President Trump Was Right: Forensic Investigation Reveals Dominion Voting Machines Were Rigged?
2021-04-07 00:31:03 UTC
President Donald Trump was right in saying that the elections was rigged as forensic investigation reveal the Dominion Voting Machines had the ability to change 68.05% of votes.

71 answers:
2021-04-11 23:32:14 UTC
Trump should take his charges to the International Criminal Court ih the Netherlands.
ron h
2021-04-11 15:06:56 UTC
who did this "forensic investigation?"  Someone who's NOT being sued for $1.3 BILLION?   Was it Captain Kangaroo?  Or Pee Wee Herman?  (the captain died, you know)  Must have been Pee Wee.   What's the deal?  The machines could NOT switch all the votes?  Why?  You need to delete this "question" unless YOU PERSONALLY have proof b/c Dominion IS suing liars!!!
2021-04-09 03:29:23 UTC
Only people too retarded to think for themselves believe that. 

AKA Trumpers. The biggest ******* losers in America. 
2021-04-08 23:50:44 UTC
And yet you don't provide any of this "proof" to back up your claim. Because it doesn't exist.
2021-04-08 13:30:19 UTC
Source? You need to give the source of this information to confirm it isn't all lies.

Apparently Dominion is suing people like you, saying these lies for 1.2 billion dollars.
2021-04-07 20:14:49 UTC
It's not as incredible as your indelible level of stupidity! You forgot to include the forensic investigation sources and the location of the claims which you did not mention! In other words its the same tripe hiders like you spew on a regular basis! Fact is your butt buddy hero is no longer president and the opposition got 7,000,000 more votes than your hero did! Get over it! His exodus is ACCOMPLISHED!
2021-04-07 20:00:19 UTC
This question lost credibility by saying 45 was right. Stating this means the question is automatically going to be bs.
2021-04-07 19:45:02 UTC
Wise of you to post this anonymously, since Dominion is suing promoters of this lie for $1.2 billion each.  But you might qualify for a job in Kaliningrad.
2021-04-07 00:54:00 UTC
More delusion BS from Trumplandia. Give it a rest and get a life.
2021-04-07 00:52:33 UTC
No such lie
Robert M
2021-04-11 21:23:56 UTC
TRUMP was the WORST thing to happen to the WORLD and to the USA! HE will NOT even allow a PEACEFUL transmision of POWER! HE ACTS like a SPOILED TEENAGER and has ZERO education! He LIED about nearly EVERY SINGLE THING that he could LIE about! He had ZERO experience with CONGRESS or LEGALITY other than all the LAWSUITS under his NAME! Look up TRUM PLAWSUITS! He likes the GLORY but doe NOT deserve it! He does NOT like top AY his EMPLOYEES and he is MORE resonsible for the 400,000 DEATHS of AMERIFANS due to his FAULTY thinkong over GLOBAL WARMING and by RAISING the EMISSIONS standards instead of SUPOPRTING good ENERGY USE! He was a PUPPET to the VERY RICH like OIL and GAS companies and UTILITIES! He was NOT any GOOD and he can KEEP his DAMNED HATS and DAMND TRUIMP I TIES! I started having NIGHTMARES when he got into the WHITE HOUSE! He is a MENTAL disaster with NARCISSISTIC tendencies! WE NEED NEW BLOOD inthe WHITE HOUSE! And his damnd WALL fell down in part due to a HURRICANE and he LIED about H WHO is paying for it as it will in REALITY do NOTHINF G for ENYONE! Heput KIDS in CAGES and RUINED families EVERYWHERE possible and WAS a NEO NAZI to BOOT! I am EMBARRASSED that he even got in for ONE TERM! HE DENIES every single CONSTITUTIONAL idea! ANHE is PRBABLY INCONTINENT as well! D SIXTEEN states in in the PROCESS of SUING HIM! I WANT to SUE HIM as well for WASTING TWITTER TIME with INSULTS and BULL CRAP!  J HE belongs in PRISON for his BAD DEEDS and even for MANSLAUGHTER! He is PROBABLY INCONTINENT as WELL! J HE WON by INSULTS and MISUSE of his POWERS in office then! COVID is KILLING so MANY every day it is NOT FUNNY!  The J in DONALD J trump stands for JACK @&S,.I want to throw EGGS at his UGLY FACE that he WANTED to be on MT RUSHMORE! WHAT a TOTAL JERK! HE has pushed us ALL BACKWARDS now! And UNDONE al the GOOD that OBAMA did for the country! HE CANNOT accept that ANYONE could BEAT HIM and spent OUR MONEY to fix his DARNED GOLF COURSES as he spent MORE TIME there than doin ANY type of JOB but flapping his JAWS! HE will NOT support STATES that did NOT collectively VOTE for HIM! He is a NASTY TEENAGER with a PENCHANT for HAMBURGERS and other BAD FOODS! 
2021-04-11 15:24:21 UTC
I solely believe this election was rigged. President Trump was not going to get back in again, so they did what they had to do to prevent that, he is not wrong or crazy
2021-04-09 03:39:52 UTC
Since yahoo answers is closing down in may, i'll come clean, yes we did cheat in the election. we had to beat trump
2021-04-09 02:06:50 UTC
Crazy certainly is.  Math is your friend, but you actually have to know what the numbers are.

Let's assume his rate of voters abstaining from voting (20%) is accurate.  It isn't, but we'll get to that later.  Next, let's grant Donald Trump seventy-four million votes, which is literally close enough for government work.

How many votes does that leave possible for Joe Biden?

Here's where knowing the numbers is important, because Crazy says there were 141 million registered voters.  That, however, isn't true.  There were approximately 239 million voters.  So let's crunch his numbers using that starting point:

239 x 0.8 = 191.2

191.2 - 74 = 117.2

Next, approximately 1.8 percent of people cast ballots for someone other than President Biden or Donald Trump, so let's figure out how much that is and subtract it out:

191.2 x 0.018 = 3.44

117.2 - 3.44 = 113.76

Now we get down to the crucial question.  If we subtract the number of votes President Biden received from the total possible votes left after we account for the number of votes cast for Donald Trump, plus the 3.44 million votes cast for someone other than the Democratic or Republican candidate, using the correct starting total, will we end up with a positive number or negative one?  If the number's positive, then we know it was possible for President Biden to receive as many votes as he did without it being necessary to cheat.  If the number is negative, we have a problem.  Drum roll, please:

113.76 - 81 = 32.76

That's a positive result.  Using Crazy's own formula and inserting the correct starting total, not only was it possible for President Biden to receive eighty-one million votes, but there was room to spare.

In fact, that's *too much* room to spare, and there's a reason for that.  The reason is that Crazy's assumption about the percent of people who voted in the Presidential election is also wrong.  Approximately 2/3 of eligible voters voted in the Presidential election, not eighty percent.

That means the totals should break down as follows:

239 x .667 = 159 million votes cast. 

This jibes with the actual total of 159,633,396 votes reported, so from there the numbers break down as follows:

Donald Trump received approximately 74,223,000 votes.

159,633,396 - 74,223,000 = 85,410,396

1.8% of the votes were cast for third party candidates, so:

159,663,396 x 0.018 = 2,874,000 third party votes (approximately).

85,410,396 - 2,874,000 = 82,536,396 possible votes left over.

President Biden received approximately 81,283,000 votes, leaving a total of approximately 1,253,000 votes left over which could be rejected after the fact for whatever reason the states wish to cite, without there being any need to resort to cheating or fraud for President Biden to win the election.

CORRECT math doesn't lie.  Once you plug in the right numbers, rather than ones you just yank out of your butt, then there's nothing fishy or out of the ordinary about the 2020 Presidential election.
2021-04-09 00:26:01 UTC
It's really sad that you guys listen to Trump rather than thinking rationally about things.
2021-04-08 22:01:00 UTC

Report spreads debunked claims about Dominion machines in Michigan county

This report rests on falsehoods about a human error in Antrim County and about Dominion machines, according to state and local officials. The initial vote reporting error in Antrim County was isolated and has been identified and explained by election officials. It was caused by a clerk’s failure to update media drives for certain tabulators to reflect the correct ballot content. It was not a machine problem. There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Election officials have confirmed there were no serious irregularities and the election went well. There’s also no evidence the election technology firm Dominion Voting Systems switched or deleted votes, used algorithms to unevenly weigh vote tallies, colluded with Democrats, or used foreign servers — despite repeated efforts by the president and his supporters to claim it did.The 23-page Allied report — signed by a former Republican congressional candidate with a history of spreading misinformation about Michigan’s election — claims Dominion “is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”
2021-04-08 13:57:08 UTC
WHO conducted this “forensic” investigation? Hannity? Marjorie Green?
2021-04-08 11:52:38 UTC
Source bullshit
2021-04-07 20:16:57 UTC
People like you are the primary reason that Y!A is shutting down.  The admins can't keep up with all your lies and false conspiracy theories. Congratulations, you have helped to make this a wasteland.
2021-04-07 19:40:46 UTC
Traitor trump is wrong. Incredible.
2021-04-07 19:14:43 UTC
I swear, this kind of insanity from Trump supporters would be tear-inducingly hilarious if it weren't indicative of your need for serious mental help. The only thing Donald Trump has ever been right about was...

Huh. Nothing comes to mind.
2021-04-07 17:37:56 UTC
Is that you Giuliani?
2021-04-07 17:18:00 UTC
You must read the New York Post and dropped out of high school. It has caused you to believe yet another lie from the biggest con man ever to sit in the White House. You’ve been duped and you don’t even realize it. Sad . . .
2021-04-07 16:56:53 UTC
Dump lost. Get over it traitor or leave since you hate America so much
2021-04-07 11:06:24 UTC
Incredible = something that cannot be believed.   
JOhnny boy
2021-04-07 10:51:36 UTC
Thank you Russian bots you are the reason we are losing yahoo answers
2021-04-07 10:28:53 UTC
What evidence? Post it. There is no evidence.
2021-04-07 00:41:34 UTC
Oh, boy, here we go again with more of this bullsh*t. The Game is OVER! Take a break. @T  any idiot can make a chart, for 1, and some voter fraud was found, from a few, very few Republicans tried to vote twice. A.G., Barr said there was nothing found that would over turn the election (One of Trump's waterboys). AND Trump losing by 7million votes, is not just a few hundred. If 7 million votes were fraudulent, they certainly would have been found. Trump made Georgia count by hand, 3 times! Then there's the damning audio recording of Trump asking Georgia to find him 11,800 votes, and say "you recalculated." so all you Trumpsters need to take hike into reality!
2021-04-07 00:41:04 UTC
We already have evidence in Atrim County, Michigan of machine irregularities as well as Windham, New Hampshire.  Now problems are found in Missoula, Montana.  The amount of evidence leads prudent people to question many things about the election.
2021-04-07 00:32:00 UTC
Everyone in the world knows this already, everyone that is, except the deluded leftists who only parrot what CNN or MSNBC tells them.
2021-04-11 21:50:56 UTC
Forensic investigations reveal that you’re an idiot.
2021-04-11 19:53:26 UTC
2021-04-11 18:32:17 UTC
Yeah, so what!  Machines started doing that in Ohio in the 2004 erection.  Human beings altered the vote in the 2000 erection.  A combination of human and computer manipulation altered the vote in 2008 and 2012 and 2016 and 2020, and wirr arso do so in 2024 and 2028 and ..................

The rigging of erections in assmerica has been going on for a really long time.  Possibly back to the beginning.
2021-04-11 15:05:33 UTC
Let those who think that the Voting machines were rigged make a public statement, and cc Dominion and Smartmatic.  You too, can be sued.  Go on... say it. Give your full name and address. 
2021-04-09 23:56:42 UTC
exactly, all the evidence democrats have are insults and straight up denial
2021-04-09 16:39:58 UTC
Can you please provide a reliable source for this?
Jay P
2021-04-09 09:26:04 UTC
Post the links to show proof...

Until you do, you're just another troll.
2021-04-09 05:48:51 UTC
He's such a crybaby , same as the republican sheeps . Bunch of republiCunts . He cheated when he won vs Hillary 
2021-04-09 01:46:14 UTC
You can't fix stupid, thanks for demonstrating.
2021-04-09 00:30:44 UTC
It's because they weren't using Intel Inside™
Blue Skies.
2021-04-08 23:53:38 UTC
Turn out the lights. The Party is over. Now everyone can sit in their

dark little rooms and yell at the walls. Answers gave you an opportunity

to involve yourself in social dialogue. And you all failed it. Just look at

these responses. Glad its over,
2021-04-08 22:05:41 UTC
There was no proof of this.  In fact, Dominion is suing everyone who made the false vote rigging claims against them.  
2021-04-08 16:00:14 UTC
This is an example of why Yahoo Answers is shutting down, troll questions that repeat fake news ad infinitum.  Using this as an example, putting a question mark behind a statement of belief does not make it a question which this is not.  Either the writer is an intellectually deprived troll or they failed to get beyond Grade 4.  Creating "facts" to back up your statement does not make it true.  The only thing incredible about your "question" is that lack of intellectual ability behind it and the fact that answering or responding to your "failed creative writing attempt" with actual facts would be a waste of time.

As for the answers, @crazy's really does live up to it's name since the information they provide is from a meme that was incorrect when it was made and is still incorrect today.  Just to clarify there were, in the 2020 election, approximately 234 million registered voters in the US as of the 2020 election so that is how Biden received more votes than Trump did.

Just a final note, Sydney Powell who was the person responsible for the majority of claims about "vote switching" has stated that no reasonable person would believe what she said was factual.  So in other words she has stated that not only did she have no facts to back up her claim of vote switching but no one with any intelligence would believe it (which explains why Trump supported this claim).  Forensic audits conducted in Georgia as well as hand recounts have verified that the election results were correct and that no fraud existed except in very few cases and that a number of those involved votes for Trump.
Zappster (Deep Thunker)
2021-04-08 07:49:52 UTC
Paper ballot counts showed the machine counts to be accurate. Sorry to burst your bubble.
2021-04-08 04:00:33 UTC
Concentrated BS.

You are so full of $hit, your are actually overflowing.
2021-04-08 03:21:04 UTC
I'm not sure what your question is. I don't think you know what your question is either, which is quite sad.
2021-04-08 03:08:35 UTC
2021-04-07 19:19:51 UTC
Just because you trumpers are so stupid that you believe this kind of bee ess. Don’t think for a minute that a reasonable person will believe this bee ess. 
2021-04-07 18:59:33 UTC
Show us the RECEIPTS for the **** you are talking.  NOW!!
Robin W
2021-04-07 18:41:15 UTC
If this was true, you would cite a source, and Trump's lawyers would have supplied it to the court in the 60 court cases they lost. 
2021-04-11 17:45:57 UTC
"Incredible" means "unbelievable". So why should I believe it?
2021-04-09 07:38:40 UTC
Wasnt it really more like the forensic investigation revealed the Dominian machines changed 87.06% to 92.31% of the votes to Biden?  Thats what people have been saying, so, .,... And - how can the cult leader be right about anything like that unless he was in on the fix?  We saw how much he likes to cheat and claim thats what dems do, right?

Why do you end your title statement with a question mark, when you've already concluded the cult leader was "right"?  Does that denote doubt on your part - or rather, that IS what you've done.But seriously, why do you say this is "incredible" when you are believing it?  It means "impossible to believe" which is accurate.  So why then do you believe it and believe it so blindly too.  Seriously, should you believe something i claim when i dont produce any evidence to back it up - or even my pointing to a vague source?

Gads, you guys have problems.
2021-04-09 04:34:03 UTC
A voting machine that connects to the internet???!!! Who in the hell commissioned some retarded crooked thing like that?
2021-04-09 00:41:36 UTC
President Trump has not been right about anything for at least 40 years.  I'm his age, I've watched him over the years .. that shyster doesn't fool ME any.

You .. on the other hand ....
Harley Lady
2021-04-08 23:15:18 UTC
One of the reasons Yahoo Answers is shutting down.
2021-04-08 22:22:33 UTC
All I have to say is Biden didn't win legitimately. And now the country has to pay for his lack of qualifications and the mess we are in now. Thank you liberal Democrats for destroying this country!
2021-04-08 22:14:41 UTC
Troll fail, dear.  Again.

You really are a disaster at this, sweetie. Good thing for you YA is shutting down, so you can cease to embarrass yourself as badly as you have to date.
Moscow Mitch
2021-04-08 21:37:31 UTC
What a load of the usual, anonymous garbage with ZERO evidence much less a link provided. Go back to Russia Igor. Nobody wants you here.
2021-04-08 21:32:28 UTC
Christ, you idiots are pathetic.
2021-04-08 05:30:41 UTC
Let’s look at the source of this together.
2021-04-08 01:52:24 UTC
It’s done.  Been done.  No one has shown the machines had the ability to change anything.  Try to show some intelligence.  At least try it.  
2021-04-07 22:36:10 UTC
I agree and if one court had even one time for evidence to be provided the. It would have been
2021-04-07 20:33:17 UTC
there is a large difference between having the ability and exercising that ability you dumb anonymous troll.
2021-04-07 19:40:55 UTC
Pushed properly, a Dominion machine had a 67% probability of falling over and bruising your little toe. Let's disenfranchise the vote of heavily Democratic districts to prevent any injuries.
2021-04-07 19:06:39 UTC
This is an example of things that caused the demise of Yahoo answers. 

The election was won by a guy who obviously should have retired.  We know this would not happen unless somebody cheated, and they were able to do it without leaving evidence.

Thus we can't prove this did not happen but we can't prove it happened either.

On the news the democrats could just tell us Joe won and we could move on, but we have YA so we hear BOTH sides of the story.
2021-04-07 18:37:54 UTC
"IF" the lost/Brain Dead Libs REALLY wanted to know if the American Voters where attacked by Foriegn and Domestic Enemies, is all we would have to do is:

1) Get the LEGAL list of Registered Voters (The AMERICAN PEOPLE) from the 6 Contested States ! (They all have this list !!!)2) Have a "CERTIFIED RE-VOTE" ! (We could add a section stating if you are Changing your Vote from your Previous vote to be more accurate /TRUTHFULL)We would see if :Trump got the 10,000's of more Votes and Won these States

"Or if a "CERTIFIED ELECTION" resulted in about the SAME tally !!!!

(Trump REALLY Lost, no COUP, no Act of War Against the US Voters !)Trump is saying have has PROOF that he won by ~ (5-11) Million votes !
2021-04-07 17:24:59 UTC
If any votes were changed  they were changed in Trumps favor

No one with such low favorability could ever legitimately get 70 million votes
tony b
2021-04-07 11:59:38 UTC
you morons lost just accept it
2021-04-07 00:52:01 UTC
There was no fraud in the machines but inside the Republican Party. Now they want to steal another election from legal voters.
2021-04-07 00:36:50 UTC
Here we go to court for try 61 . You sound ready to present that evidence to the judge . Let me know dumbass . K ? The Krackin Sydney Powell who started that is in court trying to prove what she said was true . So far she has said you are a clown to believe her . May those beliefs take you far in life s dumbass . 
2021-04-11 18:25:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.