not even security (very often, residents are attacked, brutalized, beaten and/or raped... MEN as well as women) Got something to say?

YOU really want more jobs in America? Well, tRump promised he'd bring jobs and manufacturing companies back to America... HOW MANY JOBS & MANUFACTURING COMPANIES OWNED BY rRUMP AND HIS ADULTS CHILDREN HAVE THEY BROUGHT BACK TO AMERICA??? WHY don't you hold tRump accountable for his broken promises? (Personal agenda related to political partisanship, perhaps?). WHAT do YOU have to say?

Don't educated, healthy workers living in homes perform better and produce more? Prove me wrong with evidence, facts and proofs!
2018-01-04 04:28:00 UTC
Many of them do have a job. But it's also hard to get a job without an address
atomic fireball
2018-01-04 03:51:21 UTC
First off, what's your definition of homeless? A lot of people living in their cars etc. or maybe not even having a car to live in...HAVE jobs. Some live in tents in parks/ the woods. Homeless shelters. Caves in the woods, literally...Shower at truck stops/Planet Fitness...Some people who had high-level jobs lost them and end up living in their cars, etc. and they STILL work. Maybe even have better jobs than you. I walked dogs, etc., when I lived in my car for almost two years. But if you're talking about people who live on the street, suffer PTSD/mental illness, etc., can't even take a bath and smell bad, wearing really think somebody's going to hire them? You've obviously never been homeless
2018-01-03 06:04:16 UTC
Go volunteer at a soup kitchen before judging homeless people.
2018-01-03 05:20:04 UTC
Make a grocery store and hire them.
2018-01-06 17:36:56 UTC
Possibly one of the most widely expressed myths is that homeless people would not be homeless except for the fact they don't want to get a job. First, many homeless people are employed while some even have two jobs. Usually, these people sleep under some kind of shelter.
2018-01-06 05:35:41 UTC
((Except for our veterans)) that have come home ((tarnished by the effects of war)) it gets too easy to be a professional bum.
2018-01-06 00:02:09 UTC
They will lose their disability check and government handouts if they get a job.
2018-01-05 22:04:17 UTC
Many do, but housing is more expensive than it once was. The sorts of boarding houses and public baths which were common in 1917 are not common any more.
Dancing Imu
2018-01-05 19:19:11 UTC
It's very difficult to get a job when you have no home address to provide. Many of those poor people don't even have a proper ID (like an up-to-date driver's license). Many of the homeless are drug addicts or suffering from a psychiatric condition. They literally can't get a job because it goes against the capabilities.

I know, I had a very good job in my field, but I was almost homeless because of a severe psychiatric condition, but thankfully my parents took me in.
2018-01-05 13:31:39 UTC
no jobs, for every job there are 100 candidates.. what this is is wage slavery.. the solution to truly end slavery in the world is a universal income set at 2x the living wage. Women with children already get a (sub) standard universal income.. those on welfare. so how would it be "unfair" to simply extend this to every citizen. business would boom. .because money would be in the hands of spenders instead of squirreled away in some billionaires off shore accounts. this would create jobs tax revenue wealth for everyone. and the reality is that 10% of humanity could work and support 100% of humanity.. everyone does not need a job, except of course under our current system of wage slavery. and those 10% who did work? could be rewarded with extra benefits from society. instead what we have is the 1% who are defacto slave owners of everyone who needs a $ to survive.
2018-01-05 01:56:58 UTC
Because they need to have an address in order to apply for any job.
2018-01-04 23:06:05 UTC
Because of many different reasons, some are lazy, some are rejected by society and some have mental health problems..and also depends on the country system. .capitalism especially. .because they run using equality not equity
2018-01-04 21:24:09 UTC
the biggest thing I learned helping homeless

is food is plenty and not the problem

why people dish out food for the camera to feel good, the homeless need rides to doctors, lawyers, DMV court etc.

this is thankless work and your car smells bad when done ,, but this is what real need is

define homeless is good answer

lots of girls on welfare living with mom and dad applying for free housing are listed as homeless.. so the numbers are cooked for $$$$$ reasons

the assisted housing is a scam for 50% I bet it is all working the system -- both landlord and renter/homeless $$$$$ - section 8 is a scam

this makes it hard for those in real need

housing cost too much because government regulations fees taxes etc and labor cost are too costly and drive the cost of affordable housing out of the affordable range ... the more government helps the worse it gets.

many so called homeless are mentally ill, many more are drug users and alcohol users and self destructive

lots of the street people are there and not the shelter because shelters have rules and the homeless are by definition often not willing to follow basic rules of life THUS on the streets

these same who refuse to follow rules were living with mom or grandma on their money and they died or kicked them out after years of being abused by the homeless mentality of not following rules ... two different families I know the grandchild killed grandma because she quite giving him drug money

thus again by definition they are not hirable ,, they will not follow rules and government requires OSHA for example that employers make employees follow rules, let alone they show up on time and do the work required

as for no work, that is a myth I can tell you over a dozen business people who cannot find people who are hirable

and government job training makes them even less hirable dues to mything of overstated salary when collecting a 9 month training course on tax payers backs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

if millions of illegal aliens come to the USA and speak no english can find work,, the people born here can find work,, but they do not want to pick grapes etc

the simple fact is they make easy money (no work) on street corner and follow no rules with a cardboard sign

more help from the government is no answer

the real answer is how long will we let them poop in our sidewalks and driveways amd steal and clutter the city with trash before the real mean comes out of the people and round them, up put them in camps and make them clean up and work like it our not OR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

tough love is the answer ,, not god and not more taxpayer money and government ,, often the churches are scams too or they would do it without tax payers money aka faith based assistance that bush started and obama pushed to a limit and beyond,, helping no one but making providers high paying jobs for nothing more than camera window opportunity on christmas day dinner

tough love is the only real compasion not more money

jobs, there are jobs but not glamorous or easy or high pay just ask a illegal alien why he came here ?

and the lie education more money and more education is a lie,,, they will never be CEOs or doctors or lawyers or engineers but there are many many manual labor jobs people make a living at and raise families that require no more than a 8th grade education

again money is not the answer
2018-01-04 21:11:49 UTC
Many of them have some form of mental health issues which can make it difficult to be on an even keel if you don't have access to doctors and medications.
2018-01-04 19:20:18 UTC
There are so many reasons, to make such a statement confirms your complete ignorance of this situation. Not Lazy, or lack of discipline, or incapable. A large % if homeless are War vets. Men and woman who served this country. If u hv bn in military, I know how to work hard, you are courageous, U know self discipline, you also have sacrificed. Knowing all this, your statement sounds pathetically ignorant and self indulgent not to mention quite sad.
2018-01-04 17:52:57 UTC
Lots of reasons
2018-01-04 11:29:58 UTC
with no fixed abode i dont think you can?
2018-01-04 08:37:09 UTC
they smell like butt cheese and mad dog 20/20
2018-01-04 08:08:00 UTC
Hard to show up for an interview scruffy and without formal attire.

There are abstract ways where that might be accepted as illustrated by a movie, "Pursuit of Happyness," but if it's a corporate interview I'm sure the resume' itself would speak for itself.

Along with that getting a dwelling usually costs 'first-and-last-month's' along with a plethora of other screening fees.

It's so hard to evict a person that they put all of the effort into the beginning part.

Life isn't as dreamy as people think.

Even getting a cellphone seems to require going to Hell and back.
Shawn B
2018-01-04 01:27:58 UTC
Many of them are judged and discriminated for their past if they have a criminal record that most places don't want to hire them. This is something that only God can help them with. I went through it myself in 2011 to 2012.
Reverend Daddy
2018-01-04 01:22:10 UTC
They have one. It's called BEGGING. 9-5 with overtime on weekends.
2018-01-03 15:37:34 UTC
How will they shower for work?

After sleeping who knows where?

I’m sure their self esteem is low, maybe because they don’t have anyone to turn to?

Maybe they are angry about the fact people/family turned away and didn’t help,

Maybe their upbringing couldn’t provide the education, love and support?
2018-01-03 12:57:04 UTC
2018-01-03 04:38:50 UTC
Drugs, alcohol, mental illness, laziness.
2018-01-06 23:09:57 UTC
2018-01-06 22:16:50 UTC
I no a homeless guy. Me and my boyfriend offered him to kip on sofa so he aint out in the cold but chosed to go smoke drugs with his homeless pals rather than a warm place with food and heating. I had a friend that needed some workers for a warehouse he sed he was willing to give him a chance but the homless guy wasent bothered he just stuck his nose up at it. Its true that you cant help people they can only help themselfs.

So the guy who commented ' because they're lazy' and got stick for it. In some cases some homless are lazy and also selfish.

Choosing drugs and sitting in the middle of town wrapped up in sleeping bags begging for peoples hard earned cash when they could be out working for there own.

Some homeless are pure lazy gets offered alot to turn down.

Some homless are lovely and deserve the world but doesnt get any oppertunitys.

Its so sad.
2018-01-06 09:51:52 UTC
Ask one.
2018-01-06 00:52:51 UTC
Often due to the self fufiling prophecy once you enter into that life style.
2018-01-05 18:14:41 UTC
Because it's easier to ask money from bleeding heart libs.
2018-01-05 15:36:07 UTC
While some may not get a job because they're lazy (yes, those kinds of people exist), I would imagine that most of the rest of homeless people don't because they have a criminal record, illegal status, drug addiction, etc., which an employer may not want to hire.
2018-01-05 05:54:41 UTC
because they are

Homeless people
2018-01-05 04:22:59 UTC
Most of the homeless MALE population is made up of VETERANS. Suck on that. They already did their job until they aren't fit to keep another one down.

Most of the full homeless population out there are WOMEN & CHILDREN, so ask the children to stop going to school and women to not be able to watch their children.

Once you have no address, no permanent cell number, no clean clothes, nobody to lean on, no shelter, you are f'd. You're also taking your life in your hands day and night because you are unsafe while you sleep, exposed to criminals, drug users and dealers, harsh and dangerous weather, untreated water, etc. Any routine you might be able to establish to feed yourself and try to make a savings for yourself so you might be able to go back to a regular life can be wrecked by theft, by being asked to move on, etc. No health care, no welfare, nothing.

If you have a job, take some time to help somebody else. Volunteer at a soup kitchen and watch who you blame being served what is a pretty non-nutritious meal--a WHOLE lot of them are children who have walked there by themselves, the mentally ill, and people who are so down-hearted and beaten up by life that they wouldn't even know how to start over again (all faith in their futures gone). A lot of mothers who had to run away from home with their children to escape being beaten yet another time, maybe to death. A lot of mothers who had their husbands or boyfriends abandon them and their children and their jobs weren't enough to keep them and their children housed and fed.

Just grow up.
2018-01-05 00:22:48 UTC
Many jobs aren't worth working. So some would rather live with a lot less, and be free of obligations to try and please people for a few meager $'s an hour.
2018-01-05 00:12:31 UTC
I'm basically homeless no transportation to get a job an Uber would cost almost all my paycheck just to get a job
2018-01-04 23:10:21 UTC
It depends on how you define homelessness. They COULD get a job then it would be difficult for them as they don't have a permanent address and some live in the streets. Some DO have a job and live in their cars! Shelters had helped them to find a home/job! Some don't have many qualifications/skills some do! I watched a YouTube video about a girl that had a MA and was living in the streets of NY
The Devil
2018-01-04 20:07:48 UTC
Many parts of the country are too expensive for a $20,000 a year income.
2018-01-04 14:26:36 UTC
Because there are too few people who would give homeless people jobs.
2018-01-04 10:30:34 UTC
I thought this, the amount of time they spend begging, they could use this time to look for employment, anything is possible you just have to be willing to do it.
2018-01-04 08:26:46 UTC
Drug addiction
2018-01-04 01:57:26 UTC
There are times when homeless people grow to such a number to make entire towns. they make themselves complete with buildings and town hall meetings. Of Course, once they get this size the bulldozers come a rumbling. They are definitely higher than the national average on things but that can be pushed on pop density and low wages for factors.
2018-01-03 04:57:19 UTC
How do you know they're not mentally ill, and can't just get a job, or hold one down if they do?
2018-01-03 04:48:33 UTC
Most homeless people are crazy or drug addicts. Plus, would you hire a homeless person? Can your business pay in cash? They don't have addresses to put on their resumes. Many of them don't have phones. How do you schedule them? They're going to smell and be dirty and scare off customers. Can your business handle that? They have no credit rating. They don't have cars. How will they do any job that involves moving locations? Many can be dangerous, or at least have no social skills and are a threat to their employers profits. Would you hire a homeless person? It's great if you are willing to put in the effort, but most people won't.
2018-01-03 04:38:40 UTC
It is hard to generalize about the homeless, but many have trouble holding down a job. Incidentally, this aspect of holding down a job is what basically defines, among psychiatrists and mental health professionals, a “high functioning” individual.
2018-01-03 04:35:39 UTC
Most of them do just fine panhandling. All they want is booze, drugs, and cigarettes. Most won't accept food if you offer it because they eat at the Salvation Army or other food kitchens.
2018-01-06 10:32:42 UTC
Because there homeless?
2018-01-06 05:25:53 UTC
I'm guessing it's because they don't fit the clean cut image, considering interviews is when the employer decides whether or not you're fit for the job. Especially since you need to have nice clothing and have previous experience
2018-01-05 23:25:08 UTC
Usually they suffer from severe mental illnesses and addiction problems. Would you hire them?
2018-01-05 21:44:29 UTC
Where would you suggest they go. You have to have an address, photo ID, birth certificate and probably a phone where they can contact you and then also be able to do a job should you get one. Some of our larger cities have many thousands of homeless people, including kids, veterans, sick, mentally ill and other afflictions. We take care of the illegals better than we do our own who aren't able to make it.
2018-01-05 18:06:05 UTC
How many have you hired?
2018-01-05 17:23:49 UTC
Because their teeth fell out and they are ugly.
2018-01-05 15:53:05 UTC
Why should they? They are better off not working and being a slave to the system. Good on them!
2018-01-05 09:29:26 UTC
Because they can't have enough money to sustain themselves for a month before they get their first paycheck.

They need to use the time in begging
2018-01-05 05:58:32 UTC
Why don't YOU get a job and get your аss outta house instead of worrying about homeless people.
2018-01-05 04:40:01 UTC
Some are drug addicts that don’t function, schizophrenics, mentally challenged abandoned, non experienced in anything, homeless war veterans, ex cons in hiding, or even some lazy people that just want to keep playing the game. All sorts of reasons. But since we can’t distinguish the good and bad we just should do what god would want and give them food and shelter.
2018-01-04 21:28:11 UTC
Their legs are all broken. That's why they sit down all the time.
2018-01-04 19:41:40 UTC
If you haven't got a home or an address, I was given to understand that you cannot get a job because yo cannot register for Taxes etc. Please tell me if this is true.
2018-01-04 17:19:28 UTC
Many homeless people suffer from mental illness.
2018-01-04 17:15:43 UTC
They probably can't get one.
2018-01-04 16:50:36 UTC
I do not get a job because if I did I would be punished with exorbitant taxes. After I quit my job I was rewarded with big fat welfare benefit!!!
2018-01-04 11:51:40 UTC
Mostly because they don't want a job.
2018-01-03 19:55:08 UTC
Some homeless people actually have jobs, just nowhere to go. You don't know people's stories.
2018-01-03 05:27:27 UTC
That is a very judgemental comment. Many employers will not hire homeless or at risk people because they wrongly assume that they will not be reliable and will not be able to present themselves in a good manner.
2018-01-03 04:36:08 UTC
Why didnt OBAMA offer them $20 Grand to feed themselves and get housing like he did with many of the refugees that many werent even qualified as a political refugee. Why maybe you know?
A Person Somewhere
2018-01-03 04:35:43 UTC
Where would to get a resume or references? And stores are not usually inclined to hire people who lack in personal hygiene—sad reality.
2018-01-07 05:16:10 UTC
Most employers will not or cannot hire a person unless they can provide a fixed address. The other issue is that they have little in way of resources to maintain a presentable appearance.
2018-01-06 19:54:00 UTC
Even if they do get a job many of them have lots of issues making it hard for them to even make enough money to sustain themselves. Some of them have medical issues they struggle to pay for. For example a friend of mine had a brother whose daughter got cancer. He was struggling to pay for her treatment and ended up having to sell everything and live outside of the hospital. And there are many that try to get jobs but getting a job can be pretty difficult. Some try to sell newspapers or water bottles on the side of the road in an attempt to make money but overall it is really hard for them.
2018-01-06 10:48:05 UTC
I'm no politician, but I think homeless people should get homes and jobless people should get jobs.
2018-01-06 00:25:28 UTC
Why don't people who say get a job offer some of them a job ?
Sharon S
2018-01-05 22:34:10 UTC
many have mental problems so they cannot get a job
2018-01-05 22:16:55 UTC
2018-01-05 04:13:38 UTC
Varies case by case. Some may even have jobs. Many are begging for drug money. In my area in Maryland I see Roma beggars who may be enslaved and working for the mafia in their home country. The US government should do more to stop human trafficking and slavery. Perhaps spend more effort on this instead of war after war in the Middle East.
2018-01-05 03:29:07 UTC
2018-01-04 22:06:56 UTC
Because some of them have mental problems.
2018-01-04 16:26:13 UTC
many ppl have different problems you can not really judge for all of them. their are programs to get them back on their feet but some are drug addicts for example and cant keep a job.
2018-01-04 15:56:28 UTC
Easier to mooch.
2018-01-04 14:11:53 UTC
Because most of them are not educated to get a job I think
2018-01-04 13:27:28 UTC
why dont you employ them. Our local centre has 1500 on its books.
Groove doctor
2018-01-04 12:27:43 UTC
I don’t know much about the topic, but I’ve heard there’s a range from feeling stuck because your background makes you a workplace liability to full blown mental disorders to distrust of society
2018-01-04 07:45:13 UTC
I don't want any bum bagging my groceries for alcohol money but I have no problem with someone down on their luck who need a job.
2018-01-04 05:53:40 UTC
I worked overnight stock at a grocery with some shifts that were during the day. The management expected a lot of the people that worked with the customers, that's why I was not allowed to work during the day unless absolutely necessary. They expect well-groomed, nicely dressed folks that are friendly and nice. Most homeless people could not meet the standards set by management due to their situation. I only worked when the store was closed, most people go for this job because it's easy to get into, and you have no rude customers since you stock shelves and unload the truck when the store is closed. However, due to the high demand these jobs only open up when someone gets fired or somehow manages to find a better job. They make you work really fast, and very efficiently, but for some (including myself at the time) it is usually the last chance that a lot of people have for employment aside from being farm help...
2018-01-04 00:24:38 UTC
They're gonna scare the customers because if bad clothes, bad breath etc.
2018-01-03 12:41:35 UTC
nowadays it's hard for anybody to find a job left alone a homeless person
Max Hoopla
2018-01-03 04:35:34 UTC
Lots of them are mentally ill and lots of them couldn't hold down a minimum wage job.
Lil Bear
2018-01-03 04:35:05 UTC
Some of them are much too mentally unstable to have a job.
2018-01-06 17:08:32 UTC
So much hate going on world wide and you have to also pick on these poor vulnerable people sleeping rough! FYI, I've been feeding two homeless guys in London since 26th December. One who's 66 and the other ones 62 of Portuguese Indian nationality and the 62 year old works on a building site 8/9 hours a day in this freezing weather and all they pay him is £50 GBP a day. So before you start getting on your high horse and badmouthing an individual and not all drinkers and good for nothing despite what you might think or believe you know.
2018-01-06 01:52:04 UTC
Are you serious? Clearly you have no concept of the complexity around the issues of homelessness
Maria b
2018-01-05 23:00:43 UTC
Many have mental health issues and no medical care to help them. Some have substance abuse problems. It is not laziness.
2018-01-05 22:09:27 UTC
You really have no clue are you like the 1% and filthy rich??

Homeless people are mentally ill people, their veterans with PTSD and nightmares you know the ones who went to fight dirty and nasty wars that rich people and the 1% kids always find a way to get out of? 17 and 15 year old teens with drug problems maybe have AIDS and HIV, battered women kicked out of their homes sleeping in their cars.

I agree volunteer before you judge others!
2018-01-05 21:29:59 UTC
being homeless doesn't necessarily mean you don't have a job. it just means you don't

own or rent a home and have no permanent place of residence. you could be living in your car and still have a job.
2018-01-05 19:50:41 UTC
Don't some of the homeless sell the Big Issue?I'm sure I've seen some of the homeless people do that before.
2018-01-05 17:46:57 UTC
they haven't got reliable ways to communicate, and they cant stay reliable and keep a job probably can find one, though.

their age or health also., support system and lack of desire to.
2018-01-05 17:38:44 UTC
Some homeless people HAVE jobs. Some are not well enough, physically and or mentally, to work. Some don't want to work. Some could and would but can't get hired because they lack ID, or lack a fixed address, or lack interview clothes (or interview skills.)
2018-01-05 05:54:34 UTC
A lot of places won't hire you if you don't have an address and/or reliable transportation. So it's not always as easy as you think for them to get jobs.
2018-01-04 22:46:44 UTC
When you become disabled, you apply for SSI/SSDI. By the time the decision is made that you qualify, your house has been foreclosed on and you can't work, so you spend the little you have left on hotels or whatever, but when that runs out, you hope you can find a shelter or good Samaritan to take you in on an open ended living arrangement. You have no indication from the SSA on hoe much longer it will be. You can't get any assistance for being disabled from other organizations because, until the SSA deems you disabled, you aren't disabled.

This happened to me. I used to make six figures, and lost my job due to medical reasons. I was told by the unemployment office that instead of unemployment checks, i should go through the vocational rehab program. The doctors at voc. rehab said i was too sick to be in the program, so I should go on SSI. The SSA said that they wanted to have a hearing to decide. Two and a half years later, i had my hearing. 4 months after Iost my house, i got SSI.
2018-01-04 20:04:41 UTC
Most employers require a usable address to be able to send notifications to their employees. Tax filings (like Withholding forms) absolutely require it. If a person is homeless, they have no permanent address and so cannot receive Social Security mailings. Since that is mandatory for employers, they avoid the headaches and just don't hire the homeless.
2018-01-04 17:17:24 UTC
Lots of homeless do have jobs. They just cannot afford to rent or buy housing.

Why don't you go ask a homeless person why he/she doesn't have a job? Have some guts instead of asking random strangers on the 'net.
2018-01-04 15:04:23 UTC
Really? It s that simple? As what most of the others have said, in order to have a job, one must have an address. That implies money in the bank and some sort of stability. Many don t want help - they ve dealt with government agencies in the past and probably didn t like the answers or processes. Perhaps you need to take a stroll down to your local Salvation Army or local food kitchen and talk to the volunteers there. You ll get an earful.
2018-01-04 11:41:07 UTC
Peter Gore Seer,

The Homeless Are Cast Out, Left To Starve, They Are Not Needed In The New Order, Only Useful Citizens Are Needed Your A Slave Who Must Climb The Ladder Of Needs, To Day You Have A Bounty On Your Death, Only The SKULL Collects Your Death Bounty.
2018-01-04 08:26:16 UTC
In order to get a job, you need to have a permanent home address. In fact in order to claim state benefits, you need to have a permanent residence address too. So homeless people are at a distinct disadvantage, being unable to claim any benefits or apply for work. Some homeless people CHOOSE to be homeless, which may shock some people, but it's the truth. Others are unintentionally homeless, such as those who are unable to afford their rent, or happen to be young people thrown out of the family home for a myriad of different reasons. Not everyone who is homeless is a lazy, drug addicted, alcohol addicted, mentally ill retard. There are some who are highly educated and have just fallen on hard times. All they need is a little luck and someone to CARE.
2018-01-04 02:11:19 UTC
Why don't you give them a job? Maybe no one is offering them a job.
Andy F
2018-01-04 00:22:42 UTC
I don't think you're right about this.

I've known many homeless people, and I admit that many of them don't have much interest in working, or much ability to turn up at a job on time, due to lousy personal habits.

But think about this question a minute, OK? Think about it from the perspective of a business owner or manager who's looking to hire new people.

If YOU were hiring new people for YOUR business, would you want to hire somebody who doesn't have a fixed address? Would you like to hire somebody who can't or won't keep clean, because he or she has no place to sleep or take a shower? If YOU want the best people for YOUR business, are you going to hire somebody who doesn't have a good work history?

Probably not. I'm not saying you're evil or that most small business owners are evil. But the way private labor markets work in our society, potential employers are normally going to hire almost anybody else before they decide to hire a homeless person. Once somebody becomes homeless and unemployed, it's really hard for them to get out of that bad situation without some kind of help.

That's one reason we need some kind of government program to help the long-term homeless and unemployed.

Maybe the only program we need is some kind of big government infrastructure project that puts a lot of unemployed people to work, the way that programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Projects Administration did during the New Deal in the 1930s. Just trusting to the "free market" without government involvement to give jobs to the homeless, though, usuallly won't work.

-- democratic socialist for more study of US economic history
2018-01-03 10:59:44 UTC
Why don't you at 'LEAST' get an education,learn how to spell before making such assumptions. People become homeless for a plethora of reasons. Unfortunately stupid people like you, jump to conclusions.
2018-01-03 05:08:52 UTC
I once worked with a homeless guy. You are lying when you say they don't have jobs.

Some do, others don't. Barriers to housing and employment affect everyone differently but they are sort of intertwined

Homeless don't usually have cars, nor facilities for showers, and employers will take this into consideration.

2018-01-03 04:34:53 UTC
Some need mental help
2018-01-06 22:26:25 UTC
Because you have to have a address to get a job

You have to have clean clothes, phone and money to get a job

Most homeless people have mental health, health, hopelessness, drug addictions
2018-01-06 01:35:43 UTC
Most belong in mental hospitals but that's not pc.
2018-01-05 17:50:49 UTC
A large portion of the homeless are mentally ill people and other disadvantaged people
2018-01-05 08:57:48 UTC
Sometimes it's hard. They don't have a address to use. They can't afford to buy a i.d and if they have the money they need a address to use to get the i.d. They also could have a mental disability that a health insurance won't help with. Or they are too old to work. Some may be lazy, but not all. You don't know their situation so you have no right to judge them.
2018-01-05 04:08:12 UTC
It's called Laziness.
2018-01-05 02:57:33 UTC
Lots of companies wont hire them because they don't have a physical address to put on their job applications. Nobody wants that riff raff in their business.
2018-01-05 01:07:13 UTC
Nobody wants them
2018-01-05 00:23:32 UTC
Are you hiring?
2018-01-04 20:39:41 UTC
Obviously you've never been homeless.
2018-01-04 17:50:31 UTC
Grocery stores are always eager to hire a filthy dirty stinking person who has slept in an alley and not had a bath in weeks to handle food and interact closely with customers. It shows how low you must think working in a grocery store is, when in fact you should try applying to work in one yourself. They like a work history, a permanent address, and a telephone number like anyone else!
Just another Y!A liar.
2018-01-04 17:05:49 UTC
Among other things, you do realize that not having a residence- or a phone number or an e-mail address (that can be accessed)- automatically disqualifies an applicant from nearly all jobs in 2018, right?

Add to that a woefully inadequate (yet somehow expensive) public transit system (do most homeless people have cars with which to get to work?) and there you have it. Where there's a will, there isn't always necessarily a way.
2018-01-04 15:07:23 UTC
How about you give them a job?
2018-01-04 06:05:23 UTC
How are we to know that they don’t have jobs? Kind of presumptuous, right?
2018-01-04 05:05:08 UTC
The one's I see off of I-40 in Oklahoma City #1 would not be employable even at a fast food place, and by closer observation, most of them have serious psychological conditions, not under treatment, would be a big hindrance of being consistently showing up for work. Not as easy as it looks, many, many variables involved, I highlighted just a couple. So it's not as easy as telling the "lazy a s s people to get a job.
2018-01-04 04:43:30 UTC
Why don't employed people try being homeless
2018-01-03 18:53:33 UTC
It's kind of hard to keep a job, if you are a chronic alcoholic, substance abuser, or are mentally ill.
Blue Skies.
2018-01-03 13:32:07 UTC
There are factions of Homeless in America. Mental health issues plague many.

Chemical and Alcohol Addiction in others. Lack of Discipline in Others. Just

plain bone lazy in others.
2018-01-03 04:50:48 UTC
I cannot speak for all homeless people, however I have spoken to some and they said they wanted to show rebellion against the government for one reason or another.
2018-01-03 04:44:00 UTC
I see people paid to hold signs advertising business, I also see bums holding signs. let's merge them, give or take a shower
2018-01-03 04:36:35 UTC
well, some die

some are arm-less/ disabled

some are mentally unfit

some just, for some strange reason, dont want to work

some are just not confident enough

and some, are just unlucky
2018-01-06 03:36:15 UTC
Because the government
2018-01-05 22:56:01 UTC
2018-01-05 20:49:20 UTC
2018-01-05 19:52:52 UTC
some want to work some don't.
2018-01-05 18:45:54 UTC
Why don't you hire them?
2018-01-05 08:43:19 UTC
some have physical or mental illnesses,and just try applying for a job with no computer or any way for the employer to contact you.
2018-01-05 03:21:44 UTC
Some of them have severe mental illnesses. They'll need some intense psychological therapy to get their mind somewhat decent again.

On drugs.

Just rather not have to work.

Lost hope.

Looking but can't find anything because they're homeless.

There's all kinds of reasons.

Btw, if they beg, ignore them.
2018-01-04 18:00:59 UTC
Generally you can’t get a job without an address, although it would be possible for some of them to use a relatives address. However, some do not have any relatives or friends, and this is usually do to mental illness or drug or alcohol use, all 3 of which would make working with the public impossible regardless.
2018-01-04 17:41:33 UTC
They’re too lazy to get a job which they should get one
Peter H.
2018-01-04 14:14:31 UTC
Because they're homeless, that's why.
2018-01-04 14:11:01 UTC
Many Do. They just don't want to pay $1,000 a month for an apartment; cant say I blame them.
2018-01-04 14:04:46 UTC
I cant speak for others, but I know One whom I'd never hire! Not just because homeless, but because stupid and Lazy. He is the slowest. Frustrates you to death, and you fire him after an hour. One look in his stupid face and you realise the county must have a program for him. He Used to own a house but cant handle money and it was attached by the county. It is only by grace of God he lives in a temperate climate. In Chicago, he'd freeze, he is that stupid. He is not deserving of pity, he used to con his friends out of $ then was slow as Job's s goat to pay back, He used it to buy gas and cheese burgers. While his friends needed it for rent. He wasted gas driving up and down and now has diabetes from overeating and no exercise. The County pays for his insulin...

rant over...
2018-01-04 12:03:55 UTC
Probably because they have no address or contact information to include in the application, they don't have clean or nice clothing for the interview, and what millionaire company would want to hire a dirty, foul-smelling, homeless person with little to no hygiene?
2018-01-04 09:30:06 UTC
I'm going to presume you're US as grocery baggers haven't existed here in my country for over 30 years.

First off, it is hard to get a job and the minimum wage / entry level jobs are the hardest as even the educated are going for them.

Second, not having a permanent address can be viewed as :"unstable" - do they have an addiction or mental health issue and therefore not turn up to work regularly? Employers will look at the reliable

Third, the homeless don't have facilities (bathroom, laundry) or necessarily have access to things like clean clothes. An employer, particularly a public facing one, wants an employee turning up washed and clean and in clean clothes.

Four, does the US even have any welfare? (There are rumours you don't or that it's so bad that, well it's bad). So someone has no money or access to any service and they're supposed to somehow provide the basics for themselves? How do they even get to a job with $0?

Five, many of those bagging, trolley collection jobs etc is done by like 15 year olds because they can pay them junior rates. Why pay an adult a full wage when they can employ a teenager to do it?
2018-01-04 06:12:50 UTC
Because no phone or address
2018-01-04 00:38:27 UTC
They can't.
2018-01-03 22:07:35 UTC
Maybe because employers wouldn't employ them

☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.0.04
2018-01-03 19:23:17 UTC
They are just not able. due to some unfortunate situation in their lives . drugs, alcohol, poor upbringing, giving up in life. very sad
2018-01-03 11:08:52 UTC
I am a homeless who abandoned from society. I am a man of special case. Generally , your opinion is right.
2018-01-03 04:35:49 UTC
Trump said he would take care of them all LMFAO!!!!!
2018-01-06 17:04:21 UTC
Many have mental illnesses that require daily medication. Most are not taking their meds, don't know how to, or don't have access to the meds. Many sort of 'enjoy' the hobo lifestyle and not having to live like 'the straights.' Some are grifters who have NO interest in any sort of legit work. Some have bad habits such as alcoholism or drugs, that got them in trouble to start with. No easy answers, here.
2018-01-06 16:48:33 UTC
Because they do drugs
2018-01-06 05:41:04 UTC
When employers are looking for new people to hire, they first thing they picture isn't a homeless person. The homeless can suffer from mental illness and not have the right mindset to be around people, including interacting with them all day. They also don't have the means to take a shower/bath, meaning they could smell bad and not have great personal hygiene. This is just TWO things. There are many. If people with these advantages would help the homeless, give them some money to buy cheap clothes from Walmart, let them take a shower, give them a toothbrush/hairbrush, they could have many opportunities.

This question is rude by the way.
2018-01-06 03:44:39 UTC
It's not really that simple. Jobs are difficult to get for a lot of skilled, experienced, and college educated people, so for homeless people, it's probably even worse. The fact is, a lot of employers throw your resume in the trash simply because you have a gap in your work is it going to look to an employer when a homeless man applies for a job? They need a place to get cleaned up, a suit, access to a computer to write and print a resume...

Unfortunately, the days of walking into a store and getting hired on the spot are long gone. Employers want resumes, cover letters, 18 references etc.

What's most over looked is that quite a few homeless people aren't mentally stable, and should be on medication. If the healthcare system were better in this country, more of these individuals could have access to the medication they need to become productive members of society, but in reality, most people don't care about the homeless. There are people with full time jobs who can't really afford the medication they need.

It really isn't so simple.
2018-01-05 21:14:45 UTC
Easier to beg an live off the dole.
2018-01-05 16:49:40 UTC
Most people homeless can find a job but with the minimum wage so low it hard to survive off it,when the media did a report on homeless in my city about 85% had a place to go but a lot wasn't allow back home or stay with family until they clean up their act,it hard to find a good paying job when competing with others not only in america but from other countries
2018-01-05 07:11:46 UTC
I think if you volunteer at a homeless shelter you could see the range of problems be it psychological, life crisis or a variety of lacks. There is no one answer. I also believe the rude replies are out of touch.
2018-01-05 05:08:58 UTC
This question is so ridiculous I decline to even answer it. But I will say this just pray it's not you and your family someday that end up homeless.
2018-01-05 03:54:55 UTC
because they have no place to sleep nor to wash up no place to keep clean clothes no way to have the right kind of clothes for a job. Many are mentally ill and can not deal with other people stopping them from having a job.
2018-01-05 02:12:34 UTC
I wouldn't like you to be in charge, I mean what would you suggest next, painting the homeless pretty colours so you don't feel so sad looking at them.
2018-01-05 00:22:29 UTC
Because it is illegal to be homeless, just like how it's illegal to have freckles or ride a unicycle.
2018-01-04 21:35:56 UTC
Many have jobs but don't make enough to pay rent
2018-01-04 20:08:39 UTC
Because they would make less money than begging.

Because they are too depressed?

Because they have mental health issues?

Because they smell?

Because they don't have the time in their schedule?

Because they appreciate the great outdoors...
2018-01-04 18:00:41 UTC
Once people get into that situation it can be horribly difficult to get out. The first question on applications is usually "address".
2018-01-04 15:48:26 UTC
Many do despite the obstacles placed in their way. I would suggest that you take the time to meet some of them, it may rock your safe little world. Perhaps to the extent that you change your perception of them.
2018-01-04 14:30:09 UTC
Because they homeless and some judge them
2018-01-04 07:15:33 UTC
Many people are considered unemployable by those who do hiring for a company. Anyone with a questionable history, even a poor credit history will have trouble getting hired as long as there are others who might seem more likely to be reliable. It is an expensive process to hire and train new employees. Employers will choose to leave positions vacant rather than taking a chance on a questionable candidate to avoid making a costly mistake.

It is always easier to get a job if you already have one or at least have previous experience in the field. References (or their absence) from previous employers make or break a hiring decision, and follow a person for a long time. No one is perfect but some people's screw-ups are more spectacular than other's. Homelessness is seen as a screw-up whether the person is at fault, or a victim of circumstance. Employers don't want to deal with anyone's drama, victim or not.

Whether or not someone can actually do the job, like "bag groceries" is a small factor in the hiring decision.

*edit for clarity
2018-01-04 05:25:36 UTC
I'm homeless and don't wanna work.
Gaia’s Garden
2018-01-04 04:49:28 UTC
Bagging groceries is not a job anymore. Many homeless people have jobs, but it’s difficult if you don’t have a place to shower. It’s impossible when your meds cost more than a job pays, or if you have to be employed 6 months before you can get insurance.
2018-01-04 03:23:59 UTC
Job applications ask for their address.
2018-01-05 05:12:09 UTC
Because they are horrible people with no motivation., we need to force them to work on concentration camps until they die.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.