the biggest thing I learned helping homeless
is food is plenty and not the problem
why people dish out food for the camera to feel good, the homeless need rides to doctors, lawyers, DMV court etc.
this is thankless work and your car smells bad when done ,, but this is what real need is
define homeless is good answer
lots of girls on welfare living with mom and dad applying for free housing are listed as homeless.. so the numbers are cooked for $$$$$ reasons
the assisted housing is a scam for 50% I bet it is all working the system -- both landlord and renter/homeless $$$$$ - section 8 is a scam
this makes it hard for those in real need
housing cost too much because government regulations fees taxes etc and labor cost are too costly and drive the cost of affordable housing out of the affordable range ... the more government helps the worse it gets.
many so called homeless are mentally ill, many more are drug users and alcohol users and self destructive
lots of the street people are there and not the shelter because shelters have rules and the homeless are by definition often not willing to follow basic rules of life THUS on the streets
these same who refuse to follow rules were living with mom or grandma on their money and they died or kicked them out after years of being abused by the homeless mentality of not following rules ... two different families I know the grandchild killed grandma because she quite giving him drug money
thus again by definition they are not hirable ,, they will not follow rules and government requires OSHA for example that employers make employees follow rules, let alone they show up on time and do the work required
as for no work, that is a myth I can tell you over a dozen business people who cannot find people who are hirable
and government job training makes them even less hirable dues to mything of overstated salary when collecting a 9 month training course on tax payers backs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
if millions of illegal aliens come to the USA and speak no english can find work,, the people born here can find work,, but they do not want to pick grapes etc
the simple fact is they make easy money (no work) on street corner and follow no rules with a cardboard sign
more help from the government is no answer
the real answer is how long will we let them poop in our sidewalks and driveways amd steal and clutter the city with trash before the real mean comes out of the people and round them, up put them in camps and make them clean up and work like it our not OR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
tough love is the answer ,, not god and not more taxpayer money and government ,, often the churches are scams too or they would do it without tax payers money aka faith based assistance that bush started and obama pushed to a limit and beyond,, helping no one but making providers high paying jobs for nothing more than camera window opportunity on christmas day dinner
tough love is the only real compasion not more money
jobs, there are jobs but not glamorous or easy or high pay just ask a illegal alien why he came here ?
and the lie education more money and more education is a lie,,, they will never be CEOs or doctors or lawyers or engineers but there are many many manual labor jobs people make a living at and raise families that require no more than a 8th grade education
again money is not the answer