2017-10-30 21:17:41 UTC
I used to think rational thought will prevail, but it's evident that it does not. In fact, it is becoming increasingly evident that irrational thought prevails, the biggest assh*le thought prevails, because it's funny.
The same arguments have been had for centuries. What really changes?? I see changes throughout history, but, usually, it is, at best, surface changes, but no real change under the surface, and speech isn't swaying minds.
Or maybe it is, and maybe it has, and it's just this generation that it is becoming less effective on? I don't know. Maybe I'm blinded by my position in time and place.
More and more, people are fighting to suppress speech, because the irrational speech is prevailing, because those with the rational thought are fighting with irrational methods.
Racism is bad, but instead of arguing why it's bad, they throw tantrums, say "how dare you make the victims explain why it's bad?!" and try to shut the opposition up, as if the opposition has an obligation to care about something they haven't convinced them to care about. The opposition then argues that they are suppressing speech, they get people to side with them on that, then they get them to agree that offensive speech is funny.
But on top of that, when dealing with assh*les, rational explanation, itself, is laughed off.