Do people confuse socialism with communism, and is it due to right-wing scaretactics or ignorance?
Anony Mouse
2009-02-14 21:02:56 UTC
Whenever I say I'm a socialist, and that Jesus was one too, people look at me like I just fell from the sky. They can also be extremely rude.

Do you think most people confuse socialism with communism, and is it due to a century of right-wing scaretactics? Or ignorance? Or what?
Eighteen answers:
2009-02-14 21:07:00 UTC
Democracy is the road to socialism.

- Karl Marx

I am not a Marxist.

- Karl Marx
The Stylish One
2009-02-14 21:10:03 UTC
I think you are also mixing up the definitions. Socialism is control of the means of production by the government. Communism is control of the means of production by the people through communes.

Jesus Christ's political views are hard to determine simply because the world was very different 2000 years ago. No means of production in the modern sense would even exist for 1700 more years.

I would argue in a philosophical sense, he was a communitarian, which is neither communism or socialism. I suspect in the end, God could really care less about government.

I suspect the reason people do not know these basic terms deals with the fact that our education system really does not teach such things very well. Honestly most people can get through their lives successfully without know the difference between a socialist and a communist.
2009-02-14 21:13:08 UTC
Anyone who is enlightened does not, and dislikes both immensely. As a socialist, surely you know of Norman Thomas and his famous quote: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

This is the reason we also dislike liberalism: "creeping socialism".
2009-02-14 21:30:15 UTC
People have been taught over and over that any other way then the American way is wrong. Examples will be brought up about Jones town or the U.S.S.R. or Cuba. None of which actually has a Constitution that is written out for ALL people. Hell it's not even practiced here and we have a document declaring all rights for the people so far, and it's violated daily.
2009-02-14 21:07:19 UTC
Scare tactics only work on the ignorant.

Jesus spoke a huge judgement against the religious, economic and social conservatives of his time. His words still apply today.
2009-02-14 21:07:41 UTC
Probably because we as a country united to fight communism in the past, and socialist has some moderate communist ideas

Socialism sounds good in theory, and if it was pitched perfectly it would be great

But in reality, it doesn't work

go capitalism!
2009-02-14 21:08:25 UTC
They are two different theories of thought on the running of a country/world.
2009-02-14 21:06:29 UTC
Yes they do, and yes it is. At least, they do over there. This side of the Atlantic, socialists stand for election, and win, and are not afraid to label themselves as socialists.
2009-02-14 21:10:37 UTC
jesus wanted us to fair with each other - "Love Each other"

and to "take care of the poor"

these are the biggest messages Jesus repeats over and over again -

gosh the evils of socialisms- funny how the wing nuts are freeked about that!
william s
2009-02-14 21:21:18 UTC
Socialism and communism are similar but not exactly the same.

I wouldn't call what is going on in the government Socialism, I would call it Communism here is my reasoning;

The best way to describe Socialism would be use a job as a example.

You given a job at a international distribution center, you only have one other co-worker who does the same job as you do. That co-worker has 14 children. During you month at work you do your best, arrive early and ahead of schedule, your work is so effective the company is making a huge profit for all of you are doing. Your rival/co-worker is always late, behind scheduled and lacks the basic skills needed to preform to par with yourself. On Pay day you see you lazy co-worker earning 8 times what you do. the reason for this in socialism one only gets what one needs.

Communism is totally different in which the government determines your needs. If you have any questions as to what that means as a Ukrainian what needs are since the Former Soviet Union and present day Russia still attempt to starve these people of basic needs and rights. Government/Communist only favor those loyal to them and seek to gain from the hard work of a nation. Living privilege lives while the rest live in slums (I don't have much time but you can research Obama and Resko as a case study on modern day communism)

Communism and socialism are often confused due to being grounded in the same principles, the only difference is that the Government in a communist Society will determine your need.

Despite popular belief that socialism has never been tired in the United States, it actually has, long before we were a country. I will use the case study of the Mayflower Pilgrims, before they ever set foot on the Americas, the Ruling body of the Pilgrims devised a socialist society, which was truer to the Socialism that most people think about. In which the group provides for the whole. In Marxist Socialism, the government controls, assigns and provides for the group. The Pilgrims as we all know where unable to provide for themselves, and if not for the Native Americans would of starved. The Mayflower Pilgrims knew how to farm and raise livestock due to them being surfs (servants of land owners) prior to there trip. The Pilgrims actually had a wealth of different trades and skills. But seeing as to the group would provide for their needs, the township did poorly. They lacked in every basic need and struggled to survive. All goods produced where collected at the general store and disturbed among the pilgrims according to there own need. So someone who worked day and night to produce food would only received what ones need was, nothing more in exchange for his hard work. So none of the Pilgrims strive to work harder then they had too. In the end if not for the Native Americans "BAIL OUT" aka Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims would of starved and died off. The Following year, the Pilgrims changed there model of governorship to that of Capitalism where one keeps what he produces or earns. Each member of the Town was given a section of land to call his own and was free to do as he pleased. This lead to the Pilgrims prosperity.

You could also study many other Socialist society, but there is no known "factual" exiting place where socialism has worked. Because why work harder when it be taken and given out according to your need.

If you say well yes I would work harder, then you are one of the few people that could exist in Socialism, but the sad fact of reality is that people are greedy and do not share unless it benefits them. So in order for socialism to work one must rid the person any sense of need, desire or indivisibility in order for it to work. The group is always thought of first and a person is second.

I am not saying Capitalism is prefect, but people are willing to work harder to provide for ones need and riches. The system takes advantage of ones special skills, hard work and unique abilities. Rewarding those who are able to work hard and good judgment, but punishes those who are lazy and lack judgment.

Socialism is also incapable with the Constitution of the United States as it grants individuals rights, not groups. These individual rights are the foundations to freedom which all other free societies are built of off. Something of great note is that the US Government is the oldest in the world despite the youthful nation of the USA. One could agrue that our founding fathers where flawed in there thinking. But one must ask, when does the need of the many out way the need on one. If you can justify taking from one to fulfill that of many, then you will progress in your thinking as that a individual is worthless and the greater good of the group is ultimate. Many liberals see Socialism as a great tool to achieve there goals, ignoring the fact it is based off ones need and the group betterment. The environment, what legal marriage means, how many children you are allowed and
2009-02-14 21:07:35 UTC
Yes, it makes little sense- follow the money lenders is about all that I may offer contritely.
2009-02-14 21:08:24 UTC
Yes and yes. Ignorance makes people susceptible to right-wing scare tactics.
2009-02-14 21:07:28 UTC
I must have missed the book in the New Testament where Jesus said that government should control the means of production...
2009-02-14 21:06:15 UTC
If they don't know the difference, then the obvious answer is ignorance. However, for those of us who do know what socialism is,.....I for one am not in favor of it.
Cosmo Morte
2009-02-14 21:09:49 UTC
I don't think it matters, Obama is trying to place regulations we are against and the sheep eat it like it's grass
Darling J
2009-02-14 21:09:57 UTC
Sadly, I think both.
2009-02-14 21:06:25 UTC
Yes and no..
2009-02-14 21:05:59 UTC
What does it matter? Obama is a socialist, Obama is a commie. Either way I hate him. I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire.

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