Did President Bush Inherit Any Problems From Clinton , Or Was Everything Just Perfect ?
2007-05-02 11:15:14 UTC
I'd say this is a fair question , seeing as how we see Liberals ask what the next president will have inherited from President Bush .

So, how was National Security ?
The CIA ? and all Intelligence services ?
The Military ? . . . hoo-hooo can't wait to see the answers on that one .
39 answers:
2007-05-03 07:54:32 UTC
The Communist Administration gutted all Intelligence, and made it imposable to shear information. They tried to merge our Military into the UNPKF. They gave our Enemy, China secret Weapon Technology.

How's that ?

Be Blessed in Christ Jesus !

2007-05-02 12:00:53 UTC
I think that the best answer to this question came directly

from what Bill Clinton said during his first campaign.

"What ever one President does is not evident until 6 to 8

years after he is elected"

Saying that, every President suffers or benefits from what

the previous administration has done, so all those that are

bashing Bush for 9/11 should heed well the words of their

HERO and you can not really judge Bush's full impact until

the next President is in office. If things are great with the

next President, Bush was good, if things Suck then so did


Those that are complaining about the cost of gasoline are

unaware that Al Gore sold off a large portion of our petroleum

reserves to Occidental Petroleum, below market value, not

to say that anything was fishy (LOL) but Al Gore Sr. worked

for Occidental, damn I keep forgetting this war is ABOUT


What Military, Clinton destroyed the military, how many

bases were closed under the Clinton administration.

How many of the terrorists that attacked US interests

(USS Cole, embassies attacks on clubs where Marines

were known to be) that Bill Clinton PROMISED would

be hunted down and punished were ever hunted down

or punished. ZIP that's how many

No liberal wants to hear that in 1995 the CIA found evidence

that terrorists had planned to use aircraft to destroy the

CIA building, and in 1996 the CIA found evidence that

the terrorists had planned to destroy skyscrapers in NY,

all they hear is Bush received intelligence reports 2 weeks

before they executed their plan and gets the blame for

not doing anything. Bush gets 2 weeks, Bill gets 4 years

and does nothing.
2007-05-02 22:33:46 UTC
I think it is fair to say that during the Clinton administration plans were being made to attack the United States and we all know that the CIA and the FBI were in some sort of power struggle.

In 1993 they tried to bring down the towers for the first time but failed it shows the plans were being made under the Clinton Administration but succeeded under Bush

1993 World trade center bombing killed 6 injured thousands Clinton Administration

1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia Killed 5 military personnel

Clinton Administration

1996 AL-khobar towers bombing in Saudi Arabia killed 19 military personnel and injured about 300 others.

Clinton Administration

1998 US Embassy bombing in Africa Killed 224 injured 5000 others

Clinton Administration

2000 USS Cole was killing 17 of our Sailors and injured 37

Seems like there were a lot of Terrorist attacks while Clinton was in office.

Unfortunatly I think there was too much attention focused on his lies and sexual escapades going on and not enough to terrorism
Mr. Perfect
2007-05-02 12:07:44 UTC
There were tons if issues inherited by the Bush Admin from the Clinton Admin just as there will be problems for the next President, Republican or Democrat. There will always be problems as we constantly have two political parties pushing opposing agendas. The question is... Did Gearge Bush inherit more problems that were hidden by smoke and mirrors than most Presidents. (ok... Reagan really had his work cut out for him after Carter nearly destroyed everything) The fact is, for the most part Clinton was a "paper" President. As in, everything looked fine on paper, until reality sets in. His so called balanced budget was off set at the price of our military and our intelligence capability. Which in turn made us appear weak. And then we have the economy held up by .com companies and mis-information reported by scam companies like enron.

As far as blaming 9/11 on Bush it is absured to do so. "Clinton gave Bush the information", oh please. I can sit here and say... hamas is bad and they will plan attacks on the US using automobiles carrying bombs... How is it you intend to stop it from happening? By gathering intel right. How are you going to do that when Billy cut funding and disassembled the intelligence community. Those things take time to build back up. The libs want to continue on this path by trying to get rid of the Patriot act... Can't have it both ways guys.

One guy e-mailed me suggesting that Bush should have shot the planes down before they made their target. Yeah.... lets see.. did the terrorists leave a note at the terminal with detailed plans of their attack. Once they took control of the aircraft did they radio in what their intentions were? Could you imagine if the President shot down an aircraft with 200+ US citizens on it over a possibility of the end result. Can you imagine what the left would have said then?

It's easy to play "Monday morning quarterback", it is difficult to lead and clean up the mess of an irresponsible President like Clinton... whom I might add had Bin Ladin offered to him twice. But hey, I guess you don't bust your peers right?
2007-05-02 11:28:17 UTC
Every president inherits problems.

The biggest one was national security/fighting terrorism.

I didn't lose any loved ones on 9/11. So it's easy for me to say, but I think EVERYONE was asleep at the switch. I do find it amusing, in a sick sort of way, that many of the same people who say Bush should not have gone into Iraq also say Bush should have "connected the dots" before 9/11. Maybe he should have. But people didn't like Bush pre-empting a possible attack AFTER we knew what it felt like to get hit (Iraq, a pretty big "dot" to connect by all measure). Can you IMAGINE what people would have said about him launching an invasion of Afghanistan BEFORE 9/11? They would have said he was insane! THAT'S why he keeps mentioning 9/11, as he did even yesterday when he vetoed the bill. NOT because he says Iraq is behind 9/11, but because he is saying we ALL have to do better on "defense," which sometimes included pre-emptive "offense."

Again, I try hard not to fault Clinton people for 9/11. Everyone would have acted differently. What good does it do? Just find the problems and fix them.

I'm not sure how the souls of 9/11 can rest, being kicked around as political footballs as they are.

Thanks for letting me rant, cap letters and all!
2007-05-02 12:05:43 UTC
Yes President Bush inherited many problems. National Security was in the toilet. The CIA well lets all read Tenets book because that whinny baby is a perfect example of leftovers going bad quickly. The Military and the Budget were GUTTED. But Billy boy wasn't worried he had Blind faith that the U.N. would take care of us.
2007-05-02 17:43:13 UTC
Yes, we inherited Saddam Hussein and all his problems from Clinton who brushed it under the carpet.

It was left for a President to take care of him and his country the right way. Because of Clinton many people died under Saddam.

Bush is cleaning up the mess...
2007-05-02 11:33:53 UTC
1. a stripped down,under equiped military with poor morale.

2.the after effects of the burst " DOTCOMM bubble".

3.Unanswered terrorist attacks on America,over 2000 dead and nothing done about.Mostly overseas.

4. The unresolved WMD question in Iraq.

5. A CIA run by an idiot appointed by Clinton.

6. An under funded and badly equiped FEMA.

7. Several million illegal alliens and a wide open border.

8. The voting machines that elected Clinton weren't good enough any more,after they elected Bush,and had to be replaced at taxpayer expense.

9.American business and industry leaving the country due to HIGH taxes.
2007-05-03 10:10:06 UTC
the better question to ask is how much was the early Bush presidency hampered by the Clinton presidency's failure to brief him in the transition government, due to Gore's stupid legal manueverings.
2007-05-02 11:37:22 UTC
Missing door knobs, the "W" off all the computer keyboards were taken and the phone system made so that it didn't work properly The C.I.A. and the F.B.I. were under the Torricelli Doctrine that made it against the law to exchange information and to not be able to deal with anyone that was of questionable character to gather information. No 9mm practice ammo for the military. Pilots left the Air Force in droves under Clinton.
2007-05-02 11:40:45 UTC
He inherited a recession due to Clinton's tax increases and the decline of the technology boom of the mid-90's. Bill was so preoccupied with the Monica scandal that he paid little attention to al-Qaeda or anything else. It was hardly perfect.
2007-05-02 13:41:20 UTC
Bush inherited lots of crap. The socialist don't want the voters think that. Everything is Bush's fault - WRONG!
2007-05-02 21:21:48 UTC
Just like every job that changes hand it just goes on and on and on. It's not about what you inherit or leave for the next person, it's about what you do while you are at the helm.
2007-05-02 12:58:27 UTC
Everything was imperfect. Typical that Republicans have to fix a nut cases fatalities.
Kevin A
2007-05-02 11:56:46 UTC
Clinton left the economy spiraling down into the toilet and even though it took time, Bush had to bring it back up.
2007-05-02 13:19:57 UTC
Sunny days...everythings A OK. To where the air is free

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to liberal street, how to get to liberal street.

Apparently intelligence was great, with Linda Tripp running phone taps and all, lol.
2007-05-02 11:49:05 UTC
He did and that has been the way in the US system of goverment. I am sure that if a Liberal gets into the White House they will blame him for everything....
2007-05-02 11:38:37 UTC
The military under Clinton was going downhill fast. Clinton didn't like the military and had other things on his "mind"

I see how you got your name dumdum
joe d
2007-05-02 11:22:08 UTC
Nothing is ever perfect. All you have to do to be a good president is make the press happy witch Clinton did. Once you make the press happy your are the best president since GW. Clinton cut the military funding to record lows and national security was a joke. The education system sucked.
2007-05-02 12:44:04 UTC
Well, the economy was stong, but starting to slow down. I don't fault him for the cut in military funding, We don't need a Cold War military in a post cold-war era. Intelligence, well, we can't really answer on that now can we? They don't like to give out details on the intelligence department. All I know is that what I saw Colin Powell present to the UN was very weak. they also did give him the infamous "Al Qaeda determined to attack within the US" memo too, so who knows on that one. Healthcare and education both had problems, but then again, they have yet to be solved.

So why are all the Conservatives so obsessed with pointing fingers at Clinton any time something goes wrong? that was six years ago, get over it, people liked him, things went well, move on already.
2007-05-02 11:37:54 UTC
Let's see. They don't wanna look at the Economical Numbers, of his last 6 Months in Office. (believed to be when recession started) So why would they want to see the good Economical numbers now? They want us to drink the Kool-Aid. That's where their image comes from.
Stephanie is awesome!!
2007-05-02 11:24:59 UTC
Well he inherited an economy that was heading downwards. Alot of Clintons great economy was due in no small part to the dot com craze and the boom in telecommunications.

National Security was fine, Bush just chose to ignore what he didnt want to hear.

CIA all operate just fine regardless of who is President, what matters is what the President does with that information.

The military that Bush inherited was a much leaner military to put in nicely. Clinton did cut military spending drastically which helped lead to the budget surplus we had under him.
2007-05-02 16:44:06 UTC
2007-05-02 11:24:53 UTC
every president inherits problems and solutions from previous administration(s). it is they way our government is
2007-05-02 11:29:34 UTC
Let's see:

In a recession (yes libs it started in spring 2000)

Military eviscerated & morale low.

Intel services dysfunctional

Enemies thought we were soft since we didn't do anything substantial after numerous terror attacks.

Souns like everything was perfect.
2007-05-02 12:23:37 UTC
Nope, Everything was sunshine and lollipops.

My kool-aid tastes funny...
2007-05-02 11:22:49 UTC
Well he inherited 9/11 but we will never know how much Clinton was involved in bring that about. Sandy Burglar stole the files that proved Clinton orchestrated 9/11.
2007-05-02 11:43:28 UTC
Interesting question, but you're lost on perspective. In fact, every in-coming administration inherits problems and programs from previous administrations -- that's simply part of the continuity of government.

It's kind of sad that you're apparently more interested in disparaging an entire group of your fellow Americans than opening your eyes to understand how we've landed at this crossroads.
2007-05-02 11:21:39 UTC
Don't forget the internet bubble!!!

Clinton's voodoo economics really over-inflated the economy, and the bubble bust just as ol' G.W. started up.
2007-05-02 11:29:40 UTC
Yes, But clinton inherited those from Bush sr, and so on. What's your point?

I am dying to know, do you think it was a bad idea to impeach Clinton, when he could have been spending that time doing his job better?
2007-05-02 11:42:53 UTC
seeing that you never inherit a perfect situation when you take anything thing over, the real question is, how long will it take for the next pres. r or d to dig us out the this massive mess that bush threw us in
2007-05-02 11:39:08 UTC
As I recall, on the day Bush took office everything WAS just perfect - except for the fact that we had just had a president CHOSEN FOR US by the Supreme Court, and he's turned out to be a complete moron.
2007-05-02 11:33:07 UTC
He did inherit problems as they all do. The thing is Bush ignored the data, warnings, and cautions given him by Clinton.
2007-05-02 11:22:09 UTC
Clinton diddled while Al-Qaeda burned everything around him.
2007-05-02 11:20:08 UTC
Great question! A lot of missed opportunities...sigh!
2007-05-02 11:27:51 UTC
Clinton told Bush about the danger Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden posed to the American people and Bush ignored him. In August 2001 Bush was again told by his own people about the danger Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden posed to the America, and Georgie Boy went on vacation.
2007-05-02 11:21:23 UTC
It was PERFECT! Sunshine and lollipops for all...

That's what the left would have you believe!
2007-05-02 11:20:40 UTC
They think he was the greatest President ever...((KOOL_AID))
2007-05-02 11:25:14 UTC
he inherited a strong nation to flush down the toilet

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