Stupid, is expecting this President, in 20 months, to pull us out of the 96 month deep economic hole that Bush and the GOP threw us into
This, especially while he's busy fighting two wars that got dumped in his lap; trying to fix a health care system that's rated 37th in the world and left 44 million Americans literally dying for lack of care: rebuilding the very foundation of a banking system on the verge of world-wide implosion; the collapse and devaluation of the nations real estate market; dealing with the worst oil spill disaster in history, rampant unemployment that is also a result of Bush policies, saving the American automobile industry, trying to figure out what to do with Bush's Gitmo and the hundreds of terror "suspects" imprisoned there; being accused of trying to brainwash school children through his yearly address to our kids, and of being a racist, a terrorist, a socialist, a communist; a Muslim extremist; a non-citizen, a lousy bowler and Adolf Hitler; and I'm not even halfway through the list.
ALL of this, while being obstructed, sabotaged, filibustered, delayed, stalled, blocked, checked and insulted in terms the likes of which no President should ever be subjected. By a gang of sore loser, greedy, dishonest, cry baby bullies intent on destroying his Presidency at all cost, without regard to the collateral damage done to the people.
And all this in time of war.